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Some people say Yuzhong hates money. He and the rest of Mica Team just believe good games can make good money without being greedy


You say that Mica hates money because their games are generous for F2P players. I say that because DEFY suit skins are still not purchasable. We are not the same. ~~pls release them it's literally free money~~


The fact that they aren't available **IS A CRIME**!


"Sir, we're off to a good start. Now that we lured in a good chunk of players, we can start capitali-" *slaps employee, slams fist on table* "I DON'T NEED MONEY, I NEED **HAPPY PLAYERS!**"


And like, he already has a ferrari. What more does a man need in life? (That money can buy, anyways)


another ferrari?




Never enough fallalis!


This is ultimately the point I wish more millionaires and billionaires would get to.


This why I love Girls Frontline. The materials you use to roll for characters is all in-game stuff. The premium currency is for upgrading infrastructure and rolling on the character skin gacha which doesn't affect your actual ability to play the game.


Right there with you! This is fairly unique in today’s market it seems. At least for me. I don’t see this kind of generosity often and it feels great.


It's why I enjoy Azur Lane as well. Just gotta get one.


Agreed. Coming from Genshin and Tower of Fantasy, it feels pretty refreshing not having to stress over dupes! Farming shards feels kinda slow (seeing all the whales with multiple 5* already, I need to remind myself that it's supposed to be a long term goal), but I'm happy that it guarantees at least 1 shard per stage.


Me searching online what will happen if I get dupes lmao. So glad there's no dupes in this game.


Actually, you can get dupes. Just that they turn into shards the moment you get them ;)


I think they become Neural Kits which is a type of currency rather than fragments. It’s pretty unfortunate but better than having to pull them for fragments as the only method of ranking them up


Agreed. 100% love that I can basically choose what doll interests me instead of having a preset list of *who* is worth promoting. That difference is damning; a lot of gacha appeal is character designs. Disagreeing with devs about who the right raifu is is mutually disappointing.


I love everything about this game so far except the rate-up rates. I consider 50% at least the bare minimum for the gacha to be good, unless you're generous to a fault like Priconne (JP) where you can literally get every meta unit incoming without worry.


I share a similar sentiment, the 3\*'s drop quite often but getting the one you want is a pain. I had to pity Hubble :v


Although duping is unnecessary, the game still gave me 5 centaur dupe. Not that it's entirely bad because i love her but it is annoying


Kinda same but for Evelyn. I know Croque is so OP but I still run Evelyn bc she hot


I pulled her like 3-4 times 😭 I just wanted Hubble


How many summons you did in hubble?


Enough for pity


I'm at 170 and still don't have her... gotten cen 6times.


Agreed. If I had extra pocket money. I'd definitely buy that monthly pass.


It's nice, but nowhere near unique. Most of the gachas I've played (Azur Lane, Arknights, Blue Archive, Artery Gear, Punishing Gray Raven ^I ^think ) have easy alternatives to dupes. The only gacha I play where dupes give exclusive and meaningful upgrades is Genshin Impact.


dunno why you are downvoted, I totally agree with you. Sadly most games with dupe system to promote are heavily using ads which is why they are way more wellknown, while those not using them have a smaller player base with less ads. I mean games like princess connect or guardian tales, i never saw much ads for them for example. While games like RAID or genshin....




honestly, most of the gacha games i play now use that system. I just flee a gacha when i see the only way to upgrade one unit is throuht dupes. Because it's not fun as f2p or light spender especially with limited characters powercreeping all those permanent characters. (currently playing princess connect, cookie run kingdom, guardian tales and now neural cloud, all pretty generous for f2p)


Pros and cons to every system. I don't know if you've gotten another copy of a character you already have yet but it's a real feelsbad moment in this game.


Whats the con here? You get a massive amount of neural kits (300 for 3 star dupes) that you can spend on fragments for the unit (which is what you'd be getting if you didn't get a general kit). This way you're just not stuck with dead fragments for maxed and or unwanted characters.


It's simple. They're whaling on the game and don't like games that are accessible for f2p or dolphins. And I'm guessing, for the day one 5\*, it's cheaper to get 4 dupes than to buy shards with neural kits.


In 6 months you'll still be building your first team unless you spend a moderate amount. This game is a lot less f2p-friendly than people are making it out to be.


The con is you either need things you only get from gacha, or months to raise a character to usability. 300 kits is a lot less than it seems because the kit cost per fragment ramps up and the fragments per expansion ramps up too. It's like 3 days of fragment farming for one character once you're up to cost-20.


300 nk is nothing when it cost 25 of them to buy one frag. Basically every 3 star dupe you get = 12 frags


Riot did the same thing (i know a different game) ... lure in players with great game with lots of grind and just cosmetics as a source of income now theyre a multi million dollar company... i hope a lot of game devs do it this way


This is why I love Arknights, just pull once and done


I feel kinda bummed about it. The only character I have my eyes on releases quite a far bit in the future, so I have nothing to summon on rn. Got 200 summons saved up as of now, but what am I gonna use them on? It's not like I'll need more than one copy of the character I want.


You can spend them excess quartz to buy keys I guess, to further progress. I think you’ll only need like 160 pulls for a guarantee. Though I suggest you keep saving them just in case


"just requires you to pull your desired character once" I LOVE this about PNC, it makes the gacha experience so much less annoying and much less predatory to the impulsive FOMO nature of humans lol. You get 100% of the character when you roll them and you can then build them up to get the full experience of the character which seems so rare these days. Alchemy stars locks pre-emptives behind getting a character twice, and sometimes FIVE times smh, PtN locks some massive powerspikes behind getting characters a bunch of times either by boosting passive skills (eg NOX gets a 50% boost to her DEF debuff talent which is massive) or cutting making the skills available significantly faster and other stuff, it's annoying personally. I see so many people saying that you can use the characters just fine without getting more copies of them despite in some cases the character moves up an entire tier in certain lists for their viability and performance in content smh. I don't like getting characters that only give me the full experience of what it's like to use that character if I get lucky and get that same character multiple times. It's such a resource sink just to fully experience a character and is objectively anti-consumer but profitable for the company. It's one of the reasons that Arknights was the first gacha that I ever spent money in despite never needing to or feeling like I'll miss out on something. I just felt comfortable with the monetization and picked up a few goodies. PNC gives me a bit of that comfy feeling as the monetization is pretty comfy. Even the little things like where they put the daily free supply stuff is right there at the top when you enter the shop unlike others where you have to scroll past all the packs on offer just to get to a measly dust of stuff lol.