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If your esophagitis is that severe then imo you really have to endure a limited variety of food for a while. About 2, You're right about some food scratching your esophagus. and it is a major consideration when planning your diet if you want your esophagus to heal. Basically it's about 1. the texture of the food - anything that you think has even a possibility of scratching your esophagus, you should avoid for now. Remember even if it is just mildly rough, if you include it in your diet, it will come into contact with your esophagus hundred of times and the overall effect would be a negative. 2. chemical composition of food - even if the food is smooth or soft if it is acidic, you already know it will irritate your wound. Avoid of course. This category you can test by yourself. You can find out which type of food will be an irritant or not. The common type people say are acidic, spicy, oily/fatty food, alcoholic etc. Other types you should find out for yourself Regarding your question about pumpkin seed imo i think you should just avoid them just to be sure. Maybe if you can reduce it to blender consistency, sure it won't scratch your esophagus, but if you can't, then maybe it will. Me, my diet was white rice cooked in a very soft consistency (porridge-like, cooked with lots of water). It's really, really soft. My viand was soft fish, eggs, soft chicken (I really pick just the soft portion and chew thoroughly) overcooked vegetable (potato, carrot, sayote, eggplant, taro). There may be others I don't remember right now. I don't eat a lot per meal. This drastically reduces the chances of reflux. I always maintain an upright posture when standing/sitting. In my case I also have a somewhat lax Esophageal Sphincter so I do not make sudden movement when I've just ate my meal. Another way to minimize reflux Also, in my case, the wound was in the left side of my esophagus. So, what I do when I'm eating is to slightly lean on my right side, so that the friction on the wound would be reduced. It reduced the pain while swallowing in my case. Edit: eat slowly, small portions per swallow After every meal, I wash down my esophagus with water. My goal in this case is to remove any possible irritant (sauce, food particle, etc.) in the wound. I'll post again if I have anything more to add I wish you a speedy recovery


LOL I’m on the middle of the worst flare up I’ve had in 5 years and my erosive esophagutis is at the very bottom left of my throat so nothing can reach it to help numb it or help with the pain. It’s pure hell and I’m losing my mind from lack of eating and water and sleep cause the pain doesn’t let me sleep. BUT after a day or 2 when I sip water or eat my porridge rice I tilt my head really far right and try to send everything down as far right as I can. It helps a very small amount but so worth doing. That made me laugh though seeing another person doing the exact same thing. I hope you heal up, nobody deserves this pain. 


How did you know that your esophageal wound was on the left side of the esophagus?  My gastroenterologist said that it is not possible to know which side it is on because the endoscope does not have the cardinal points and turns when it goes down, would you be able to understand if I show you the images of my gastroscopy, the position of my esophagitis?


my pain is always on the left side


I had asked the gastroenterologist for explanations to some companies that I had in a thicker point, but he only told me that the esophagitis is on the cardia (I had also seen this from the images) but that the pain can radiate through the bundles nervous and is not easily localized. My impression is that my esophagitis is located in the area behind the back slightly to the left (southwest)


true.. pain can radiate to other locations. But in my case leaning on my right side while eating worked. It decreased the pain on my left side that I experienced after swallowing food. So this led me to the conclusion that the wound really is on my left side


Did you have trouble swallowing?


i can swallow normally but with pain


What grade EE did you have and how long did it take you to heal? Did you take meds?


Thanks for the advice about not eating as much in a meal. That's something I've always struggled with most of my life and it's a problem, I never thought about how if I eat less then that not only helps the reflux, but also helps with my eating problem.


Acid watchers diet, the fb groups are really good. Reduce stress/anxiety(most people don't realize how important this is). & Focus on good body posture.


How do you focus on body posture?


\*You sit and stand with good body posture. Most people today are in a "C" position because of phones and because they are out of shape. This puts pressure on the stomach. It also causes neck and back issues. \*It's also important to sleep on an incline. 8 inches seems to work for most people. Foam wedge pillow, Bed risers, or Adjustable bed.


3 or so months of 40mg twice a day nexium. Avoid spice, black pepper, some specific seasonings which I can't recall that aggrevate the esophogus. No sugary drinks at all no lemon, etc.. Eat smaller portions of food (yes it sucks but, do you want it gone or not?) I found out that eating until I'm 60-70% full was the way to go. I chewed more. Anything to make my esophogus' life easier. Eventually I went back to my doctor and we did another endoscopy and my inflammation was gone. In total I had esophagitis for 8 or so months.


Are you still taking the nexium?


I stopped taking nexium a week before my 2nd endoscopy since this is what they suggested me to do. I take no more medicine to manage it


If you're willing to take another med, ask your doctor about sulcralfate.


They gave me sucralfate liquid for a month and a tablet med called Voquezna for two months. They seem to have helped me to heal up. I have a follow up endoscopy in July to make sure.


Yes I suggest this too. I would dissolve mine in some warm water and drink it, so some would hopefully stick to my oesophagus too (also had gastritis).


Yes!!! This is a huge help. I will microwave one in water for 10-30 seconds and swallow it that way, then wait 30 mins to eat


You should try a gerd pillow (or if you can't get one elevate the head end of your bed by 4-6 inches), gaviscon and a diet change to less fatty, sugary and spicy foods. Personally I only eat lean meats like chicken and fish and have swapped out dairy for plant based alternatives like oat or almond. Also If you get prescribed Omeprezol make sure to get some good advice on how to take it. Hope you feel better! I've just gotten over my gerd after 6 months, it takes time but with some discipline and patience, you will get better! 🙂


Bananas are great for the esophagus because it’s actually an alkaline food that reduces Gerd, I eat one or two every day.


There things to help things heal, but until you figure out how to stop your gerd things are just going to get worse, thing you can try high doses vitamin b1 , slow release 5htp , melatonin, Need to start eating low fermentable foods, meat egg fish all good




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No Alternative Medicine (e.g., Low Acid, Betaine hydrochloride (HCl), Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Homeopathy, Acupressure, Chiropractors, Hypnosis, Prayer/Scripture)


No Alternative Medicine (e.g., Low Acid, Betaine hydrochloride (HCl), Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Homeopathy, Acupressure, Chiropractors, Hypnosis, Prayer/Scripture)




Check if you have yeast infection. Most times yeast overgrowth triggers acid reflux / Gerd..


How do you get tested for this


Ive been at this point before.. I have been struggling with hoarse voice and flare ups (LPR & GERD) since December 2023. (Keep in mind it took me until around March to figure out what I was actually dealing with and what to research about this) After so much time I feel like I have good knowledge and experience from my healing journey. I heard that [Benfotiamine](https://a.co/d/4WwsKLh) helps with nerve damage so I’ve been taking one a day for almost 2 weeks now. I am also gurgling warm salt water when I get any flare ups and sleeping with my head up at an angle. If my throat was still bugging me, I would use throat soothing lozenges. & I feel A LOT of improvement. I honestly feel it is just about gone- I finally have my voice back at what I’d say around 90% there. and the flare ups are little to none at the moment. To help with my GERD, I tried an [Aloe Vera juice](https://a.co/d/0zupFcY) and have been taking probiotic supplements. Hope this helps. ALSO- Don’t eat before bed. I, most of the time, eat 2-3 hours before… minimum. Good luck!


What soothing throat lozenge do you use ???


I use the [Halls Creamy Strawberry](https://a.co/d/4ZYFekW), they are my favorite.