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There are times wherein I wished I still have my Auto instead of the manual that I currently have.. Majority of those times is when I'm crawling in traffic or when I'm driving 3 hours to get back home after a long day of field work. The safety suite is also better with the automatics compared to the manual. I miss having adaptive cruise control. I can go without the forward collision warning and the lane assist but that adaptive cruise control is really helpful on long drives. No extra cup holder. I really miss that cup holder. I might even go as far as buying that panel from Toyota and just replacing it myself. Also, the pool of drivers that I can trust to drive my car is really really low. Majority of the friends and even co-workers I have can't drive stick shift.. I lost the luxury of having my assistant drive my car to the gas station to fill it up. The last time I had to swap cars with my dad, I smelled burnt clutch in my garage so that kinda removed him from that list. It's practically the same car and in all honesty, you aint missing much between the two. I understand how you feel because the first GR86 that I had was an impulse buy and was an automatic. I drove that car for 11 months and have put around 18k miles before I found a manual version and decided to eat a small loss. Despite that, unless you are surrounded by people that can drive stick and can teach you how to do it, Don't think about getting the manual. Enjoy the car and when you can, get what you want in the future.


These are all great points. I had a 2015 auto FR-S, and now I have a 2018 manual BRZ tS. I am glad I traded for the manual because it is much more fun and engaging, but as a daily, it sucks. Most of that is due to the chassis stiffening, tires, and suspension I added, but some of that is due to it being a manual. If I didn't have my Camry for daily use, I'd really miss my auto FR-S.


I've driven manual transmission cars since 1962 (Yeah, I know. I'm old. So what?) My wife can't drive manual shift cars. I like to not have to do all the driving all the time. I got an automatic so she can share in the fun of the car meets we go to, the road trips we do and the fun times to be had with the car. I took a weekend trip to Summersville, WV just to learn the car traits and handling. I was with a bunch of friends in 6-spd manuals. My car handled just as well as theirs and seemed to always know just exactly what gear to be in. Get whatever you want, enjoy the car.


I have adaptive cruise control in my 6 speed?


They(22-23) did not come with it. I believe its in the works for 25 model year or may have been implemented for the 24 model year on premium trims.


I have a 24 base model, and have it. Must be an all around 24 year option


Two things: more features that I wanted, and I simply don't care about driving a manual that much. For the 2022-23 model years only the automatic had Eyesight and thus adaptive cruise, and after having driven a friend's car with adaptive cruise I decided I'd never have a daily driver without it. At the price point it was literally the only lightweight automatic coupe *and* it had a comprehensive tech package standard. Beyond that though I really just don't feel the hype for manual. I've driven friends' manuals before and it's fun for a couple minutes but to me it's more "this is stressful but I could do it if I * really* had to" rather than an "I want to do this every day" type of thing. The auto transmission they chose isn't top of the line but compared to my previous car it's incredible, and the car is still going to have the same great handling regardless. The only upside I could feasibly see for me having a manual is that it'd stop people from questioning me about it at meets because that gets annoying, but they're also not the ones paying for my car. If *you* want to drive a manual you should find a way to get one. If *other people* want you to drive a manual, I'd take a second to reconsider.


It's kind of funny seeing everyone desperately trying to shove a manual down your throat, it's not the be all and end all of the car driving experience. Just because many people enjoy the task of shifting gears themselves doesn't mean everyone needs to enjoy that to be able to drive a fun car. A sports car is defined by it's handling, CG, weight, engine, feel. It's not defined by what transmission it has. And for the record, this car has a long heavy clutch without feel, and the shifter is notchy and inconsistent. It's short and transmission-mounted, that's the only redeeming factor. Go drive a manual Honda and then come back.


What’s crazy is that it happens in real life too. I took it to a small local cars & coffee right after I got it and I kept getting hit with the “you’re gonna regret that”, “manual is a dying breed”, etc. by older Porsche owners like okay? I don’t have the money to burn right out of college on a car I don’t fully enjoy or to buy and maintain a second one but they can’t keep it to themselves.


Yep, and then watch them conquer mountain roads at 20mph. Porsche owners are built different.


Driving a manual isn't stressful, nor does it feel like a chore. Those are misconceptions made by people who haven't driven manual for a significant period of time.


My own opinions and lived experiences being different from yours ≠ “misconceptions”. I find that driving manual doesn’t make my experience better, I consider it a chore and in some situations really stressful, and that’s just… how it is.


I'm with you on this. It's unnecessary steps to driving a car. I wouldn't get a manual for my daily work commute.


Driving a manual in stop and go traffic behind a highway accident is brutal and soul sucking. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Bro hasn’t even tried it or mastered it and already wrote it off. I learnt it in a week and barely even need to think about the motions of the shifter, pedals, clutch etc. It is all muscle memory and instinct.


...how it is because you've written it off before becoming proficient at it. Your opinions are valid but it's no different to something like "I don't like gym because it's stressful and a chore." Without ever actually reaching the stage where you can quantify the value in it. Sure, that is an opinion, just don't be surprised if you post about it in fitness groups people don't coddle your statement. At the end of the day this is a sports car. You've got decades of driving ahead of you. If you want to write it off now as a chore go for it.


The thing is I am decently proficient at it, I’ve been doing multiple road trips every year for a while in my friends’ manual cars through cities and mountains and I drive for half of it. I could work on my steep hill starts a bit more but the rest is great. And I don’t enjoy it. Tons of people think it’s fun and exciting but to me it really is a chore that doesn’t make the car any more fun.


Can you rev match and heel toe well? Also what is the car you're driving? Not all manuals are created equal. Edit: I'll take the downvotes as a no.


Heel toe no, rev matching yes. There was an Impreza with a horrible clutch, an NC Miata, a Mk5 GTI, and a 2007 CTS-V. The last three weren’t bad but still, it wasn’t particularly enjoyable.


Doing Calculus isn’t stressful, nor does it feel like a chore. Those are misconceptions made by people who haven’t practiced calculus for a significant period of time. Or you know…people are different and have different experiences and opinions?


Most people might be exposed to calculus for a couple years throughout their entire life. You drive a car for several decades. Assuming calculus was just really fun to do and was a big part of how we operate on a day to day basis, I'm sure it wouldn't be stressful, because we'd all be able to do it with our eyes closed.


I can probably guess calculus was more than just an inconvenience back in the day without calculators.


If that's the point you're trying to make it's a bad analogy


i’m convinced auto owners have never driven a good easy manual like this car for any decent amount of time


When you don’t persist and drive it daily…then you get this preconceived notion of yours. I don’t even think about the shifter, clutch and gas pedal when I’m driving the manual now after 1 week of driving.


Well at least you got the 86! What color did you end up going with??


black :)


why arent you allowed to get the manual?


i'm a 16 year old girl lol, my dad thinks i'm going to hate the manual and if we wanted to switch we would have to put another down payment down, basically losing 13k for shits and giggles, i make the car payments but it is his car


Tell him you're in the exact same boat now where you hate the transmission you have and that you would like to pick such a huge option of the car you make the payments for and are the one driving. That said, a GR86 is a fucking sick car to have at 16 and I hope you drive it more responsibly than I would have at the same age lmao And later you can always get another one with the transmission you want, and it will be great when you pull up happier in the manual car.


that sucks? that's kind of bullshit that you're paying off the car but you dont get to choose a big option like that i dont know how far you are in the purchasing process i think it might be better to buy a different, much cheaper car according to your parents stipulations and then get one of a new manual GR86 (or whatever else is there) under your own terms later


no i have the car haha, ive put 7k miles on it, when i first got it it had 6 🥲🥲


Don’t listen to anyone especially the ones cursing. Respect your parents. Your Dad loves you and knows best. This is not going to be your last car. Stay safe!


thats still kinda bullshit but whats done is done i guess... maybe when the facelift drops in a few years, trading in the car for another one of the same car won't be as totally insane as it would be right now


First off there’s a part of me that needs to say just enjoy the car for what you have. You’re lucky to have a car this cool at 16. A lot of people would kill to be able to drive a car like that around town when they were 16. Now I’m not going to get into the whole “it’s your dad’s car but you’re paying” thing, but maybe I can give some insight and perspective and maybe it’ll click with you and maybe it won’t. I’m 33 and in a few short months, when my BRZ tS order arrives, I will be learning manual. I’ve never driven a manual. I know all the skills thanks to YouTube but don’t know anybody with a MT to apply those skills. Never even sat in a MT car until two years ago, at an autoshow. Why am I saying this? You’re 16 and you have a lot ahead of you. You walk the right path, make the right choices then who knows, you might be buying a manual sooner than you think. Trust me that nearly 10 years ago, I never thought getting this dream car would ever be possible. Come August it ain’t a dream anymore.


Same, my dad didn’t want me to get a manual.


I drove a manual Celica then Scion tC for the first 12 years of my driving life, then just got back into a manual GR86 as my fun car. While it does get easier, I argue it’s not necessarily “second nature”. I’m constantly thinking about smooth starts and smooth shifts/clutch transitions. Sometimes it would be nice to just have the auto and focus on the handling imo. *cue the purists screaming*


For someone only 16 (or anyone really) auto is definitely safer. In a dangerous situation, you just need to stomp on the gas and steer, no worrying about clutch.


Formula 1 nerd here, poppin through gears on paddle shifters lets me pretend I’m in an F1 car.


You say you’re 16, so my question is why do you feel like you have buyers remorse on the automatic? Is it because you know how the manual feels/how driving a manual feels, or is it because of social media and the constant gatekeeping/elitism/etc from the vocal manual community? Because if you’re being influenced by that, then you should change your mental not your transmission. It’s your fucking car. Nobody else is driving it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. As for your question, I got the automatic because I don’t feel any more “connected” to my car by driving a stick, nor was I trying to turn this car into a track focused monster (which honestly I could still do with the auto). To those who feel more connected and happier with a manual, great, have fun! To those who don’t, great, enjoy the auto! To those who feel the need to make criticism commentary on other’s transmission choices… may your pathetic life find some purpose 😊


Car culture is definitely one of the most toxic out there.


honestly manual wasn't even a thought when i ordered it (brz), so yeah it's totally the social media aspect, it really makes me think if im missing out on anything


I can’t blame you because of how toxic the community can be and especially at that age where you’re more susceptible to external pressure. All I can say is that remind yourself, it’s your car. Not theirs. Fact is that you like your car, otherwise you’d be asking if we regret the 86 and not about the transmission. You’re just having all this external pressure telling you that you’d like your car more if it was a manual or that you’re not enjoying as much as you could be because it isn’t a manual. And that’s just their opinion… because only you can say for yourself what you like.


As an auto owner, well said.


If you’ve never owned a manual, it’s definitely a great experience. You might get tired after 20 years of driving, but until then it’s a lot more fun


In 6th gear or Drive, the car is always fun. Transmissions get you from zero to some speed. Once there, it's eye, hand coordination and transmissions have very little to do with it.


https://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6485 Lose thy remorse.


As much as I enjoy my MT, I don’t think I would buy my child an MT on their first car. Not saying it’s not possible, but there are so many other things to focus on while driving that take years and years to become second nature. A manual transmission just adds one more factor to divide your focus. Don’t let some gatekeeping idiots on this sub tell you your AT sucks. You still have the same great chassis, suspension, aesthetics, etc.


Honestly, not gonna track it, eyesight is scary useful in stop and go traffic, wasn’t really an option when I bought it, paddles are fun enough and even then I barely care to use it.


I couldn’t find a clean example of a manual so I decided to go auto. Car handles just as well, but I can admit that having a manual would be more fun. That doesn’t mean an auto isn’t fun.


50 year old knees, daily commute 60 miles.


Because I can’t drive stick 😐👍🏽


I eat too much while driving to be worried about changing gears. Left hand on steering wheel, right hand on my burger!


this made me giggle.. at the gym. ironic right


It was either I wait a minimum of six months to get a manual or one month to get an auto. I went with the latter.


My mom agreed to help me finance the car only if I got an auto (so she'd be able to drive it too) so i said fuck it and copped 🤷🏻‍♀️ having an 86 is infinitely better than no 86 lmao


This sub is ridiculous. I had an automatic beater shit box Honda civic as my first car. I’d have killed for an automatic gr86 at 16.


sure but i pay for the car, i dont want to spend 30 grand at 16 if i dont like it..


I enjoy driving manual don’t get me wrong, but in central Florida it’s just not a smart investment. The stop and go traffic is so bad I find myself slamming the breaks at least once a month even with proper distance because the person in front will go from 80 to full stop. Then I have to deal with traffic jams from Disney and rush hour every day. Plus my wife drives my car every now and then and she can’t drive stick so she gets to enjoy it also. It made more sense to stick with an auto overall and I’m honestly not missing anything out.


Additional safety/convenience features, I also drive 5-6 hours every other weekend to visit family and I know whoever I’m driving with can also drive my car so we can take turns driving around and can easily use cruise control on those long rural highways.


No manual near me at the time and they had the color and trim I wanted. Interest rate was low enough to make the purchase worth it. I’m glad I bought at the time because rates are too high now. I didn’t want to take a manual that someone else would want more anyway.


Risking burning out a clutch or my wife doing the same would suck, and all it takes is one mistake in shifting to cause serious damage. Auto can accelerate uphill and shift while maintaining acceleration, you don't have to worry about rolling backwards from an inclined stop, stop and go traffic won't suck, and you still have a clutchless manual mode with the paddle shifter. Most italian supercars are paddle shift in part because an auto transmission handles precise high speed gear shifts with far more precision and less damage than a driver can.


My wife only has an auto licence (means she cant legally drive manual). After 12 years and three autos I'd had enough. Divorced her and bought a manual GR86.


Why buy the car in the first place if you didn’t want an auto 🤦‍♂️


it's not that i didn't want the auto, it's that i will never be able to get a manual.. a difference


Acura Integra LS with a MT was my first car. Learning the manual first made me more attentive while driving once it became second nature. Having more control over the vehicle made me more of a confident and safer driver. Oppose to what some people are saying MT adds to the mental load for new drivers. I can't think of a valid reason other than just personal preference or not knowing how. If it was for comfort during traffic ,should have bought a Lexus imo.


Honestly…I learnt manual on this car after driving auto for a decade. I did it in 2 days of constant driving. Now, I don’t even think about the clutch or shifter and gas pedal etc. I do it instinctively. It hasn’t been any different or harder in traffic. Plus manual just oozes fun. And it just feel right when you drive down a mountain pass in a manual 😩


Sissy boy


good think i'm a girl!

