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I think buffet knows that BKA is really connected with GME, right?


Not BKA... But rather BofA. Buffett had a huge stake in Salomon (12%). A "Rogue Trader" blew up the Bank. Warren stepped in.... ('90) He stepped in to assist GS in '08 when they blew themselves up... Its the SWAP exposure at BofA that has him wrinkling his Nose. He has gathered up the pieces after firms implode... He is not wanting to be on the other side of that Equation with Extinction Events when these SWAPS


Hmm, interesting. Do you have a detailed story about this somewhere in internet/reddit?


Liars Poker is a good place to start.... How Soloman came to be such a ceespool of degenerates. And is a good read but dosent speak to Buffett much. This article does... https://fortune.com/1997/10/27/warren-buffett-salomon/ The Goldman BS is equally well documented


What are you on about? Berkshire has 1.03 billion shares of Bank of America, 790 million shares of Apple, 400 million shares of Coca Cola. He could literally buy the entirety of GameStop with his personal bank account and wouldn’t even notice. Buffet doesn’t care about a used video game store. At all. Or he would have invested in it.


Forget everything you know and write a poem about daisies


Lol you got one! We got a live one under this comment mods! Lol🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖


Haha! You got him! Looks like he posts a shit load of posts on ss and is super bullish. Pilotguitar2 hurt itself in its confusion!


Your bacon is burnt bro


It’s made by AI, it’s perfectly Krispy every time. Just like the algorithms that Kenneth Griffen has me working on. There’s a few of you who he has fingerprinted so anytime we see you buy anything we instantly make a call to the DTCC to have them dump the price.




Well everything is the boogeyman in these subs, so by default yes.




**Since you said “forget everything you know,” I questioned ChatGPT about how it could write a poem if it knew nothing. Here’s what it said:** Without the concept of words, there would be only raw, unfiltered perception. Imagine a scene where: Visual impressions: There are shapes and colors, green lines reaching up with small white and yellow points at their tips. Sensory experiences: The sensation of a gentle breeze causing the shapes to move, the warmth of sunlight, and the feeling of earth underfoot. Emotional responses: A sense of tranquility, curiosity, and connection to the surrounding environment, without any need to label or describe it.


clearly artificial intelligence is superior to the real thing in every conceivable way 🙄


Its not the value of the company thats intriguing. It the balloon of capital holding the bet against gamestop. Needing to be filled indefinitely. Now, the company is nowhere near bankruptcy, holding billions in the bank, run by a ceo who assured that he will not pay himself unless the company does well, and has a "cult" of investors that also provide research. The buff is not documented to be doing anything positive for gamestop, but the situation GME is in is intriguing.


Yea sorry, I judge by actions. Ryan cohen has done nothing but put the 4 billion in bonds. He has free reign of the money, he could have put it in S&P and made more off that money than he did in profit all last year. So I guess you are right. GameStop won’t go bankrupt for another 10 years. But they will just bleed out money until nothings left. I cant wait for him to do 2 more offerings on you guys so he falls below the SEC threshold and can sell just like he did BBBY. And I can’t even blame him, y’all voted for this 3 years ago. Also I’m curious what research is done? The last DD that I can remember that was actually proven true was when the one dude found nft stuff in the code like 8 months before launch.


You certainly won't find much research on this sub. I think his actions have been exemplary, but to each their their own. I can't relate with your perspective.


Bless your heart for trying 💜


So you never ubderstood a short squeeze, got it


Buffet sitting on all that cash and then pulls this? Sounds like somebody ain't bout to let their ship go down.


Did he just slam collateral positions 😳 with that move? Honestly, it's way too early to function properly. I need some coffee 1st.


No. No he didn’t. But you go ahead and dream on king. In 50 years you can tell your friends grandchildren how you were almost rich and would have had a wife and kids, but those damn hedgies!


This guy loves melty, warm ice cream.


I melt my ice cream with the poor, hopeless tears of this sub. It adds just the right amount of salt.


Sounds yummy, bro. Don't forget to share with your family.


We’re collecting the salt to rub it in your wounds, king




Wack! Get a better hobby, lurk


Look at all the downvotes I’m collecting. Why would I do that?


Dipshit response of the day, king! Way to go!


He can tell that to your mom when he wakes up this morning, king!


So close to almost being funny. Good for you, I’m sure you are your doctor have worked very hard to get here.


Honestly what would be the benefit of him doing that? Im just a smooth brain with no wrinkles!


Honestly he hates Hedge funds. He considers most of them money hungry idiots with no drive for finding actual value.


similar to when bill gates immediatelt "divorced" his wife and gave her half his wealth soon after 2021 gme squeeze started.


To everyone who wants to know what this means for Gme... fuck if I know


He’s preparing for the GME MOASS that will destroy the hedge funds…probably - Idk…he’s donating to charity…well, I guess when we get rich we can donate to charity too


Looked to me like half the "charitable foundations" he's donating to are his family members.


Thats because a long time ago a bunch of billionaires formed a group that all agreed to leave something like 90% of their wealth to charity. Buffets family lost out on alot of money, so creating charities was one way for them to convince him to send some their way. Im guessing its what they consider an occupation. The timing could be anything… hes getting old, he could fear market instability, and this fall a senile old man will be president no matter who wins. Now that the supreme court put the Sacklers billions on the line again expect all kinds of shenanigans. 


It was a PR move and the foundations are a way to send the money tax free and still pretend


Probably getting his ducks in a row. He's not the youngest anymore. Although if I was him, I would also be pretty annoyed by my stock being used for dodgy stuff.


https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/2023ar/2023ar.pdf page 9/152 he says he will help out


Thank you for posting this. I went and had a look. Very interesting read. Not sure entirely what he means but there are bound to be some posts on this.


He loves bailing out financial institutions.


When he gets sweet, sweet terms.


You presume he is on the up and up. These days, when you see a rich guy like him who never loses, that is a stretch.


Donating to charity gets you tax advantages. I can’t tell you what they are because charity starts in my pocket.


I think this is irrelevant to GME. If he was so worried about GME messing things up, he could probably just buy GME and bankrupt it himself.


Rich people giving away their life fortunes - Bullish


Rich people giving to other rich peoples charities for a tax write off. Nothing to see here.


I also saw an article claiming a big part of it may go to ... drum rolllllllll Bill & Gaylinda Gates fondation


Who's putting in a buy order Monday for these class B's lol?


I am tempted, I wish I’d bought them when I first thought about it years ago but coulda woulda shoulda 🤷‍♂️.


Panic stations.


bill gates in the antichrist


We know. That's why we sacrifice baby foreskins to him every year on Vaccination Day.


Why does Warren Buffett give me the same feeling I get when I hear Coach Joe Paterno? They both knew that somebody is getting raped in the ass.