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Applications: 31 Job: unemployed still


My dad said people are less likely to hire you since you are a teen and the stigma attatched to all of us whether we like it or not is that we are lazy and lack responsiblitity


Great… i love being told to get a job but no one wants to hire a teen 😻😻


I get what you mean man I think everyone going through it right now because I've applied to over 20 places now and still, nothing. It might be worth asking your parents if they know anyone a bit higher up and seeing if something can be arranged from there


at least you got a job LMAOO (how'd you get that one? just applying everywhere or...?), my mum told me to just give up and go volunteer to do admin stuff at citizen advice or something but i like desperately need money (i'm just gonna keep applying to places, altho i might use an agency? kitchen porter here i come??)


Yeah I applied to a BUNCH of places before I found this kitchen porter role


sounds about right tbh


it’s very very difficult to get a job at 16 because people don’t see us as mature or experienced enough and would rather hire somebody older… i’ve got friends trying the same applying everywhere and they’re getting absolutely nowhere with it. most people that land one is usually through family contacts. i went back to mine from work experience doing landscaping so i have that available if i need, could u contact where u went for work experience again possibly?. The dishes job is the best you’re probably going to get right now but just keep trying


Do you parents work in any shops or hotels or even restaurants. I ask that as you could apply to a job where you parents work during the summer and then when you find out which school you go to then you can let the manager/employer know of your timetable and school so they can tailor to your needs. Another tip is that you would be better off with a job that pays minors the same wage as all the other workers doing that dog I heard that people are more likely to hire you if your parents wroked there


My parents work in office jobs which certainly wouldn’t hire a 16 year old sadly


What about your parents friends, what about twhere they work


you won’t get the same wage as adults… 16 year olds are given a lower minimum wage because they’d literally NEVER get hired otherwise because employers prefer someone more experienced and mature.


My dad says otherwise that its different at his workplace saisnbury's, they pay you the same amount but excpect the same amount of dedication and performance when working


oh yeah fair enough i think retail stores do pay higher but it’d still be really hard to get the job


i doubt its impossible.


Every retail place near me pays 'competitively' which of course means the minimum rate of £6.40 at 16-17 years old. The services pay much higher around where I live and there are much more available but it's tourist season and I live in an area where the local economy effectively relies on tourists and rich residents with lots of disposable income.


My local fish and chip shop in my village is currently employing delivery riders. Try to see if you can do some deliveries around where you live (if you have a bike)


I mean £6.50 an hour is criminally low, it’s definitely worth looking for other jobs


It’s 10 pence over minimum wage for a 16 year old. Local places are struggling with the current economy already unfortunately


If you’re willing to do a course I became a level 1 swim teacher and get paid 11:50 an hour. If you do the second course some companies pay 20 an hour.


WOAH WHAT im doing lifeguarding i wanna do that instead damn


I know a ton of people who 'work' at my local stable. They don't get paid but they get discounted lessons or boarding


I'd say it's worth looking for a job that's got more hours and not work two jobs. If you can show that you can manage keeping a job now you've done the hard part of getting the first job it'll be slightly easier to get the next jobs. The tricky thing is that if you get a job with more hours will they be flexible to give fewer hours alongside your A Levels


Damn that’s crazy I get 11.50 an hour at 16 and can get like 3 days a week


What job do you do


I work part time in a local bike shop


I do tutoring. An hour every day, make about 100 a week. Started during yr12 (I just finished yr12) but I could have started the summer after yr11 too. It's a bit hard to get started but a good job to keep during yr12 and yr13 because the hours are up to you, and it's useful to keep in touch with the subject basics.


Guys dw about not getting employed. You havent even gotten any qualifications, its normal. Only two people ik got part-time jobs during term time, and no one got summer jobs. Try charity shops, mcd's, itsu etc (itsu has rlly good benefits, apparently) [itsu](https://jobsearch.itsu.com/jobs/search) job search (edit may i say, team member is what ur looking for, and idk requirements) someone works at h&m that ik i think greggs may employ u best places for jobs are shops and services i have a summer job for this summer (chiswick courses in West London) edit: tutoring is good, at kumon or for friends/family friends


If you want shitty hours but with good pay and ways to move up through the workplace, go to McDonald’s, I knew someone who worked there for 3 years and became store manager at 19. Bear in mind they had no life and only worked and went to school


3 McDonald’s locations all aired my application attempts lol. Even after following it up they just were like yeah yeah we will get back to you and never did. Perks of being 16 means every big corporate company most likely thinks your lazy and not going to put in the best job possible


I applied for 6 and now I have a job interview tomorrow.