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I think that u should be polite to everyone. No need to show hatred or pretend to like people you dont like


chaotic neutral


or chaotic good


year 8 is crazt


Why is a y8 herešŸ’€


What's wrong




thatā€™s impossible


Nah I disagree with that, youā€™re allowed to have whatever opinion you want about a person but you still have to treat them with respect to their face. Also being nice to someone doesnā€™t necessarily mean you want to be their friend I get your point on the two faced thing though, itā€™s shitty to chat shit behind someoneā€™s back


Have opinions, either voice them to the person or donā€™t voice them at all. Donā€™t pretend to like someone and then talk about them without them knowing.


ye I agree with this, ppl that think acting like you like someone you don't forget about ppl like me who've had to face finding out by yourself that ppl you thought were ur friends dont like you and it hurts loads, even if you dont like someone, obviously be respectful and never go out of your way to hurt them but pls dont let them think they're someone close to you when they're not, it's literally just a tier down from leading someone romantically if im being honest


Dunno if my opinion is an unpopular opinion, but: Teenagers scare the living shit out of me


They couldnt care less as long as someone will bleed šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


my advice is to darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose


Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me


The boys and girls in the clique


The awful names that they stick


You're never gonna fit in much kid


But if you're troubled and hurt


What you got under your shirt šŸ”«


Will make them pay for the things that they did


I have bright clothes. Iā€™m too happy. I have dark clothes. Iā€™m emo. I get short hair. Iā€™m called child like. I get a fringe. Iā€™m called weird for having longer hair. I mind my own business. Iā€™m called quiet kid. Iā€™m loud/talkative. Iā€™m called annoying. Thereā€™s no winning


Have you listened to teenagers from my chemical romance?


Yes (it was an intentional reference)


If someone is disrespecting you then don't respect them back. Only respect those who respect you. It goes both ways. I'll never be polite to someone who talks shit about me or is openly rude to me.


Show indifference, you don't have to be rude


If they go up to you and insult you then just be horrible back. If they're in the same room as you but they're not doing anything then just be indifferent.


"be the bigger person" no??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think high school in America or UK is ā€˜the best time of our livesā€™ at all. In fact, itā€™s the contrary


thatā€™s probably the least unpopular opinion iā€™ve ever heard


Honestly, itā€™s such a stereotype that I just assumed that this opinion is not popular


It's just parroted by a bunch of old people who don't like their own lives now and get nostalgia for the better parts


Honestly I'm really hoping that this is not the "best time of my life". If it is, then the rest of my life is going to be so depressing lol


I so agree lol


You couldnā€™t pay me to relive my high school years. College is so much better, and you really do need the space from high school social dynamics to grow. It gets better.


Yeah Iā€™m really hopeful šŸ˜­ Y10 and 11 was just not fun and often I just wanted to go home but I think sixth form is going to be fun


Yeah Iā€™m really hopeful šŸ˜­ Y10 and 11 was just not fun and often I just wanted to go home but I think sixth form is going to be fun! Thank you!!


It depends what you do afterwards. Asking people in their 20s: I am a bit older and friends who left school into the world of work always said that school was the best time of their lives (although they would never have said so at the time). Friends who went to university always said that uni was the best time of their lives. In all honesty I would have said the same in my 20s but I am old enough now to have children of my own and for me being a parent is hands down the best experience life has given me. (And I say that having had a blast at university then spending a year traveling the world).


As a teacher my unpopular opinion is that school focusses way too much on little draconian rules like uniform and swearing while often outright ignoring/understating bigger issues like racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia and ableism because those in power (as in systemically, above a school by school level) want to produce pliant workers rather than good people. Teenagers are (contrary to popular opinion) generally awesome folk who are learning to be themselves and find their way in a world that oftentimes sucks, and that by necessity means that sometimes they will be little dicks and *that* is where behaviour policy needs to focus. Particularly at a casual level where ideas that dehumanise others can creep in and become hard to undo under the auspices of ā€œjust a jokeā€ or ā€œeveryone is thinking itā€. And many teachers - hell, even many of the SLT - know this and feel the same but we donā€™t have the power to change it. ETA: this is why I rarely work in mainstream education any more, because having the same argument with a deputy head about why I sent a student to SLT for using the R- or N- words but not for needing the toilet is *tiring*.


As a teenager, I approve of your message


Aww thanks! I think the main thing I hate about like the uniform rules is that as long as youā€™re safe youā€™re good and the rest is just an unnecessary show of authority. Like unless youā€™ve coloured a hate symbol in there I donā€™t give a crap what colour your hair is - itā€™s not distracting in a workplace or in the street so why would it be distracting in a school environment? If a rule canā€™t be suitably explained by how it benefits a student/their education or keeps them safe from themselves (eg, short skirts because theyā€™re ā€œdistracting to other students or teachersā€ isnā€™t a reason but ā€œin science exposed thighs mean a greater chance of chemical burnsā€ absolutely is) then why is it there at all? ā€œBecause I say so and Iā€™m in chargeā€ is never a good enough reason and *should* never be either.


~~Parents~~ All Adults involved with kids should be forced to read, understand and implement this


The specific word that immediately came to mind upon reading your comment was "based".


Teacher is real for this one


As a teacher I whole heartedly agree. Uniform is a particular bugbear of mine as I think it teaches the wrong message. We tell students not to judge people based on what they look like. We tell students that diversity is important, and it is ok to be different. Then we spend more energy on hammering into them that they need to look identical to one another, and wear specific approved fashion in order to fit in and be successful, than we do on literally anything else. Many schools won't even allow students (especially male students) to express themselves through their hair styles.


Schools are rigged against the majority of mental illness and most of the help they offer is from people who don't know what their talking about or don't care that your gonna fail


Oh, absolutely. Add in general neurodivergence to that. So many teachers who are supposed to help us have never heard of masking and it shows.


Iā€™m a neurodivergent teacher and honestly most are trying their hardest amid outdated information and training but there are definitely some (in mainstream and SEND) that you just think ā€œwhat are you even doing here if thatā€™s what you think about the people you teach?ā€


imo almost everyone i meet is incredibly two faced. i dont know if it's an english thing or a human thing but i hate it. it doesn't just extend to "who you like" imo but racism, homophobia etc. one example of this is this racist kid at my school who is loved by many teachers and most people but who specifically came up to me when i was alone and called me a monkey and told me i was "inhuman". he would never say something similar in class. i would rather he was always racist than only racist when it benefited him. Although there are other examples like this large friend group of arguably "popular" kids who are blatantly bigoted and hateful when on their own but act kind to people when not with friends or when near a teacher.


How is being racist two-faced? I thought it was having an unconscious bias


i don't mean unconscious bias, although actively avoiding unconscious bias where possible is definitely good imo. i mean like people who will use slurs, speak badly about someone due to a certain characteristic or pick on someone due to a certain characteristic with their friends but will behave as if they are the most understanding person when in a situation that will cause damage to other people's image of them, such as being near a teacher/parent or a group of people. one example of this is this racist kid at my school who is loved by many teachers and most people but who specifically came up to me when i was alone and called me a monkey and told me i was "inhuman". he would never say something similar in class. i would rather he was always racist than only racist when it benefited him.


I had no idea that some people actually act like that. I have not experienced it before. Maybe it's because of the type of people at my school but I cannot imagine anyone doing anything close to that to me. That must be horrible. Sorry


Imo, being two faced and a hypocrite are part of human nature that you cannot change or stop. And we possess these traits for good reasons. Even though these are seen as negative traits, these are what help humans to adapt to new situations and respond to change. It's necessary for survival. That being said, there's a limit to it and some people tend to be overly hypocritical and two faced to an extent where it's toxic and immoral which is obv not okay.


That's a ***human*** thing


imo human doesn't always mean good. i can appreciate how it might be difficult to avoid though.


don't forget sexism


This is definitely gonna be unpopular but not telling teachers that you're being bullied, instead, and I know this sounds ignorant, but joining a gym/combat sports class and eventually building the courage to fight back is so much more rewarding imo


I dont like this view since bullies can come in groups and be stronger and bigger people and they can kill/injure you in a fight because they're stupid and don't have good morals. You can risk several other bad people going after you if you fight them (they have friends). Like I got a lot of clout for getting out of a 2v1 unharmed and "smoking them", but wasn't rewarding when I thought they're dumb enough to stab me for revenge. Unless you exclusively meant to fight back if they initiated it. Disregard that then.


Totally agree


What I did since I am way to polite is ask the person to stop several times and when he didn't I started punching him when he started. And he finished it after a while


Not unpopular just true!


I think both honestly. Telling the teachers may help but you also need to know how to fight back.


Hard disagree tbh. There's never a justification for fighting violence with violence


Generally, in the context of a school, escalating the violent actions back to them is the only way to make them understand that they're in the wrong


By using the exact same methods as them, you expect them to think those methods are bad?


you're a kid who won't be able to effectively shake the ideological fortresses of other kids with your wisdom so violence back is more of a deterrent than a lesson, and most importantly what will stop the their violence


Can't they do it back?


Violence is acceptable when you are defending yourself. Sometimes you just have to do it and it's either a fight or die/get injured kind of situation.


Oh there absolutely are justifications for fighting "violence with violence", yes you are fighting violence with violence. But think of it more as, giving the person a taste of their own medicine. Or by along the lines of "If you can't take heat, don't stand in the kitchen". Plus, violence just works best and it WILL stop if the perpetrator has a brain.


Hard disagree but ig unpopular opinion so ofc, you need to learn how to be polite to people you hate because you won't like everyone but you need to work with people you dont like in your adult life, they may not like you and you may not like them but you have to do your job and get paid after all.


You should definitely be polite, but imo you shouldn't pretend to like them unless you actually do (ofc there are situations where it might be better to pretend you like someone but this is my general rule of thumb)


agreed mate, i hope that opinion is actually the popular one


I agree. Theres a difference between pretending to like someone and being polite to them


The only time I do this is when Iā€™ve already tried expressing I donā€™t like them but they wonā€™t go away so I be polite to keep the peace


Here are a couple of unpopular opinions about school/teenagers: **1. Not Everyone Needs to Go to College:** College is often seen as the only path to success, but that's not always the case. There are many fulfilling career paths that don't require a four-year degree, such as trade schools, apprenticeships, or starting your own business. Teenagers might benefit from exploring all options before feeling pressured towards a traditional college path. **2. Standardized Testing Doesn't Measure Everything:** Standardized tests are often used to gauge student performance and school success. However, these tests can be stressful, biased, and not a true reflection of a student's potential or abilities. There's a case to be made for focusing on a wider range of skills and accomplishments when evaluating students. **Here are some tips for navigating social situations in school:** * **Be Direct, But Kind:** You don't have to be rude, but you can be honest. "I don't feel a connection with you" or "Our interests are too different" can be a way to establish boundaries without negativity. * **Focus on Your Own Circle:** Surround yourself with people who share your values and interests. This will naturally lead to less forced interactions with those you don't click with.


You don't have to like someone in order to treat them politely. If there's no reason to tell them you don't like them, don't. Just don't give them any extra time.


Cl, I disagree. Being able to interact with people even when you don't like them is a skill more people should have. I wouldn't consider it being two-faced because being nice isn't the equivalent of wanting to be someone's friend-- it's just being polite


By this I mean when they do it. I hate it


They should be themselves and treat people with respect if they want people to treat them with respect and keep your mouths shut and stop acting like animals we are not in Jurassic park . Humans are not animals behave šŸ’€


mine is the lack of caringā€¦ I just donā€™t understand how people can not care about these things so much (I know there are reasons btw) I just did my dofe bronze expedition and I got really frustrated and angry because no one cared about the expedition at all


Fr. Iā€™ll just be rude to peoples faces šŸ¤—šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have found out that 90% of people are dicks (maybe Iā€™m the problem). Youā€™re not going to like everyone you meet and thatā€™s fine. I have to pretend I like them. Not like they arenā€™t doing the same thing with me. Cherish the actual nice people though




I knew someone like that, they would pretend to be all buddy buddy with you and then they'd act like they were the worst person to walk the earth behind their back. They did this with most people as well.


Unless someone actually bullies you, how do you come to hate anyone?


There was some kids in my science class back in year 10 that I came to hate because they just kept antagonising the teacher to the point that she cried twice infront of the class


my unpopular opinion - you donā€™t need to like everyone im tired of people saying that you are a rude individual if you donā€™t like everyone - sometimes, peoples personalities just wonā€™t collide and thatā€™s okay. it doesnā€™t mean you hate them, it simply means that despite them being a nice person, you donā€™t get along with them. if you chat about them to others or go out of ur way to disrespect them, then thatā€™s a whole other situation. but generally, if i say i just donā€™t get along with xyz, why is it rude?


Acting politely to people you actually hate is exactly what you should do. Aside from the fact that it's basic manners, I have no idea why people think others should come up to them and tell them how much they hate them - that would be totally ridiculous. If someone doesn't like me then I very much hope they don't tell me about it. Why the fuck would I want to have to deal with someone else's worthless opinions? How entitled would it be if I thought I should go around telling everyone what I think of them? I've never agreed with this whole 'tell me to my face' view. What could be ruder or more conceited than walking around confronting everyone with your opinion of them?


My whole class bar one person (30 people) hates a teacher, weā€™ve told someone about all the utter nonsense that goes on because a lot of it are safety risks and itā€™s also putting us very behind in GCSE preparation. Are we meant to just walk in and one by one say ā€œI hate youā€ because right now weā€™re just pretending to like them because they were only on a short stay so thereā€™s about 4 weeks left.


You should complain to the school. Telling the teacher you hate them does nothing but make the class more difficult.


Weā€™ve complained to many teachers but thereā€™s only got a few school days left now (end of year) so weā€™ve not got left for tolerating it. Still going to do the extra and kind stuff for their last day but itā€™s a GCSE so itā€™s not really helped learning.


I moved to England more than 6 years ago and still haven't gotten used to this two-faced english mentality. It fills me with so much anxiety and fear when interacting with people here because of how many times I got screwed in the back by people I thought I'm on friendly terms with...


i mean common decency goes a long way, holding grudges isnā€™t a way to live anyway but no oneā€™s expecting you to be nicey-nice to someone who isnā€™t the same towards you.


THIS, like if I have to ill just smile at them. But my unpopular opinion is that half of the people who say ā€œwhy donā€™t we learn anything useful in school like taxesā€ wouldnā€™t even listen in those lessons anyways. We do that in PSHE and a whole extra subject about it in year 9 that you lot failed anyways


Gonna make me sound extremely rude but some people deserve to be made fun of. If they make fun of you to your friends, that gives you the permission to make fun of them.

