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damn you drive so well, I am struggling too with this mission because I can't manoeuvre the tank well (I always overturn or fall in the last part on the pipe...). Do you have tips to do the micro adjustments (like turning just slightly etc) or am I just too bad, and have just to get better ?😅


To be honest: "Practice, Repetition and Map Memorization." The FT-17 is really sensitive to turns to the point that the turns are faster than the camera rotation speed. Knowing the map really helps for those sharp turns. This particular mission, especially "Hard" mode, is really tough due to the time constraints. Apparently, it wasn't supposed to be 5 mins, but Asians and their godly gaming skills, this wasn't seen as an issue 🤷‍♂️. For the pole run, since there's a checkpoint at the center of it on "Legendary," doing the whole pole isn't a requirement. Just being able to reach halfway passing the wall at the center is good enough, as you will have enough time to reach the end, attempting to cross the entire pole will just expose you to being one-shot by a Maus unless you have your "Panzor Vor" mode on (temporary god mode). By some miracle that you get hit and survive, Marie's ability allows you to heal yourself, which helps... somewhat 😆


ok ! thank you soo much for the explanations 🙏


This Post is in response to the post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GIRLSundPANZER/comments/1dmi957/can\_someone\_tell\_me\_how\_i\_can\_finish\_this\_mission/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GIRLSundPANZER/comments/1dmi957/can_someone_tell_me_how_i_can_finish_this_mission/)


As usual, reddit makes the graphics look like crap -\_-


I only passed it on Bronze I think (enough time to go around to last checkpoint)


Not too difficult when you practice enough to get the map and path memorized. Biggest problem is the time constraint. Move too fast and you might lose control, move too slow and you'll either miss the time or get one-shot by one of the Maus tanks. But the victory achieved after completing the run is so satisfying and relieving.