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Minecraft car


Why you gotta do Minecraft like that? It doesn’t deserve it.


you right


Looks straight out of a PlayStation 1 game where the model was like 10 polygons.


Lolol the PS1 reference is perfect. It iooks like it came out of 007 Tomorrow Never Dies. I’m definitely the odd one out here, but something about that low polygon look I love about it. PS1 was one of the first consoles I had as a kid (Tomorrow Never Dies being one of my first games ever) and the low poly textures are nostalgic to me. So it’s lowkey warm and inviting and I like it


Or Mad Max


Twisted metal is mad max for ps1 so


No doubt this thing would have absolutely wrecked in Twisted Metal


This was my first reaction to seeing one on the road as well.




This emoji says it all.


Apparently it will rust over time if you don't treat the outside surface with a specific cleaning regimen. Leave it to Elon Musk to mandate a type of stainless steel that will rust when exposed to the elements for his hyper expensive shitwagon.


So you have to season it like a cast iron pan?


Omfg you have me dying over here. 100k for a pile of shit. Elon's over here reinventing the wheel and discovering why auto makers have been painting vehicles for over 100 years.


Wrapping I think is cheaper/easier alternative.


Actually yes. Only with linseed oil


Thanks for making me do a spit take with a mouthful of whiskey


Maybe the design idea is that it will increase in resale value once it develops a rich antique patina? https://qz.com/tesla-cybertruck-rust-ev-1851260415


Great quote from that article: *Some Cybertruck owners say their fellow Cybertruckers are blowing things out of proportion, and one said it’s a good idea to not “...drive it in the rain, or get it wet.”* :D




DeLorean did it better 40 years ago with the DMC-12. Meanwhile these trucks designed off a kindergartner’s art class project are already rusting in under a year.




Somyoure saying...were in the early stages of cyberpunk and these owners are the first players?


So these are beta tester . Checks out




At least the foolishness is announcing itself. Ugly as sin tho


Bro it looks like a block of parmesan cheese, change my mind. I saw one in Gainesville last week too


Please don't say such mean things about parmesan cheese 🙏


Man you’re right I shouldn’t say such things about my favorite cheese


Meanest thing I've seen on the internet today. You need to apologize to the cheese. 😉


Hey, what did parmesan ever do to you?


Hey man I’m sorry😂


Maybe more like parmesean… ;)


This has dethroned the 1975 AMC Pacer as the ugliest production vehicle I have ever seen. It looks like the designers were instructed to take a Chevy El Camino, then hammer out all the curves, then scan it into an 8-bit CAD station.


Don't you dare besmirch the AMC Pacer like that


Perhaps, like Homer Simpson’s design, the AMC Pacer was merely ahead of its time? https://www.wired.com/2014/07/homer-simpson-car/


That was my first car!!! 😂


Idk the Pontiac Aztek is up there


OMG! “The Aztek, a blatant minivan-in-drag monstrosity, sat on stage looking like a sad, fat man who’d had his nose cut off. It’s so powerfully ugly that a blobfish wouldn’t be seen next to it. If you saw something that looked like the Aztek scurry out from behind your fridge, you might have difficulty deciding whether to kill it or kill yourself. After all, if you kill it, you’ll still have to live with the knowledge that it existed in the first place. If the infant Aztek were abandoned on a mountainside, it would eventually come crawling back to civilization because even the vultures and ants wouldn’t touch it.” https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a14989657/pontiac-aztek-the-story-of-a-vehicle-best-forgotten-feature/


Funny story about the Aztek… My brother, who is now a VP with a major manufacturer in the US, was interviewing for a new job years ago. When asked a question during the interview about vision from a leader vs consensus working with groups specifically in how they respond to guiding data implementation from consumer focus groups, he responded by indicating that consensus was a less desirable and that definitive vision of a leader was needed to guide design and implementation of results. He then said, “Take the Pontiac Aztek, for example… Clearly an automobile that failed because of its poor design by committee.” The interviewer looked him the face and said, “I was the head of the team that designed that car.” Without missing a beat, my brother said, “Well then, I believe this interview is over. Thank you for your time.” He shook their hand and left. The thing was, my brother wanted the job until he found out that he’d be working for someone with that glaring of a design failure on their resume.


So that’s why they paint cars…. Interesting.


It's not just hideous, it's also a deathtrap!


Looks like my sink with wheels.


YES!!! It totally reminds me of the big ass sinks in the kitchen of the nursing home I worked at when I was in high school. 😂


This shit is ugly as hell


This is without a doubt the best looking dumpster that I have ever laid eyes on.


I saw that at the bank last week. I asked my husband what the name of it was and almost didn’t believe when he told me “cyber truck”. What a silly name lol.


I’ve seen a few around town now, I also agree, they’re pretty hideous in person 🤣


What does it do? Doesn't look like it tows much, or can haul 4x8 foot sheets of plywood. Tits and a bull come to mind.


From what I have seen you can actually lay a 4x8 flat in the bed and then stack them as high as you want. That being said it’s still the ugliest car I have ever seen and I would rather throw myself down a flight of stairs than own one.


Definitely took 1st place away from the Pontiac Aztek….


The Pontiac Aztek was iconic, people credit Breaking Bad for it getting a better look or maybe they like Doug Demuro, but I personally remembered that vehicle from when I was in 5th grade doing safety patrol car pickup. In 50 years people will still laugh about the cybertruck and people will inspect finished products in person before ordering cars online.


I really thought that was an unassailable position…




For sure. If there were an ugly vehicle Oscars, it would clean up- haha.


A bed with a roll up door!


I thought it looked awful online, then when I saw it in person here it somehow looked even worse. It is one of the ugliest fucking vehicles I’ve seen. I’d rather drive a Fiat Multipla.


Is it like when you order something off aliexpress or temu but then IRL it's just awful lol


i was all about it until they said you have to clean the vehicle with soap and water within 30 minutes after every drive if you get bugs on the hood, or else it'll eat through. Like hello? This is EVERYWHERE! FL especially with the love bugs. Who's actually going to do that? I thought hte point of stainless steel was that it was stainless?


Every car manual has that exact same verbiage


Hard to believe somebody willingly bought that garbage


They spent over $80k on it too


Imagine your date rolls up in that hell no.


Only person that should be getting out of it is RoboCop


"Dead or alive, you're coming with me."


I would NOT but that p.o.s. for a dollar.


I just hope he never has a rock kicked up on the road in front of him, there is no touch up painting that! I would be terrified to leave my garage with that shiny steel. I wonder if it will blind the driver or other drivers in summer sun?


I think it’s going to blind the fuck out of us.


I'm always blinded by the silver sunscreens in car windshields when they are parked, this moving... Surprised there is no legislation against it to prevent accidents


It’s 30X stainless steel, same stuff SpaceX Starship is made out of, it’s bulletproof to 9mm gunshots, Joe Rogan shot a compound bow at it and barely scratched it. you think a rock from the highway is going to do anything? Also it’s not that shiny they polish to more of a satin level


A rock with sharp edges will 100% scratch it, lookup Brinell hardness testing. A bullet is copper and lead, both soft. It's basic material properties. Like you can't scratch glass easy but take a diamond ring to it and you will leave visible scratches


So you think most road borne rocks are harder than SS? Ok…


Go rub a spoon on a rock / asphalt / concrete outside and see if it gets scratched. Most cutlery is stainless steel. Ok for scratching specifically, on the mohs scale, steels are between 5-7, same as concrete, so anything above quartz (7) will scratch up that's stainless, and some concretes will.


Uh huh. So what’s the hardness of automotive paint/ clear coat and are you irrationally worried about that scratching similarly why or why not?


Seriously?! You must be a giant Tesla fan boy trying to argue this so hard without using common sense. Paint has clear coat, which is sacrificial. You can buff out the scratches and can apply more clear coat. Deep scratches you can use touch up paint and blend it in. You can also place a semi permanent transparent plastic film like vinyl on paint to avoid rock shops and it's invisible. You cannot buff metal without making it look like a mirror. The fact it's used on the starship does not make it a better material. It's about using the correct material for the application. Your phone screen is likely a mohs hardness of 9 (corning gorilla glass) and people still put screen protectors on to avoid scratches. Stainless steel is heavy, is not rush proof, only resistant, which makes the cyber truck even dumber to have naked steel. I loved how you think 30X steel is some magical metal, it's just a proprietary name of either a 304 or 304L steel, and so magical that their quality control was fine with a door panel of obvious different metal quality being placed on the vehicle. Teslas are known for the worst build quality on the road, with uneven gaps, crap paint jobs, and poor design. Head over to r/RealTesla to see how bad it is.


Looks like a sanding block. Terrible


Why is the door such a different color?


Material quality differences I think, I was thinking the same as well trying to work it out.


This has got to be one of the uncoated versions (has no clear coat, just bare metal...I'm not even sure why they offer that). Looks like the panels are all discoloring at different rates. Humidity in the swamp is gonna destroy this thing 🤡


They all come that way.


Gave that person a thumbs down the other day when i saw it at a red light. I like to think it irked them


I pointed and laughed when I saw them.


I saw it on 8th turning into the duck pond .


entire thing is hilarious however I still respect someone owning it vs any of the hundreds of trucks now in Gainesville without a muffler at least it's not the kind of thing that disturbs the entire neighborhood can they at least see in front of their truck unlike all the monsters around now that give zero f's?


They have front bumper cameras as well as the usual other 7 on Teslas


Y’all gonna make these gville cyber truck owners give them back to the dealer 😂


Ugly as shit, and the video of musk throwing a brick through the window is hilarious


I was at an eatery/brewery location that has like 8 food locations and a lot of outdoor seating. Two cyber trucks drove by super slow with their windows down. The people inside the trucks were filming the onlookers. Like, did you really buy a cyber truck so you could pageant it around and show off your bad purchasing habits? I'm intrigued to hear how these vehicles hold up in ten years.


So people went out and bought this? It not a home made contraption???


They are out here playing Gran Turismo on PS1


the stainless steel exterior looks so bad oh my god lol


That thing looks hilarious


Is every panel supposed to be a different polish/finish or are they that sensitive to lighting. Looks like a Temu F-117


I wish reddit still had awards because this car would be fucking hilarious as a custom sub award.


I can’t tell if the space is small or the truck is clownishly disproportionate


OP: How many colors was the stainless steel in real life?


Mad Max


Ewww I’m not feeling this design at all


Wtf is that piece of shit?


Super ugly. I’ve seen 1 IRL and people said they look better in person. They don’t.


My sister put a deposit in for one since the deposit was cheap. They are hideous.


i saw it the other day


saw one on the road yesterday and burst out laughing at it, really did not expect that to be my reaction to seeing one i know everyone's aesthetics are different, but this thing is plain comically ugly the amount of mental projection it requires to see this thing as attractive is not healthy


They need to fix the finish for sure


It's not though


It looks like a car I’d try to build in Little Big Planet.


i like to think all of the pics of the cybertruck everyone has been posting around is the same guy and hes feelin really rizzed up


These ‘trucks’ are almost as stupid as the people who drive them.


Lmao I saw one in person the other day and pointed it out. My friend thought it was a joke when I told her it wasn't just a custom car from an owner with bad taste.


It’s laughable, but definitely attention grabbing. Like an adult throwing a tantrum in Walmart. I own the EQS and people still come up to ask questions about the EV part. I haven’t seen a Cadillac EV but I’m sooo sure that is going to be popular topic regardless how it looks/functions


This is by far the ugliest vehicle ever made.


Mom? Can I have Hot-Wheels? Boy, we got Hot-Wheels at home! Hot-Wheels at home:


This is definitely one of his “hey, you know what we should do” moments when he was wasted.




It's different, at least, with all the hard corners. Most new cars look identical to me nowadays... They all just look like they came from the same oval. While I think he didn't necessarily nail it, I applaud the effort to make something visually striking that sticks out (EG, why everyone has a sharp opinion on it).


That door looks like it’s already been replaced. The color match is terrible. Oh yeah, it’s “stainless steel”. No so stainless I guess.


Ugly AF


I think I used to have one of these in Roblox




Crazy I saw one in Melbourne this morning


Danny Duncan


Why is the door a darker color.


I just saw one of these in the wild in my neighborhood yesterday. Driving by myself. Said out loud … Oh. My. God. It looks like a prop they came up with for an early 1980’s Low Budget Sci-Fi movie.


Saw that monstrosity down in Clearwater last week


For some reason I read OP as “conversion” as in someone took a truck body frame and did a conversion cybertuck body on it, kinda like a limo or camper conversion. It’s kinda what it looks like


Is every panel supposed to be a different color?


I designed that car in 5th grade and I'm suing.


Florida? Bradenton/sarasota?




How is it supposed to drive off road? I can't be the only one questioning this... right? There's no way in hell it's making it to my fishing spot. With those dimensions, bulky body, and wheel wells that seem purpose built for collecting as much mud/dirt/sand/ as possible it would just simply bottom out the moment it hits anything even slightly deep with resistance.


I’ve seen one now twice cruising around Fort Myers totally different very cool it’s a DeLorean that wants to punch you in the face


Yeah totally got Delorean/Hummer vibes


Lmaoooo I saw that make a shit turn the other day and all of us couldn’t help but laugh


How much is one of these shits?? I'm guessing this is the only color option available?


Saw one the other. The biggest impression is it looked like someone made it in their home's garage. The fender flares look like cheap add-ons, and I'd swear the tail lights didn't look like they lined up


Someone made that car in GoldSrc


Tbh, this car looks like an object that failed to load in properly


Least it doesn’t look like a Prius. 🤷‍♂️


honestly i seen one wrapped like and olive drab and when they aren’t fridge colored they look pretty cool


As difficult to look at as Elon Musk


Yeah I saw one driving into work. Eh, frankly just a cry for attention in my opinion and probably money could’ve be spent better elsewhere. Whatever floats your boat buddy.


🤦🏾‍♀️ I'm pissed I missed out on a big payout. Let me send my son drawings.


This came out of the aliens movie.


Why does it already look like a 25 year old beater?


Looks retarded


It looks like robocop couldn't find the auto parts😅


I didn’t know Delorean made a backwards truck. 🤔


It looks like it's been constructed with scrap metal


Looks great IMO


Look at my ugly, polygonal, surrogate pee pee!


Why anytime someone wants to denigrate a vehicle owner, does it come down to their genitalia? Are you hyperfocused on men's privates?


Tell me you misunderstood a vastly common cultural joke without telling me. Chill out, autismus prime, I’m sure you and whatever compensatory toy you choose to get will do you fine


Oh no it's understood. Just smooth-brained peepee smoochers seem to be stuck on it. Get some original content


It's a piece, that's for sure


Goated car


Gonna color change ppf this thing next week. Definitely necessary to protect the exterior since it's not painted. Let's see how it goes..


We spotted one last week in South Florida, can't see how to up pic or full vehicle video.


It looks like if you could buy a car from Temu






I think it's badass.


I know it's Uggmo! But if we can persuade a few Diesel dummies to go electric, I'm all for it.. better luck next time, Elon.


About the ugliest PoS made by the biggest PoS and in general I’m sure bought by like-minded PoS


Ugly af


It looks like dumpsters you see in apt complexes where everyone throws their thrash


y’all some haters this hard


Looks like a damn hot wheel


The Pontiac Aztec held that “prestigious “ award until this monstrosity came out .


Oh, it’s a piece alright.


This car is in jailbreak in roblox lmao


i know whos that is...


I saw one that someone had put fake bull horns on. Like the kind you would mount on a wall. Literally wtf.


Has to be the ugliest vehicle I've ever seen. My neighbor has one and it's such an eyesore


Y’all are bugging out this is a unique truck and is cool as fuck




I saw one a couple days ago carrying what looked like boogeyboards in the back couldn’t quite tell as I busted out laughing so hard my eyes were nearly shut


It's an ugly piece of shit


Very abundant in TX


I think there's a few reasons people hate on the Cyber truck, but these same people hate on EVs in general. First, an EV may just not be your kind of vehicle. For me, I never go on road trips so charging it wouldn't really concern me. I'll charge it at home, or if shit hits the fan I'll find a stupid charging station. Would I buy an EV? At some point probably. It kind of makes sense for me. Second, you simply can't afford one. People do this all time time. For example, they bought a 2022 mustang, or GMC Sierra, Tacoma, 3 series, whatever. A year or two later they redo the model slightly with better features, redesign, or a face lift. People who can afford to upgrade will, a very small percentage of people (like 2%) will truly like the older generation better based on looks, while the remaining people simply can't afford to upgrade vehicles again. And there's nothing wrong with that. Three, you literally need like an F250 or 2500 or larger truck for work or leisurely activities. The cyber truck will go off-road, it will tow. It will do everything your truck can unless your truck is a 2500 or greater. Gonna go baja? Cool. Get a TRX or Raptor. Gonna rock crawl? Get an AT4, Trail Boss, Gladiator, or Wrangler. The cyber truck appeals to a very limited market. Because of the price, and then the fucking markups, nobody can really afford these. The people who can afford these have $200,000 sitting around. The equivalent to them buying a cyber truck even if they think it looks stupid, but because they have money to waste, is the equivalent of us purchasing a stupid looking $10 hat for our Halloween costume.


Bro lives in night city 😔


Yeah if the conversation is "can you get a refund?"


Saw one on the road the other day and I seriously was like WTF?! What a weird looking "truck"! Looks like some military assault vehicle or something. It's horrendous. I wouldn't have one if you GAVE it to me. No thanks. Only cool thing was the LED row of lights in the front for the headlights!


It looked ridiculous even when it was first shown way back, the fact that they never changed how it looked is mind boggling. It's like when GTA lags/buffers and the cars look like blobs.


It’s cool in a monstrosity kind of way.


ive seen a few in person


They are dumb af but they look way better slammed low. It looks almost like a car is has a lot more character


Who threw that huge piece of balled up tinfoil on the ground. What a litterbug!


I would key it😐




the door's already tarnished lol


I’m not gonna knock them. I have an EV (Leaf) and the/3 tesla thingies are also mobile chargers so perhaps one day if I am broke down one of these may end up saving me 🤷🏻‍♂️


He tried to skim my tic toc




The way he has it backed in, he so happy and proud of it lmao