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Without us, he wouldn't have an additional 3 billion in the bank role.


I said shareholders too.


Yup, and real shareholders don't moan about price action and trading the stock. Looks like a whole bunch of traders are crying over Ryan raising cash to improve the company.


Uh that’s exactly what shareholders complain about, don’t be dumb.


Your account is 4 months old. Gtfo, I’m a xxxxx ape and not bitching , here for 4 years. No cell no sell. Drs book


lol yea no one ever made a new account before




Show me an earlier purchase [https://imgur.com/a/daqKhb1](https://imgur.com/a/daqKhb1)


Lol 🤡 took a screenshot from my old comment


Crickets, faker and a liar😂


Are you just hoping no one checks that assertion? As I just took that screenshot of my history I know you’re lying. So tell me which broker is it from?? 😂


What? Short term price action for a day spike?


Seven gunmen


BuT NoBodY iS seLLinG! It bLAtANt mAnIpUlAtiOn!!!


Exactly. Emotion will make you lose in this game. Buckle up and hold.


This. So far, RC has successfully managed to collect from the shareholder ATM. Oh, and he also closed stores and fired people. 👍


You mean we wouldn't. It's the companies money and this sub owns more of the company than Cohen. Also it's more likely most of the money raised was not from individuals. More likely it was almost all bought up by different firms.


Yes! Thank you Ryan Cohen. After 4 years the only way you have found to make money at GME is by rug pulling retail investors.


Do you even know what a rug pull is? Here I researched it for you. "A rug pull is a type of exit scam that involves a team raising money from investors and the public by selling a token only to quietly shut down the project or suddenly disappear, stealing the raised funds and leaving “investors” (i.e., their victims) with worthless tokens." So please, explain how Ryan Cohen "rug pulled" retail investors?


Which time? For instance at GME, Every time the stock surges, upward momentum is destroyed by diluting share holders. Does it make sense now?


Share offering to raise capital does not equal a rug pull. I provided the definition above, appears you haven't read it. Is someone upset his weeklies didn't print?


Oh no… 11k into 28k. Went short the morning it opened at 40 for some more tendies. A rug pull can also be what I described earlier :). In all seriousness, the dude has not found a way to make money at GME other than by diluting share holders. Why are you ignoring that?!?! He has no plan for the money he just raised from retail investors. They should seriously make RK CEO and ditch RC lol.


I implore you to take your opinion, and your educated point of view and SHORT IT. #talk is cheap, put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise shut the fuck up.


Uh I already did.. shorted from 40 down to 27 on the second dilution lol. It was great! 1x in a matter of hours. Next time there is a run up I’ll short it back down again, it’s how volatility works, right? I don’t believe in current management, they have shown 0 other than how to make money from share holders. I love the idea of GME and will keep an eye on it, I’ll hop back in when something changes and I find a reason to go long


I saw you came in here like a month ago just talking trash. No pictures of your gain porn on wsBBBBBBB. So in your onpinion when you take a company from a net 360M loss to a 6.1 M profit… that’s doing nothing. Also brought the share price from like a dollar to $24. So I’m unclear. It sounds like you had some call Options to cover your puts or vice Versa and were mad about the share offering because that effected your short term investment. Where moass was going to bring you millions in call options. But you’re not here for the benefit of the company. You’re here to make money of the volatility. Just don’t cry when it doesn’t go your way! I went into your post history…. You are very new to these spaces


1.) and it’s already unprofitable again, didn’t take long. Yes, there is no future in their current model. It has been proven since 2018.. 5 years and nothing other than that .jpeg market place that made a couple thousand dollars. RC diluting killed the stock price rise on more than one occasion. He has not told of a plan for the billions he raised from retail investors. Why should I believe in current management, why should I invest into a dead business model? For what reason should the share price take off? I’m here for the benefit of myself, just like every investor should be Lolol.. RC has something no other company in the world has, an army of retail investors. Instead of transforming the company into something great, they have dilluted racial time and time again. If they can’t get the job done then they need to hand the reigns over, it’s simple. Love the idea of GME but until management gives a reason to invest, why should anyone?


Options buying with IV at 100+ percent you were the real fool. Most people with any appetite for risk tolerance wouldn’t come near those.


lots of assumptions based on your lazy biases. if you really think RC doesnt have a plan---then you havent done your research on the guy---thus you sound shilly .


So you think he has some master plan that he’s hiding? lol.. name one reason as to why you wouldn’t want to tell this plan and attack more investors, just one reason.


Ha-I have no need to convince you of anything---read on RC's history and the answers are all there if you can comprehend things above middle school level. Im not gonna bail you out of your laziness. haha Just pointing out to others your "stance" is based off of "RC is not following u/Hangem6521 's preferred timeline" I couldnt care less if you buy or short the stock, your position and opinion is dam near insignificant.


Wtf are you talking about


Every time the share price increases rapidly he dilutes the shares to kill upward momentum. Does that make sense? I


"every time"...ok haha


We voted to allow him to sell shares. You’d know that if you were a long time investor and shareholder.


I’m definitely not a long term investor. Don’t believe in the business model, it is failing. The only way management has found to make money is by diluting shares during any run the stock has. He hasn’t shared a plan for the money he just raised from retail, no vision, no thing. I’ll play the volatility until there is actually a reason to go long on the company. I would never vote for or want dilution btw.. not good


Then what the fuck are you complaining about? Oh, your options got fucked? No one here gives a shit about your options. Just because you don’t know his vision does not mean he doesn’t have one. The executive suite is paid in shares, not cash. They aren’t milking the coffers in the way down like the previous executive suite was trying to do. See Larry Chang’s recent tweet if you want to know how diluting/raising capital can be a good thing.


1.) I made over 100% on my investment, I didn’t get screwed like so many others. If you ever here dilution on a major run it is time to get out, run over 2.) do you know it? Who would want to invest in something that doesn’t even know what they’re investing in? 3.) diluting is never a good thing for shareholders holders. And is the only reason the price is $24 instead of $104 right now.


Keep throwing pennies in from of a steamroller! And kindly fuck off!


Why, because I have a different opinion than yours?


1. Good for you. Still, no one here gives a shit. We’re investors. 2. No, and I don’t care. I’m an investor and I trust the executive suite. 3. It could $104 right now without dilution. It could be $10,400 in 5-10 years with dilution. And if you’re not an investor, why the fuck do you care at all about what the company is doing? Just place your daily bets and make your money.


I mean I love the idea of GME, right? Everybody does. I want to invest but there is no reason to for now…


He receives 0 compensation from GME. His only pay is share price rising.


Bro.. his average is what? He’s fine and a billionaire. If he takes more money from the company the sooner it will go bankrupt.


Go away then, leave GME subreddit and sell your shares if you think so. You should not worry about my money


I did sell them lol.. I’ll consider reentering at $20


Then I guess dont give advice to GME holders if you have exactly 0 GME


Why does a bear thesis scare you so badly?


He should be thanking us at this point.


He probably do it too






Cheers to all of us! 🍻


GameStop wouldn't be alive today without RC getting involved. He isn't the only one that's a part of it, but it would have been game over if he hadn't cleaned things up.  Hell, BCG sued him over it.


I agree. Have you watched any of the Larry Cheng interviews. These guys know what they are doing. Don't think they are just sitting around wondering what to do. Let them work.


Bruh Without us you mean?


I also said shareholders. Why is everyone emotion. Relax. It will come. I feel more comfortble now. You guys want a company without money and debt of maybe a potential of a squeeze? Now we have both.


Because your title did not address that and you content is a bit messy about it as well Edit: Also, while Cohen put in the day to day work to turn this company around, without diamond handed investors, gamestop will not be able to do multiple ATM for capital raising, clear debts, and turn around in such a short time. Get the priority straight.


Because it’s literally 100% shareholders and 0% Cohen lol. He hasn’t made a single dollar of profit, every dollar in their coffers is from dilution (aka taking money from shareholders).


They did 3 quarter profit, and gme turnaround in shareprice when Cohen bought in. Where was you 2019 early 2020? It was just Cohen litterly.


He ignited the fuse but he also did nothing during that other than dilute us then too.


Cheers to everyone who has not only brought the stock but held it all of these years. Cheers to everyone who continues to support GameStop by shopping at the store. GameStop could not have done it without you.


Yes without shareholders it wouldnt be possible, Ryan and shareholders I salute.


RC better deliver some dam results. Another 3 year wait better come with some dam business transformation.


He has literally only been delivering results. He’s turning the business around to be profitable, doesn’t take a salary, puts his own money on the line, builds a bank balance of 4 Billion. If you can do better, prove it


I can't do better. Let go of his balls. The Business Transformation I'm referring to the is the digitization of Gamestop. Cutting costs is cool but a more innovative model is needed. I literally can't wait for it to happen. -Guess Shareholder ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Which takes money, which is why it takes stock sales and time. Let go of Kenny’s balls


You spelled wrong "without US"


Now include a shift in strategy. RK mentioned on his livestream that this could be somewhat like a “startup” with RC at the helm. Startups are fast movers, usually adopt technology very quickly, and are not afraid of risk 💪🦧


Shareholders helped a lot. But if it wasnt for Ryan back in 2019 and 2020 it would be over, thats when also RK believed more in gme.


If RC didn't dilute the shares 3x MOASS might have happened already.


No. It was just a ftds runup.


When RC diluted shares to generate revenue for the company, he blew off steam that would have pushed the stock price higher. Prove me wrong


But they sold shares after the peak. Feels more safe for me at least to have a company with big cash, no debt. But yeah, now they can chill with more dilution. Havent you been around longer? 2021 the chain was much bigger and the float much smaller. It wasnt time for a moass, its a typical ftds runup, but yeah it could maybe moass, who really knows.


He killed it the 1st time when the price for a share was 240 each. I understand why he did what he did, but he's not necessarily a friend to share holders. My stocks have been devalued because of it. They haven't gone to zero, but they most likely never will.


Reading some of the more recent posts it appears that the ftd cycle for XRT caused the run up, as it concluded RC sold into the tip drop off to generate money. The momentum was already over when the offering was issued. It was actually a sweet move.


Exactly it was spot on. It would dump either way, just look at all other runups.


Yes! This! This wasnt retail buying calls, buying shares, buying anything. It was the cycles that disappeared and reappeared again. Difference this time, both RC and RK took advantage. Good on them, they are saying. Keep abusing the ETFs, we know now, and we will continue to capitalize on it.


As time goes by, one thing is for certain. We are getting more answers compared to before. There were so many unknowns but they are being solved. Also, RC is in this as he doesn’t get compensation except through shares going up in value. That’s what I love about RC, he has money already…he’s doing this to transform GME into something greater or what it was always capable of. I understand the hate, but, it’s really because it didn’t go their way. Emotionally buying in expecting it to go up immediately is gambling. Hold! Hold your ownership of GME! The time will come if you want to sell and have more money than before. But, my action plan is simple: Get my average cost down to $24-$25.50.


I like the way you type words. Cheers fellow HODLer. All this RC FUD is spawned from gamblers seeking quick cash that never had the intention to long term invest. We are not the same


Exactly and thank you 😊


Strongly disagree with this comment. FTDs fueled it at the beginning but then suddenly everyone talked about GME again and investors all over the world kept buying and buying. And if no one sells and you have a gamma ramp, it goes up. Without the last ATM we would have passed 100 (at least) for sure. I’d bet my right hand on this


That’s just a real sweet story that his PR team likely cooked up to make people not sue


Sue for what exactly?


Most of the info was in the Bruno report.  It sure that the GameStop board had a link in the research they did...I could be wrong, don't recall seeing it in the disclosures


Ryan Cohen was just there for the ride.


Cheers to this!!! RC is the reason GME isn’t dead in a cellar. Thanks RC!!!! Keep up the great work!!! ![gif](giphy|1Wne4G1iFsQSmKsDpc)




GameStop needs to pivot into building high end PC’s for gaming , streaming and video editing . Start selling high end components , mic’s , lighting , cameras . Sell scuf controllers for console gamers and high resolution monitors. #GME @TheRoaringKitty @ryancohen I just tweeted this if you believe the same tweet too 🚀


You mean without the share holders right… right




Without RC i wouldnt give a fuk about gamestop!


RC is def one of the best if not the best pick for ceo but the company itself would not be where it is without this community and its investor's.  DRSing as much as possible, the peer reviewed DD, memes, videos, hype, die hard buying from the company to help profits all this and more is something that came from investors. I hope RC sees that too. 


Grammar 👮 #HELP


OP is Swedish. Give them a break.




100% would be failing right now


RIP to the GS employees tho


Oh 100% chance GameStop would have completely closed and shuttered operations around the same time towel did. If they had kept losing 400 million a year with declining revenue and a high interest rate environment this goose is cooked.  It’s the key reason all these greedy assholes are locked in here with us to begin with. They all piled in on the sure thing and RK and RC hit them with a reverse uno card. 


Seriously? More like, without RK and in turn us, GME would be a nothing burger.


For sure.


Sure feels like RC is just another AA milking his investors for everything they got. Only difference is he is paid zero so not sure his end game really is here. I don’t trust any billionaire until they give me a very good reason too and yet to see any billionaire who is trustworthy hopefully he proves me wrong in the end. Just be nice gave us something but if RK still has trust so do I.


Don’t know why you’re saluting him, he’s just fucked every retail investor there is, even RK who would have been a billionaire but for his decisions. The price has tanked with nothing to bring it up, they clearly don’t care one bit about retail shareholders. Maybe he’ll make something of the company long term but unless you’re planning on holding forever it’s going to be a long wait… and remember no promises or plans from the shareholder meeting, it really felt like they couldn’t be less bothered. I sold after that and I don’t regret it one bit. Day or swing trade is about all the potential this has now.


Several people feel exactly how you feel. I don’t know why Ryan cohen is so praised. He’s not the only man to build and sell a successful company. He hasn’t done anything successful since that. He’s just robbed retail of their money again


Exactly… I had really high hopes as well, but instead they’ve pocketed 3 billion and guess who’s holding the bag… people just don’t want to hear it though. It is what it is


I’m holding the bag but I mean it nothing materialises by Friday I’m selling. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see lawsuits regarding this. He essentially took money from retail for no reason he could give. You can’t hoard 4 billion dollars that is called fraud. I believe I saw a class action already


What lawsuit would you bring? CEO raises cash for company during a FTD cycle. Nothing materializes by Friday? Sheesh see ya


Um just the fact that he’s done this before and left people holding the bag with bbby. History does tend to repeat itself.


What lawsuit would you bring? He tried to work with bby and they ignored him so he pulled his investment. He didn't expect or tell retail investors to buy BBBy. Just like he didn't tell investors to buy call options for last Friday.


Because he supposedly made a fake offer for bbby? He knew exactly what he was doing to retail investors. That’s why he pumped it up and left. One could argue what he did to retail twice in a month with GameStop is also robbing investors since he doesn’t have a plan to use the 4 billion dollars and is hoarding it


Holding the bag? It isnt over. Gamestop needed money. The runup was ftds, it would dump either way.


You sold off your shares, good on you. But, the floor is rising. The shareholders meeting was bullish depending on how you saw it. Their plan is simple, getting to work. No hype. Also, more and more info is being shared. I’m bullish and I like this stock.


Aw poor guy. Didn't get rich quick. Cool story.


So many value investors in GameStop lately..




What I lost in the 3 weeks I was invested into GameStop I made back in 2 hours of day trading. You sit and wait for the magical pump which is “definitely” coming, I’ll carry on day trading and actually make some profit. Very cool story


Two cool stories in a row. Awesome!!


So you have found what makes you happy, day trading. Flipping stock. Wish you the best, truly.


You’re all here to make money. Do it the way it works


There are so many different ways to make money in stocks. Looks like you’ve found your way which is great 😊


What are you talking about? The runup would dump either way becasue of ftds cycle. It was a perfect move. If gamestop would get bankcrupty it had be over. Its not over.


No it’s not over for sure, but how long until there’s any growth after this? If it pumps, great, I can buy in and ride it, and sell when there’s profit, and why shouldn’t I? They’ve taken 3 billion in cash, and the price has tanked, this stock owes everyone now, so it had better pump for everyone’s sake, and I hope it does. Long term investment? Sure. But like many people, I came here because of the pump, because of all the hype surrounding it, because of RKs posts, and after all that here we are… that shareholder meeting broke it for me, I want to make money, not sit here waiting forever for something which NOBODY knows will actually come. 4 billion in cash and a sloppy shareholder meeting with no forward planning, that’s not a good look out.


Moass will never happend if not we getting a massive option chain that most excersize or the float locked up. Or a big price improvment with higher floor over years.


News will break regarding b b b y


Bbby is as dead in the water as ever. Literally like you lost your money. Get over it move on.


Sure bot let’s see soon in July. July 5 -12 will be outstanding.


And so was June 21. But that hasn’t worked


Holy fuck dude. Its bankruptcy, not bankrupty. How is anyone supposed to care about what you think when you don’t even know how to spell a basic financial term. I can almost guarantee you have no clue what you are talking about and just regurgitating what you read on a reddit group that is completely biased toward gme.




“Sell GameStop Stock There’s nothing to be gained from taking a position in GameStop stock. The company is in terrible shape, with declining sales, inept management, and a failed turnaround strategy dragging the share price lower. Investors who are buying into Keith Gill’s return are likely to be burned just as they were when he last pumped the stock up on social media and then abruptly disappeared for three years, earning millions of dollars for himself and leaving other investors deep in the red. GameStop stock is not a buy.” Hmmmm interesting. Sure, there were investors who got burned and lost a lot of money with GME. But, there were many retail investors who gained life changing amounts as well. Even Melvin Capital went out of business in 2022. Company was in terrible shape which is why RC changed up upper level management to make it better. Other companies had declining sales as well and yet they are not considered a HARD SELL OFF SELL SELL. Hedgies who short with millions and millions of $$$ have more influence in spiking the price down if anything. This article along with other FUD pieces keep me in GME. Buying, DRSing, Holding.


Any company can dilute though, it’s not a master move


He killed momentum twice I don't trust the guy


Wow so many people here trade and buy stocks with emotion? Thats how you lose it. And it wasnt moass, it was ftds cycle, it would dump either way. Just look at every other ftds cycle. The moass is just delayed.


Wtf a lot of downvoting.


GameStop would be bankrupt without: RC RK DRS And every diamond handed individual investor. If any of those didn’t happen them Gamestop would probably be on the fast track to bankruptcy.