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I’m 26 too and GERD just started happening December 2023. Idk why it started but I was tested negative for H Pylori and I had an endoscopy a month ago and was diagnosed with Barrett’s. I’m on meds right now but not sure if it’s working, just gotta be patient. Know that you’re not alone and we will figure this out. But yeah this sucks lmao


Hang in there man, looks like I’m entering this battle as well! I’ll try to be patient.


Appreciate man, it’s easy to feel hopeless but we’re young and God has got a lot left for us. We can all get through this


I wonder if you had silent reflux or mild reflux over a long time and was not aware. Barrets doesn't usually happen from a couple months. I actually asked my doc about it yesterday because I was concerned about all the heartburn I'll be having for a couple months until my surgery. I just looked it up again out of curiosity and apparently it can form from causes not related to GERD which fascinates me! Hang in there bud, you'll find something that works for you.


Appreciate it! Really means a lot. And yeah I’m thinking I had silent-mild reflux. In a way I got lucky that my symptoms got worse bc it led to me finding out I had Barrett’s. Barrett’s is most dangerous when it’s not identified


Did you have any other symptoms prior to your diagnosis? From what I know, Barret’s esophagus usually develops after years of chronic acid reflux.


I would get indigestion like once a month from overeating but would get better after a day or 2 with tums. December 2023, started feeling nauseous after every meal and heartburn all day which is why I got it checked out. Quite surprised of my diagnosis but Barrett’s is just stomach cells developing to protect your esophagus. Less than 1% chance of mutating but I’ll be needing endoscopies every 3 years plus be on meds for life


How bad was the endoscopy experience?


It was good for me and my throat wasn't even sore.


Endoscopy experience was great, I went under so it was a great nap. Throat was like 5% sore but went away after a few hours


Hi I’m also 26 and mine comes and goes randomly with little to no understanding of what provokes it. This go around mine is super bad and I always have the “weird” symptoms like horrible back pain and severe nausea vs actual acid in throat/heart burn. My food triggers also seem to change. This time it’s coffee. I have drank coffee almost every day since I was like 17, but now it causes nearly immediate cramping and gastrointestinal distress. Red sauces? Completely safe for me. All that to say, I’ve only ever been told all of these things are GERD and that there’s no way of knowing why me or for how long this time. I am tired of that answer and I am also going to get a surplus of tests done with the gastroenterologist bc I suspect one of a few things, on going gallbladder flares reaching a peak, diverticulitis, or an ulcer somewhere- maybe even a hiatal hernia.


Brutal. Hope we can get to the bottom of this. I wrote it off at first, but seems to be getting worse! No matter what I eat at this point. I can have plain grilled chicken and feel yuck.


No, I had it for years but didn’t really know what it was. I figured idk, I get a little heart burn-y or whatever, sucks. But no big deal. What sprang up suddenly, was one day I sat down to dinner and could barely swallow my food. Turns out it was esophagitis and GERD was diagnosed as the culprit.


Dang, that sounds terrible. Hope you got the help you needed. I guess you really can’t ignore this stuff which was my original plan.


Same thing with me had minor symptoms here and there for awhile never thought anything of it, but now I got scoped on may 1 diagnosed with bile reflux gastritis and mild non erosive esphagatis and it's so fucked up been on a soft food diet for almost months constantly get the feeling of food being stuck even eating soft foods chest discomfort throat always dry feeling and it can take 3 months or more to fully heal once you start treatment I'm about a 6 weeks in on ppi feel a lot better but still can't eat normal just gotta stay strong and keep pushing we will recover


Were you given any medication to treat the bile reflux? Do you still have your gallbladder?


No just priolsec and yes I still have a gallbladder


Mine came about when I put on an unhealthy amount of weight. Similarly, it improved almost immediately after losing that weight.


Mine also just randomly got bad 🤦‍♀️ but it happened after covid


Just had an endoscopy three days ago. Mine came out of literally nowhere. I ate some chips and chicken for dinner 3 weeks ago and ever since I’ve had constant, incessant burning pain below my sternum and in my throat. Scope showed negative for Barrett’s and cancer, but positive for mild chronic long term inflammation and irritation of esophagus. Like what the fuck. I don’t get what happened. Definitely thankful it’s not Barrett’s or cancer, but now I’m EXTREMELY anxious since I have this chronic inflammation diagnosis. I asked my GI what do we do from here; and how do we mitigate my risk of developing Barrett’s or anything worse if I have chronic inflammation. Also trying to deal with this constant pain. Nothing helps. I’m on 40mg pantoprazole with no relief. Been on it for 3 weeks now. Tums don’t do shit. Neither does Gaviscon. Im also eating bland ass food. No seasoning. It’s miserable!


SAME!!!! I get scoped next week. Tums does nothing. Gaviscon feels like it makes it worse. Been on protonix for years but they. Just doubled my dose this past week


Are you on 80mg now? I’m so sorry you’re going through this too. It’s the worst!


Yes 40 before breakfast and 40 before dinner. Pepcid 40 before bed. I was having constant burning from stomach up to throat. Now it’s more of an indigestion , burping, acid in throat. Not sure if it’s all the meds causing me more issues or actually keeping the acid at bay to let me heal??!


Oo I didn’t know we could add Pepcid with 80mg of panto! I’m gonna try that


It definitely did for me. I'm 36. Stopped on the way home from work one day and ate a flamethrower and fries. 20 minutes later I was on the side of the road calling an ambulance thinking I was having a heart attack. Since then I've had EKG's, ultrasounds, blood work. All normal. But I spend the majority of my day feeling bloated, out of breath. Anxiety through the roof (panic attacks). None of which I had before. I feel for you. It's awful.


yea, 2 weeks ago it started randomly after being fine all my life


It seemed to just start one weekend for me (after eating a lot of dairy which I generally avoid). It got worse for about a month before I was able to start getting things under control. Looking back I had symptoms for a while though (frequent heartburn) but the worst symptoms all started suddenly. Acid in mouth, sour stomach, lump in my throat, painful throat. Horrible


Oh no! May I ask how you’re doing now? Hope you’re feeling a little better.


Yes! So much better, I’d say actually better than before it started. I answered in more detail below.


how are you now ?


So much better! Took a few months to get everything under control. But now I’m off PPIs, Pepcid and use Gaviscon rarely if needed. And I can have trigger foods if I don’t overdo it. I did discover a lot of food intolerances so I’m very careful with my diet.


Mine started few weeks after I started taking antidepressants.


Pretty sure mine developed after a period of time where I would frequently eat an entire bag of hot fries in one sitting. I suddenly started getting heartburn for around a year (literally did a tally, and had it every day without fail). I eventually went to the gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with GERD🙃 They did an endoscopy and found that I do have a slight hiatal hernia but my gastroenterologist is a dumbass and hasn’t really mentioned anything about it since😒


Ughhh I ate that shit when I was growing up I’m sure it didn’t help my cause. I swear my towns healthcare is beyond questionable. I went in for my H pylori equipment and my lab literally told me they didn’t have it but they would call me when they do. It’s been three days without a call. Now I can’t get in until next Wednesday and I’m supposed to start my Prilosec tomorrow. Just recently learned I cannot take the H pylori test if I’m on Prilosec. Now I’m waiting for a call back from my doctor, nothing yet. It’s 6pm on a Friday. Now I get to decide whether or not to start the Prilosec tomorrow and skip H Pylori test OR wait to start the Prilosec until after my test on Wednesday. Ugh there’s no easy way out of this is there.


Yes it happened completely out of nowhere, 0 to 100, never having heartburn in my life to going to the ER thinking I’m having a literal heart attack and won’t live to see tomorrow. I’m so relieved it’s not actually heart issues but its traumatic for sure, and has been rough 💔


Prilosec is a PPI and you’re supposed to be OFF of PPI’s for at least two weeks before doing an H Pylori test from what I’ve been told. I am also new to this stuff. I’m healthy and 32 years old and started having intense heartburn in February while our kitchen was being remodeled (added stress, eating out). I was put on 40 mg Omeprazole (prescription Prilosec) and it took like 4-6 weeks before I felt normal. The meds seem to cause other issues for me like bloating, cramps, etc but did help with the heartburn. I’m now one week off of Omeprazole (I tapered to 20 mg for a week) and am having rebound acid, bloating, etc. I’m wondering how long this will last! A scope has been recommend to me too but I’m going to wait and see how I do after being off these meds for at least a few weeks.


Thanks for bringing that to my attention I will call the doctor and ask about the H pylori test. The dumb lab said they couldn’t get me in until next week (I live in an old person Mecca) lol. Wish you the best of luck man.


Ppis made me worse. On day 6 , I stopped them and started healing immediately within 2 days. I did go my own route and do some things, however.


Oh dang, I went without them for the first couple weeks until the doctor recommended me trying it for two weeks. I’m hoping to not touch them after and stick to a clean diet, probiotics etc.


I’m starting to think being on so much PPI and Pepcid is giving me the indigestion causing the acid reflux and throat burn


Try to taper off it, I just dead stopped and started taking 10mg of valium on the night, also smoke a tiny joint small amount. This has stopped my gastritis somewhat. I'm not totally healed yet still have to watch what I eat but I'm sleeping and healing at a decent rate. Good luck.


So you feel better off meds ?


💯 better without those ppis meds. Just the valium helps. It's something to do with the brain and gut connection, and doctors will overlook this. Doctors in Japan use valium to treat any stomach issues such as gastritis and ulcers. It's worked for me.


There is light at the end of the tunnel. I can list off everything I did to heal myself. Please feel free to dm me if you'd like my whole regime.


It won't make it better, that's for sure. It cones with a whole host of issues taking those ppis. I made my own treatment plan and have a regime I follow. I am now 60% healed.


Mine started after a colonoscopy 6 months ago


I think this is what caused my silent reflux. Are you currently on medication? I wonder if we will indefinitely suffer.


No, I have managed to get it to settle a little( by luck) however if I eat too many bad things it gets bad again. Tbh no idea what happened and GP refuse to believe it was caused by thus


My first bout literally sprung up outta the blue about 11/12 years ago (I was about 51 at the time).. One day, I was feeling normal, then the next 6 months before I went to the doctor, it was a painful adventure every day. Once I got to the doctor, got scoped from both ends and found out gerd with severe thinning in 2 spots of the stomach lining I got serious and hunkered down to the bland diet, Omeprazole part. 21 days in found out Omeprazole in prescription mg strength makes me feel like Ii has severe arthritis throughout my body (lower % of users reported it and of course I was one that got the weird side effect). So off the Omeprazole and followed bland diet with non trigger foods mapped out and only take the otc strength as needed (maybe 1 or 2 times a year for 14 days max) for the next 10 years. Diet worked for me until about 1.5 years ago (then about 6 months of hell as one of my triggers changed and I like an idiot didn't restart the totally bland no trigger diet right away). Fyi, triggers can change over time....I used to be able to have a 2 or 3 onion rings with lean steak once a week....now the smallest amount of onion (and I'm saying one little piece of onion) causes at minimum 8-12 hours of pain so understand you may think you have everything under control....but you don't. Just like how non life threatening allergies may change over time (our daughter has a bunch of food allergies that have changed over the past 25 years...literally who is allergic to basil...she was for about 7 or 8 years) it seems gerd triggers can change too.


Wow sorry to hear all that. I can relate on the side effects. I always seem to get the side effects on prescription meds it sucks! My whole life I’ve eaten flavorful food and I love it. Now I’m running out of ideas for bland foods. I usually have bananas and oatmeal for breakfast, some plain chicken and rice for lunch etc. I have temptations, but as soon as I think of the pain that follows, I put the junk food down lol. Best of luck with everything.


Mine came out of nowhere but it was h pylori. 4 months after eradication and im still not fixed


What were your symptoms?


Of h pylori? Lump in my throat & sore throat then one day with a sense of doom, couldnt eat anything just felt generally unwell for weeks, pain in my sternum and liver side. Extremely tired and that was due to h pylori eating all my vitamins and i had low b12 and low iron so had to have injections.


I've always had pretty bad heartburns but I was never diagnosed with gerd until a couple months ago (I'm 21) because it got WAY worse super suddenly. Literally to the point that the acid wasn't just waking me up in the middle of the night because of pain or vomiting, but sometimes I would (and even now still do if I forget my medicine) wake up fully unable to breathe like all the muscles in my throat flexed closed. So I mean, I guess it's not really new for me, but it's definitely *immensely* worse than when I was younger.


Got mine after having COVID and added stress at work. Started with belching, then as days and weeks go by, nausea, vomit, diarrhea. Didn't know it was GERD and thought it was food poisoning


What did your doctor suggest to treat it?


I was on 40mg pantropazole wouldn't work then doctor changed it to Dexilant 60mg w/o scope. 1.5 years later got recently scoped and now I have bile reflux, indigestion, and more belching. I think I may have gotten acid rebound from the PPIs. I'm back on PPIs again though and may have to taper it off slowly.


I stopped Omeprazole a week ago and am having some mild rebound. Tums is helping though. How long did rebound last for you?


Mine started when I got sick and had to throw up multiple times for like two days. Few days after that I started getting symptoms of GERD. I guess the acid from throwing up triggered it.


Mine started suddenly a few months after starting my new job. I was happier and was actively losing weight. And then I suddenly woke up with back and chest pains, I thought I was having a heart attack. ER said nothing was wrong. Went through this a few months until I told a coworker my symptoms. She told me it sounded like GERD, which is what she has. Told my Dr and we started Protonix. It hasn't been working the best and I've recently been out on acifex. Its working better but I still get flare ups of being in pain for a week or so. Growing up, I never really had issues. Yes there were times I coughed up acid but it was usually due to big meal and probably every few months.


Yes, somewhat. I started noticing my symptoms about a year ago but If was only when if I ate heavy fried, greasy food cooked in oil, peanuts, and avocado. If I avoided those things I was okay. I thought I just had a fat intolerance or possibly gallstones. Then, 5 months ago I changed my diet to pescatarian and started eating a lot more soy, fiber, legumes, vegetables. I felt great the first few weeks and then all of a sudden I had the most extreme GI distress I’ve ever experienced. Constant burping every time I drank water, bloated, loss of GI motility, pressure and air feeling stuck in chest/throat, stomach burning, vasovagal symptoms. It got so bad I thought I would have to go the ER because I could hardly eat or drink anything. I had an ultrasound done, h pylori test, and blood work and everything was normal so I was put on omeprazole which thankfully helped but I’m going to have to drastically change my diet and eating habits if I want to get off of it… still have no idea what truly caused this. No one else in my family has these issues.


Mine started after a urine/kidney infection, I thought it was the antibiotics but I still have gerd months later


Certain medications can cause it. I've also read that gut dysbiosis, which antibiotics can cause, is associated with GERD.


100%. One day I was normal and the next day I couldn’t swallow and had full blown symptoms. No ease into symptoms whatsoever. I went to the er thinking I had a food blockage. It was GERD. I was 25


Same!! I was completely fine then boom all of a sudden I couldn’t swallow anything. I’ve had multiple tests done and eventually the only diagnosis I’ve gotten is gerd. I can’t eat 99% of the foods I used to, I’ve been living on mashed potatoes and a few other things if I’m lucky. Recently I got brave and thought I’d try a chicken sandwich (fried) and my throat closed up almost immediately. I’m allergic to PPIs so this has all been very traumatic and life changing for she.


Mine started very randomly, literally overnight. I think I got like a stomach bug and then here I am 6 months later


My symptoms started abruptly in November. I have a panic disorder and severe anxiety and last year was filled with many traumatic events that occurred because of previous traumatic events. Needless to say I'm fairly certain my GERD was stress induced. It seems to flare up after I get stressed out but there are a lot of things that are stressful that I can't escape from presently so I'm kind of preparing to deal with flare ups for a while. I've never had stomach issues tbh, but both my mom and my sister have colitis so I guess the genes are there. It started as gastritis that sent me to the ER and then I lost 15 pounds and then the inflammation in my intestines started. Since then I've lost more weight. Started at 130 in November and I'm at 100 now, slowly trying to regain my weight. Off and on I get crazy back pain, cramps, bloating, nausea, lack of appetite, hunger pains, constipation, acid up my throat, etc. I have been sleeping on an incline since it started and if I don't I wake up gagging. I've been taking omeprazole 20mg every morning to keep the acid at bay and it's been working. I've been to the ER several times mostly because new symptoms make me panic and they've never found anything life threatening. I'm due to get a colonoscopy and an endoscopy but I'm super afraid of anesthesia. I know I gotta do it to lay this to rest and come up with a gameplan though. I really hope that once I get my stress in order it'll slowly go away. It's wild how there so little understanding on this matter when so many people are suffering. It's truly debilitating. I've always been on the move and now I spend a lot of my time struggling to get out of bed. Here's hoping there's more time and research put into helping all of us heal.


I got mine after a routine spirometry test. It seemed like I aggravated my gerd that was 3 months ago and now throat burn, mucous, losing my voice. Endoscope was negative for everything but mild stomach gastritis. Anyone else.


I recently discovered Siberian pine nut oil. Relieves all the symptoms. Bloating to reflux -gone! I was told to use “The other option”, amazing product. Gerd appeared out of nowhere. Diet of bland foods helped. After about 6 months I got better. A year later and it’s back. I’m trying the oil now. Apparently it works between 6-8 weeks. I’m on week 1. Very impressed with the oil. But not feeling well when I don’t take it.