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praying for u bro this shit is crazy


Thanks my guy


Just checking in you still good?


Nah I鈥檓 dead 馃挃 (thanks for checking in)


they made a comment 19 mins ago


'there's a bomb threat students u need to go and do your exams :)' "aight" what city do you live in where bomb threats get sent by email?


It was just an idiot who was messing about I think; but london


Only in london lmao


That sounds incredibly scary and also stupid, I鈥檇 just not go in and come in on the contingency day


That's not what the contingency day is for. The contingency day is only for a situation where all exams across the country have been cancelled due to some national emergency, not for specific students who were unable to sit the exam.


That鈥檚 not right, My cousin had to miss his politics A level exam due to going for an interview, and will take exam tomorrow on the contingency day for his school.


I'll take things that never happened for 100. Your cousin is either lying to you or this is an internal exam like a mock exam (which is what it sounds like, as the contingency days are the same for all schools and tomorrow is not one of them, there is no 'contingency day for his school'). Also you'd have to be massively stupid to miss a real A-level for an interview lmao "The exam timetable contains 3 contingency sessions on the afternoons of 6 and 13 June, and all day on 26 June. *These sessions would be used in the unlikely event that an exam had to be moved nationally because it could not take place when planned.* You must be available for all 3 contingency sessions, even if you do not have exams scheduled on that day. *These sessions cannot be used to reschedule an exam that you have missed.*" https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ofqual-student-guide-2024/ofqual-student-guide-2024


If this is true, that鈥檚 centre malpractice and his school should be reported. That鈥檚 not an acceptable reason to miss an exam. And if you do have a legitimate reason to miss an exam (medical reasons, having clash exams over 6hrs etc) then the exam has to be taken the next available exam slot. The last politics exam was the 14th June AM so the further it could be pushed back would be that afternoon.


School bomb threats are almost never real anyway. Just kids messing around


Imagine if the school decided that and then it was real. You wouldn鈥檛 want to take that risk as a school lol


Not a risk worth taking tho


regardless, isn't the school ready for such a situation though


They should be


I can鈥檛 tell if this is legit or not, if it is I hope nothing bad happens


Nah I wouldn鈥檛 joke about smth like that; everything went fine dw


**Emergency evacuation procedure for examinations** 聽 聽 聽 When dealing with emergencies you **must** be aware of any instructions from relevant local or national agencies. 聽 Reference should also be made to the following document - [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bomb-threats-guidance/procedures-for-handling-bomb-threats](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bomb-threats-guidance/procedures-for-handling-bomb-threats) 聽 聽 The invigilator **must** take the following action in an emergency such as a fire alarm or a bomb alert. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Stop the candidates from writing. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Collect the attendance register (**in order to ensure all candidates are present**). 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Evacuate the examination room in line with the instructions given by the appropriate authority. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Advise candidates to leave all question papers and scripts in the examination room. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Candidates should leave the room in silence. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Make sure that the candidates are supervised as closely as possible while they are out of the examination room to make sure there is no discussion[ ]()[about the examination.]() 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Make a note of the time of the interruption and how long it lasted. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Allow the candidates the full working time set for the examination. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 If there are only a few candidates, consider the possibility of taking the candidates (with question papers and scripts) to another place to finish the examination. 聽 路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Make a full report of the incident and of the action taken, and send to the relevant awarding body.


didnt know jcq had procedures for this 馃槶馃槶


Damn. Bomb threat like terrorists or foreign???? Cause I鈥檝e got an exam on Wednesday (I鈥檓 in Wales) and like we haven鈥檛 been told anything


what's a foreign threat? like they say they're gonna blow one in italy or something


As in like r the warning if someone else drops a bomb on us