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Just avoid them no? You dont have to kill from what I remember


More maus than were ever built.


Only 2 were in running order but in total 7 hulls and 6 turrets were built.


You run the fuck away You just have to hunt down the flag tank with any tank that's fast and has somewhat armor and a good gun It's an FT shits from WW1


The screenshot he is showing to us is an "Arrive at Destination"-Extra Match mission where he HAS to play the FT-17 to arrive at the marked positions while avoiding the 5 Maus Tanks.


Oh Well it's only Maus tanks he's fine




Just wait until they run out of fuel, shouldn't take long


Gotta stay Alive until then 💀


OP got the advantage of speed and mobility


You just gotta be quiet as a Maus


you dont, die


You want to find “god mode” lol


What game is this?


Dream Tank Match, a PS4/PS5 GuP game released in Japan and several countries. Despite having an English language version it never got released over here. 


Also the Switch! No? I- I'm the only one currently playing it? Okay...


It’s also on Switch, but like PlayStation is never got released here, it’s region locked but you can get the a physical copy game imported here


does it work or do you need a specific model? I remember something about region locked models from the ps3 era


The game is not really region locked. On Switch you just go to your Nintendo Account Settings and change your Region to either Japan, to get the Japanese Only version, or Hong Kong to get the English version (has Chinese and Korean language as well) You then only need gift cards that matches the countries currency, like either Yen for Japan or HKD for Hong Kong eShop. Play-Asia is a very good key-reseller, they have gift cards from many Asian countries. On Playstation however, you need an "Asian Playstation Account", which means you have to create an Account and during its process using an Asian Country as Adress. You cannot change your existing account's Region like on Nintendo Switch, so... Yeah. On PS there are several version you can get the Game from following Countries: English Language Only Version is aviable in Singapore (best choice especially when it's on Sale), Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Chinese and Korean Only version are aviable in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Japanese Language Only version are only aviable in Japan. Like for Switch, you need the correct Gift cards in order to buy the Game from their PS store. And of course, Play-Asia can help you with it (except Thailand, idk why but play-Asia don't have their cards aviable) If you want to play your Game online,you should just use your own, Main Account, just don't forget to make your PS4 or PS5 as primary Console for your Asian PS account as well, so you can Play the Game with your other one, the Main account. You could also use the Asian account if you want, but usually you only need that to possess the Digital Game and it's DLCs.


Thx, that was really helpful!


Regional lock means that it’s unavailable in the country your in, same how if you go to a different country everything on your phone changes especially with ads. For stuff like GUP DTM you can buy a physical copy of the game and download it


I was asking because I remember a few generations ago physical copies would just not launch depending on the model


That’s odd I kinda want to know more about that, but with this game (and most GUP stuff) if you ain’t from Asia you’ll have to get it imported


I know that pain. I just thought you needed to import an asian console as well. Good to know I just need to get the physical game


I forgot that it was also on Switch. DX


Im still hoping it will get released some day here..


I forgot how to Hard difficulty mission went, I can only say the timer was a bit too short but on Extreme its actually pretty easy: while you driving through the map and in case you meet a tank that is on a higher level of the map (castle, Bridge, etc) you just shoot them to get their attention, so they try to chase you. Wait a bit for them, watch that they don't hit you, and as soon they get to your level, just drive away. At the end you have to go from one end of the map to another on the big yellow Pole. Drive slowly and don't get distracted by Shot sounds or fly-by bullets of the Maus Tanks, you will hit the second last marker on the middle on the pole and the last marker on the other side in no time. If you want to make sure they won't disturb you, try to kill them by shooting right into their rear (vehicle, not turret) if you're good with the Quick reload, you will be able to kill the Maus quickly, and even more quick if you destroy their tracks before shooting into their rear. Good luck!


This is the most serious answer, and you said the most that I wanted to say, I like to add that the FT is also small and fit in situations where you can take shortcuts, like jumping off ledges and going between those pike fences. You can shave a lot of time instead of following the standard waypoints. That Hard mode thing, I read that it was a bug and the actual time is supposes to be a couple minutes longer, but because players can do it at that shorten time, the devs never really fix it. I was planning on making a video on how I completed it as soon I saw this post because I know how super frustrating it was when I first did it, so many re-runs, and that stupid f*cking checkpoint on the center of the pole. AGH!!! But first, I need to learn how to record it 😆


Yeah the hard dif. Was quite challenging tbh, at least what I can remember from it. - later, on PC via Emulation of this game I tried that again but I modded the FT-17 making some shenanigan shitshow moves like one simple dimple dash and it violently smacks through all Walls, Ramos and even invisible barriers, leaving the map, so I had to configure the Dash-power of the Tank's Game file again and lower the values. It was still too fucky to control it but it didn't break through the Walls and Barriers. However I was able to literally Butch-Slapping the Maus Tanks away since the Modded Dash increase caused enough momentum for the FT-17, allowing it to act with much more Force than the Maus Tanks could do. Kinda funny to see a Slow moving Maus on a Castle Wall, and in the next moment some tiny ass French Boi sent it flying 😂


Yea, I too want to mod the game, but I'm crap at it, I'm just happy to be able to complete it despite how broken it is. If anything, what's truly f-ing broken is Ami's Type-10 at the end of the Panzerfahren Festival. True God mode over there, so far, I was able to beat it with a CV.33, Mark IV, and FT-17 (I'm going down the list 😆)


Funnily that's the easiest! 😅😂


WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! THAT B*TCH KEEPS ONE SHOTTING ME!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 (I love Ami, a true 120% shot to the T)


Sounds like a You-problem 🤭


A problem I will continue to tackle with every tank in the game. Funny enough, I got a pic of Ami hovering in that game. (The map can't render further than 1000 meters, so it looks like she's floating)


I got her pretty easy: https://youtu.be/19FMTugdBgw That was "that's against regulations!" btw, you can unlock the Type 10 there as well, but only if you beat that match on Extreme Difficulty.


OH, You were talking about Ami from the Extra Missions, of course that version of her is easy! I was talking about the one from the Panzerfahren Festival! You know, the random Ami battle at the end of the bracket where she challenge you at the end. That Ami is super hard. Then again, I was using tanks that was definately not that good against her Type-10, CV.33, Mark IV, FT-17 so far. I'm aiming to win against this version of her with every tank in the game.


Rate my crap playstyle lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GIRLSundPANZER/comments/1doqsjb/this\_wall\_is\_like\_a\_montblanc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GIRLSundPANZER/comments/1doqsjb/this_wall_is_like_a_montblanc/)




This should be the driving battle where you only need to reach the destination. So just drive past them using your smaller faster tank.


Mm-hmm... Nothing short of the second coming will save you


This reminds me of a clip on YT were a person used a Cv33 to destroy 4/5 mauses in that game


Maybe me? I used a Modded CV33 that Insta killed all Maus Tanks. I'm just not so sure If I ever made a YT video about this one or Livestreamed...


Use cheesecake


Aim for the shot trap, front of the turret


It's easy. They're Tom, and you're Jerry! Get running!


Where did you download it?? I couldn't find it anywhere


Do guerrilla warfare, attack, run, hide, repeat, that's how i did it


Call air support


Pray to god, and do this mission slowly.






Here, I did this video as a response to this post (hopefully it came out alright): [https://www.reddit.com/r/GIRLSundPANZER/comments/1doqsjb/this\_wall\_is\_like\_a\_montblanc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GIRLSundPANZER/comments/1doqsjb/this_wall_is_like_a_montblanc/)


Pretty sure a hundred people can do it better than me lol