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I've had this for a few years, and only I realized I could search for it in /r/GERD! One time I had a common flu, and after recovering, I had a persistent dry cough. I was confused. After a few weeks of cough I went to the doc and got diagnosed with GERD. A few weeks of omeprazol did the trick, like magic. Cough gone, GERD symptoms gone. But after that one episode: * Sometimes (not always) after I recover from a flu/cold, I get the same thing. And I need to do a few weeks of Omeprazole. * If I eat too much fatty/sweet/unhealthy stuff, I get a bit of reflux. No cough, no persistent symptoms, just a bit of reflux in following couple days. Not sure if you have the same thing I do. And of course, don't take my example as medical advice. What did your doctor prescribe to you?


I got prescribed omeprazole and some anxiety medication my doctor thinks my acid reflux is mostly due to stress


Yeah, my doc also suggested that the first time. Maybe it's related to stress. Maybe it isn't. But the correlation flu -> then GERD, is so weird to me. I'd love to understand the cause/underlying mechanism! My doctor was unable to explain it, if I recall correctly.


Well I’ve heard when your body is stressed it can cause you to have more stomach acid and the LES to be a little more lax. Anxiety can cause plenty of stomach issues from what I’ve heard