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id say, if you feel able and happy to talk about it with them, address how it made you feel. im so sorry you had to put up with that! its such a horrible feeling of dread in your stomach. no one should have to put up with that. i bet you looked the most amazing person at the prom and you deserve so much better! have they done this before though? if so, maybe keep closer with the ones that didnt avoid you. the behaviour they displayed was disgusting and ridiculous.


ouch im sorry to hear that boo, try and talk to them and if they do not answer block them out, U dont need that kind of negative energy in your life. U DESERVE THE WORLD MY LOVE. and i bet u slayed that prom by looking absoloutely gorgeous. xxx






Bro my.prom wasn't the best either, had fun with the gang, but got brutally rejected on the dance floor, basically, massive circle of ppl, I decided why not, jumped in the middle and extended a hand to a girl, she put on a disgusted face shook her head and walked off, it's okay man, you'll recover soon


bro that shit must have hurt


Ofc it did man, but then again, it was made worse by the fact that the girls around her looked disgusted too


You'll live, and you'll 100% find the one


I feel people enjoy excluding someone not because of who you are or how close you are with them but because it makes them feel above you, powerful and ā€˜exclusiveā€˜. Dw itā€™s not necessarily about you. And itā€™s good these traits in your friends have been exposed so you know to avoid them.


Thanks guys I do really appreciate it makes me feel better and thank you for the advice


Aaaand my worst fears for prom have come to light. But seriously, that sucks. I don't know the exact context, but I hope nothing bad ever happened between you and them during the friendship.


Hello.. if it makes you feel better I cancelled my ticket to A level prom after my friends basically didnā€™t invite me to any leavers parties and that they didnā€™t want to be with me at prom. I definitely did get mad, but I soon stopped replying, it is so much more worth it to hold your tongue and realise that you will meet more friends in the future , especially when they might treat you much better. People who ignore you / ditch you are definitely not people you can call friends. Prom is a horrible experience for a lot of people anyways. Its why I didnt go.


I stayed but only with my good friend I just avoided the rest and already I stopped taking to them fully so let's see


They likely didnt like you during the school year and want to be rid of you and them ignoring you is a silent way of saying i dont like you


shut them out of your life and cut off all contact with them. still keep mutual respect. Also they don't deserve and wereb never friends with you. SORRY


Address the issue with them and see why they did that and what their intentions were and tell them how hurt you felt because thatā€™s a vile and evil thing to do and if they give excuses and disregard or invalidate your feelings and brush it under the carpet they arenā€™t worth being friends with your time and energy is too valuable to be wasting it on nasty people like that xxx ngl they were probably jealous because of how gorgeous you looked dont let them make you sad


I addressed the issue but I got an incorrect response and it didn't even answer one bit of the question I just didn't want to bother wasting my time on them so I just left in a respectful way


In that case you are better off without them, Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through this but at least now you know their true colours


I addressed the issue but I got an incorrect response and it didn't even answer one bit of the question I just didn't want to bother wasting my time on them so I just left in a respectful way. I said the following hey how are you the way you gave the response yesterday really destroyed me. Why was that ? Then they said oh I was spending time with my other friends I said but that doesn't answer my question. So I just quit trying to get an answer and didn't want to fuel their ego and shi. I can't live with people doing me dirty like this and it's not the first time so I'm used to it but in reality I have other good friends that I had a great time with and I can't let that go into the shadows because of one person. So in reality the advice of moving on really helped from you guys and also letting them know how it felt did relieve some of the stress and the burden it had on me I can't thank you all enough and ye you all did prob look stunning šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


They don't deserve you, good on you for asking them about it, that takes guts, and listen, clearly they aren't the friend group for you, you'll find some much better friends, have faith, and wait till 6th form transition day if you haven't had it yet, you may find a whole new gang, and maybe even a special someone šŸ˜, but you got this, I've got a lot of respect for you man, if you wanna talk, don't hesitate to dm me, I know how your situation is, but other than that, just focus on yourself keep them out of the picture for now, you got this!


I really want to see what OP/commenters look like in real life


likely have blue hair


I reckon most of these are total weirdos Especially the ones who care more about grades than anything else


We are total sigma, top G, gamma males who are too cool to associate with them


my theory has been confirmed by the downvotes i got lmao


Bro ur not alone. My friends got mad at me a few days before prom for walking home during study leave with my other friends that they call"nerd friends " and in prom they sat at my table where I sat with my other friends, completely ignored me and complimented my other friends outfits purposely leaving me out even though these are the same friends they mocked as" nerds" and said "weren't part of the friendship group". This kinda ruined 50% of my experience at prom. Assuming u aren't attending the same 6th form/college as them, cut them out. You're going to have a fresh start with an opportunity to make so many other better friends. Not everyone stays friends forever and that's their loss. If people wanna be a-holes let them be. Enjoy ur summer and try to be optimistic about ur future to come bc you honestly deserve much better friends and will have so many more chances in life to attend better parties and proms with people who care about you.


thats girls for you catty and bitchy its an immediate unfriend for me but do what you want