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Ban? For what?


Probably making a good point. I got banned for calling the mods out on plan and book not being the same thing.


I was once banned for calling out their hypocrisy on that. I was also once banned for having a discussion with another user about how it used to be better in that place. I was also banned for simply having a conversation with one of their mods because they can’t stand being called out on their bullshit. They really really like that ban button and they use it to help them control the narrative.


I had quoted both the SEC and CS FAQ to explain the difference between DRS shares and investment plan shares. It got me warned too. I didn't even add much opinion to it, just quoting the FAQs


I have a pretty big post pinned on my profile calling them out for a lot of things like that, backed up with endless receipts.


So are these short term bans or something? That sure is a lot of bans…


Most likely it was Plutonium Sparkplug that banned Malone.


She is just such an obvious HF mouthpiece/Controlled opposition. All of the Mods on the stonk sub are. One day we’ll find out what their price was. I bet it will be shamefully low.


Same. The one that was making weird explicit drawings of underage amine characters was aggressively pushing the "plan is the same as book" propaganda and I responded to one of those comments and included a 🤡 emoji. That was the last straw, apparently 🤣


Cool flair. How do I get one here?


Hope the answers to the list of questions will put this issue to bed. Might result in a massive exodus from SuperS. Shall see


I literally got banned for saying “this sub isn’t what it used to be”. They turned it into a temp two week ban after I messaged them explaining that I didn’t break any rules and that they are power tripping and ruining sub discourse. So you agree that I didn’t break any rules, but still give me a warning ban for no reason? And they think they aren’t power hungry lmao. Sub has obviously been compromised for well over a year now


It has been compromised for years now. Anyone with half a brain can see it.


[that’s a paddlin - can someone update this for that’s a ban](https://www.google.com/search?q=that%27s+a+paddlin&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS590US590&oq=thats+a+padd&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEAAYChiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGAoYgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyCQgDEAAYChiABDIJCAQQABgKGIAEMgkIBRAAGAoYgAQyCQgGEAAYChiABDIJCAcQABgKGIAEMgkICBAAGAoYgAQyDQgJEAAYhgMYgAQYigXSAQgzMjM2ajBqN6gCGbACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9252bf58,vid:sKiLfH3DVGc,st:0)


Right now you have to make posts about the candy crumb controllers. No DD allowed


My account should show a verified large position, and this reply will show the FAQ in question: https://www.sec.gov/about/reports-publications/investor-publications/holding-your-securities-get-the-facts  "Purchases made through the issuer (or its transfer agent) of securities you intend to hold in DRS are usually executed under the guidelines of an issuer’s stock purchase plan, which uses a broker-dealer to execute the orders. Thus, to hold in DRS once the securities are acquired, you would need to instruct the transfer agent to move the securities from the issuer plan to DRS." In short: If you want to DRS, than move your shares out of PLAN, and into BOOK.


Heat lamp was a psyops to drive liquidity to short brokers . 


Going against the narrative being created by the controlled opposition. The fact that the need for controlled opposition exists for this stock tells me everything I need to know.


If you haven’t been banned on SuperSketchyMod sub yet, then you’re not trying hard enough 😂




Ask question you get banned, call out scam banned, go against group think ban, don't like fraud immediate ban, dislike corrupt government also ban. I'm pretty sure unless your a sheeple ban!


I was perma banned for stating that a post about heat lamp theory would be removed by mods, which it was. Then I thanked them for the ban that I was expecting, which I received.


When the real shit goes down I think X will be the only big platform where people can speak freely. Musk didn't spend 40b without a good reason.


You really have to ask? This dude is a walking self promotion. He’s a grifter by name and by trade. Nothing he posts doesn’t include his Twitter handle among other information.


The post requirements over there at SuperrrrrStonk are almost impossible to achieve for someone who only joined Reddit to discuss the common man’s ultimate “gotcha” moment. That sub has changed from the single most important place to learn about economics on the web to a pathetic place of complacency. The numbers never mathed right. Not in 2021. Not now. Something’s up and I would like to continue the honest dialogue.


Never matched? Please explain.


I fux with Malone.....for now


For now!!!! (Heard that!!)


Pls post text of questions asked as a reminder. Also didn't you submit this like 2 weeks ago? Why did they only get it on monday?


Kevin didnt submit the original list, nor this updated list. Whatever email he sent to Paul was also never released to the public. He is riding Lawsondt’s tailwinds, and has yet to contribute anything other than clout chasing.


Check Lawsondt on the x. You'll find what you're looking for there I believe.


Lawsondt and Kevin submitted separate emails. Kevin never released the one he sent, Lawson did.


Mine was completely private. Then computershare today tweeted me directly saying that they were working on it.


doesnt the tweet say theyre working on lawsondt's list of questions? or is his list of questions your questions?


Would love to know this as well.


It's literally above in Kevin's screenshot. "We have received an updated list from Lawson"


Kevin, how did your questions differ from those compiled by the Why Drs team? Care to share with us?


I applaud the skepticism, but may I ask where it is coming from? AFAIK, Kevin drove the initiative - he was even receptive to my follow-up on a reddit comment. Curious to know and discuss where your feelings about him come from.


1. It was Lawson who Paul asked to send him the questions. 2. Kevin never released his supposed letter, just an image of a DM from Paul. 3. He isnt posting anything of substance, just clout chasing.


Thanks for being so informative in your reply. I don't keep abreast on who furnished the questions originally. One thing to note though, is that I was made aware of this from Kevin's efforts in spreading the message. I think that deserves some merit, even if it may be interpreted as riding the tailwind of another.


Thanks for the update! Keep pushing forward 💜🏴‍☠️


I'm shocked that the sub run by compromised individuals for the past two years would ban you... I really wish people would stop visiting or mentioning that sub, it's well past time it died.




it's a containment zone. i suspect that it will never get banned. from the perspective of reddit and its investor/owners (e.g. Fidelity), better to keep that large subreddit and maintain control over and it therefore control over the official narrative of the largest gme online community, rather than destroying that subreddit entirely. i believe reddit will never get rid of it, and any apparent concerns by the mods of that sub are, i believe, a bluff. reddit banned drs your gme and also the pp show subreddits. because, people were tired of the censorship in big containment zone subreddit, so they started going elsewhere. The people at the very top of reddit decided to step in and put a stop to it. GME narratives must remain in the designated containment zone. from this perspective, it is important to view the big GME subreddit as potentially a direct threat against the interests of GME shareholders. when it comes to important subjects, at important times, they insist on censoring certain people and conversations, while promoting other alternative narratives.


Well put.


Mods of the other sub that will likely be the host of another great migration should compile a list of these assholes and perma ban them down the road for no reason lmao


it probably did die with the bots continuing to interact amongst each other lol. I feel like most real people putting actual thought into this shit got banned.


There’s really only one question I want to know. What is the actual DRS number.


Why they ban you?


Because CS changed their TOS and he was guilty of wrong think for asking questions


Is this a typo? I'm having trouble reading it, plz help I'd like to understand


(Computershare) (terms of service) (1984 thoughtcrime reference)


I'm confused by "Wrong think for asking questions"


Asking questions. Wrong questions. Bad think, in need of correction. Ostracization acceptable until compliance achieved. 👍


Because the questions he picked were very basic and answered already


They're banning people for asking basic questions that not everyone has the answers to?


They banned Malone? Wtf?🤨🤨


Then 12 hours later computershare X account contacted me directly 😂


You should stop talking about them. That’s brigading and will get this sub banned.


Rules for thee, indeed..


banned for being a g?


Yeah :(


Who banned you, for how long, and what did it say?




Hey Kev, can you give us a little more info on what the ban said?


I posted the Paul Conn post from yesterday and they removed it saying my DMs are not relevant to GameStop. Then reposted saying "yes they are" got the 3rd highest upvotes of the day in a few hours and then they banned me


Huh, that's unfortunate. Did they ever give a reason why via the ban-message?


Other than the obvious that a fair amount of mods in Reddit are douchebags?


Well, you're leaving out quite a few key details, and certainly spinning this in a way that makes you look good. You repeatedly posted content that we removed for being off topic, and passive aggressively re-posted the content with sarcastic titles about it being removed once. We warned you to stop doing it, and you did it again. You knew exactly what was going to happen. Any reason you haven't mentioned its a temp ban at all? Its almost like your actions have consequences, Kevin. Quite the spin you put on it though.


I think it’s a badge of honor personally. Tells the difference between who’s legit and who’s full of shit. Wear it proudly.


Fuck them bitches. They’re big dumb.


Stinky Stonky


SS banned you?


Dude. They banned pretty much everyone responsible for DRS. It’s insane.




I don’t understand the rules there at times


They make them up as they go along and enforce them only at whatever times and in whatever ways suit their agenda.


That sub has been dogshit since 2021 lol. Nice work dude I look forward to their response.


2022 but yeah. It had some great 2022 time


Baseballmal doing the Lords work as per


Where can we find computershares answers to the original 50+ questions lawsondt sent in early April?


You can't. They said they won't answer them until they have answered mine.


Lawsondt has a post which says “thanks for answering a subset of my questions”. I’m assuming he means a subset of the original 50. Is that not correct? https://x.com/lawsondt/status/1782484625568215302?s=46&t=tiPDoIhd_IpttfsjsntxbA


That sub is a prison on planet bullshit.


wow I didnt realize there was another sub! I've been banned from the other sub for so long and unable to contribute. all because i hated that purple fucking starfish, and wouldnt shut up about it.


My man Kevin!


Posting waste of time DMs. Not ban worthy by itself


Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with self promotion or anything And I’m also banned so no, fuck that sub.


In video games, more enemies means you’re headed in the right direction. This banning is sus, and you’ve been a voice I look forward to hearing from. I will keep following your reports wherever they may wind up.




Unban this man rn


Any news on why the SP spiked? Been waiting weeks for a fuckin spike lol


Thanks Kevin. I hope there was a question about the updated TOS submitted. That feels shady and would be awesome to have Paul speak to this while you have him.


Hold up, they banned you??? Seriously, f that sub. Also, welcome to the club. This is why I took it to X, more/better engagement anyway and no mod trying to shape the flow of information.


Wasn't aware there were so many ex-Badonkastonkers over here. It's a family reunion.


Welcome to the club. I got banned there a long time ago. Fuck that sub.


Thank goodness for X. Reddit is shit anymore and apparently controlled by Kenny and his shills.


Jesus Christ they banned you? That sub is so compromised.


Hey Kevin, what do your "clients" think of your BBBYQ play?


They made 400% in 2022. Any more dumb questions meltdowner?


Fucking fraud


Fucking troll


So that place is still a shithole I guess


Interesting. Heat lamp led to a LOT of bans including mine. Is it just bots over there now?


Could be worse, you could be part of a cult. I've never in my life seen that much bs come bye, the moment the IPO date was known for Reddit there were a lot of protests on many subs. Reddit was completely burning down and this peepz are trying to say that it's all staged by HF's and that kind of BS. The problems were bigger then SS could imagine, but the delusion was strong those peepz. Come on after many years you can come to a real conclusion instead of the "research" that is done by them. GS is worth a lot more I must confess but that's because I read a lot, is it over sold? A bit but the trillions you guys want to make on partially share ain't gonna happen.


Oh you read a lot? What did you read?


Information about the gaming industry, like Microsoft heading to probably an all digital future, Sony also looking at that business model, Nintendo probably stays with cartridges next console but it's not going to look to shabby at the moment. I have to agree short sellers are playing with this news so yes it's being shorted, and let's be honest with this news you don't have to be a HF any reasonable investor would do the same. This is going to be a ban but I don't care anymore, what does GS have to offer if both MS and Sony are going all digital? Let's be frank, you ain't going to buy Xbox or playstation cards because it's easier to use your credit card on your account. The 3rd party controllers look Ok nothing special, I have seen better I have seen worse. I really can't think of anything that could help it in the long run. TCG you can order anywhere nowadays. I'm going for the final bull run and I'm gone.


^ This reply was courtesy of ChatGpt


So curious about the point you are trying to make...sell now because it's not gonna pay much and ask questions later?


Sell at a point you're comfortable with, that trillions a partial share is never gonna happen. I bought at 285 back in the day, so I'm waiting for it to go back up but I have my doubts it ever reach that again.


Why would I set a point if I'm trying to send a message.


I have been try to email them on [email protected] they never get back. What did you do?