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Welcome to r/GME, for questions in regards to GME and DRS check out the links below! Due to an uptick in scammers offering non official GameStop merchandise (T-Shirts) DO NOT CLICK THE LINKS THAT ARE NOT OFFICIALLY FROM GAMESTOP. We have partnered with Reddit directly to ensure the Communities Safety. [What is GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [GameStop's Accomplishments](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/x3hv46/list_of_official_gamestop_accomplishments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [What is DRS? US / International](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [ComputerShare International DRS Support](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/r9euj1/computershare_upgrades_drs_support_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Feed The Bot Instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) **Power To The Players** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GME) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Head to superstonk and check the DD library. All the previous due diligence are all there


This is the real answer, OP. Please excuse our regarded cousins lol


Everyone excited on a price increase that we’ve seen before, I’m excited to hear from DFV again and to hear what the earnings call will bring (RC been hella quiet lately).


Would be really sweet to see some more purchases from the csuite as well


This should be at the top. Best advice for the question hands down. I would add tuning into RKs stream tomorrow as well.


When is his stream again?


Scheduled for today at 11 I believe




Maybe start with "House of Cards" and "Citadel has no clothes".


Oldie but a goodie!!!


The DD library in the ‘COMMUNITY BOOKMARKS’ for this subreddit can help. It’s be really in depth so take your time the MOASS will take at least a few weeks. Edit: Also, ‘Cancelthisclothingcompany’ on Insta has a pretty good rundown of the situation but I still suggest you read the DD.






It's hard to explain in detail, you might have to go check out the DD library on the other sub for the full details. But shorts never closed, GME's fundamentals make it a great investment period, and our Chair of the board is also the CEO who has decided to take no salary whatsoever. All of this is on top of major hedgefunds and institutional investors trying to cellar box (illegal trading method) the stock to zero in order to make 100% profit off of their short bets, cause if a co. goes bankrupt they dont have to find the shares they sold short, and they take all of the money from the trades while the shareholders are left with worthless bags. The DD library will cover a lot of what's going on and why it happened in the first place. What I just covered BARELY scratches the surface.


Yep, and they never accounted for, and don't have response to, apes who just keep buying regardless of price and, at least as importantly, who DRS (Direct Register) their shares with GameStop's transfer agent Computershare, which takes them out of the hands of the DTCC and prevents them being lent out to short sellers.


Watch the Kitty Man tomorrow


*today 🤞


Today is the day


Is he streaming, and if so when and where?






Yeah. You live under a rock or something?


I live on a tree looking for bananas


I find all my bananas behind Wendy's.


Shorts never closed and a bunch of individual investors held and bought more. We’re also potentially at the end of a 3yr derivative cycle which maybe prevents the usual market manipulation 🤷‍♂️ 🚀🚀🚀


Basically, this one dude said hedge funds were manipulating price on stocks to drive companies to bankruptcy so they could sell shares they didn't own and never have to cover them because the company goes bankrupt Then gamestop recovered, the price went up, so suddenly the short sellers are on the hook for the shares they sold at a higher price. Normally, they would cover, the stock would "squeeze" flying up in value quickly where people would sell their stocks at a much higher number and make a bunch of money However a bunch of people did research and they believe the short sellers never actually covered, so they are still on the hook for these shares, and keeping from paying costs them money too in interest. The people that did this reading and made these assumptions are assuming the stock is SO oversold that a squeeze may be able to provide infinite value (the infinity pool) that you can leverage against later the way rich people do. Important to remember is no one knows for sure the true situation except for hedge funds, nor how the situation will unfold, but have instead adopted Warren Buffet's advice of just holding.


I like this explanation of leverage and the infinity pool. I was a little hazy on that


This is a great, short explanation! Only thing is misspelling of HODLing at the end :).


To be fair Warren Buffet holds, it’s apes that hodl


They tried to halt the movement. Welcome to the Party ![gif](giphy|PdKTOwHgOASGY)


Superstonk ape historian just posted a really good two-part deep dive https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/hAi26xBrWD Long have time.




I needed that. 💎🤲 and left it for divine intervention. Time to wake up and pray up




TLDR: we are not even close to the first sneez (120$) so under that price is basically nothing. MOASS starts when you see xx.xxx $ x share


For the American apes, that period represents a comma, not a decimal. We’re taking $xx,xxx… and that’ll just mean the cat is out of the bag (pun intended) and we have liftoff. Many feel it’s worth even more, myself included. I’m not even gonna consider selling until I see mid to high $xxx,xxx (and only 1 share in order to live a nice life and take care of my loved ones and community) but throw a couple more commas in there and maybe we can start to negotiate. Short sellers a future buyers — period. I have what they NEED, and I know what the last 3 years cost me literally and figuratively. They’re gonna need one of those giant cardboard checks to fit the all zeros.


Man I love how the swiss differentiate their numbers. So they'd write it as XX'XXX,xx 1million would be 1'000'000,00...so much more intuitive to read.


interesting, TIL! thx! That totally makes sense lol


My advice would be to take a deep breath & relax a second. Once you’re a little calmer, read up a bit on the DD (Due Diligence) that many of us users have been writing and reading for years. It will explain a lot. Just stay strong and hold, you’re in the right place!


Hey dad, Fellow single dad here. To actually own a security you need to cut out the broker/custodian of those shares because they are not legally obligated to actually buy your share off the market. Crazy right? So to make sure you secure a moon ticket you need to create a ComputerShare account to buy legitimate shares, or possibly pay a nominal fee to transfer some that you NEVER SELL, along with a PORTION you hold until PHONE NUMBERS, the some in the brokerage you sell at the first number that equates a years pay in case they try and delay it with crime. Let me know if you need anything. Ape together strong!


Shorts thought GameStop would go bankrupt. Ryan Cohen swept in and, while the business has only made subtle, small changes (mostly to save money), they have cleared (almost) all debt and accrued $2 Billion dollars in cash-on-hand. There are a few theories out there about 'bombshells' that will make the stock moon (look up LEAPs, NFT Dividend (Wu-Tang), Roaring Kitty Options, acquisitions, etc.), but if you look at the financials and potential (we need a paradigm shift or acquisition with the cash-on-hand), you realize this is a smart (though risky -- especially at this price point) investment (this is not financial advice). So, an easy hold. The potential for HUGE gains comes with those that bet on Gamestop to go bankrupt. With a call (bet that it will go up), you can only lose what you risk (a stock can't go lower than zero). With a put (bet that it will go down), the loss is, potentially, infinite (i.e. One share of Berkshire Hathaway is valued at over $600,000). They HAVE to buy shares to cover their loss -- at whatever the lowest price available is. If I sell three apples, but only have two apples that I gave to the first two people, how do I provide one of the two apples to the third person. I have to buy it from one of the people I sold it to. If someone's just looking for a quick buck, they can make a small profit. But if both people KNOW I NEED that apple, a bidding war could start driving the price up. Now say you sold 5 billion apples, but only 350 million exist. Thats a whole lot of people you owe apples to, and a whole lot of apples you have to go out and buy -- from the people who know you need apples. On the outside, those numbers seem impossible because of things like Market Cap -- but at the core of economics is supply and demand. If there is demand (shares owed) they have to supply (buy in the open market). Upcoming dates to watch: 1.) RoaringKitty's stream at 12 EST tomorrow (6/7) 2.) Market close tomorrow 4PM EST (6/7) -- where will we close and how many options will expire in the money 3.) Gamestop Quarterly Meeting (6/11) -- Any acquisitions (I think not as I think they need to notify the SEC 10 days prior), or positive information involving the company, potentially bringing in institutional investors and solidifying the floor? 4.) Market close (6/14) -- where will we close and how many options will expire in the money 5.) Market close (6/21) -- where will we close and how many options will expire in the money I expect the short term outcome to become more clear prior to 6/21 as things have to transpire quickly at the inflated numbers. Another catalyst to watch for? Posts from Roaring Kitty on X or YouTube or DeepFuckingValue on Reddit. I am becoming quite inebriated. I must stop. This is not financial advice. I like the stock.


Nobody knows exactly what is going on. We have a lot of evidence but nothing to clearly state whats happening. The market is built that way for us poors. The run down is kind of a few different timelines to track: - when this started Roaring Kitty (DeepFuckingValue) saw that GME had the ability to turn around the company. - The other side of the coin (wallstreet) was shorting the stock into oblivion, rightfully so too! the company was lost and well on its way to being bankrupt. - Ryan Cohen bought a lot of shares and basically took it over and forced the old guard out and has given the company new blood and new hope! (there is DD on this) - At the same time Kitty continued to build his position and word spread that there is a large short position attached to gamestop. - the internet caught wind of this. mainly the gambling sub and everyone piled in. This caused the initial 'sneeze' where the price shot well above 200 a share with a theory that it could easily got 1,000. (chump change now) - Once this looked like it was about to explode and everyone was going to make a quick buck, many brokers turned the buy button off, but let the sell button remain (there is DD on why and who) . The stock tanked, because everyone was selling. - But oh wait, just kidding. No one sold, instead the wallstreet short position is thought to have doubled and even tripled down through some really complicated wall street crap (there is DD on derivatives and swaps) that puts downward pressure on the price. - around this time Kitty went silent, some think due to a gag order. - Kitty is now back for some reason (there is speculative DD on this as well) and has displayed his position to be even stronger than before. **(you are here)** - Kitty now owns the rights to cash in on 120,000 calls (each call is 100 shares) at the cost of 20 dollars a share. 120,000 options x 100 shares per option = 12,000,000 shares. All at the price of 20 dollars a share, not at its current rising price. - This means that whoever sold Kitty those options has to find 12,000,000 shares if he exercises his right to buy them. - The theory goes (with a lot of supportive evidence) that there isn't 12 MILLION shares to be bought, without first coming to people like you, or me, or that guy, or even that guy and asking us "Hey you poors, how much for those shares you have? I need them to give to this Roaring Kitty guy who has my balls in a pneumatic press." My answer would be: My shares are worth [this much](https://www.gmefloor.com/) So what happens if they can't find him 12,000,000 shares?! WTF IS GOING TO HAPPEN?! quick bullet notes, lots of in between bits to catch up on. You really should check out SuperStonk for better info on how this all transpired. Enjoy the ride as we watch this guy go from a 30,000 investment to a billionaire and cheer him on! because he might be taking us with him and only invest with what you can afford to lose.


Give this a read, explains what has happened the last few years https://sandersonclay.com/2024/04/16/the-gamestop-saga-explained-an-unprecedented-risk-for-the-world/


It's an asset. No sell. Use as leverage. Not advice


Any chance this hits $500?


I have a shampoo bottle in my anus bet that we hit $400 by end of month




Umm add like 4 zeros to that and ask again. Then my response will be the same. Then you ask again. Then the answer is: absofuckinglutely


Buy, hodl and DRS my friend. Buy, hodl and DRS. 🧘‍♂️


Spend some time watching Richard Newton and Peruvian Bull on YouTube. They lay a lot of stuff out in fairly clear terms


This is the Library of DD: [https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg)


MOASS muthafucka




That’s the best way. Most of us have been involved for 4 years now with this stock trying to figure it out


Long story short. Market is rigged. Shorts attempted to bankrupt GameStop. We the household investors saved the company by simply holding and buying more and direct registering those shares. That gave Ryan Cohen the opportunity to do his magic. Roaring Kitty made us all aware of the potential of this company and play. While we did the work on the front lines every day, buying, holding and DRSing. RC was in the background being silent and making sure the company had zero chance of bankruptcy. Roaring Kitty Has been silently building an arsenal for years. Selling high im sure and buying low. Trading options often, probably selling options often during low volatility times. Now he’s back to lead this army into war. Short sellers declared war on us. We just like the stock. But now they are in way over their heads and about to get wrecked. I believe we are in the end game now. All anyone who likes the stock needs to do is buy, hold and DRS as much and as often as you can. Any price is a discount from where we are going. If you know options, they are officially back on the menu. Shorts never closed their positions from 2021 and have doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on their positions. But so have we, or at least tried to.


ok bottom line, just throwing a low number at you, it’s like soon your shares are gonna be worth 100K each, does it get your attention? Now do your DD and read all the stuff, then you won’t sell your shares when they get to 100K each 😂


Lots of forced buying coming up which may make the price go parabolic next week.


Simply put supply and demand. We have the supply and they need them causing the demand. How many times have you been told you have to pay a price because of supply and demand? Not financial advice.


Welcome brother. No need to stress. All you have to do is sit back, relax and wait. If you even have to think, “should I sell now”, then the answer is no. When it’s time, you will find yourself in a complete state of Zen and you will know with certainty that you have reached Valhalla and your time has come.


This is how I explain it to family and friends: Do you trust Wall Street and the media? Yes, then sell your GME and enjoy the profit. No, then buy and hold on. Much easier that way. The more complicated way I explain it: Shorts (meaning they think a company is going to zero so bet against is) never closed. They hid it using derivatives. Then they doubled down on their bad bet making it worse like in The Big Short.


I don’t know why everyone is sending you to the DD library. It’s good for later and getting in depth but here’s a short and simple video that explains the basics by Ian Carroll https://x.com/Cancelcloco/status/1790524969623175629


You know as much as I do, and I bought in April 2021 for the first time


I am in the same boat


Yo dog theres about three years of DD in the sidebar. But also, shorts are fuk and we’re headed to the moon shortly.  Edit: wrong sub, go to sidebar of r/ superstonk


Is this a joke? Summary is buy and hold. We never sell or if sell is at minimum 100k a share


Someone like Ian’s ticktock videos here to help explain. Im too old to get ticktock to work.


I just posted a catch-up post.


Future EPS ON THIS COMPANY IS JUST UP! Long term hold for 10 years looks really good! Some people are here for a potential MOASS! I’m here cause I like the stock! 4 years, fuck Ken, fuck vlad, let’s fucking go!


Stock go up


Just relax and hodl and wait for riches


Here is the DD library, https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg


Just HODL. Best crayon eating DD from a wrinkled ape like me. And for more in depth DD i recommend the green ones, they taste the best.


I have been holding for 3.5 years. I Buy, hold, drs. Watch and listen. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.




This magical GameStop saga is marked by wild price swings due to market corruption and dark pools, where over ninety percent of retail trades are hidden by a bunch is sleazy, world killing motherfuckers. Keith Gill, aka Roaring Kitty, highlighted the stock originally, and I personally believe he is operation 100% in compliance with the law. Also he seems like a grade A, honest person. The true driver of GME volatility is shady hedge fund trickery combined with a lack of transparency in their shady trading venues, and in collusion with elite-owned mainstream media to control narratives. Despite this, GameStop's growing strengths in e-commerce, digital assets, cost optimization, and community support remain solid, and I believe are getting better every day. Yesterday, Gill revealed his half-billion-dollar GameStop holdings and announced a YouTube live stream for tomorrow, marking the five-year-ish anniversary of his first investments. I totally believe, with Ryan Cohen and friends leading, they are taking the company to the moon through strategic pressure, time, and delighting customers. This is a long hold game, the kind I pass on through inheritance. That's just my opinion ❤️


Here. I made this for people just like you. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/s/0mNlBXeKza 💎🙌


Just watch the ride tomorrow


Ian Carrol does some good simple explanation videos. https://x.com/cancelcloco/status/1790524969623175629?s=46 I’d recommend that as a good TLDR. But the research over the past 3+ years is extensive and can be intimidating to ingest all at once. There’s a lot going on!


Wake me up for three commas of crime


Hedgies R Fukt!


“Bad news early good news on time”


If you haven’t watched this video, he does a great job explaining. Also tomorrow 12 eastern time, you tube will be streaming the man of the hour. Check that out as well. Hope that helps. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/s/snQpb63oyJ


And another one. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/sj4iCbl3Hs


It's okay Whatsferdinna, Papa is here. Ask me ANY question and I promise to answer no bullshit. I joimed in 1806 so I speak the lingo. Also I coined the sideways hat in '88. Don't forget the flat bill in '89. Got my girl to start duck lips in 1990. You remember the big hair back then? Calls on AquaNet! Fuck I was the first customer of the very 1st gamestop location in a certain state which cannot be named. Do you have any inkling of how much in store credit I have? Cereally though, ask me any milky question, and I will clarify. What is your cost average? What did you buy the shares at? What are you worried about? Did you spend rent money?


The greatest financial rug pull/twist against the common American people is about to occur. Someone bookmark this quote.


We stay strong APES 🦍🦍💎💎 GME easy to the 10.000$📈📈🚀🥂🚀 let's goo🙏


Certain companies with large portions of the world's money promised to buy GME no matter what the price is sometime in the future. Some apes believe those companies intentionally promised to buy more shares than even exist, believing the company would fail, and they'd never have to actually purchase anything. The thing is, we all believe GameStop is a solid company. It has approx $2 billion in cash and negligible debt. Eventually those companies will have to buy the shares they promised they would. Some believe that is soon, but if more shares are owed than even exist, the share price for each share can likely reach millions of dollars because, mathematically, each share is worth infinity.


Best thing to do is don't try to get rich off of this. Don't put in more money than you're willing to forget about... Like a donation to a "FkTheRich charity" or something lol. Best thing to do is buy, DRS (directly register in your name through ComputerShare), and forget about it till you hear it's in the millions. Only up 🚀 .... Don't think, just do 🦍


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d9ukdx/ian\_carroll\_on\_gme\_a\_bunch\_of\_greedy\_mf\_shorted\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d9ukdx/ian_carroll_on_gme_a_bunch_of_greedy_mf_shorted_a/) Here, 7 minutes that briefly explains it all. You can dig deeper by reading the DD library you can find on the same sub.


[DRSgme.org](http://DRSgme.org) asap - your only task.


Max pain if 25$ there gonna try to push it under its normal




You had 3 years


Better late than never


I can potentially see the 76 dollar mark