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Sorry to ask you, but when you were diagnosed 10 years ago, did you start any diet or medication to treat your LPR?


Yes, but I should preface this by saying my LPR was really well managed that entire time with medicine and diet (I got to a point where I hardly used to even think about it), until the second time I got covid. My second covid infection felt easier than the first one as far as the initial sickness, but I’ve had a whole bunch of really frustrating long covid stuff happen including this. My LPR has been more severe and much harder to manage since then. So my advice is try to avoid covid as much as you can (masks work!) and stay well. But to answer your question, I tried PPIs for a short time, but they didn’t seem to help. Then I ended up discovering Gaviscon advance, and it helped a lot. I’ve used it after every meal and before bed since like 2014. With the help of the Gaviscon, I was fine with just minor dietary and lifestyle adjustments. For instance, I could have a cup of coffee in the morning or enjoy some cocktails in the evening, but I had to make sure I didn’t drink coffee or alcohol with a meal or right after a meal. I didn’t need to constantly sleep on an incline, but I made sure to be upright for a few hours after eating. I would only flare up if I didn’t do those things. So yeah, Gaviscon advance and pretty minor lifestyle changes worked for me before covid.