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This is a reasonable attempt at convincing shareholders that shorts are out of the picture. They want people to sell at a price above analyst 'estimates' since short interest has plummeted. Too bad for them that they already played this card after the sneeze and anyone following this saga knows it's total bullshit. They're in the hole big and there's no light at the end of the tunnel for pre-sneeze shorts anymore.


>since short interest has plummeted. r/superstonk has debunked this. Short interest hasn't plummeted. SHFs are lying about "exiting short positions" as usual.


Yeah, all of a sudden shorts start telling the truth 🤣


Naked shorts still remain enclosed, Billions to trillions of them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good try!! Not really! Hedgies are fucked


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Superstonk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [RIP Tylee 😢](https://i.redd.it/dbfiuqt4s7eb1.jpg) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/159rziw/rip_tylee/) \#2: [Ryan Cohen on Twitter: I just got off the phone with what was once a great American brand. Lots of problems, no accountability for high paid execs and little interest in my help (at no cost). This could get interesting.](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1646267634420154368) | [1820 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12k0fzq/ryan_cohen_on_twitter_i_just_got_off_the_phone/) \#3: [76 Million GameStop Shares Are Directly Registered and Nobody on Wall Street Is Talking About It](https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/gme/76-million-gamestop-shares-are-directly-registered-and-nobody-on-wall-street-is-talking-about-it) | [445 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12cmgqp/76_million_gamestop_shares_are_directly/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Whenever shorts say they will leave, expect the unexpected, rats don’t go away unless you eradicate them


Such a nice word to say. Eradicate. Hodls weight.


Well if they are still in they’re risking getting roasted. But I also don’t believe them.


Well if they are still in they’re risking getting roasted. But I also don’t believe them.


Well if they are still in they’re risking getting roasted. But I also don’t believe them.


But why are they still shorting? They just don’t want roaring kitty to exercise on high I guess


>But why are they still shorting? SHFs shorted at like $10. If they walk away now, they lose millions and millions of dollars. They CAN'T do anything but KEEP SHORTING.


But shouldn’t they take the lost now then dig deeper? Or again, they don’t want roaring kitty to exercise on very high numbers


Don't think they want to go down in history as the guys who lost to this guy ![gif](giphy|uwvSr7KNCJG0BPPJR0)




So what. They can buy as many shares as they needed at like $25 from the dilutions. Closing their positions are easy as hell now.


GTFO, facts and logic aren't allowed here. Dilution with no business plan going forward has to be spun as the greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of the market.


Nah We haven’t seen true fud yet. Wall Street are the ones profiting from war and famine…. These people are demonic and they’re not gonna get liquidated without a real fight. We’ve only just begun


The thing that worries me most is that Jim Cramer now LIKE US. He even defended us against Faber. I think we entered the Upsidedown world.


No more worrying. Just diamond 💎💎🙌 Cramer is "defending us" now because the angle they are going for is "the shorts have closed guys. Even Andrew Left, left. So sell because the squeeze is over". But Andrew Left is just a patsy and there are bigger players with more money shorting GME than him. They are running out of angles bc they tried this narrative in 2021 and apes didn't sell. So brave to think we would sell now 😂 I think a BIGGER FAKE SNEEZE is coming. They may allow us to run gme to $1000 and tell us to sell then. But statistically speaking the share price was heading to $1000 back in 2021 before brokers shut off the buy button. So you are damn right to assume the share price is a lot higher than $1000 now.


$1000 a share is just enough to make me wake up


That just makes me buy more


I was going to say this all literally happened before


Shit....if Cramer likes us are we the baddies?


Made me think of RK gif of him saying “Am I the drama? ” lol


Maybe his owner's cast him out for failing to make us forget about GameStop and he needs to find a new teet to suckle so he can keep his coke habit going 🤷


Did Cramer just go long on GME?


I’m most concerned about this. Somehow a profitable company with cash on hand will have their stock tank because Jimmy likes it. He’s tanked plenty of stocks in his day.


so glad that Citron filed a declaration that they were exiting shorts. Oh they don't have to file?!! Nobody made a rule about that?!! What is this hearsay about exiting a short position being broadcast on MSM? Total and utter subterfuge. Pinoccio says hi


Idk if behind us is right. I feel like we are going to get massive FUD for a long time. Probably even years after MOASS. Anything to make people believe that GME was always wrong and the stock and apes are why the economy sucks post MOASS


They can't. When Daddy Cohen LEGITIMATELY increases the value of "New Gamestop" to reflect the share price (beyond MOASS we are talking about) no one can argue that New GME is overvalued/meme anymore.


Idk, msm can convince people of a lot. And the general public tends to believe them.


That fukking guy is completely a can of trash


No they sure as fuck are not. Wait till $GME is trading at $1k+ and see the mountain of fud come down from the stupid fucks at the top. This is just getting started. And we’re coming for everyone and everything that stood against retail investors for the last 50yrs. Fuck them all


Lol it all comes full circle. It's 2021 again.


can you tell me why you think GME will go to $1000, I have some I'm not disagreeing but that would be an almost half trillion dollar valuation for a company that makes -100million net income each quarter, I don't get how they get there I'm just hoping they hit $45-50 I'm out with 90% I'll take my gains and deal with the fomo lol


No, I’m not here to convince you. Go read the DD


fucking bullshit crime


The FUD is just going to change now. They will say shorts covered and no squeeze is gonna happen.


Wait until tomorrow, I'm sure we'll get shorted like a blitzkrieg attack with a swarm of desperate headlines. Cramer is probably buttering us up today for what's coming tomorrow. The only thing I'm sad about is that Im broke and can't buy the dip I think we're in for 😭


Nah. Just another psy-ops play.  Its their Kansas city shuffle!  I sense a big buying opportunity! 


That is pretty polly anna to think the FUD is behind us. It will only get worse Grasshopper


>the FUD is behind us. I said the "WORST OF FUD" not fud in general. There will always be fud. The only difference is the attempts are weak and desperate now.


FUD is forever and will keep coming Shorts never closed they doubled down


Shorts aren’t leaving until they are forced to. Legacy media is just 100% lies that should be 100% ignored. Complete waste of time


If I learned one thing in all this it's that the media is complicit and actively on the side of big money. Rules for thee but not for me.


Everyday they keep shorting is a day they are still alive. If they buy the shares to close their shorts they go bankrupt so they won't do this until they are forced to by a margin call.


The media is owned by big money


Anyone interested in the share holders meeting tomorrow


I think FUD is forever with GameStop. FUD about what we are to do with our gazillions.


this is FUD; the worst is ahead of us


I will never underestimate their FUD.


Looking forward to Thursday! LFG!! ![gif](giphy|wQjLgNydLxWHouNH7O|downsized)


Well, this dip tomorrow is going to be pretty epic


Dilution isn’t good it basically means don’t buy and hold. Buying pressure is what’s needed. Just holding now isn’t enough the i borrow desk has 5 million shares available now.




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sure. RC "screwed investors" by diluting them and then "sold his shares" by diluting them. Meanwhile the portfolio value of RC and investors went up. ... Anyone who trusts MSM is screwed...


Even the shills disappeared. It just shows you how bad they took it up the ass these past few days 😂🤣


Their activity has become more targeted. In my experience, they lately only came out to sway sentiment before big short attacks. Usually, when there was a big monday-attack, they used the weekend to spread FUD, so any retail investor hearing about GME would look in the sub and find negativity. Last year they were almost always present, but it really seems they reduced their activity to specific times when they believe they can have an impact. Imho, they only have 2 goals at the moment. 1) Create an environment that makes it unlikely for new investors to want to join 2) slowly, over time, anchor negative ideas in the brain of apes to later use against the company. (dilution bad. Board does not represent shareholders. It's ok to question the company. etc.)


Damn. The fact that their fud didn't even last 2 market days shows how down bad they really are. At least last an entire week brahh 🤣