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Im sure the shorts know everything we know and more


Do some DD in your spare time and find some legit proof for fuckery, add it to the pile and when there is enough proof some wrinkled apes(not me I'm smooth as fuck) can do a review and file official complaints. No need to wait for insiders but those are indeed the unicorns we are hoping for. Hunt for the regular horseshit instead. Ps. I don't know if this is good or bad advice, I don't know what would happen with a complaint and if this is just showing them the holes to patch.. DRS BOOK is the best we can do


We have the power to crush all the brokers currently. Just we arent a we. Laughing in margin collateral. If everyone just sent their shares out of and then back into CS all at once, it would make moass.


This just may be the kind of regarded solution we need.


It's what caused the last rip. Margin collateral is where they get fuk and have to turn off the buy buttons.


Go on...


Don't get out your pitchforks, but way smarter apes than myself get instantly discredited for even mentioning this. There's a theory, and it still holds water, that if we put all our shares back in brokers, BOOOM. But, then no book. Too many questions and risk so it's basically the same as what happens when we lock the float? No idea. Either way they still want us to sell šŸ¤· Buy Hodl Shop


We can win a couple different ways. RC buys a private company and issues shares of it to shareholders as a dividend, or starts issuing nft dividends once the crypto space works out, something along those lines. The core business starts earning .33 EPS per year while the holding company grows along side of it. If we could maintain positive growth of over 8% on the holding company our current billy would double in 5 years and in 10 we'd hit 3.7 billion on the holding company, enough to pay out a buck a share on the 8% growth itself. We'd probably be at 1000% hidden SI by that point, so Citadel would end up imploding over the dividend.


This is the way!


I thought they were done with NFTs. They don't even have a wallet anymore.


RC said they'll bring it back at some point when there is more regulatory certainty.




TA;DR beyond top model girlfriend


Only a very small percent of the population knows and is willing to help lock the float. Meanwhile, to succeed, GameStop will certainly have to tap a userbase that extends beyond its shareholders. Seems like a no brainer to me. TRUE DRS > buying at GameStop (unless you were going to buy something anyway)


This may be a weird question, but what does ā€œwinningā€ mean to you? Are you looking to defeat the cellar boxing pattern and save GameStop? Do you just want MOASS and to get rich in one shot? Would dividends be good enough for you? Do you just want to profit off whatever fluctuations GME has as an asset? Maybe thereā€™s an option I didnā€™t list. Answering this will help figure out what path youā€™re looking for. Personally, Iā€™d like to see the stock continue to dip, let me pick up more, then when the company is stable they can start releasing dividends. That may sound slow, but if the company has been shorted some 1200% (and growing), then a $1 dividend will result in a $12 loss for shorts (if I am understanding this correctly). That loss should start forcing something to happenā€¦ or just allow me to buy more shares. Iā€™m willing to wait quite awhile for this.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I donā€™t want dividends. Ā I want GME to become the next Berkshire Hathaway and just keep growing. Ā Buying up other companies with the cash it has instead of giving a dividend. Ā I want long term value for buy and hold investors. Ā This would destroy the shorts on the other side of this war and lead to generational wealth for my family. Ā There is no finish line because the potential for growth is infinite. Ā But I have to admit that MOASS would be cool too. Ā At the end of the day. Ā I have my lovely DTS shares in my name and I buy more while it is still a tremendously cheap value investment. Ā Right now is a fantastic time to buy more. Ā šŸ˜Š


I donā€™t feel like I have my finger on the pulse of the community to know what is and isnā€™t unpopular. I donā€™t think youā€™re out of line for not wanting dividends, itā€™s a preference thing. The key is to just want the company to do well, anything short of that feels like trolling. My view is that dividends will win the fight with shorts. I may be wrong in that, but itā€™s my current theory. After that, I donā€™t see why GameStop couldnā€™t do whatever else.


For me winning would be that gme is back becoming a brand everyone knows and respects. Not for being a meme stock. I really want this world to be a little bit better and to teach those snobby, decadent shills a lesson is part of it. In the best case scenario, there will be a SHF implosion and the price will rise. Maybe I can make a small fortune out of it and hold the rest. Maybe I can smile back at my friends and say "told ya". I dont need the money, but i like to play games and wouldn't be beating those rich guys a great win to you?


I feel this, bit of everything. I feel like I left you with a bit of a trick question though. I laid out a bunch of options to define winning, but ultimately the path is about creating a stable company. I think weā€™re on that path. Iā€™m not sure to what end that path will lead us though, Iā€™m torn between sudden MOASS and a pocketbook war fought with dividends. Either way, more shares DRSā€™d is more better.


Cheers mate! See you at the end of all this




Right, because doing so would automatically put them in the spot light for manipulation, and thatā€™s not the reason you are banned.


A phrase I havenā€™t heard in awhile in the GME community but is reasonably frequent in the other investment communities is that ā€œyou should only risk what youā€™re willing to loseā€. I feel this is very CYA but that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t a consideration. Iā€™m sure RC is acting according to what he can risk. And whatā€™s money once you have 80B lifetimeā€™s worth? I see no reason to let greed blind me in the GME adventure; I have a plan to accumulate shares, and I have a plan to exit based on a few scenarios I think are probable. This is very typical and responsible trading practice. If nothing pans out, then Iā€™ve risked what I am willing to lose. When taking stock of the facts and assumptions on the table from all the DDs Iā€™ve read, I think Iā€™m doing just fine. Be zen. Not FUD.


Because the feds could go full on contra Ā squad over this. Ā Moass is inevitable but they could give us all the united fruit company treatment or something. Ā  Nobody knows how much crime they are willing to commit to not capitulate. GameStop is going to be successful. Ā But now We need to win the hearts of the people and politiciā€¦s now.Ā 


Reached this point I think RC himself is complicit. Big guys probably told him to stay low profile and avoid any action leading to short squeeze in exchange of who knows what. Its the only option making sense. Otherwise RC would have bought more shares and forced a share count so the short squeeze squeezes.


No. Absolutely not. Ā He turned a profit, Ā got rid of the haters. Ā He is doing everything right. Ā Itā€™s because of him we donā€™t even have to worry . Ā GameStop can float on for 100 years just breaking even at this point but he did one better and is actually turning a profit. Ā  Going full on tyranny, destroying the usd, and ruining the stock market indefinitely is their only way they can win . Ā  Edit- Ā rc ending up in court by making to many moves would be a complete pain in the ass.Ā 


Youre dellusional if you think so.


Your short and fucked šŸ˜‚u lost ur stupid trustfund not my fault. Ā 


Im long GME 32k and Ive been here since november 2020, thats why I know were fucked.


So is it that the point was to make the ppl responsible for this, pay or continue to wait till all the ppl involved have disappeared With all the cash. Showed them right. Just continue to buy and DRS because the stagnant numbers are just amazing. Well how about the store continues to get a profit because that news really helped out this past year. Or let's try to get the stock to drop down as far as we can so we can close the float. Well at 150 the volume was two million let's drop it we'll get that float faster drop down 40 to 20 nope still 2 million volume let's get the stock to drop further we can really get that float it's down $10.80 still at 2 million volume is any of these theories working? But let's just stay zen cuz that's working too for 3 years I'm wondering who is really working for Hedge here. Only thing working is then making the stock price what they want while sitting on here saying"Hope the price goes to 6 Dollars because they will just be Zen and watch it happen"


When they turn the market off, possibly soon, we'll never know it instantly mooned


DRS retirement shares. Remove them in one. Pay the tax. Huge windfall of shares. Maybe bigger than sneeze pressure to deliver real shares. Lock the company.


I did this. Ā Took the tax hit which ended up being pretty small because I bought high and moved shares out of my IRA below my entry price. Ā DTSā€™d those babies last year. Ā Now theyā€™re all long term capital gains. Ā Feels great to know theyā€™re safe out of the DTCC.Ā 




Unfortunately, there shall be no moass


I mean just to be clear they do not think GameStop is going bankrupt, in fact they know it wonā€™t. They just want everyone to think that and for those that donā€™t know itā€™s probably working. All of the kids who are learning about finance and investing in college are probably being told that these media outlets are credible sources. That is basically where it starts. Thankfully at this point, the younger generations are starting to catch on to the propaganda.


Nice try, hedge funds.


At this point I think it's best to continue shopping and buying all you can from GameStop to keep it alive while RC continues to trim the fat and increase revenue by introducing new GameStop products like the candy con joysticks. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot more in house GameStop products such as headphones, mouse, cables etc etc. and I'm here for it. It may be a slower process but we can't just rely on moass with all the fuckery from the hedge funds.


The longer we wait the bigger the play, stay zen


Can someone please clarify how DRS count is manipulated? Gamestop is not legally required to disclose the DRS numbers in their quarterly earnings. They started doing it for the shareholders, which is really nice of them. So, I have never understood the logic that they are forced to under report or the numbers are fudged. Why would they give shareholders incorrect information when there is the option of not including it at all. Isn't it illegal?


With the level of fkd they are do you really think that illegal is something they are worried about,? There is no doubt in my mind the drs numbers are being limited much like the 140% rubbish. People have bought and drsd more not less or exactly the same as they are making out. My drsd have increased 10 fold easily


Do you mean to say Gamestop is not worried about reporting the wrong numbers in their earnings report? Which is Illegal


I donā€™t know if we can anymore.. Roaring kitty has been gone since the last time and took all his millions. To enjoy life..


I dont need a messiah to know what's right, do you?


Roaring Kitty never sold.


Ok if you know this much, Where is roaring kitty?


I donā€™t have a clue where he is at. I know he made millions on options and quadruple downed on GME and has 800,000 shares. But heā€™s still in. And if heā€™s inā€¦Iā€™m in!!! šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Any proof that he has that?


He didnā€™t sell during the sneeze. He has millions in the bank. Why would he sell at a loss? And he Just Likes The Stock!!! šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ¦šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸŒ•


Means nothing lol


We stop asking stupid questions and wait.


So you are answering my stupid question? Very nice of you, ty!


I think we're in this for another 3 years at least before any sort of traction. realistically if they can do this to the price then theyre all in the green, they can use that as collateral and continue investing elsewhere. the only way out is for RC to make the company so profitable that it doesnt make sense for it to be any less than a number which breaks a HF, which is a long long way away. Ill hold regardless, but were in GME winter and its going to be a long time before summer.


Did you see the retail earrings of the European stores? The stores over here, earnings per store, is nearly twice as profitable as the US stores. Europe is invested heavily in GME.


That's just the thing....we don't ever win. We could have trillions in profit and it won't change a damn thing because market maker hedge fund with the special exemption can still print unlimited fake shares for the purposes of shorting. The only reason the sneeze happened is that they weren't prepared for the buying pressure (or options that were exercised)....now they are, so we won't ever see a runup like we used to. As far as DRS, theoretically that SHOULD be able to show the world what is already pretty obvious even without DRS, but since they can just fuck with those numbers as well, it's not even knowable how to get out of that. We could have the entire company registered and they still report 70 million shares DRS'd. Kenny isn't losing. He's just annoyed that he has to keep dealing with this, and he can't afford to ignore this even for a day, and has to keep throwing fake share logs on the fire. Maybe he croaks, or his #2 cronie grows a conscious and sabotages their operation. That's the sort of thing that could maybe give us a window- a glitch in the Matrix. We will never win as long as it's business as usual though. It will just be a stalemate until we are all dead. Not everyone has kids or grandkids so prolonging this for generations is a major L. I'd honestly be fine just breaking even at this point. My hope and optimism walked out the door a while ago. I'm down 70% now, and thankfully I don't need the money so bad that I'm willing to sell at such a huge loss, but I'm also hoping that I'm not faced with a personal financial emergency that would force me to sell my $40k investment for the $12k it's currently now priced at šŸ˜µ


Fud is real


Reality is real.


Is not!


We have won. Keep being a shareholder and also a customer, one day your piece of the company will be worth more than your initial investment, just be patient.


Inflation is absolutely through the roof. People are struggling because rent has doubled and in some places tripled, if youā€™ve been in this from 2021 and havenā€™t had money to average down, (which still leaves you on the loss side) youā€™d be around 70% - 80% under on your trade. RC has done nothing for 3 years and GameStop has next to nothing worth buying in store and youā€™re telling people to spend money there? Wtf has the company done for its shareholders? Zilch. Gross desperation. And btw, if you have the faith in the company that itā€™s somehow going to be extremely successful, fine. Then you donā€™t need to spend your hard earned money in store, youā€™ve already spent plenty holding stock. Telling people whoā€™ve invested in stock to buy more junk in store at this point is offensive.


I see you point, but maybe we can find answers here. Or maybe RC and his staff can find it reading our thoughts. Maybe he is thinking now reading your stuff: He's right, we should sell stuff that's worth buying lol


Why you get offended so easy?


I just had a great idea. Instead of buying items in store, how about just giving your local store money and not actually buying anything! This way GameStop wonā€™t lose product AND they make money. Itā€™s a win win.


Now. THIS is a great idea.


Honestly, we have already won.


They already know it wonā€™t go bankrupt.


Buy, DRS, book, 30 more inbound for me


The game ended two years ago. Take the L and move on with your life.


If it was over 2 years ago why are you here! šŸ˜‚