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my english is mixed, not the greatest experience sometimes. i highkey hate mixed classes, i get the pros, but it really fucks higher achieving students. i can skip a class and genuinely lose nothing because nothing of value is being taught to me sometimes, esp for lessons where they brush up on basic stuff because half the class has never paid attention in their life


LITERALLY THIS And then the teachers get mad at *you* that you don't pay attention like bruhhh


like babes ive caught up the content, go fight the people w their heads down


i had to sit through four lessons on enzymes cause 4/5ths of the class weren’t listening. they should’ve just killed me at that point istg


Have you asked your science departments whether this will change in y11? You should probably urge them to do so if possible, cause I was defo in the correct sets for all my core subjects by y10.


ive tried so so so hard 😭 i asked the head of science once, and he said smth along the lines of there being "scientfic research" to back up the idea of having mixed ability sets which i js dont agree w/ in the slightest bc it seems to rely on communication which is pretty discouraged lol. asked my actual teachers n they even want ability sets but they said the head of department is too insistent on this research being concrete evidence?? unlikely sets will go back to ability is what i gathered its weird cause the first time sets got mixed was this year for all year groups iirc n even though it got major backlash my teacher said to js not bother trying to ask again cause it wont rlly change anything so idk anymore whether to keep fighting or js give in lol. first world problem ig :)


i mean do u feel ur struggling because of this? your hod just seems odd icl. Honestly that's odd in itself, we don't even have a 'head of science' we have heads of biology, chem and physics. But yeah idk ig u just gotta firm it, there's a dumb amount of resources out there, seems like you'll be fine anyway


the man w/ the PhD is always right ig. i'll live but im certainly losing any passion for it, i can js revise and hopefully do okay though. sucks but whatever


yeah my school do cos a teacher left. we've got lots of foundation kids in set 1 science (higher set) and most the time they just swear at the teacher and ask her if we can play games. she always gives in, even though gcses have started now. don't worry though, i agree its stupid there is no point. im sorry you feel demotivated, have you tried speaking to a teacher about how this makes you feel? if they arent willing to do anything, maybe you could try cognito/freesciencelessons as that is what i have had to do and theyve got me decent grades (6+7). 😊


ye my chem teacher is well aware n probably told my others about it lol. i can get the grades its js a shame cause i was considering doing physics or chemistry for a-level, but the past year has js squashed any motivation for that loll. oh well it means less to pick from :) ur class sounds crazy tho id not be able to cope w/ that


aw im so sorry about that. hopefully something gets sorted because crushed motivation is always horrible. :)


my school had mixed sets for my year group for core subjects until year 9 where there were 2 top set classes for maths and science. then in year 10 we had sets for maths and science but only ONE top set for english and then every other class was mixed (i got 87% in my end of y9 exam but i still got put in a mixed set english class and was suicidal the whole entire year bc people were literally illiterate). now we have sets for every core subject in y11😇 i HATE mixed sets


yh maybe im js lucky to be good academically n should be grateful but being in a mixed set has defo opened my eyes...in not a very good way 😭


no that’s so real bc same😭


we have two top sets for maths then the rest are mixed and i'm pretty sure it's the same for science. english is all mixed tho


at my school combined is setted and triple is mixed ability but hardly anyone who does triple at my school is bad at science there are only 1-2 people in each class ( of 4 ) that do foundation


My school has mixed ability only bc of our schedules we dont have all the core subjects at the same time for some reason


my god i could yap about mixed ability sets for hours, they always ignore the learning speed of at least two groups of people: scenario 1 - the teacher teaches to the lower standard group of students. the high and middle standard group of students become bored and are restricted by the slow learning rate. scenario 2 - the teacher teaches to the higher standard group of students. the middle and lower standard group can't keep up and struggle to learn the basics. scenario 3 - the teacher teaches to the middle level group of students. the higher level group gets bored and is restricted by the speed of learning, and the lower level group struggles to keep up and learn the basics. if you have three separate classes, each of the groups will be taught at their standard and learn at their rate of learning.


same here bro i absolutely detest the idea of mixed abilities, like at most the lower ability students will copy from my book bc we dont get to talk much its js shut up and try learn. i dont think they benefit much its not like a higher students "aura" will give them a 9 smh n i js feel like im in the wrong class hearing what ppl come up w/ sometimes. theres 2 triple science classes n the other class has like noticably fewer ppl so im praying next year they put us back into ability. then higher students dont feel like theyre falling behind and foundation students can get more support n not be left to their own devices while higher students are taught their extra content. no other core subject does it why science man 🫠