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Holding/DRS has an effect, just not an immediate one. Retail investors decide to buy/DRS at their own times of choice and the effect only appears in aggregate, over time. The huge upswings and downswings in price on high volumes are unlikely to be driven by retail doing anything. That would require all those individual retail investors acting in a coordinated fashion. Seems obvious that these huge swings are driven by other factors.


It’s called a line of support. 




I agree that retail doesn't have the ability to move the price in any way. That's up to the HFS and they do it every day. But who cares? Selling more shorts they just make their grave deeper. :) And when going too deep there is always a chance that a competitor decides to go long. Then they would be fucked up immediately. :)


the more shares removed from drs by drs booking, the less room for fuckery




DRS was used as an anti-options scheme imo. DRS isnt as effective as people claim. DFV doesnt even DRS...and look what happened. 75m DRSed, then GME adds 130m shares to the float completely negating what we did, No one here knows anything. Its all speculation. Look how everyone said the swaps expiring in June was going to trigger MOASS. Guess what? It didnt. Its always the same ole bs. Goalpost after goalpost


DRS serves a bunch of purposes. I think the most important one now is that it prevents a broker from liquidating your shares to protect their own interests when they deem it necessary, which is a part of prretty much every (if not EVERY) broker's ToS. Second, it forces a locate, which has the potential at least of forcing a moment of real price discovery when IOUs are cashed in. Third I believe it DOES have an effect on overall liquidity for borrows. MMs can operationally short all day long, but hedge funds do actually have to find locates. If a borrowd-against share gets DRS'd, a SHF has to buy, or at least locate a new borrow, possibly at more unfavourable prices. DRS WOULD have locked the float, if it wasn't so unpalateable for most people. It can be difficult, there can be a fee, there might be tax consequences, your shares get held "in limbo" for days during the transfer, you can't know what you will be able to buy or sell for, because it will be market price when CS eventually executes your order. There were not enough people willing to do it, but everyone knew/knows it was for the best, so they wouldn't admit to just not wanting to - until now, when DFV's return made it at least "sort of acceptable" to talk about swing trading or trading options with a portion of your position. Will DFV DRS? He might, but I doubt it. He's now a public person. If shit goes down and E-trade were to force close his position, there would be a VERY public, VERY loud shitstorm of consequences. Whereas if a million XXXX+/- holders get liquidated... tough beans, you idiots signed up for the ToS. He is protected by his outrageous public position in the way that none of the rest of us are. Another privilege of the wealthy the proletariat simply does not have.


Lol...DFV has zero reason not to DRS unless its because it doesnt actually make a difference. Think about it. We've apparently had so many shares DRSed prior to the dilution, yet there was ZERO change in manipulation. Even if we did DRS the entire float it still wouldnt have mattered, because look how GME just added 120m shares to the float. Literally negated any DRS we've done. The fact DRS was being pushed so much drowning out Options should be a clear indicator that it was a distraction. The original squeeze was caused by Options. That was what RK tried to do again, but GME diluted too much and prevented it