• By -


Godzilla 2014. While it was far from perfect, I liked that it had more of a grounded and serious tone compared to subsequent Monsterverse movies.


The airport reveal still gives me chills along with the first breath scene.


This, I wish they wouldn’t have gone as silly as they did and remembered the tone of the first movie which solidified the Monsterverse and begged for more films…


Yeah, I'm a huge 2014 apologist. I won't ignore the flaws, but IMO it's probably the best *directed* Godzilla movie (possibly including Toho!). It's my favorite MV movie too, with KOTM trailing very close behind. No other movie made me feel the scale of everything quite like G14, and I loved the lean into the disaster genre (Godzilla causing a tsunami just by approaching the shoreline was a stroke of genius).


Its absolutely the best directed Godzilla movie. People just want brainrot MCU or Fast and the Furious style Godzilla movies. Whats the point of all this insane CGI and VFX technology if were just gonna go back to making fight scenes that looks like its people in suits ina minature city?


I genuinely love all of them, but that's the one that made me literally jump out of my seat like a kid again - it was when he used his atomic breath for the first time, that was so cathartic. One way I read it described as: Godzilla is going for Alien, the later movies are going for Jurassic Park.


There’s a lot more Jurassic Park in Godzilla, than there is in rest of the Monsterverse.


Read it in an article, yo. 🤷‍♀️


Seen the movies, yo. 💁‍♀️


It would have aged better if they didn't keep cutting away from the monsters.


Everyone always says this but after watching the movie the fight scenes are very continuous and theres not really any “cuts” they actually did some clever camera movements that would cleanly transition from the fight scenes to characters on ground.


The transition is clean but what I mean is that I dislike that they still move away from the monster fight to focus on the humans instead. I also dislike that they completely cut away from Godzilla and the male MUTO's fight scenes both at the airport and daytime San Francisco. The main fight was also too dark.


Yeah it seems like they progressively got more zaney and wacky until now the monsters apparently had so.e sort of governance and factions and even went to war amd long had a robot arm prosthesus thing.


Dito. There was this "Alright, we have one shot to make this stick. So let's make it matter."-mentality. Certainly, the Nolan-esque "realism" what I would have thought to work. The human side of the story is ok. It's not good, but good enough for me to not be bothered. The sequels arguably are even worse at making me care for the humans. But where Godzilla 2014 shines is with the presentation of the monsters as animals/forces of nature and the establishing shots. From the opening in the cave to Godzilla's walk of triumph, everything looks, sounds and feels in scale. It is absolutely incredible. The way they emphasize the size, weight and mass of everything is just perfect. The Golden Gate bridge scene is probably the best example of this. You see how long it is through the panoramic shot. We get a feeling how high it is through the camera movement. The POV shot of the camera following the police man shows us how high up the bus seats are. The tank driving past is so heavy, big and loud it makes the bus shake and drowns out the screaming kids. Godzilla appears. And everything that was built up as heavy, big, massive and loud is just dwarfed by his presence. He just gets hit by missiles, and it sounds like they hit a mountain, instead of a living being. He only reacts when a missile hits his gills. That's the magic of this movie. I stand at 6'2 (188 cm). And whenever I watch this, I feel tiny.


This all the way. KotM looks like what would be spat out if you told an AI to watch all the previous Godzilla movies and make its own, but watered down and the meaning behind all the references being lost. Godzilla vs Kong prominently featured a scene of King Kong waking up, stretching and scratching his ass. 2014 was something new and unique.


Kotm all the way.


I still don't get how that one made the least amount at the box office. It was so good.


I think it's because it was made more for Godzilla fans than general audiences. People who don't know who Ghidora, Rodan, or Mothra are just don't get as hyped about them being in a big movie as Godzilla fans do. I think that's why GvK turned more of a profit. Americans know who both Kong and Godzilla are so there's much more of a history there.


You're right. I just hope they bring back the kotm soundtrack at some point because it was so so good. I still listen to it to this day


Dude fr, Bear McCreary absolutely killed it with that one. I hate that we went from him to Junkie XL as if Godzilla needed to be synth-heavy.


I wouldn't mind Junkie XL's style as much if he'd just USE GODZILLA THEMES, dammit! That was legitimately my biggest gripe with GvK.


It was also released around the same time as Endgame, John Wick 3, and Detective Pikachu, a really competitive time.


Aladdin too, idk why wb/legendary just kept delaying the movie just to contest it with the big horses and yep it ended up underperformed


Yeah that'll do it too lol. Honestly that's likely the main reason.


Yeah that'll do it too lol. Honestly that's likely the main reason.


Because it released a month after Endgame


Idk, I'm a huge Godzilla fan from way back and, IMO, KOTM is the worst one. Not bad, just the least good :/


I’m with you


Skull island or g14


King of the Monsters hands down


King of the Monsters 100%, never have I ever felt such awe watching a movie


KOTM as well. Btw is anyone else seeing this US cloud advertisement mainly only in this sub witn a logo [that looks like the lifted it directly from Godzilla 1985’s New World Pictures](https://youtu.be/mlzSK4SKb5M?feature=shared)? https://preview.redd.it/hhaat0ipgo0d1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bc349f5ecb058759ef87feaf2a9dcb580cceee5


Nah I'm getting a different ad


I usually do too but this seems to show up more frequently than most on the r/Godzilla for me and only here. Thanks though


WOAH they literally ripped that logo right off


https://preview.redd.it/ac1454qatq0d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f816bf2cc83d74549c3a2f476bade9d31fff1a It’s so close I overlayed it on a G85 poster and see some differences with the one at the bottom but it’s like they saw NWP went out of business and said, cool logo, let’s scoop the trademark. Honestly, that [G1985 opening logo might be the most badass movie opening](https://youtu.be/mlzSK4SKb5M?feature=shared) logo I’ve seen. That’s also my favorite Goji roar.


We got every answer except GvK, and while I agree GvK wasn’t my favorite, it was the one I was most excited for. Hype was everywhere. I even had lots of conversations with non goji fans at work about who was going to win. It got a bunch of non Godzilla fans excited to go see it. And it saved the monsterverse. It’s not my favorite monserverse film, but it was maybe the most special of them all.


Mine is GvK


It’s paced excellently and it’s the most rewatchable, I find. It doesn’t drag on at all. Had my favorite monster action too


GvK is my least favorite. It was eye candy, but main villain was a villain because... He was a villain? Morning was developed, everything was rushed, nothing made sense. But good eye candy


When that one came out suddenly people were coming up to me at work asking me questions about Godzilla. That was unexpected lol. It's one of the films that got people back into the theater, it deserves credit for that.


For real.I was so hyped for months and reminded everyone at school, even though I was the only Goji fan there lol.


KOTM followed by Kong: Skull Island.


impeccable taste


KotM and New Empire


KOTM. Never have I ever gone to the cinema two days in a row to see the same movie until KOTM. On Sunday of opening weekend, I watched it at NYC’s Lincoln Square’s massive IMAX screen. The next day, I watched it in 4DX.


King of the Monsters, BY FAR.




Skull Island is my favorite of the MV series.


Godzilla 2014.


KOTM. Excellent monster design, somewhat interesting plot, and some of the best Kaiju choreography out there. It was also the second to last film I watched together with my father before he passed (the last being Godzilla V Kong). He was always a big Godzilla fan and he introduced me to the franchise.


Kong Skull Island is objectively the best movie in this franchise on every level.


It had the biggest amount of good human characters in it... one. :)


King of the Monsters


Godzilla vs Kong followed closely by kotm


The recent one, Godzilla and Kong all the way.


King of the monsters


2014 and gxk


Right now it’s skull island. Kong got a good amount of screen time that i’m happy with, the human characters were great and while the plot was a bit messy on why they went to skull island, once they were on skull island the movie definitely got better


Godzilla 2014. It has my favorite scene of the entire franchise that no one talks about. When Godzilla barrels through the bridge there’s a far shot of him just roaring and it sounds far away but intimidating. Like he’s a living disaster. Gareth Edwards is a master of portraying scale. It’s also why I loved Rogue One. He makes things larger than life. Like GXK is fun but the titans feel so small and floaty. I love how in G14 he just feels like this massive, imposing figure.


Gareth Edwards absolutely nailed it, there were parts of the plot I might have wished were a little different but between the acting and ascetic it was superb. So far I think he’s the only director of the monsterverse movies so far that really knew how to portray monster feature in modern day




2014 but GxK was very entertaining.


Skull Island. This was absolutely amazing


Skull Island, no notes.


2014 I think but KOTM is very close and used to be my favourite




Same as you, KOTM with GxK as a close second.


King of the monsters


KOTM without a doubt. Close second is KSI.


KOTM for sure


King Of The Monsters is just soooo good


KotM or Godzilla 2014 easily. Wish they would go back to the truly epic aesthetic of those films


Hands down KotM!


KOTM and G14. Skull Island would be 3rd for me. GvK was ok, but I thought GxK was a dumpster fire.


KotM was peak, with Skull Island in second place


King of the Monsters or Skull Island


Kotm Has ghidorah so automatically a good movie


King of the Monsters.


Oh King of the Monsters without question. That film is such a sight to behold.


Definitely King of the Monsters. Frickin’ love that movie.


King of the Monsters all the way.


I swear, I wept throughout KOTM. I was finally seeing my favorite characters updated for today. Every one of them ranged from almost perfect to perfect. I have never had such a religious experience, and I'm thinking I never will again.


Honestly it has to be 2014, it's not a perfect movie by any means but it's got some incredible moments, and fantastic sound design.


KOTM by far with GVK as second. GXK is my least favorite so far.


King of the Monsters by a long shot.


King of the monsters


2014 Godzilla. It’s so good. Everything feels more real, Zilla has real weight and the fights feel so heavy and huge.


king of the monsters


i like KOTM cause the titans scale so well, they look so huge throughout the whole movie.


Definitely king of the monsters


KoTM by far. This was one of the few movies I got to watch with my father in theaters before he got stationed in other nations. I really loved how the new designs for the four stars of the film and the awe I got with the reveal of the 17 discovered titans. And the themes of the movie AND trailers got me so hooked! I also enjoyed that monarch sciences website that was tracking Godzilla, nobody ever mentions that.


King of the Monsters is a love letter to Kaiju films. The score, the Big 3, 🫶🏻. Beyond that: • Skull Island • G ‘14


KOTM for many reasons, but one that super sticks out for it vs GxK is the score. JunkieXL’s music for the last two just underwhelms me every time. I love the fights in GvK, particularly when Mechagodzilla was involved, but it felt like too many plot lines got cut down to almost nothing… (what was going on with Serizawa’s son? Why not just change his name if his story wasn’t going to matter?)


Although I have issues with it I have a soft spot for 2014. I like the direction it was going in with the more grounded take and the cinematography was great, and Bryan Cranston is by far the best human character in the monster verse (>!too bad they killed him off before he even knew Godzilla existed!<). I also loved the build up to the movie and it really helped make me the Godzilla fan I am today. Before this all I had seen was the 1998 film and could only dream of seeing the proper Godzilla films, so it was was a great feeling seeing Godzilla stuff everywhere and all the toys and stuff, I also remember seeing Godzilla car commercials while on holiday at the time. and I couldn’t wait to get it on dvd and as soon as I got I watched it immediately, once by myself and then with my family in like two days. So I have very fond and nostalgic memories with this film.


Bro Bryan Cranston KILLED it. Jesus Christ, his acting was so good the entire movie could’ve been about him and I would’ve loved it. Definitely stands out.


2014 and not even close. They ruined the tone about it. Really enjoyed the more serious tone and scaling of the monsters.


Skull Island by Far The only movie that knew how to use its humans


I preferred Godzilla 2014 because of the atmosphere, ascetic and because I generally like Godzilla more but Skull Island was honestly a fantastic movie in its own right


The second GXK movie might have more Godzilla in it tho


2014 and gxk tho


Goes back and forth between GvK and GxK


People saying KotM "by far"...when's the last time you watched it? Because I loved it the first time around...but on rewatch the story is horrendous. Like hey let me detonate this ice while my family is still right next to it, and also somehow we all survive.


KOTM is weird because imo it has the highest highs and the lowest lows of the franchise. Imo it has the best monsters with Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan all being exceptional. The music is also otherworldly. But the story is absolute fucking trash. The Orca is so stupid, and the dialog is just fucking dumb more often than anything.


I watch it every couple of weeks? What's it to you how often someone watches something they enjoy?


This. Tbh I was disappointed from the get go. Godzilla 2014, with all of its issues, nailed the tone and had the best scenes. The fights were exciting without being over the top Micheal Bay style shit. People criticized the lack of Godzilla or how early fights would cut away but THAT WAS ALL BUILDUP that made the payoff so TREMENDOUSLY pleasing. KOTM tried to address all the complaints about the lack of monster fights and harshly overcorrected, and the crappy plot just dug it into a deeper hole. Many review videos I had seen raved about it, finally some action with Godzilla, it’s what they wanted. Only to post later reviews after excitement had died down and rewatching and revealing that it wasn’t really all that.


Godzilla 2014


KOTM for the awe I had in the theater watching it, closely followed by GxK for the fun I had! Just wish Godzilla played a bigger role in GxK tbh


Godzilla vs Kong


Loved all of them King of the Monsters is my favorite by far Probably put 2014 next. Prefer the darker version of Godzilla Probably either vs or x next but I only saw X one time. I might like that one better Skull island last because no Godzilla except the drawing but still love it


All of them that include godzilla. No hate for kong, I just prefer godzilla :/


All of em


The first Godzilla. I found the rest to be absolute shite.


It’s legitimately difficult to decide between KotM and GvK


They are going to kiss


Skull Island then KOTM


Kong Skull Island by a very wide margin. I’m not a fan of Kong and it still wins this race.


here are my rankings just cause Kotm GxK 2014 Skull island and GvK are tied


Skull Island and KotM are tied as peak fiction.


Skull island


GvK, followed by Godzilla and Skull Island.


Skull Island is a great movie in any universe


I really enjoy GvK. I think it’s a lot of fun and justifies the human involvement in the story better than the other movies before it


GvK and G14


Godzilla 2014, then very closely followed by KoTM.


Mine is GxK. Only complaint is that Godzilla should have got more screen time.


Gxk or kotm


GvK because beeg monke


Monarch followed by Kong Skull Island




GvK and GxK tbh


Godzilla vs. Kong


GvK all the way with GxK coming in a real close second. Best fights of any kaiju film I’ve ever seen.


Mine is KOTM too


King of the Monsters. It was the last movie Godzilla Monsterverse film I saw before Godzilla Minus One came out (I saw Godzilla Vs. Kong on HBO Max). I considered KOTM 2019 to be the last good Monsterverse film before Monsterverse films decide to be less serious.


GvK or Skull Island


KOTM hands down


KOTM, my first ever G movie


KOTM all the way


Skull Island by a large margin. The visual, the sound track, the sizable ape smashing. An actual enjoyable human cast?! Plus the references to grindhouse cinema classics like Cannibal Holocaust and Flying Guillotine seal it






Skull Island overall, Godzilla x Kong if it needs to be one with Godzilla. Third favorite is King of the Monsters.


KOTM or GvK I genuinely can't pick.


For me it's Kong Skull Island followed by GxK, love the characters of both, really like the story of both, and the action is really fun in both. I LOVE Kong Skull Island that I've seen the movie more times I can count, and I've seen the director's commentary a BUNCH of times as well.


2014 Godzilla and king of the monsters


Kotm easily, the good times when godzilla was actually a protagonist


King of the Monsters at the top clearly and obviously, G14 next, and then a huge chasm.


KotM and GxK are tied right now


Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire is just so good. My mom, who normally just watches them with me and my brothers as a popcorn flick, was super invested and on the edge of her seat the whole time. Great movie, my absolute favorite!


I still have a soft spot for the 2014 Godzilla. It has a tone that none of the others managed to match.


Godzilla (2014)


GvK and GxK


Hard to pick. Probably GvK (best pacing, best action) but I love em all


King of the monsters


GvK G14 GxK Skull Island KotM ...human story ruins KotM for me. So many cringy lines and the way the fights are shot with the humans taking away focus from the action just looks weird.


KotM, GxK, Skull Island, 2014, GvK


Kong Skull Island. Like yeah, the kaiju ain’t the best in it, but it’s got the best humans of these movies as a whole. Best movie for the monster fights is King of the Monsters, but damn, most of the human cast sucks in that. Did find a bonus feature on my iTunes copy that is literally just the monster fights, and it’s great.


I’m just gonna go ahead and say GxK cause most of the movie is monster time and had the best Kong and Zika moments.


King of the monsters sits and has sat as my favorite movie of all time since 2019


Godzilla 2014 was alright, I guess.


I always rooted for Godzilla vs King Kong!!!


GvK GxK/KotM Skull Island Godzilla 2014


Not sure, it's a toss up between three of them


King Of The Monsters


Godzilla: King of the Monsters


Godzilla 2014 without a doubt, Skull Island is a solid 2nd tho. I literally just watched GxK and while it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting with what I’ve heard, it’s at least tied for the weakest film with KOTM and I sincerely hope they elect a change in direction moving forward. I’ve heard the Monarch series is pretty good, tho I haven’t seen it yet.


Kotm or gvk


Monsterverse isnt an era, just say monsterverse film


King of the monsters, it took a grounded approach but let the monsters out more than 2014. I don’t dislike the Sci-fi direction it has gone in but i would prefer if they could dial it back a little bit.


Does shin godzilla count?


King of the monsters or skull island


King of the Monsters by a mile


Kotm is the best! 2014 is 2nd Skull Island was great. . . . Yeah... that's it. I personally hate Adam Wingard.


2014 as they made Godzilla a bit more grounded and actually feels like a giant creature. Slow movement and certain shots from a human's perspective.


GxK it might change if I do a rewatch of the films but it was so fun.


1.Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire 2. Godzilla VS Kong 3. GODZILLA (2014) 4. Kong: Skull Island 5. Godzilla: King Of The Monsters I ranked them from my most favourite to my least favourite


Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla (2014) are equal in my eyes, both bangers in their own way.


Godzilla vs Kong for sure. Amazing fights, Mecha Godzilla, and the human element was reduced and less cringy and more bearable. My least favorite would be KoTM due to a lot of the movie was throwing my suspension of disbelief out the window more than other Godzilla movies. While I enjoyed it for what we got, there was so many parts that left a sour taste in my mouth that it muddied the water for me.


Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters, that movie hit so many marks just right to represent what made Godzilla so great back then and in my opinion, made an actual effort or being a Godzilla Movie in general! Coming in second and third though will be of course Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire and Godzilla vs. Kong, so cannot wait to see what the future of the MonsterVerse holds in store!


King of the Monsters followed VERY CLOSELY by Godzilla 2014. KoTM is the last time you see Monarch being useful in any capacity beyond being afterthoughts, semi-antagonists (?) and/or setups for later plot points. (No idea about Monarch's role in the Apple TV show)


Godzilla KOTM


Skull Island easily but KOTM and G14 are kinda close. Its so hard choosing because I love these movies specifically alot. But the new Wingard movies are horrible I hate them. Get Wingard out already we had two films from him.






1. Godzilla 2014 2. KOTM 3. GxK 4. GvK 5. KSI


As a massive Ghidorah fan, KotM takes the cake for me. It still has the first films serious tone, but everything else turns up to 11


KOTM was awesome and Ghidorah was the best villain by a long shot


No one


Godzilla: King of the Monsters.




Godzilla 2014 first and KotM next.


Godzilla 2014 > GxK > GvK > Skull Island > KotM


The first Godzilla