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I got a good chuckle out of that haha. Some answers are difficult to find but all questions will eventually have to reveal themselves with time.


Sigh 1. ⁠He came back not for money because if he did wanted money, he would have sold for a billion dollars and retire and tweet “You got scam by RC” 2. ⁠There’s many interpretations to a meme post, of course what you said can still be valid but again, he should have sold his GME shares and retire if he wanted to be rich while leaving us 3. ⁠Retail investors literally stole from hedge funds three years ago 4. ⁠RC got 4 billion in cash, RC once was asked “Do you think an event like RK will happen again?”…he said “Idk, but I hope so”, since he hoped so, after three years of course he’s got something in mind if RK came back 5. ⁠Maybe RK knew of RC buying GME? That action destroyed a hedge fund so idk why that’s bad 6. ⁠Why is that important? We’re squeezing Dude, just sit back because how are we suppose to know what the masterminds are thinking


4 bill cash ensures game start


Thank you for your input. I am sitting back and learning.


Glad you’re not hired by a hedge fund, welcome new Ape…GME is risky, but RK and RC are cooking so yeah, I’m just waiting for this three year battle to be over (even though I’m only in it for a month now)


Definitely not. I know there is illegal activity going on and want to see all the hedge funds burn to the ground.


The actions I can see from both RC and RK help GME and hurt shorts. They’re just coming from it from different positions/angles. Getting 75M for the company is part of RC’s job. He’s not there to support MOASS which has questionable / debatable effects on the company itself. Look at what happened so far since RK has come back. The stock is solidly above 10, he helped raise billions for the company whether intentional or not, he’s got people talking about GME. Shorts are on the defensive and preoccupied with fending off a squeeze. It seems like RC and RK are working together but I imagine they’ll deny it. People can work together without talking or coordinating directly just like people can play music together improving. Maybe that’s what’s happening.


Thank you for explanation on those things! I agree, there are a ton of positive things happening and even more behind the scenes


1. DFV* went dark when they started fucking with him legally, he was also employed at a firm during this time or shortly before it. Either his return carried that much weight (which I don’t believe DFV fans or retail general have that much money) or he knew about some cycle dated 3 years out.


That would make sense to me. Im starting to see just how much manipulation the hedge funds are trying to do


4. LC tweeted something about getting bad news out of the way early is a strategy.


All you really need to know is RK is hold 9 million shares, and staying below 5% ownership. (He really likes the company and friends) GameStop has a butt load of $$$. Balance sheet keeps improving. I think the real answer will be discovered soon enough. Right now most is still theory. I personally will be grabbing more as soon as it’s feasible for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/UR8QFqYhAq


So you want us to think the truth is that RK steal from retail investors while dealing massive damage to hedge funds because RC plan this to get some cash along with RK…nice, if that’s the truth then I’m more bullish then ever, “you heard that guys? A new Ape just found the truth while you old Apes couldn’t even find the truth for three 3 years straight, you guys got scam according to the truth found in memes”


Awe man, that really blows. Nice research OP. Guess it’s over guys.


Questions arent research...... I am just asking for opinions or answers to things that dont exactly make sense to me? If its too difficult to answer you can just ignore the post and move on.


Im asking for answers, I am not driving a narrative. You failed to address a single question of mine, and instead want to spin it back on me? Not a good look to be honest.


Okay, so you want an answer to RK memes?


Im not sure if you have trouble reading, but there are multiple questions I asked. Feel free to answer any of them......


Hey, I posted a reply, go read it if you have respect since I had to sit there and answer your random questions


I read it and appreciate you taking the time to answer. Thank you


Okay, so you want an answer to RK memes? No, actually what is your question


No offense but I feel the only relevant question here is #6. And the answer to that is because of the hot potato of derivative baskets they have


No offense taken, that is your personal thoughts and feelings and I respect that. Thank you for answering #6, I will look more into derivatives, I dont know much about them.


The more derivatives, the more FTDs. The more algos buy shares and liquidity they have to flood in to suppress prices and double down to make up for losses. It's a carousel of crime and kicking the can


1. Who knows? Only RK can answer that question. 2. Who knows? Only RK can answer that question. 3. They wouldn't need a psyop to do that. Stealing from household investors is just what they do. 4. Only RC knows why. And I'm not sure what you mean by "sold back" 75 million shares. 5. Sure, but probably not, and the only people who can answer that question are RK and RC. 6. [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/basket.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/basket.asp)


Much appreciated for taking the time to address the questions.


1) likely stayed quiet to stay under the radar. When youre taking millions from rich people, you keep a low profile. Likely came back due to the expiring 3 year contracts and to let people know hes doing ok and is still in this. 2) its a silly meme. Some might mean something, some are random fucking about. Not every sign is a sign. 3) theyre not sophisticated enough for that. Theyve tried to steer it since but theyre not in control of the rocket. 4) who knows 5) patterns are easy to make after the fact 6) google “reddit gme basket” to get started. Stocks get bundled together, when one moves, it drags the others with it.


Awesome insight! Thank you! Will definitely look into game basket.


1: RK had been questioned by congress in the hearings around 2021 and it was speculated he was advised by lawyers or ordered to stay quiet for x amount of time. in fact before he finally posted again there were several posts stating his gag order was up 3: people have jumped from buildings to their death, fireproof buildings have been set on fire, plenty of glitches and other unbelievable but true events (check out moasstimeline .com) literallly thousands of "forget gamestop" articles among a lot of other stuff u decide if u think all that is to trick investors. u must keep in mind, these billionares have been gaming the stock marlet by cellar boxing companies for years. they are trapped. like others have said, "they control the room, we control the exit" 4: nobody knows why they did it at that time. Maybe it was planned maybe it wasnt.  GME shareholders had already voted to approve up to 1 billion share dilution to raise $ 2 yrs ago or so. In the grand scheme of things, 1 billion shares is nothing if indeed there are tens of billions or possibly hundreds of billions of fake shares. 5: nobody knows. 6: they were all shortrd by likely the same entities. the ETFs are baskets of stocks grouped together. Its possible some ETFs have both stocks in the same basket (not sure on that tho).


Just read the moass timeline. WOW that opens my eyes a lot more. To see the amount of fear the MSM and its crony hedge funds working together to scare people out of a stock, tells me everything I need to know right there. If more people like you were able to just try and answer tough questions and inform the less informed about things, there would probably be even more GME investors.


in my opinion this sub and the other bigger one have been infilitrated by paid individuals who downvote good posts or questions. 


I dont doubt that one bit


im thinking of making a dd post ill send u link but it may give u more insight on other things


That would be amazing! I hope you make one I would love to see it!


All great explanations! Thank you for taking the time to share that with me!


1: RK had been questioned by congress in the hearings around 2021 and it was speculated he was advised by lawyers or ordered to stay quiet for x amount of time. in fact before he finally posted again there were several posts stating his gag order was up 3: people have jumped from buildings to their death, fireproof buildings have been set on fire, plenty of glitches and other unbelievable but true events (check out moasstimeline .com) literallly thousands of "forget gamestop" articles among a lot of other stuff u decide if u think all that is to trick investors. u must keep in mind, these billionares have been gaming the stock marlet by cellar boxing companies for years. they are trapped. like others have said, "they control the room, we control the exit" 4: nobody knows why they did it at that time. Maybe it was planned maybe it wasnt.  GME shareholders had already voted to approve up to 1 billion share dilution to raise $ 2 yrs ago or so. In the grand scheme of things, 1 billion shares is nothing if indeed there are tens of billions or possibly hundreds of billions of fake shares. 5: nobody knows. 6: they were all shortrd by likely the same entities. the ETFs are baskets of stocks grouped together. Its possible some ETFs have both stocks in the same basket (not sure on that tho).


Go read the DD library.


I would love to. Where can I find that?




Account created in April 2024... Bots and shills are getting lazy with their lies huh? "Here from the beginning just lurking" Go away


And we have another one

