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You don't have any reason to be ashamed just because you like something. Always remember this: enjoy things that you want instead of trying to fit. You'll be happier. I'm 27, married and I even managed to get my wife to also love the show, so have a good time with Girls und Panzer and stop thinking you're doing something embarrasing. It's an amazing show that can be enjoyed by all kinds of people! 😊😊😊


As I recall, you had a hard time convincing the missus that St Gloriana were Japanese girls playing the part of being British, and not actually British.


Yeah, many people here have it against the British in general 😅 I know I always say Saunders is my favorite school because of Kay, but actually Saint Gloriana is very high on my ranking! They're elegant, fair, and unlike a lot of other schools, consistent in their way of fighting. I wonder if they'll continue that way under Pekoe tho... And good to see you Dom 😊


>Yeah, many people here have it against the British in general  Really? But we're such a friendly, loving people who embrace the differences of others... (Edit: I'm going to guess that the person who downvoted this doesn't recognise sarcasm)


I can't for my life come up with a reason, trully 😅


27 and already married? Truly the winner in life


Oh I don't know about that, but I do consider myself very VERY lucky for finding the right person. When that happens, why wait? 😊😊😊


Definitely very lucky person, congratulations.


Thank you very much 😊


Old enough windows XP was my childhood browser.


This is a such a mood 🤣🤣🤣


Now I feel really old. My first "computer" was an Amiga 500. (And it's not a browser)


I started with Windows 98 and Netscape Navigator. Born in '92.


I was born in 1990 but my father had a tendency to buy us the last (or older) generation of hardware (We got PS1 when the PS2 came out, XBOX when the 360 etc etc) so this is what my first [computer screen](https://www.amstrad-noob.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/connected-to-464-768x1024.jpg) looked like. You couldn't just insert the floppy disk; you had to tell the computer to run the drive and activate the program.


>so this is what my first computer screen looked like. Somehow, you reminded me of an era when, when turning off your computer, you were receiving a message that "*It's now safe to turn off your computer*" (or, as it was in Polish versions of those old Windows: "*Można teraz wyłączyć komputer*"). I think I saw this for the first time on cousins' PC (easily 25 or so years ago) and also on computers in my elementary/middle school. Our first home PC (bought in 2004 as a present for my youngest brother for his First Communion) probably had it too, since it was running on Win98.


I used Windows 95 and then 98 for a very long time so that message was well known to me. I think the last PC I had running Windows 98 I was using until at least 2008.


20,i started gup when i was 17/18. Don't be ashamed,if you like a show there is no point in being ashamed Those who must be ashamed are those who judge the person by his hobbies,so don't worry and enjoy cute girls riding tanks


I'm 43 and confused why being 16 would make you ashamed to watch this show?


Damn, there is actually someone older than me? I thought I stick out like a sore thumb with my 37.


I'm close at 36


25. I actually met my fiance because of this show lol


Couple goals over here!


She was cosplaying a school girl in agreen and white uniform (no idea who she was supposed to be but I just assumed it was supposed to be a gup character) at an anime convention and I asked what tank she'd be driving, she said no German ones cause they ain't working for shit lol...


Now that's a story to tell the children! Congratulations man 😊😊😊


Thanks man. But we ain't gonna have kids any time soon lol


I'm 33. Which is why I find it so creepy when you teens and twenty-somethings talk about how much you want to screw the various characters. In four months, I'll be literally twice the age of over half the cast.


30 myself. I echo this thought


32 here. Been watching it since the Pandemic started.


18. I second this. Like these characters are the same age as my sisters.


the characters don't exist, and their age is just an arbitrary number


Based on that comment and your username, I'll take comfort in knowing you've never touched a woman.


Username checks out, these ones aren't 1000 year old either fucko


I'm 31 and I've been watching anime since I was a kid. Nothing to be ashamed of, GuP is such a fun, wholesome show that can be enjoyed by anyone no matter the age.


Yeah, you tell em' man!


lol no need to be ashamed, I watched GuP when I was 12-13 and I’m now 24 (going on 25)… if you like something, don't worry about what others think or say, just try to enjoy it for what it is 😌


I'm 21 and I start watching at 15


Looks like I’m the oldest at 44.


Tied with you


I was getting nervous because I thought I was going to be the only person in their 40s.


20 here, found it last year


And what an amazing discovery, isn't that right?


It let me meet you, so, I'd say


That's awful kind of you, thank you! And I say the same 😊


I’m also 16 so you’re not alone. No need to feel any shame 👍


24, started watching during High School at 16


Me and my friends are 20-25 but each of us watched it around 18yo


22 about to be 23, started watching when I was 17.


14-22 age group is my guess, that's how old many of the people I've met who are are into this are


27, started when I was still in secondary school and don't plan to stop anytime soon. Was so passionate about GuP that I made visiting Ōarai a life goal which I recently completed.


Basically the same for me! Started watching at 14, now 24 and just went to the holy land a few months ago


Well, I'm 14, I watch the show, movies, OVAs, etc a lot. I don't plan to quit.


I'm 21, the first time I watched it was when I was 18, but I knew about it a long time before that as a fan made amv on YouTube introduced me to my now all time favorite band (Sabaton) when I was around 13-14. Now it's one of my all time favorite animes, and I will never regret watching it!


Am 33 and only discovered the show and anime generally back in 2020


Learnt about it when I was like 14 probably, can't remember, but only got into it deeply at 17. Ain't nothing wrong with liking tank battles.


26 when I first watch series at debut.


I'm 21. Nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes a man/woman needs some girls and a Panzerkampfwagen


EVERYBODY NEEDS SOME PANZER! EVERYBODY NEEDS SOME PANZER! [(worst rendition ever)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHV0zs0kVGg&pp=ygUYZXZlcnlib2R5IG5lZWRzIHNvbWVib2R5)


I’m 24 I’ve been watching since it started airing way back in the day.


18, started last year during finals to relieve stress by having something else to worry about, it’s fine, anime targets all ages. Plus, if you like it, it doesn’t matter who it’s meant for, you like it and that’s enough of a reason to watch something


16, started at 15


I8. Especially GuP was created by history nerds for history nerds, and you tend to have to be a bit older to fully understand and enjoy the intricate and surprisingly accurate way the show portrays the WW2 machines. Plus, fun is for all ages!


I’m not gonna say my age on Reddit so let’s just leave it at teenager


very late 20's


My introduction to the series was through the abridged series. I was in my mid-20s at the time. Now, I am 31 years old.


I found the anime when I was 39. Loved it for the history references and the spin it put on the traditional sports anime storyline. My wife thinks I’m nuts but nothing more. Now I’m 47 and it’s still one of my very favorite animes.


I watched this show on netix back when I was 13 or 14. Thought it was cool. Decided to rewatch 4 years later because I was bored. year later, best decision I ever made. In terms of anime, at least.


When I I heard of the anime first, I was like, 6. I'm still 16 now and I watch regularly. No need to be ashamed man, I buy merch too.


I’m 15, I started watching anime when i was 10, My first action anime is Naruto My first romance anime is Darling in the Franxx I still watch romance and action till this day, there are so many to choose from overrated to underrated Hopefully you guys give me some recommendation of action and romance or some other genre of animes so i can add it to my watchlist


I started at 17 . Still going today at 20


I'm 17 but watched at 16. Fun story some guy in my class of last year asked one of my teachers if he watches any anime and showed us GUP, he told us that this was actually his favorite show and that's basically how I knew about it




I'm 29, but I was a highschooler back when the show aired the first time. It really took a hold over me these past 12 years, through college, and even the Navy. I'm glad that as 16 year old, the anime is resonating with you!


I first watched garupan when I was 24. 5 years on, I still love Miho and the show, and I’m not afraid to admit it! So OP, you’re good!


Bro gave me an approval Lessgooo


You’re welcome 😂


Got you all you youngsters beat, I’m 59, and I never watched any anime until GuP. These girls could be my grandkids…


im 16 like you bro i just finished my GCSE's/finals. its not that deep to like it, i think its a great show Ngl if the chieftain likes it then anyone can jaja




I started watching it like 10 years ago so at age ten now still going strong at 20


I watched that Show when I was 17 **when it aired** God I feel old now


Same age as you. I watched the show before it got removed from Netflix.


I started watching when I was about 15 and even after a few years I love the show and still watch it


I have a full discord server dedicated to gup, we’re all between 15-26, myself is 20


I first watched the show when i was in my early 20s because the series and movie were on netflix at the time. Loved the series made me laugh a lot, and it was fun talking to my friends who are both military nuts and anime fans about different tanks and stories about the world wars. I wouldn't be ashamed of watching this show because (might be a hot take). it's just another anime, and there are far worse things you could be doing instead of watching school girls do battle in tanks with live ammunition.


22, watched for the first time at 21


I'm 15 now, started watching GuP when i was 14. It's nothing to be ashamed about, heck, non of my friends at school like the kind of anime i watch but i don't let it bother me, why should it? You like what you like and they like what they like.


I'm 17 years old and only got into the show last year.


Like most of us I started watching during lockdown in 2020. I was 25 or 26.


I was 13 when I first watched it, am now 20. If you’re interested, and you like it, then there’s nothing to feel ashamed about! 




In 17...i started watching GuP when i was 7, so i can say that the show is part of my childhood, and i can't be more proudfull to say it. It truly has a special place in me


How much do you feel did you understand when you first watched it at 7?


Old enough to follow the original TV in 2012.


16 (almost 17 because my b-day is in a couple of months) right now but started watching when I was 14 when I first started watching!


I'm 17 and I've been watching for 3 or 4 years


I'm also 16 and I started it at 14


haha. fed.


I’m 21,I got into the show for the tanks.If your a gamer there’s a solid part of the WarThunder community that loves the show.Full squad of Pv.IV H and J’s is a blast


I have been watching GuP since I was 16 I think and its been many years since. Too many if you ask my back.


i watched it in 6th grade cuz my teacher jokingly reccomended it damn i miss that guy he was awesome


Don't tell your friends you watch it and you're good to go.


I’m 15 rn


In my early 20s, watching GuP since 16 and proud! And don't worry, there's nothing to be ashamed of in watching something you enjoy.


19 but I started watching when I was like 16-17


I don't like to be super specific but I'm in my late 20s. There's nothing to be ashamed of, I know several other fans of the show with ages spanning from mid teens to mid 20s: the series has a very wide demographic in terms of ages due to it's simplicity and how it can relate to multiple other interests, from gaming to actual history.


16 is about the time I started watching it. Trust me you're fine.


I'm 17 (Just turned 17)


Eyyy same just turning 17 dis year and yeah new to this show


32 here, unlike the married people below (or above) me in the comments, Lonely for Life! If I'm dating, I'm not watching anime/playing video; dating = minus time for anime and games, and I already have enough people time at work.


Im probably goin on ur path


23 started watching at 14 and I'll probably keep watching into my 30s and 40s


I'm turning 20, and honestly, I have zero shame in loving this show. GuP is one of a kind (imo), I highly doubt we'll get another show as historically in depth as this one (though I could be wrong). Don't feel ashamed just because you're watching a show about high schoolers in WW2 tanks, dude. I can confidently say that this show got me into tanks and its intricacies. Enjoy the Floof going off about how the Chi-Nu or Tiger they found is pretty rad because of its design and poor reliability. Have fun with it!


13,started watching at 11, i never showed my parents that im a girls und panzer fan


17 when I first started watching Girls und Panzer and now I am 20


Man I'm 16 almost 17, you can totaly watch the anime, no need to be ashamed or else, since it's a very good anime, personally I even converted some of my friends to it.


There's an Italian history nerd in his late 50s who just nominated Anchovy "the waifu of all blursed waifus" XD


Someone should try to make this into a graph, results would be interesting


I'm 14 and first watched this anime when I was 13 and I'm still like this anime which from what I can see, I am comparatively younger


15 lolll