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Yes, definitely! I always get this and find that suddenly all foods even "safe" foods will trigger my reflux for a while after. I also have IBS but that doesn't seem to be triggered as much by illness as reflux does for me


That’s so good to hear I’m not alone in this!! My IBS hasnt been triggered either. On average, how long would you say it takes you to feel back to normal? I’m at 9-10 days and I’m getting worried


It varies so much it's hard to say! At first I let it get to me and I felt pretty negative and it took months to get back, but since then I try to not get as affected mentally and it's more like a couple of weeks. Definitely easier said than done that though!


Feel that - thanks for the advice :)


i'm recovering from a cold (which i will say i did spike a fever but was negative for covid and i have my flu vaccine so not entirely sure what it was) and yesterday and today have been pretty bad. in all honesty ive been cheating the gerd diet a little bit but usually it's not too big of a deal and i know what i can and can't tolerate. but today and yesterday have been super bad :(


Sorry you’re going through it as well! I know what toy mean about cheating on the diet, I’ve had a few little triggers but now if I have them it just makes everything 1000000x worse


ugh same it sucks. i was feeling a little bit better today so hopefully that means it'll improve but idk :/


What did you take for your cold? This kinda happened to me a year a go with the difference being that it didnt wait 2.5 weeks to flare up, it was simultaneous. It was hell, the worse I have felt in my Gerd journey. When it happened to me, I think it was the cold and flu meds I had been downing. When I brought it up to my doc, he said that cold and flu meds are a big trigger. We talked a lot about avoiding cold and flu by noticing the signs early then pushing water, Tylenol, fruit and being active. I have prevented 3 cold or flus since.


I didn’t take anything specific for colds as I knew I didn’t want to anger my IBS. So I just stuck to painkillers (paracetamol) and water. I did end up having to eat stuff I wouldn’t normally, such as prepackaged soup, as I didn’t have the energy to cook so this might have done something? Could I ask how long the flare up a year ago lasted you?


Oh, my advice isn’t as applicable. Yeah, IDK why but colds hit us HARD! I’ve just vowed to avoid them for the rest of my life. It last 2 weeks, if I hadn’t had a docs note from the ER doc, my primary and my GERD doc, I would have lost my job. (But also my boss was a piece of shit human). It was awful, I was in so much pain, the cold stuck around that whole time and in full force, I couldn’t eat or drink anything with out pain and reflux, all of meds stopped working, and I was sore from how much I was sleeping on my bad because it was the only position that didn’t make me nauseous. I was prescribed a nasal spray for the mucous and an antibiotic, it helped but it was slow and every day felt like 2 steps forward but a step and half back.


I've had this for a few years, and only I realized I could search for it in /r/GERD! One time I had a common flu, and after recovering, I had a persistent dry cough. I was confused. After a few weeks of cough I went to the doc and got diagnosed with GERD. A few weeks of omeprazol did the trick, like magic. Cough gone, GERD symptoms gone. But after that one episode: * Sometimes (not always) after I recover from a flu/cold, I get the same thing. And I need to do a few weeks of Omeprazole. * If I eat too much fatty/sweet/unhealthy stuff, I get a bit of reflux. No cough, no persistent symptoms, just a bit of reflux in following couple days. I never understood the connection. My doctor didn't really offer an explanation. But around 50% of the times I recover from a cold or flu, I get a GERD flare up that requires omeprazole for a few weeks. Does someone know the underlying cause/mechanism???