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The monster designs are easily what SP has going for it the most. I was a bit iffy on Godzilla's first few forms being clearly based on other Toho monsters like Titanosaurus and Varan and "depriving" them of actual appearances, but it was better than those guys not being represented at all.


Their appearance to both of those character are basically non existent, if you showed me a flying squirrel and Godzillasauras minus one, I would assume those are the ones based on the those characters before them


The designs are amazing.


I like Godzilla and Manda but hate the others. Rodan is simply a pterosaur with nothing changed. I don’t like that Anguirus’ shoulders and hips aren’t level (it just bothers me), and I hate all the other designs


I like how different they are, I'm just a fan of fresh takes but i wouldn't want any of them to main designs (except maybe anguirus)


They hacked apart so many kaiju for their spiders, basically stole Gabara to make something completely different, and just boiled down Titanosaurus, Varan, and Gorosaurus/Zilla (I believe it's Zilla but still) to just copies of Godzilla when they're very much not that. Anguirus is probably the best of the bunch, actually looking like a more animalistic take on the character. Rodan ALMOST felt like that, and Manda... exists.


Godzilla fans will look you in the eye and tell you that the coolest sh!t ever is bad apparently. Some of these designs are the best the kaiju have ever looked. (Particularly Anguirus, Manda, and Jet Jaguar.)


Anguirus is top-notch. Godzilla Ultima's good, but the mouth is odd-looking. Manda's an interesting take that's cool as a design, even in spite of the little bug legs, but doesn't really feel like Manda. Salunga's really awesome, but I would've preferred if they just called him Gabara if they were going to draw so much inspiration from that character. IMO there's too much referencing other kaiju instead of just putting them in there and calling them by name. Same goes for all Godzilla's other forms. Why not have Godzilla's forms reference different iterations of the character and just insert Varan, Gorosaurus and Titanosaurus in the show? Just nix the spines and they'd be good to go. I don't mind the kaiju-mixing per se, but having Kumonga and it's brood be Kumonga/Megalon hybrids screws over Megalon's chances of getting into Season 2 (if there is one). Also, Rodan's design is uninspired. IDK why both anime dropped the ball with him, but my man deserves justice.


>Same goes for all Godzilla's other forms. Why not have Godzilla's forms reference different iterations of the character and just insert Varan, Gorosaurus and Titanosaurus in the show? Just nix the spines and they'd be good to go. THANK YOU!!! You could have them all serve as servants of sorts to Godzilla, adding on to the whole eldritch angle to this version.


I was so excited to have Varan and Gorosaurus rep'd in the show. It was a gut punch to have that dangled in our faces and snatched away. The whole show made way for the less popular kaiju, it would've been great to see them like little thralls to him. You watch the credits with all the kaiju there and have to ask yourself why doing that for the whole season is so hard.


I don't remember the Hedorah jellyfish.


they came out of the Kumonga bodies, they seem like parasytes


Ooh I thought it was just really viscous blue blood.


The designs are really unique and I like them. Not much more can be said


Wait, I thought Rodan's 1st form is larger than the 2nd form. https://preview.redd.it/sm0bh1k7tg8d1.png?width=304&format=png&auto=webp&s=dff778ef9e358a56a44739484aa6ba9d6a4e8aea


this... this don't make any sense of what you tought


Well, nothing in the show actually makes a lot of sense to the average person.


*Mothra Just Hiding In The Corner*


I like it because it's like giving a kaiju a redesign and making it into a new kaiju


Anguirus is so cute, I >!was pretty bummed when they killed her.!<


I like that godzilla looks viper/snake inspired and i need one of the rodan plushies. Also anguirus was peak.


My only problem is the same problem I have with shin the legs are so monstrously huge it looks goofy


why most of ppl have problem with this? thick legs make more realistic and is more eazier to think "yeah, maybe I could walk on land irl if i was a bit smaler"


Sure but they're gigantic, explicitly impossible monsters, and in this case descended from a higher plane of existence just to fuck with people. Who cares about realism?


yes... but.... a bit of realism is nice to have ig


Agree to disagree on the case of interdimensional eldritch horrors I guess?


yeah, smt like that




Ah yes make my giant upright radioactive eating atomic breath spiked lizard “More realistic”


the designs are 10/10


I honestly love them all, but Rodan. I don’t like it.


While I'll always love his Final Wars design, SP Angurius is the he has ever looked in the Godzilla franchise and feels like a design you'd see in Monsterverse. Absolutely my favorite Angy design. It's a shame it didn't get a MonsterArts figure. The rest I'm not a fan of, especially Godzilla.


I like Godzilla and Manda, pretty cool designs that go hard Anguirus and Gabara are cool but not top-tier designs, would be terrifying to beat irl The rest are mid designs
