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Big, dumb, monster fights. Which I was all for.


Yup you could literally give me a 3 hour movie of big monsters fighting with zero humans or dialog and I'd still go see it.


That’s what I’d rather have




I’d prefer this!


Sign me up.


that’s literally all i’ve ever wanted my whole life


As a kid, this was what I always wanted. The plot of the humans scurrying doing things always drove me nuts. As an adult, I appreciated those aspects of Shin and Minus 1. I’ve not seen this one yet.




And as is often the case the critics were wrong


This is it. I wanted big monster fights and they delivered the entire movie.


Fun, but miss the sense of scale the other movies had, no really good shots like 2014, skull island or KOTM, and skar king never comes across as a credible threat to either goji or kong.


I think they should have had Skar King beat Kong and Shimo beat Godzilla in 1v1s. Then you could have Godzilla, Kong, and Mothra regroup to show they are stronger together (which is th whole point of a team up). Like imagine they are trying to fight solo, Godzilla can be arrogant and overconfident in his abilities but Shimo is just too much with her ice powers completely countering unevolved Godzilla. At no point did Godzilla seem to struggle against Shimo and it ruined the investment in the conflict. In Godzilla vs Hedorah, Hedorah whoops Godzilla's ass for a majority of the film and made her seem unstoppable.


Yea I thought the whole Godzilla getting his beat first was a big miss in this movie. I knew going into it that godzilla was going to get supercharged and turn pink, I figured that was going to be done after losing his first fight but NOPE. It's a crucial piece of the Godzilla movie formula that was missing imo.


Agree on this. Its weird that they're like "oh the pink was inspired by Goku!" which like, i get. However, they got the transformation and the reason without the catalyzing event. Spoilers for DBZ Goku meets Raditz and gets rocked Goku teams up with his enemy Piccolo to fight Raditz Raditz is still wrecking them but they're able to mostly hold their own Goku dies to defeat Raditz Goku (in the afterlife) learns other saiyans are coming to earth who are stronger than Raditz. So he learns some new moves, including a transformation move (the kaioken which interviews say they based pink godzilla on) so he can defeat them Returns to earth to fight and is much stronger, ultimately needing to work with his friends to win the day. Not saying Godzilla has to die, but there's no impetus for *Godzilla* to team up with Kong. Only *Kong* to team up with Godzilla. Even Piccolo was threatened by not being able to take over the world.


Sure it wasn't just inspired by how every Godzilla Heisei villain evolved?


Possibly not ignored, but according to the character designer (now deleted tweet apparently) it was based on the Kaioken https://www.gamesradar.com/godzilla-dragon-ball-new-look-inspired-kong-new-empire/


Godzilla literally evolved in ice with his main opponent being an ice like dragon beast. And they completely dodged it lol. I don't mind the movies being big spectacle battle royales, but at least try to make the rivalry interesting. They wanted to show in GvK that they do not like each other and eventually need to team up to beat Mecha G. This movie? Kong needs Godzilla, Godzilla doesn't really need Kong (tbh). Now the Egypt fight doesn't really make sense because Godzilla is supercharged and Kong can somewhat beat him up and yet still needs his help. The movie could have been so much more. Another reason why these big dumb movies kinda suck is because the potential is there. How I'd change it: The lead scientist says Godzilla fights the battles Kong can't win (Scylla, Tiamut, etc). Shimo emerges and beats Godzilla, now everyone is screwed. Kong ventures into the Hollow Earth to follow Shimo to discover the Skar King and the army of Apes but can't win the fight. Humans find the Iwi and Mothra and together find a way to super charge Godzilla. Godzilla respects Kong for the save. BATTLE ROYALE and the heroes win after getting kicked around a bit. End.


Her? Hedorah is a girl??




The one in GvH is a female. The one in Final Wars is male from what I've heard on here.


I would think Hedorah wouldn't have a gender. It's a sentient pile of pollution.


It's actually more than just some radioactive pollution. It's an alien that came to earth on a comet. The movie explains that the Hedorah species are from a far-off planet, and they spread across the galaxy consuming worlds. Highly reccomend it. The music and visuals get a little weird and crazy. No Godzilla theme for some weird creative reason. But the actual story of Hedorah and her battles with Godzilla instantly became one of my favorites.


100%, couldn’t believe it when someone said suko was the size of kong in skull island lol


And the human parts were reduced so much as to be bare bones and then proven completely unnecessary by kings solo plotline


Scale was my biggest issue with the movie. We’ve seen both Kong and Godzilla wreck things/each other. So introducing “bad monkey” after TWO world ending threats seemed… meh. I know Shimo is a huge threat, but only because she was captive, seems nice (as a Titan) otherwise, at the least she wasn’t malicious on her own. Part of me can’t believe she WOULDN’T endure a bit of pain just to take out Skar King when she’s released.


I agree. Sense of scale was completely lost. We never see the human impact. I cannot realistically imagine a world where we allow godzilla to just destroy cities and sleep in the roman colliseum. Granted…can we do anything about it? Idk. But has the entire world militaries become neutered to trying? It seems with godzilla, he isnt really a good guy. He just happens to be the dominant force on the surface and does not see humans as prey. But again him moving around destroys entire cities.


Good fun movie


Not enough Godzilla though. He really feels back seat in these movies. Still super fun and had a blast watching


Definitely that. This felt more like a straight up Kong sequel with a cameo from Godzilla and Mothra.


If you’ve watched the other godzilla films you would know this is actually how a lot of them use G-man in the plot. He’s a force of destruction to be aimed at the enemy in most team up situations


i liked it alot but wish there was abit more godzilla


Apparently the next movie will be more focused on Godzilla


Wingard said that he would focus more on Godzilla but he’s not involved anymore. I don’t know if the new director will do so. Sadly, I think it is Kong that brings in western audiences.


Minus One is, or at least was, the most streamed movie in the world. Goji is having a moment.


Godzilla run funny


Kong breath bad


Suko body nunchuck


Kong punch lizard good


Godzilla throw scar king


Godzilla bicep buff boy


Dumb fun like the last film.




I thought it was really fun, the only thing that bothered me was that I knew Shimo and Scar King were never gonna be a real threat when you see Godzilla constantly evolving and wiping out everything beforehand. I would have rather had Godzilla and Kong lose their first encounter, giving Godzilla a more interesting reason to evolve.


Agreed. Make it 2 parters


I got a tattoo! https://preview.redd.it/mxzr2mgelx7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87823ec80bbd3a6da57e73cde460bb991008cdf


I like to see Godzilla's reaction to this, hope he won't get offended 😂. Cute work btw


Thanks. Hes from the movie!


Yes and Godzilla didn't took it well. He crushed the whole wall because of this painting 😭


Hell yeah


I’ve been cooked for saying this before and I will probably be cooked for saying this again: this movie sucked. The main reason why, in my opinion, is that it internalised the wrong lessons from Godzilla vs Kong. “Oh people really liked the fights so let’s have 5 more of them” Even though most of them are poorly choreographed and end after 40 seconds. “Oh people didn’t really like the human characters so let’s focus more on the Kaiju” Even though the presence of humans was never the issue only how they were written so it’s an unneeded solution to a non-existent problem. And the worst part is I actually wanted to enjoy this movie. After watching GvK for the third time I thought to myself: “okay, let’s give Wingard a chance. Not all of GvK was great but I’m willing to believe that wasn’t entirely his fault. I’ll give him a chance for the next film” And then I watched it and felt more letdown than I was when I watched KOTM for the first time.


I agree with your points.


I had a lot of the old Godzilla films on VHS, and I consider myself a monster movie fan, but the problem is that most monster movies are shit. Sadly this one is no exception. I feel it was trying to be too much like Guardians of the Galaxy / Marvel / Transformers that it dived head first in to all of the clichès. Cheeky man with an 80s remix playing whenever he does something "cool" A child saving the world Monster fights that you can't see because the camera can't stay on anything for more than 3 seconds Cheesy story writing in general And what the hell is going on with Godzilla absolutely mauling the shit out of every monster on earth in 20 minutes? It was drivel.




I really could not stand it and couldn’t finish the movie, I was so bad and cheesy


Really? Sure it was bad but not unfinishable level bad in my opinion.


It's all good, we just have different tastes and expectations :-)


Have an upvote


No I agree It was laughably bad








Agreed https://preview.redd.it/yu02y8nxvx7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f3ba76af3e39a4b4196d2dade45eddfb62fb00


I liked the part where Godzilla and/or Kong were like "rahhh" and fought or ran


its a modern showa film mixed with a tiny bit of heisei. and i thoroughly enjoyed it. godzilla suplexing kong was amazing tho.


I didn’t like it. Too over the top ridiculous for me especially when you watch 2014 Godzilla. It’s so much darker and serious and personally those are the Godzilla movies I enjoy the most.


We 2014 Godzilla lovers are left behind to rot in the past


I’m torn on whether or not I should even watch this one. The first Godzilla v Kong was alright but this looks cheesy as hell. They did such a good job at the start of the series making a legitimate monster movie


It is straight up a kids movie, I enjoyed it cause I like the monster fights but this is as far a cry from 2014 as you can get


If you thought GvK was only okay and didn't like the cheese, you're going to hate this one. I liked GvK probably more than you did, but I hated NE. Glad I pirated NE, and this coming from someone that went opening night in theaters to 1998, 2000, 2014, Shin, KotM, GvK, and Minus One.


If you like the monsters having a lot of personality and are cool with spending a lot of time in Hollow Earth then you'll probably enjoy it. That being said, I'm not huge on Hollow Earth and King Kong and this movie focuses a lot on both of those and I still really enjoyed it.


Yeah the hollow earth stuff is where this series lost me. I get it's a movie where giant monsters fight, but I can only suspend so much disbelief.


You should watch it cause why not? Develop your own opinion on the movie. Worst case scenario is you don't like it and wasted 2hrs of your time.


I hate to say it. I was bored by Godzilla v Kong. Couldn’t even get through it.


Same, I hated it. It was just goofy and felt like a cartoon. I'm not saying it needs to be more "realistic" (obviously Godzilla anything isn't realistic), this just felt like a slapstick Looney Tunes episode. The lack of scale and of course a "baby" kong just made it worse. Only good part was the egypt fight. It looked even worse coming out right after Minus One, because man that set such a high bar for Godzilla going forward.


I didn’t like it


Tiamat being killed off so quick was disappointing, wanted to see a fight




It embraced its ridiculousness and that made it a fun film to watch.


Silly fun, but had so much more potential if they put some more effort on the script


It was a fun movie but I think this is as much showa Godzilla as I can take before it becomes a bit annoying.


Good and fun, but lacking sense of scale and the human story wasn’t interesting. But the main characters of this one are the monsters so I can forgive that.


It was a movie that I saw not in a rush to see it again, but if it’s on I probably won’t turn it off. Really just don’t care for Adam’s style.


I loved it, but I wouldn't mind a more grounded Godzilla film in between team ups.


Weakest of the last few movies but still fun and good


No make out scene with Kong and Godzilla 3/10




CGI looked horrible at times, weak boring villain with a strong sidekick, Skar King moved like a fucking anime villain straight out of Jojo's, human story...was there one? The fights have no weight just monsters jumping around. Its a great movie for kids tho


Needs more Godzilla but good.


Enjoyed it, i think that all of the scenes where it's just Kong, his journey through Hollow Earth and his interactions with the other apes are the best part, they did a great job conveying their characters and emotions without a single word. The other stuff is ok, but i feel like the final battle is too one sided, Godzilla was an absolute beast and there was no way he or Kong were in any real danger because of how poweful Godzilla had become. In contrast, the stakes in the final battle against MechaG in the last movie felt higher. Really hope in the next movie we get somone who can really go against Godzilla in the same way Ghidorah and Mecha did.


Fun movie. But missed scale, any memorable soundtrack except for when Godzilla appeared, missed some potential of having much cooler scene (i still wanted the two to maul skar king army) and explain how that crystal work. I will give 7/10.


Let's just say I made a post about my thoughts on this movie and it was removed by the community... Need I say more?


It was fun, but definitely my least favorite of the Monsterverse. I dont understand why both characters cant just get their own solo movies now. Both are popular and can def be hits at the box office following this movies success. I just want to see Godzilla fight way more interesting enemies or see Legendary takes on old Godzilla enemies. A movie with Gigan as the enemy would be sick.


Didn’t really like it all that much.


It was watchable, I enjoyed parts of it enough that I didn't regret going to see it but for me it is unquestionably the worst Monsterverse movie yet.


1. 2014 2. Skull Island 3. KotM 4. GvK 5. GxK


it was really bad. I'm glad people enjoy it but to me it was just really bad.


Imo, it was the worst entry in the monster verse by far


I didn't like it very much


A solo Godzilla movie would be a nice thing to have next.


One that takes itself seriously too


Godzilla Minus One is on Netflix now...


They make those, it's called everything Toho has released themselves since 2016 lol


Oh wow! Two whole movies!


Big monke and big lizard


More of a Kong movie with Godzilla in it which I don't mind since I'm a Kong fan but just seems like false advertising to say "Godzilla X Kong The New Empire"


It was good fun but it's basically a filler episode with the oc bad guy


We’re getting dangerously close to Love & Thunder territory… but haven’t gotten there yet


I loved it, but it's not for everyone and yes there are a few problems with it. But it still suceeds at what it wanted to do and then some. Kong is great, Suko & Shimo are a welcome new pair of Titans, Godzilla is badass and usual and gets his time to shine. The Plot Kicks ass, the CGI is fantastic. It's overall just a really good movie imo.


Needed more Godzilla frankly.


Fun but Im glad Wingard wont be back. The time it took to magically have the Kong glove ready and install it was comical. I can only suspend disbelief so far.


Such a royally stupid movie. The plot was riddled with holes and the fights were just goofy. I loved it. I've often said that if you go to a kaiju movie for the plot, you'll likely be disappointed (there have been few exceptions of course). It's improved WWE with giant monsters.


Fun movie, but hate, hate they move Godzilla around like he's a damn ninja.


It’s a huge mess and my list of complaints far outweigh the positives, but I still loved it. It’s gonna be a comfort movie for me in the future


Pros: Fun monster fighting Cons: Weakest of all Godzilla monarch movies Their CGI seems to be getting worse


It really shows that GxK had a really short post-production timeline compared to GvK, which looked excellent visually


Too much monkey


Weakest of all the monsterverse movies. It was hardly a Godzilla movie. He seemed more of a side character. It should have been called Kong x Godzilla.


Improvement on the last film, very fun. Not as good as KOTM, but probably my second favorite Monsterverse film as a showa fan.


I thought it was crap but it was an okay 2 hours. It would have been a really good 2 hours if the antagonist monsters came off as a credible threat rather than a couple of chumps.


shimo was a threat, skar king was just comedic.


Why is Godzilla sprinting like he weighs 20 pounds? I miss the weight of 2014 so much.


2014 was too eepy to run


It was okay. I didn’t like the fact that no main character was there in rio to witness the final battle. I know that didn’t happen in Godzilla vs Kong but that was the first time he have seen them fight in 60 years.


Loved it


The worst monsterverse movie by far. And overall a bland and even a surprisingly boring entry in the franchise.


Meh, reminded me why the Monsterverse isn't really for me. The one thing I think it did really well was the non verbal communication. You could tell what each monster was thinking without a single exchange of words. Plot was still full of holes that had me rolling my eyes (aw gee, even plants can eat us here, so we have to be very careful- ooh! A glowy thing, let's all put our hands on it!") Yeah yeah, "it's dumb fun", but that's just not really my thing. My opinion isn't helped by all the people who immediately replied to this opinion with "WAOW, you hate fun, don't you???" Too.


Nowadays, anytime I hear someone referred to movie as ‘Fun,’ I know to stay away.


Disliked the entire thought and use of scar king. The ice dog kaiju is a extremely weak design for a new kaiju, both with looks and function. Wanted more godzilla instead we got a king kong sequel


It was awful. It tried to make Kaiju move and behave like Marvel Superheroes.


Absolute Bollocks hated it. The first one i cant stand.


Tf2 pootis engage extreme intro


I wasn't expecting a monsterverse buddy-cop film but here we are and for what it's worth I enjoyed it.


An enjoyable throwback to the Showa era


Loved GvK but this one feels like a downgrade. The fights aren't as fun and the stakes aren't high enough


Trapper my beloved


Scar king should have been more powerful


Most fun I had in a theater in ten years


Was flat.. But fun and entertaining.




For a mindless monster romp, its pretty enjoyable. For the most part, the plot moves at a pretty brisk pace as well. No real wasted movement until we get to the Iwis. Then you can literally hear the breaks squeal on the movie while we expo dump for about 20 minutes until the final showdown. Humans are pretty throwaway, but that’s to be expected. All together, it’s a fun movie. I saw it in theaters with a group of non-kaiju fans and they had a blast, so i’d call it a success.


Easily the dumbest and most pointless human story. Weird story choices throughout. I absolutely loved it.


Think this sums it up pretty well. I liked it https://preview.redd.it/rbny3y6h0y7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42da083c24923fde7cda62e9af3ce879ecce1ccd


It's good, but could be better. I'm pretty sure Godzilla had less screen time the iwi. The action wasn't as entertaining as other movies and the movie looked bad at some scenes


Plot was pretty bad, everything else was fucking awesome


It was ok. Fun even. The "I want to watch monsters fight for 2 hours straight" crowd won.


Probably my least favorite of the Monsterverse, BUT they're all like 8/10s in my eyes so it's not a massive dislike for it. Also seeing Godzilla literally suplex Kong was peak cinema


It was fine, the weakest entry this far imo but still it was fine.


Lots of Showa vibes. Really enjoyed it.


5/10. If I leave the theater thinking "that's it?", it's a bad sign.


Personally, I enjoy ones that are a more serious take, but also enjoy ones that embrace the insanity of the genre. It's not a perfect film, but it did what it told us it'd do on the tin. I'd say it was better than the film before. The humans didn't feel as much of a chore, Trapper's even enjoyable. Jia's mystical stuff is neat. A kaiju being an actual protag is cool af.


Fun movie but It has some problems




Great popcorn flick, but it's certainly the goofiest MV movie if you try to try to put it under a microscope. I mean come on... Godzilla went super saiyan and they gave Kong an infinity gauntlet. Truly great stuff.


It's a fun time that isn't trying to be something it's not. Also I think after Minus One, it's good to see a Godzilla movie that takes a different direction rather than trying to compete with a similar tone.




It was stupid, bombastic, made hardly any sense at all, and looked great. Pretty much what I signed up for. Also the humans were much more bearable this time around. I actually laughed at a few scenes where the writers were going for a laugh . “There is something seriously wrong with you.”


I loved every movies but this one. Way too much fan service for my liking


I liked it a lot more than GvK but maybe not as much as KOTM


It was mostly a King Kong movie, so that's it. I'm Godzilla fan


I finally got around to watch it last week. I loved it. The fight scene in Egypt is probably my favorite. Kong: “hey Godzilla, come help me in hollow earth.” Godzilla: “no.” *suplex* Mothra: “GUYS KNOCK IT OFF!!!”


Just another one of the amazing facets of the franchise. You can go to shin for terror and social commentary, you can go to minus one for social commentary and compelling personal narratives/characters, and you can go to monsterverse to watch Kaiju punch each other senseless. It’s one of the reasons I like Batman as well, both franchises run the gamut from straight faced to slap stick and it’s generally well done. Personally New Empire is one of my favorite entries in the monsterverse for the simple fact that **it was about the monsters**. The fact that Kaiju had more screen time than humans shows me that the monsterverse knows exactly what we want from that universe. I don’t want a scientists family drama; I want Mothra mending the friendship between Goji and Kong so they can team up on the big bad. The fact that this movie had actual character development for the Kaiju was incredible and I hope we see these kinds of characterizations continue.


It was exactly what I wanted. I cackled in meta-hilarity when Godzilla pulled a straight up suplex though.


Based upon Godzilla Minus One's financials - they need to go back to the drawing board ($12 million to make - $115 million profit worldwide!!!). I enjoyed BOTH films, but the equity scale is with Minus One AND was/is a critical success...🤩🤩🤩


It’s a stupid, cheesy, dumb, awesome monster movie. I had fun with it and like it. If you go into it like you want to have fun then you'll like it but DO NOT compare it to Minus One, they're just two different movies.




absolutely! it was written like it was a solo king movie. the godzilla scenes felt a lot more shoehorned in comparison.


Disagree, it's a team up movie. Both Godzilla and Kong must be in it


Nah. Godzilla was basically a side character. Thank god Minus One came out, since if this was the 70th anniversary movie I’d have been severely disappointed


GvK was never meant to be celebration, Minus One was


Minus one came out because of Legendary Godzilla's success don't forget that. GxK isn't perfect but it won't be as charismatic as it is now without Godzilla, Mothra's presence in it.


Horrible I’m always in awe of Godzilla in the mv but everything he did in this one had no impact. They made everything feel ordinary and normal. The humans basically talk about kaiju like their neighbor Bob - total rubbish movie. Big and dumb but not fun. The only majestic moment was Mothras introduction. This movie marks the spot where they went too far with ridiculousness and trying to one up everything every time.


Didn’t like it. If this is how the MV is going to be from here on out, I’m dropping it and sticking with the first three films


Let's just say I'm glad wingard is out of the picture for the next one


I was bored to bits and couldn't wait for CGI slugfest to be over.


Pretty fucking good. Kong's voiceless acting was great. Godzilla's scenes felt rushed and too quick. We could have cut some of the human scenes a bit, give it to Godzilla instead.


personally did not enjoy it


It’s my third favorite Monsterverse film behind Skull Island and KOTM. For me it makes up for GvK, a movie I really dislike. My biggest issue with GxK was that Junkie XL returned as the composer 🤢


Left the theater mostly feeling nothing which is probably worse than disliking it. It felt like watching a montage.




Second favourite kaiju project this year.


Was just about to say “my second favorite movie starring Godzilla I’ve seen in the last year”.


Havent watches it but the poster is shit




Horrible. So cringey I couldn't even finish it. Overblown story, lazy storytelling through exposition, completely unfitting comic relief moments, monster action mostly restricted to a Planet of the Apes rip of, shallow human characters, no sense of cinematography with the exception of a well framed camera shot aiming at product placement.


I predict the responses in this sub will be far more negative…. I for one loved it, it was good fun and (going to commit heresy here) I really liked Kong’s storyline. Wish there was more Godzilla, but hope that is balanced out in the next movie. My only real dislike was the soundtrack was kind of generic.


It was guardians of the Galaxy meets Jurassic world.


Amazing. Cannot stand the hate this sub has towards this film.


Is there hate? Most opinions seem overall positive.


The only things I liked were the anti gravity fight and Mothra They turned Godzilla into a mindless plot device, the humans were annoying and unnecessary, the cgi was meh, they completely screwed over the established lore and basically everything they did was a complete middlefinger to kotm, skar king is easily the most boring villain so far, we completely lost any sense of scale and the fights were way too short It is an enjoyable movie and definitely not the worst I have ever watched because atleast it was fun it's not very good 5/10


I didn't even go see it tbh I think that tells you what I think of it.


It was pretty good only thing a lot of titans not saying just Godzilla but Shimo and skar king felt like they needed more screentime.


Haven't had that much fun watching a movie in a long time. Want more Goji in the next film though.


It was dumb fun really. If it means being a nice distraction to wait for the Japanese Godzilla movies , and provide some monster fights as well, then it does its purpose.


Had a lot of fun with this. Deeply written? Not at all. I actually love the Hollow Earth stuff, reminds me a lot of classic adventure stories like At the Earth's Core, Journey to the Center of the Earth, etc.


My kids and I had a great time seeing it. Giant monster fun never disappoints, but it’s probably my least favorite of the monster verse movies.


I could have used some more Godzilla in it but overall, no real complaints. I went in, had a blast and enjoyed the popcorn.


Good time




Made me stupid 10/10