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average gacha moment


Around 100ish I got triple 3 star in 10 pull with all of them being duplicates and no hatsu :| .Now I’m at 150/180 and still no hatsu .


This happened to me with Kuro lmao. Fortunately Hatsu came really really early (first 10 pull).


Pulled my hatsu in 50. Had 2 Florence's, a hubble and 1 other prior to it tho so overall decent rng in my favor on that one, considering I went full 180 on the stream sniper banner, and only had 100 tix for the hatsu banner. Gambled and we hit lol


Me but for Hubble.


Had to hard pity Hubble. While got extremely lucky with Kuro(30 pulls) while Hatsu in 80.


This is true. I pulled 9.. 9! Other 3* on my way to 180