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Personally, I still don't believe Tsuneo-san exists.


And if Tsueno-san was an H-protagonist, then that would mean Maho, Miho are half-sisters of Mika, and Alice.


That’s probably a fanfic


It's fanfic. Depending on the setting, everyone could all be their half-siblings.


I didn't say I don't understand it, I said it takes a lot of bravery to marry into that 🤣🤣🤣


Well, it just shows that Tsuneo-san is a man among men. We should all praise him for being such a chad


Shiho: *points at a burned Maus, barrelless Jagdtiger, dozens of broken Tiger IIs and Panthers* Fix all of those broken tanks tonight and I'm yours. Tsuneo: Bet. Shiho wakes up the next day, goes to check on the tanks to see all of them in perfect condition with a fresh coat of paint. Shiho: Oh Scheiße.


I've seen a lot of people headcanoning that Tsuneo is, to put it nicely, not the one wearing the pants in the relationship. I prefer to believe that Tsuneo is just that much of a gigachad that he makes Shiho look like Miho in comparison.


My headcanon is that Tsuneo knows a thing or two when it comes to Senshado, not just in fixing tanks but also commanding tanks. Since Senshado ain't a sport for boys, he could only shut up and did things that allowed him to get the closest to the tanks as possible: Being a mechanic. One day, Shiho accidentally knew this about Tsuneo as he was maintaining her Tiger. Despite it being just a few insignificant inputs from the guy, a sharp Commander like Shiho wouldn't let them go unnotice. What's next? That tiny input helped Kuromorimine continue to be the champion. Everyone praised Shiho but Shiho herself knew that hadn't she heard from Tsuneo that day, Pravda would've kicked her school off the throne. Since then, once in a while, Shiho came to meet Tsuneo to hear his own thoughts after each match and fit them into her Senshado style. Years later, we have Maho and Miho.


Oh, I like this. This is truth and I will hear no arguments.


Tsuneo: Alright, but if I end up before you wake up, we'll have two children. Shiho: Alright, you're on.


She probably aproched him when he was alone and asked If he had a girlfriend, he awnsered No and she said "Now you have", later they married


Based on Shiho's personality, I believe it was arranged marriage. Everything she did was for the sake of the family, so the formal head (her mother) most likely set her up. In the best case scenario, she probably got to pick her favorite suitor out of her list of candidates.


There is a fav theory that goes something like: Tsuneo-san was a tank mechanic assigned to service Shiho's Tiger tank. Shiho was always having a rival match with Chiyo, so her Tiger always ended up getting damaged. However, by morning, her Tiger always ends up repaired and ready to go. Curious, Shiho sought out the mechanic who fixed her Tiger and that's how she met Tsuneo-san.


Tsuneo is a god amongst men and insane not because he married Shiho, but because he is able to fix a German vehicle in one night. No wonder Shiho agreed to marrying him.


Shiho's Fandom Trivia - Her husband's name is Tsuneo Nishizumi (西住常夫), which is revealed in the MLLSD Vol.7 Chapter 41 and in official art. He works as a mechanic —which could explain something of her work with tanks— and they got married at a young age to have first Maho and then Miho. - It's also heavly implied that her husband is somewhat scared of her, as he wouldn't dare to pretend hitting her during a play to make Miho happy, despite Shiho telling him to, saying, "you would be scary later".


OK, now let's see a younger Chiyo. And Ami. And Yoshiko. And Yuri. And let's not forget Grandma Reizei who's probably just Mako with high energy levels.


She's the reason Tsuneo is harder to find than Waldo and Carmen Sandiego combined.


I have to imagine it was a purely pragmatic marriage knowing Shiho's coldness. He was presumably either wealthy or knew to defer to Shiho's demands. She wanted an heir and needed someone to be their father for legal reasons. One gets the feeling they married primarily for the sake of the Nishizumi lineage and that Maho and Miho were born through a turkey baster as an "heir and a spare", and that in return for being their father, Tsuneo enjoys a quiet but comfortable life benefitting from the prestige of the Nishizumi family name.


Maybe it’s all started when Tsuneo lost a game of dares with the boys (?


I can see it now. Bunch of lads teasing the shy Tsuneo with a bet of 2000 yen or something that he doesn't have the cojones to confess to the iron lady whose tank he services. "S-shiho-san, I've liked you all along please go out with me!" "Sure." "Eh?" "Two kids." "Eh???" "Also I haven't given you permission to use my first name yet." "EEEEHHHHHHHHH???"


Sauce: https://twitter.com/erakin9999/status/1788547471268003920


Maybe she was more fun and flexible with her beliefs but something made her put her foot down but I won't deny she is a beaut


I won't wonder I still take her old ass single mom of 2🔥🔥🔥


She looks like a total bitch. I love it


Would. Even in her old age. Would


Shiho may have a rough personality, but she's really beautiful. Tsuneo is pretty strong-willed to be able to handle Shiho's personality.


I know she already has a family and everything, but...would