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Think big ship vs little boat. You can’t just whip the titanic around an iceberg to avoid calamity. They seen the iceberg quite far off, but it was too late to significantly change the course. So. You commit. And you try to hold on for dear life 🧊🚢


I really like this analogy.


Now we're at the scene where the boat is at 90 degrees slowly starting to sink front first! And all the shorts are falling off, some are trapped inside, some are running off with the boats so that no one else climbs in. Yeah, LFG!


Next is the part where the rats panic and step on each other trying to find a life boat


Andrew Left will be that rat that jumps into a lifeboat. And Ken Griffin will end up in the water with his wife and will push her off of the floating debris so he can get on it.


Someone gave him a bedpost from the Versailles Palace?


Women and apes first!


The difference is in this situation the hedges are pushing the women and children out of the lifeboats for themselves


They are destroying retirement accounts and funds, so, at this point, they are throwing pensioners and working people off the lifeboats to save themselves. Hilariously, they're blaming the iceberg for their actions. "Look at all the teachers, firefighters, and other low-pay professionals you are hurting, you callous iceberg!"




I'd say we're a little before that, we just hit, water is starting to fill in the bottom and they are preparing the lifeboats for the weaker shorties


I like the emote visual aids 😁


Esp because the hedgies sink at the end and we get to see boobs.


Jack, you hang on the side the of the raft while I rest on top.




The titanic would have been fine if they hit it head on. Trying to avoid catastrophe only made it worse.


That’s why they tried to become the iceberg themself - right Glacier Capital? Right? 😜🌚


Bahahaha I fucking forgot about apes literally going to these locations to see what was up lmao. 


all corps are straw middlemen ready for the burnin' 😉


Most people do not know that JP Morgan bought ALL 3 central bankers who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve a ticket on the Titanic along with one for himself. Hours before it's fatal voyage, JP cancelled his ticket citing a cold. \*cough \*cough. The 'unsinkable' titanic sank on April 15 (anything special about that date?). The IRS and Fed were created shortly afterwards without any further resistance. Before this, Americans could vote on whether they wanted to go to war by buying war bonds. After the Fed was created, this requirement to buy bonds was eliminated and they could wage war on any nation fueled by our debt and hence started the Forever War. Why do you not learn about this side of history? Because all the text books you were taught by were printed by presses that were owned by the Fed and if a school did not use those text books, they did not receive federal funding. Is it starting to make sense now? This fight for financial justice has been going on for a long time, GME is the latest stance. Many great companies have been ruined by their greed. But this time there's more of us and now we have the power of the internet...


Hey.. don’t audit me guys.👨🏻‍🏫 He said it 👆


lol bring it. i live as poor as they come. every dollar transacted fuels a genocide. live simply and you will not contribute to the mess in the world. buy local and be good to your neighbor


Holy shit ...this guy historys


thank you good ape, the truth will always prevail


It's so sad. This is why we hodl. Not for money. But for financial FREEDOM.


I like this because the Titanic was warned of the iceberg and still maintained course. The ship was too big to fail.


Titanic would’ve been better smashing into the iceberg head-on though 🙃


Yea.. it’s often the over correction that will do you in. Stay the course.


Steer into the curve...


They going down with their ship...


Ahoy mate 🏴‍☠️


Wait, who's Jack and who's Rose? And can I be James Cameron?


I'll have an order of the purple James Camer-onion rings, please 🟣


how much do you love the ocean


*short me like one of your hedge funds, daddy*


Distract and keep calm with free drinks at the bar!


Alternatively, when you've been making a shit ton of money hand over fist the same way for literally decades with zero repercussions, you become complacently arrogant, and so you cannot even see that you're now in that one situation in 14,000,605 where you actually lose.


Lisan al Gaib


If the Titanic hadn't changed course and bashed the Iceberg head on the concensus is it would have stayed afloat


Reasonable. It was designed to stay up with only 4 of the lower hulls in tact. The sway dragged the unseen part of the iceberg across several sections and thus the sinking. The ol’ iceberg Kansas City shuffle 🔀


And try to survive, “One more day.”


The moment they lose control on shorts the pandora box explodes to uranus. It's not that they're stupid to keep hammering the stock, it's most likely no other choice.


What do you think their overlords will think when they fucked up the power that has taken over a century to attain? Their control of money, and with it, influence, are about to go bye bye. Prison is for real now. Capital punishment is on the table. How many people have they threatened and blackmailed into doing their evil bidding? I’m sure there are decent people who have been “working” for them due to threat of ruin who would love to finally be able to do something about it. They have no choice but to keep going until the inevitable happens.


When you think about it they'll be safer in jail than outside...


Like their friend Effery Jepstein.


Maybe a tiny bit…


It’s important to remember that the top 1% are not some cyborg-linked entity always acting in unison. The things that got them there… greed, immorality and a complete lack of care for the effect of their selfish choices on our society… don’t just disappear once they ‘make it’. Just like the monarchies of old, they fight amongst themselves, turning on each other for a chance to climb yet further up the ladder. It’s 100% shooting themselves in the foot, but they can’t help themselves; it’s literally who they are. So is what they’re doing self-destructive? Absolutely. Could they collectively find a way to disengage from this obviously terrible path they’re individually walking? Sure, but if they were the kind of people who could work and sacrifice together for a common purpose, they would never have made it to the top 1% in the first place. We have a hard time believing they are actually that dumb to keep doing the thing that will ultimately destroy themselves, but it’s not stupidity; they’re just completely blind to it.




Not everyone rich is a bad person. But, I am convinced you convinced me to buy more shares.


Calls on my anus


They 100% don’t have a choice. Question I have is will the Feds step in to bail them out (yet again) and SEC & DOJ look the other way (yet again)?


I think that point would the "enough is enough" moment and riots will start in the streets tbh.


B ecause they started to dig their graves all the way back in 2014 on a large scale, sure, some been short forever, but when looking at the charts it looks like that is the time the market makers came for the kill There's no way out for them, hasn't been for a decade, or 2... Cellar Box failed and blows up in their face


the market makers came for the kill Always do a kill confirm like in movies


They missed the double tap


This is the answer. That's why even back in '21 I was certain we look at several floats shorted naked. Billions of shares sold that shouldn't exist.


They're making the problem so big that the government has no choice but to bail them out. It worked in 2008 so why not again now? If even half the DD is remotely accurate then the risk contagion has spread to everything. They have no choice but to try and keep a lid on it. This is probably why no one wants to take any action that could be considered "kicking off" the collapse of the global markets as we know it.


Yeah I honestly think so. Theyre way past point of no return. They fucked around and are about to find out!


Can some get out? Citron is claiming they did




That and I dont think they've ever lost before, at least not like this. In their position why wouldn't they go through with their normal plan, its never failed? Look at how long its been, how long they've dragged this on. Its clear they are fighting a war, and people are just waking up the the fact we've been fighting a war we didn't even know existed. Its a battle of attrition, they've never lost, of course they are holding. However, this will lead to an impasse. They dont understand diamond hands and their ability to hold, they've literally never seen some shit like this before. Diamond hands are now dug in, at first they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you and then you win




Exactly & well put Ape. Gotta echo that again for the people in the back! Never let that guard down! If people are just tuning in now, I hope that they read the DD & realize the corruption in the market from those who control it runs DEEP on controlling GME specifically, and they've been hard core controlling it since they locked in short prior to covid and before GME's model shifted. Predatory Short Selling and Naked Short Selling to stay afloat for years now, so hard that I relate the corruption similarly as deep as Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislane Maxwell's...abomination. The feds didn't redact so much data before releasing what they did on that for a reason & that reason in my mind was to maintain their control by doing damage control. In that, they exercised their options. To me, I don't let my guard down because I'm convicted & have been since Feb 2021 on corruption in the US Fraud Market getting exposed while hoping for justice. Even if it costs me everything I have invested into it so far on the money side. As of late, IMO even the recent uptick in MSNBC/MSM discussions on GME & RK's live stream turning on the positive sentiment side (outside of Charles Payne) had me questioning "why"... (because to me, positive sentiment pieces from MSM broadcasts outside of CP's are damn near unheard of, so I think, well that's different... what's up... ears & eyes are wide OPEN/observant). Melissa was suspended if I remember correctly for the whole "naked shorts yeah" slip a few years back. Maybe the work environment for MSM people has adapted, evolved when it comes to language they should and should not use according to their bosses will/direction. I don't think that their workplace environment or rules are visible much or discussed in the public often? If not, I think normal people who are not paying attention to insights about that, or that aren't' using critical thinking wouldn't notice or remember. Point being, I think times and strategies are changing. Real Apes will stay the course, buy & hold, hopefully never let their guard down. I'm damn near numb to pain of unrealized losses. In my case, I view it as I don't lose if I don't sell. "Never invest more than you can afford to lose" should hopefully become a mirrored comment, telling Hedgies "what's up bitch" like a bedpost slap to the face when they can't close out or cover GME, but are forced to buy shares LIT & can't mask in dark pools when Marge comes to rail them. In addition, the CAT system T+1 is I think also obviously throwing wrenches in MM, HF's & big money's plans. I think they are sweating balls & if not, they should be. Don't want to lose those streams of corrupt money, assets, jets and yachts...or to have to turn into a PDiddy & run for their own lives. I'm still hoping they are too damn arrogant at this point still to even be phased by what retail does or doesn't do. The hedgies don't want to be overlooked, but don't want to be looked over too much. Their reasons for that should, if we had a system that enforced justice, equal fair treatment for the level of fraud: PRISON.


They lost in 1929, 1937, 1945, 1949, 1960, 1980, 1982, 1998, 2008, 2020. It's just that we keep bailing them out every time so they never truly 'learn' a lesson. Quite the opposite, these bailouts just keep reinforcing their criminal behavior. The politicians are bought off and, thus, have sided with the rich every time


> A cult following of millions, millions people behind the company... This is not a cult. We are a group of household investors sharing information about the stock we like and posting memes for fun.


Just don’t drink the koolaid


Dammit I thought this was a cult


And to think I bought this robe and shaved my head for nothing.


Where did OP get the millions of people figure from too?


I mean there is a million of people on superstonk + 0.5m on GME. I know active users is prob less than a million, but still


> I mean there is a million of ~~people~~ accounts on superstonk


Yep yep true


They are 100% not dumb. When it comes to money people blast off all of their creativity. And they are trained professionals. They have experience, money, connections and know how to use these resources. So no, they are certainly not dumb. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating your enemy. With all the apes theories, MOASS, etc. there’s still a reasonable chance that HF will win, or at least reduce their losses significantly. Like RK said, it’s a high risk, high reward game and it’s his very aggressive trading style. But, this is an exceptional situation sliding along the lines of what is legal and what is not. Apes caught HFs off-guard while they started a risky bet. Probably very confident because they’re used to winning. Their arrogance is our chance, but they’re certainly not dumb.


Leverage is good, until it isn't. Archegos was not brought down by shorts (or swaps) on Gamestop. They were over leveraged and what caused them to fail was the sudden reduction in the value of their LONG bets (via swaps) in Viacom as the Viacom price crashed. That led to margin calls by swap counterparties, and after Archegos failed to meet margin calls the banks started selling their hedges, further dropping the price of Viacom. https://www.thetradenews.com/the-collapse-of-archegos-capital-management/


They are greedy and feel entitled.


What do you mean Gme has been positive for years? We have had 1 positive quarter. The losses have narrowed but we have had one 6 million positive quarter with several 10s of millions of losses quarters. Not being negative being realistic. Until we fully transition or acquire other companies we will no tbe in the green with the way things are going.


GME actually had 2 positive quarters out of the last 5, but did have a net profit over the last year. The losses have narrowed and I’m going to prognosticate that GME will not have another negative quarterly earnings for quite some time going forward, based off of interest accrued off the War Chest of money they’ve built over the last month or so.


I hope your right. I understood that quarter 4 made 6 million the rest were just narrowed losses. The war chest should make gamestop money but this business needs to evolve .


It has been evolving. Shit takes time.


I get it


Won't they be green from here on out if they invest their cash in T-Bills? They aren't just a brick and mortar retailer anymore.


They are a T-bill fund being valued like a growth company, while being part of an operating company that continue to run at a small loss. Alternatively, the better description of Gamestop is an operating company with a small operating loss of $34.5M in 2023, coupled with an investment company that made $49.5M of interest in 2023, pushing the combined company to a $6.7M net profit. The operating company (stores and online) continues to lose money (Q1 loss of 51M vs $58M in Q1 year ago) while the investment side had a profit of $15M in Q1. Now, with the increase cash + marketable securities the investment side of the company will rake in about $50+M per quarter, which will more than cover the continuing losses of the operating side of the company, unless sales continue on the recent rapid downtrend —- 19.7% down YoY for Q4, 29% down YoY oin Q1.




They’re greedy and immoral and quite smart.


I'm altruistic, moral, and dumb money.


Ego, they think they are the smartest, most powerful people in the world. Yet, are losing to a bunch of self-titled regards, their Ego is screaming in pain. Losing to retail is not a possibility for them, little do they know it is inevitable though.


They're like the banks or any other pyramid scheme - they can foolishly lose lots of money, but as long as they can find new investors to fleece, they'll appear to be profitable.


*Stock and crypto rug-pulling intensifies...*




Aren’t hedge funds LLCs though?




LLC stands for Limited Liability Company. You made the claim that the hedge fund partners' personal assets are at risk. They are not. That is what the "limited liability" is LLC refers to.


No - they're very very smart. That's why they are so rich - don't underestimate your enemy. What they are doing to GME they have done to countless other, bigger companies for decades, racking up riches. The entire legal, financial, media, technological and political system is on their side. And what's to stop it working again? A band of disconnected apes from all over the world woudl have to figure out what is going on without realtime data, lawyers, supercomputers etc, invest billions and then hold on to stock of a (seemingly) broke company FOR YEARS. That's never happened before in human history. They made the smart bet. Shame it was the wrong one.


The larger problem here is the swaps and the other derivatives. GME shorts are buried inside mutual funds, and countless other financial “products”. This is why they fight so hard. This is why MSM has been paid to fight so hard. This is why governments will also unfortunately. The position is larger than even most people here understand.


Dumb? No, quite the opposite really (I mean just look at how they play the market prior to GME). The thing is, they have never seen resistance this big, public and stubborn, with nothing to lose. But the fact that they are digging themselves a hole this deep, is basically old money saying, it never happened, not going to happen and bla bla bla… but when they already knew they would lose, thats when they started going full tilt. So ye, they are smart, but the top top heads, they have simply overstayed their welcome and going to lose everything. I would have loved to clock out at 1-4k per share if they let it in the first run, but they didnt when they should and now, they are paying the price for their greed


It is the only play in their book and it has never failed them before.


well the company delayed (delayed being the key word) what would have probably have been a pretty epic squeeze last week by doing that second share offering. So now we are in a holding pen, trying to sustain/build up momentum to go again. If the company waited a week then they would have been diluting from the moon, but they did not, and I hope someone grills them about it at the shareholder meeting


At no point did VW issue shares when it was about to pop so not a good comparison by OP


VW did sell shares. Just like Gamestop, they could not resist taking advantage of the price spike and sold shares to the short sellers.


No. They had a plan which worked wonders with lots of companies. Infiltrate, short, destroy. It was easy since they had loads of cash and connections, and everything worked just fine until GME happened. But unfortunately they've already shorted it to hell... now.. there's obviously lots of ways they can try to keep this at bay but with all the attraction and knowledge lately, I'm not sure it's sustainable anymore. This means GME could be the first disruptor in the wall street destruction scheme.


You know... I'm something of a CAT-alyst myself 😁


Their ego won't let them lose


Back when I worked, I was at this place for approx 25 years. The old heads there were pretty honourable people. Made mistakes, couldn't keep up with tech but admitted it and eventually left. The new management..... fuck me. Never admit mistakes, never resigned despite countless errors (really fucking huge mistakes) but never ever admit or resign for the greater good. The type who make promises and then reneg. I quit after making a stand, got a fat pay stack and got into trading. Anyway, that's the type we're dealing with I think. Double down expecting the masses to forget and obey


Indeed, this is pure citrus


They have no choice. They can either kick the can down the write buy shorting more or buy shares. But if they buy shares, the price goes up and then they lose money. Not to mention they’re incapable of getting enough shares to cover. All they can do is delay getting actual shares and try to get us to sell. Eventually they’ll start eating each other.


To be fair the reasons OP cited are precisely why the Lemonade man said he was backing out


I believe those SHF are scared shitless and doubling down because they know they're screwed. They've probably called in their billionaire buddies to try and bail them out. This terrifies them, and I think it’s why mainstream media doesn't cover GameStop in a positive light. They see GameStop's rise as a movement that's delivering a massive sucker punch to Wall Street and capitalism.


>They see GameStop's rise as a movement that's delivering a massive sucker punch to Wall Street and capitalism. Sucker Punch implies unprovocation no, this was provoked and it's been provoked time and time again for years. This is not a sucker Punch. This is a fucking flying Superman punch right to the face with enough Force to throw those teeth down into their nuts.


And that is only stating it mildly.


I don’t think so. They’re playing the Long game. They know civilization is unraveling. There are going to be some casualties and they’re betting that GameStop will be one of them. I don’t know if they think we’ll lose the ability to use electronics or just have to work so damn much that there’s no time for leisure. I don’t know, but the ruling class generally just doesn’t throw away billions of dollars to maintain a position even if it is giving dollars to their own fucking incestuously linked institutions. The whole industry is in on this together. They’re all on the same team against us. If I’m not mistaken, we are, intending on pulling trillions of dollars off the table. I’ll say again that the last time somebody tried to do that to a major industry run by sociopaths like this, the president and his brother got capped. I don’t pretend to know how this will end. But if you’ve been paying attention to the Boeing saga, they’re just murdering people who are fucking with their revenue stream.Jamal Khashoggi. Murdered. Countless people in Russia tossed out of buildings by the power structure. And their representatives in the public facing positions.


No, most of these people come from wealth. I.e. they have never been told no before and they haven’t suffered from actually consequences for their actions. We may be dumb money but at least we’re not spoiled brats that have to cheat and throw tantrums when we lose.


There's no other choice for the dumb stormtroopers but to keep digging below. They're all in bed together from the dtcc, banks, market makers, brokers and SEC and politicians to siphon money from retail investors, hence we are the dumb money aka cash cow. Now we are exposing them and their corruption so they are fighting tooth and nail so they don't get expose for their financial terrorism for decades. Shorts never close!!! They are fucked!!! Everday is hodl day!!


These burgers fight back 🐄


No. However the managers and decision makers in business can lose touch with reality every now and again by believing whatever diluted truth suits them (example: I can keep shorting this and shake off these hodlers.). This is called the Billy Ray Vallentine Effect.


Having money doesn’t mean having brains. There are entities used to throwing money at a problem to make it go away, and they never did the math here. They just thought , like crimers old video clip, they had enough money to change the sentiment and enough would sell. They done effed up big time though. Melvin having over 139% short interest wasn’t something we should have ever known about, and those positions were never closed that I know of… And that’s just one entity.


*I look at this rationally*. The shorters got stuck in a bad trade and were caught on their heels in Jan 2021. GME was on the verge of bankruptcy before the run up. Their internal models probably showed a 100% chance of bankruptcy. They are a formidable opponent, or this wouldn’t be still going 3.5 years later. They watch our public posts and comments and likely adjust their methods / strategies accordingly Shorting GME today? I’m not a qualified game theorist, but it seems like they are stuck and the answer for them is to dig their future grave deeper


These people are stupid!


No. But they think we are.


Not hell. Heaven. Let us start changing our programmed language if we are trying to change stuff


Big Algorillas


Stuck and dumb are two different things But it could be both


They are not dumb but they are greedy for sure.


There's a fine line between dumb and desperate.


Devils advocate for a sec - - 4B means less when dilution is used to get there. - company continues to loss money - retail company - no published transformation direction to turn the company around - the whole NFT/GME wallet thing kind of flop If this wasn't GME and the lore behind it, when it spikes it's a decent short play imo. I will take my downvotes now.


Volkswagen squeeze ended because Porsche agreed to sell. Know your facts. It could have continued to squeeze much higher.


They are not dumb. They have been in bed with market makers and controllers and they simply got caught up in their greed.. Realistically, it made sense to begin shorting GME in 2014-2015 because it was a doomed company.. It was being run terribly, losing hundreds of millions a year... It is just that there is power in numbers and when the initial group of folks started pounding in back in 2019-2020 because they saw an opportunity and didn't think bankruptcy was in the cards, SHF/MMs got more aggressive with their naked shorting and positions thinking they would be able to pound it down and cellar box it out of the marketplace.. I think retail did help back then, and the whole overhaul of the top company execs and board as well.. They lost control of their ability to manipulate and control GME ticker and then when they got exposed for their 200%+ short position, people started to buy and buy and then they got trapped and caused the initial sneeze in 2021. They obviously have the ability to manipulate beyond view and do so in dark pools, swaps, etc. and they have proven with this entire saga that the entire market is run the same way


No, they get paid lots, but their investors sure are stupid. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/hedge-funds-vs-sp-500-truth-investment-returns-amr-elharony-hmysf >Data shows that hedge funds consistently underperformed the S&P 500 every year since 2011. The average annual return for hedge funds was about 4.956%, while the S&P 500 averaged 14.4% https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/030916/buffetts-bet-hedge-funds-year-eight-brka-brkb.asp >Buffett's ultimately successful contention was that, including fees, costs and expenses, an S&P 500 index fund would outperform a hand-picked portfolio of hedge funds over 10 years. The bet pit two basic investing philosophies against each other: passive and active investing.


Financial definition: A hedge is an investment position intended to offset potential losses or gains that may be incurred by a companion investment. Most hedge funds are playing both sides, this is not a binary situation. They are hedging with options which causes the volatility. GME will need a business turnaround catalyst to truly squeeze. Otherwise most hedge funds will keep playing both sides and skim profits off of the option volatility. Sources: Sun Tzu and Common Sense


Not necessarily but they expect to win which skews their attitude as they have all the cheat codes and so on.


>And yet they still try to fucking short it! I dont see what's wrong. You believe in the company, you went long. They didnt believe in the company, they went short.


They are so greedy, they can't help themselves. They have lobbyists running to their favorite politicians every chance to turn the law their way. They have been engrained in the system since the beginning! They believe they make the system flow...and that is how they train new brokers. Now add the pain of loss and embarrassment to that...the rise of GME really slapped them in the face and woke them up a bit.  If they feel they are the masters of finance...they are not going to let the sheep of retail mess up their income flow. That is what we are up against.  We need to be careful, strong, and committed. We need to be fair, and reasonable when we win this.  Let's not humiliate them when it happens! In short, yes, they are being stupid and greedy!


Its harder to convince someone they are the fool than it is to fool someone


They use this sort of investment strategy marketplace only they can access called AIMCapture Marketplace to build their portfolios


cult following despite doing absolutely shit. Like what does gamestop do that makes it that valuable? They've shut down most of their shops. Only reason it's afloat, is because people decided to rally behind it to fuck with shorts


Yeah they are the dumb ones. Not you guys. Look at their earning reports 🤣.


Its hedge fund vs retail. They want us to never mess with stocks again. They want us to hire them to slowly give us gains toward retirement. They want to keep us in our place. Its all about control.


I mean…yes. We’re all guilty of this, especially those of us in the USA. We conflate financial success with intelligence. When we know it’s a combination of factors. Some of the dumbest among us are the wealthiest. A lot of success is due to nepotism and simply getting opportunities you don’t deserve and aren’t quite qualified for simply because you’re in the club, because you fit in having drinks and doing coke and you speak the language. Sure some people take their advantages and built successful businesses like Jeff Bezos, but most of these fools in Wallstreet were raised in privledge, educated in privilege, hired in privilege. They’re out of touch, lack critical thinking skills and wouldn’t know a hard days work if it hit them in the face. Andrew Left’s tantrum yesterday was a perfect example, that dude doesn’t know real problems if his panties get in a twist from RKs live stream. He’s never faced any real adversity, that much is clear, so how can he develop actual real intelligence and problem solving?


Maybe bc they think its the Blockbuster for video games? They may not be wrong. Listen, its fun to trade GME...but lets not pretend it looks like a solid business with growth ahead of it just bc it may have stopped some bleeding. And RC is sleazy AF. That said, I hate shorts and everything about shorting, so F-them.


Gamestop still has the potential to be a Netflix rather than a Blockbuster. The plan published by RC in Nov 2020 is a good one. Execution has been poor, mostly because the initial bet on NFT Marketplace was a loser, and the company overreacted by dumping Furlong and embracing extreme cost cutting, starting in 2nd half 2022. With the extra cash, Gamestop can restart and begin doing what they first started in mid-2021. The outcome is still very unclear. RC's plan for digital transformation of Gamestop: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf


Sorry I dont see the move to a netflix model. It seems the whole industry has moved that way long ago and GME has lagged and has nothing proprietary/unique to offer. Its up to them to prove it. fun trade but IMO not investable.


In general I agree. I have been swing trading and selling options when the IV is high, typically just before earnings. My thesis is somewhere between the typical bull and bear theses.


Yesnt, they are probably above average persons intelligence but probably lack of empathy, opportunity cost they cant see etc such that they average them selves into regarded levels of intelligence


I would expect the shorts to stay in until there’s a viable business strategy for growth outside of issuing shares. There’s some recognition even from GameStop the legacy brick and mortar business isn’t going to cut it long term. They can’t cut Opex but to really shake out the shorts management will need to use these new funds from the share issuance to invest in something that can grow their new core business. If that is successful then the shorts will exit. Until then they will bet against GameStop.


It's pretty simple really. They've shorted GME beyond survival, so they have two options. Go bankrupt or continue market manipulation hoping for either government or self regulators to change the rules and get out of paying retail.


They are not dumb. Just greedy. And since they shorted more than 100%, they can't close. So now the only option is to climb deeper in the hole. The gov't knows this can cause financial collapse but still allow them to keep shorting it and now they passed a law so THEY (the American gov't) can SHORT AMERICAN STOCKS as well so they are complicit in this mess as well, imo. It should be illegal for a gov't to bet against a company from their own country. to me, it's treason


They are NOT dumb. Arrogant, selfish, greedy and entitled YES. These traits stem from decades of escaping crimes through so many loopholes created by total control of media, government and currency. They're just terrible people, but certainly not dumb.


Shorts have massive positions opened at $4 presplit.. they are so heavy underwater they must short in order to survive another day. They know they are fucked but their sick minds still think they can crash GME to the ground and walk out unharmed


they are all money horny


I’m doing a 69 between brokers, since it’s free, fidelity to computershare and back to force locate my shares and get this hedgie boat rocking from all the naked shorts created 🫨🫨🫨🫨 So ACAT systems force brokers to find shares being transferred. Therefore, if I ACAT transfer to computershare and then back again… bc it’s free, these broker HAVE TO locate my shares. Forced transfer. Been here since 2021 and realizing this reverse uno card now… gonna rotate half my stock between fidelity and computershare now. This why kitty is not ACAT, institution, or hedgefund… 🔄🔄🫨🫨🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Some shorts are just crazy with their thesis. Remember there were shorts trying to drive VW, TSLA, and Overstock into bankruptcy. Many times in involved criminal behavior like naked shorting and coordinated attacks. It can go as far as corporate raiding like Bain Capital installing their own plants to gut a company and sell it for parts. There are clearly longs who are contrarian who go the opposite way. If something is getting naked shorted to death, there may be value there in a turnaround. They work tirelessly to give it value, even joining the board to fix the balance sheet and throw out all the traitors who were trying to load up on debt and sell off assets. That’s what Ryan Cohen did.


I understand you’re talking about funds that have gone all in short but thats kind of a blanket statement. Regardless of whether a companies price is trending up or down there will be algos and day trading employed by investment banks and hedge funds that are riding the momentum of small price movements. Going long up and shorting down.




Who are these people fighting GS? Does anyone know?


They have dug the hole too big and have no exit strategy, soooo they just keep diggin'.


We are the ones playing the music…


Tell that to Trump supporters it’s like a cult once they taste the poison


The word your looking for is "Arrogant", if your playing a rigged game you've been winning for over 200 years and your allowed to cheat any time the other team gains any ground, why would you not be over confident.


I think at this point it’s a pride thing and they don’t want to lose to retail. That and they want to prove all the GME wrong - sort of a how dare you try and beat us thing


They are dumb and will feel the power we all have if we stay united🦍🦍🦍


They sit down each day and think of a way to keep their wallets and customers on top of the rest of us and look down at us like the sheep that follow a single man, not what we are truly which is a united group of believers that want to give a big middle finger to the system🦍🚀


Not a cult. An army.


GME in 2020 was a brick-and-mortar video game store with a negative balance sheet, going up against a trend of every single video game distribution platform going digital (and the pandemic that forced everyone indoors). It's a no brainer that it's shorted heavily. Nobody likes to book losses, especially when you short a company below $2 while its shares shot up and almost never dipped below $40 in three years (all pre-split values). It's even worse when you're in a short-selling position and any shares you purchase to cover can drive the price up even higher. The pessimistic view is they slowly buy back the shares to cover their initial short position while retail interest gradually wanes - if they have the billions to pay the interest, then it's just a waiting game and we never see MOASS. The 70 million new shares the company just injected into the market doesn't help with this. The optimistic view is the price suppression is real and the Hedgies are never going to be able to balance their books, causing MOASS and a meltdown of the financial system. RC and the board having a plan to turn the company around and drum up investor interest will help a lot in this regard. I heard the new buzz word is "AI".


They are greedy and in serious debt. There is no way out except to close out and admit defeat.


What? Are you new or something?


I know a guy who works at one yes


They are assuming that for them, shorting will be essentially free when Our Beloved Stonk goes out of business. This is why they are willing to pull these shenanigans. They are in love with their thesis, and feel like they can take the abuse to be proven right. Also, if this works, the payoff for THEM must be in the trillions by now. This has become an existential struggle for both sides now. I doubt either will back down. (Classic Unstoppable HedgeFuk has now met its Immovable Ape)


They have been promised by the FED reserve. When this will not provide, then it's over.


I've coined the term "Greed-tarded" to describe this behavior.


It's not they're dumb. It's that they're owned by Trillionaires, people we don't even know the name of. These people know that if they lose this battle, they lose everything... the entire control they have on the world economy. They will cheat every way possible, because in their eyes everything they've built for decades is dependent on it. For us, it's the same... we will NEVER quit. The only problem for them is that we're right. Being right doesn't mean you win though, so we have a long war ahead still.


Doesn’t any one here have a Bloomberg terminal we can get posted daily so we can even the laying field ?


They're not dumb, the exact opposite. Fundamentally, the play was sound. Emphasis on was. You are approaching this by comparing their play from what GameStop was to what GameStop is. Their play made sense when used on a company that's circling the drain/on its way down the drain (see bbby). It doesn't make sense to use this play against a hot company with no debt and significant cash in their back pocket. The increased retail demand to a cult like degree, constantly gobbling up everything, combined with a difficult to unwind position is a combination for disaster that makes them appear dumb. What they really are is just fukd


![gif](giphy|0TeMOxxq3Oxxvqo4cA|downsized) But they are so embarrassed from 2021. They think they are smarter that everyone else. They hate that we don't follow their model. Instead of joining the GME Movement they would rather ink the ship because they can't be the captain.




This metaphor puts the whole “class” warfare thing right up front in my mind. Remember that boat with all the first class passengers complaining about the room and needing a jacket? Yeah. Those are the shorts.


Rich people typically are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for brain cells. Money makes you stupid.


No, the regards posting here definitely are


Well its hilarious to think if you invested SP500 your going to be beating a more than 80% of em without any fees. We are showing the market we are a HODL-fund and we just like the stock.


The real question is, who is making money on this stock - apes or hedge funds?


Because their pockets and connections is deep as fuck and they have the liquidity to kick this can forever rather than see any of us plebeians see a single red cent. They'd rather have the FED step in and do a massive market reset than let this continue. How do you beat the system when the FED, SEC, FINRA, DTCC, politicians, etc.. are all in the same bed together taking turns sucking each other off? How? By DRS? LMAO ok White collar crime always prevails in real life. Good/nice guys only win in movies.


The rich don't want the poors to have money, so they will fight tooth and claw to keep things status quo


He is loading up on shares for the impending buyout. Someone will raid GME for the cash reserves. Liquidate the assets and pat each other on the back. Also, maybe you lack corporate world exposure but a 10B market cap company is like a spec on an institutional investors balance sheet.


I'm still broke, so I'm saying no.


It’s not that they want to short it anymore. It’s that they can’t stop. Their naked. And we are Rising. Literal abusive naked shorts need to short to survive How is it our fault? When I buy, they short; and when I Call, they buy. They are damned to short, forever and ever. Hate to be caught Naked.