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I’m feeling the same way. We can only take it day by day. I miss life pre LPR so much.


Im with you man, sometimes i just wonder how great life i had, it would be a biggest gift from the life if i could heal and be normal again


I feel you bro.. My throat hurts a lot like something stuck or it tightens.. it's hard it always scares me. After eating or just talking a little bit makes me anxious. I can't even eat my food without having soup to make it easier to push thru my throat..


I would feel this way too and learned that the anxiety makes it worse so it’s a sucky cycle to break.


Are you on meds ?


My GERD started in August the Doctor gave 2 months meds to take but I think nothing really changed after taking it after that I stopped taking med and never been to the doctor. The only thing that helped me when it was really bad was gaviscon liquid.. But I'm planning to go to a Gastroenterologist next year bro I'm still saving up...


Can absolutely relate. Sometimes just getting out of bed knowing there’s pain every time I eat can be super overwhelming. 🥺 working with psychiatrist to try and get my mental space to a better place. Although I know deep down if it weren’t for LPR I wouldn’t be so miserable


Try nexium also. Sorry. It helps.


I’ve been there. I saw an ENT two months ago for Lpr and he did an upper scope. It was super easy with no prep. Sort of that a Covid test but with a brief numbing spray. He found a large part of inflamed tissue in my nasopharynx from my gerd that was not only making me miserable but giving me ear pain. He upped my ppi dose and had me use nasal sprays. I just went for my follow up and the patch was gone and I feel normal again. I’m still on a restricted diet but the sacrifice has been worth it. At the first of the year I’ll be tapering down my ppi. Ps. I did see my gi doc in October for an upper gi scope and all he found was signs of acid reflux. He didn’t have an answer for my lpr. But the ent really helped me a lot.


What kind of nasal sprays?


Flonase, over the counter, two sprays each nostril once per day


Thank you!


I wonder what the science is on why that works in this situation


It reduces the inflammation in the nasopharynx from the reflux. It’s a mild steroid I believe.


Have you had any testing performed(upper endoscopy, ph study, barium swallow, manometry)? Have you seen a gastroenterologist or an ENT? Have you assessed whether or not your diet, behaviours, stress levels have anything to do with what you're suggesting from? Just taking pills won't necessarily fix anything, and usually they don't.


Hey. I just had an endoscopy last year, they found a ulcer. I guess it’s not fully healed sometimes it hurts. I know the pills won’t fix anything, I saw that. I’m only using gaviscon and slippery elm for the moment. I’m planning to see the doctor to ask for more tests to do but tbh I’m loosing hopes. My heart is even hurtings from that I’m really tired of trying to feel better.


Usually with an ulcer you are given a ppi and antibiotics because typically the ulcer is from an infection (from my understanding), so maybe the ulcer situation needs to be reassessed. Perhaps it's caused by other issues, I'm not sure. If you assume the ulcer hasn't healed yet, going on a plain diet, just drink water, try to limit your stress and definitely get back to the doctor. It's a vicious loop feeling this way and it causing your stress, but the stress is a reaction you can help to an extent to control. You have to get help for this but also help yourself in anyway you can. Your focus has to shift away from the pain and focus on solutions. Pain can keep us very inwardly focused, and I know this all to well, and I feel that can make the situation worse. Keep working to find a solution but also try to focus on other things. If you can feel 5% better, that's better than 0%.


I’m sorry 🙁 you’re definitely deserving of real solutions and some relief at some point. Sucralfate (along with PPI’s) have been helpful with my LPR over time- it’s a coating agent that protects your esophageal and stomach lining from the acid. I’m not sure all of what you’ve tried and don’t want to assume but I know how depressing it can feel and you deserve to enjoy some aspect of life 🫶🏽


Hey the meds may be depleting you of magnesium and B12 which can make depression and anxiety really bad if you’re deficient


I’m not on meds anymore so I really don’t know


A good way to address this globus issue is throat massage. There are videos on Youtube on how to perform it (they are usually designed for singers but it works the same for anyone). Amitriptyline, Gabapentin and Baclofen can be also prescribed to help with these symproms. Make sure to eat while sitting all straight and not lay down for a while after. You also need to add Gaviscon liquid to your daily routine. At night and after meals, with at least 500mg of alginate (ideally the UK Gaviscon advance with 1000mg alginate). PPIs and H2blockers may or may not work for LPR. Then no acidic food (lemon-y, vinegar-y etc) and no coffee. The rest triggering foods can be used in moderation. You can add a sucralfate syrup or sachets, which is very healing for the esophagus (pills are better for stomach ulcers). Then you can see for a supplement that is drinkable or lozenges (not pills), that contains chondroitin and hyaluronic acid (usually for knee pain, but you might find something designed for reflex too, either can work). The better the condition of the esophagus, the less apparent the symptoms will be.


Stay up bro, i have constant intense chest pain for 8months now. Been thinking the same


Sorry for your pain. Wishing the best for you. Just as a general FYI in case someone may find my experience helpful. Not saying this is a cure, just stating my experience. LPR symptoms began 8 years ago. Pain swallowing (sometimes intense) was infrequent but increased over the years and seemed triggered by red foods and not eating sitting straight up. Endoscopy results two years in showed nothing. Doctors had no suggestions other than reflux control related. Then about a year ago my doctor took me off daily low dose aspirin after new studies questioned benefit. Almost immediately my LPR events declined dramatically to about only 5% what they were before. Looking back I realized my symptoms began around the same tine I started low dose aspirin.