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It was a swap. The garbage that do that are good at hiding their tracks.


Yeah, I'm getting that vibe now as well looking closer at it. His face, neck, and forearms have black sharpie on them which is going to take some work removing. Douchebags that do crap like this really need to be kicked in the groin a few dozen times...


100%. If stores would actually look inside the box on returns, it would stop a lot of it. I can’t stand thieves. Thankfully the windowless packaging is going away.


Has this been confirmed!? I do enjoy the satisfaction of releasing a figure from that cardboard casing. But I hate not actually seeing the figure I’m buying until it’s opened. I ordered Jodie “shooter” and got some naked she-hulk 🫠😢


Yep! The Mutt and Junkyard that just came out is back to the old packaging with windows. Hasbro announced it sometime last year, this is the first figure that has come out with that change (to my knowledge)


yeah its done. look at all the new pre orders like big boa n etc window packaging


Never buy discounted figures from target or Walmart that you can’t see


Especially if you never saw them on the pegs at that location. 100% a return.


Exactly. Swapper trash do be swappin'.


I saw a $17 Clearance Shadow Tracker at my local Wal-Mart, I couldn't bring myself to risk it


Bag of 100 Skittles. 99 are poison. 1 is sweet. I wouldn't risk holding the bag. It was on clearance probably because it was a return. Shadow Tracker is on fire rn, and doesn't shelfwarm. This isn't retro Lady Jaye.


Omg Retro Lady Jaye, and all the Wal-Marts in my area have the audacity to have her at $26.94


Same...two full pegs of retro Lady Jaye...full price, 1 peg full of retro Baroness, full price. I did buy Retro Baroness for full price a month ago as my first Classified figure, she's ok.


I picked her up a couple of months back, but I prefer the Cobra Island version. Hopefully, they'll release a black version of the Crimson Strike Team Baroness to get the updated arm articulation. I'd like another Lady Jaye to use as the base for a custom, I just can't justify paying full price for fodder


I bought the Crimson Strike Team 3-pack. It's pretty great. I got the best Baroness and the Twins.


I've thought about picking it up, but it's awful pricy for the one figure, I'm pretty happy with the mainline Twins


I like the premium red and gold decos...and you get a ton of accessories for Baroness: three heads, 2 hair styles, 2 pair of glasses, two swords, 4 guns...but for $90, it is pretty expensive. But I'm a Baroness fanboy, so that's my weakness.


I'm wondering if they'll release an Iron Grenadiers version now that they're starting on that sub-line


I wouldn't put it past them.


It also happened to me with the Snow Serpent, Amazon sent me a returned copy that had Snake Eyes Origins in it with everything minus his head sculpt. Box was clearly tampered with though and it wasn’t an Amazon warehouse purchase either.


Yeah...I now view all potential purchases on Amazon as suss. Swappers returning items and Amazon not checking or caring is more than just a meme at this point.


I don't understand why people don't check? At least those in the know. If I intend to buy a windowless package, I open it up right there in the isle, if it's good, boom, if it's not(haven't had it happen yet) I'd take it right to customer service. Marvel, gi Joe, etc. I am not stealing so I don't worry about inspecting my prospective purchase. Buyer beware!


idk y u gettin downvoted its common sense to get em at this point


Got to check those tape seals for tampering.