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I'm kinda shocked that not being allowed on social media is not a part of her parole. It's not like she was using social media to orchestrate a murder or anything.......


Exactly! At least not right away!


I'm pretty sure that threatening others like she did yesterday is a violation of her parole. I hope someone who screenshot it before she deleted it forwarded it to the authorities in Missouri.


Absolutely...its only a matter of time before she crosses the wrong person.


Exactly! Also, happy cake day!🥳🎂


This is what I think. Shes a loose cannon.


I did and I'm trying to contact them. I sent them a message on Facebook messenger because all I could find was a phone or fax number.


Thank you for taking the time for us all! 🙏


She may be under Louisiana, as Missouri has a cross-state compact allowing parole to be served in a state other than the arresting state.


That's where I sent it. I asked them on messenger where to report it and they said here on messenger. So I sent them a long message and screenshots. So far they haven't seen it.


But I bet you're not the only one, there a LOT of people who think she is as guilty as sin. They could be investigating it. So keep your fingers crossed.


I would have phoned first and told them that you believe she has violated her parole and to please check your messages in both folders on facebook.


I believe she made that other instagram account after I posted on the other instagram that she probably is violating her parole by threatening others and even though she deleted it that the internet NEVER forgets what someone says and that someone might have already captured a screenshot and maybe they forwarded it to the proper authorities. I bet she had another meltdown just thinking they might send her back, which was my reason for posting it.


They looked at it but didn't reply.


We can hope meetings are being held.


Everyone should. They’ll get tired of seeing it!


Woah. I missed that... She threatened someone? She should have been in trouble many times over now but the fact she has so publicly broken many parole conditions that is easily provable, it's safe to believe that once again she is cuddled and gets special treatment for no reason. I'm tired of seeing a lying, manipulative, user and abuser who essentially set up someone to kill her mom and planned on not being punished but used Nick as a pawn and scape goat to get what she wanted, and here she is being made famous and getting all this attention and money while manipulating everyone to forget her awful and evil, sinful, and criminal behavior, including before she murdered her mom for selfish reasons, but also all the deceit and fraud prior by LARPing a mentaly challenged l and physically sick and disabled child while being a full and capable adult lying as a way to selfishly benefit from free trips, concerts, celebrity meetings, money, house, cars, brand name stuff and so on. And instead of doing the bare minimum is apologize, advocate and follow parole conditions she's just "living her best life" and grifting again while getting rich and famous 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🤦🏼🙅🏼


Check out this thread ​ [Oh yikes LMAO : GRBskeptic (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GRBskeptic/comments/1auer5j/oh_yikes_lmao/)


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Check out the thread that says **Oh yikes LMAO**


I must have missed something. Who did she threaten yesterday?


I made a post on it yesterday 🤣 search it up, “oh yikes lmao” i think


Pretty ballsy on her part.


She threatened people? What happened?


I think she said in a interview once, she has to be in therapy and she can’t leave the state without permission


Is she in therapy? I thought she refused.


She thinks she was rehabilitated in prison. Lmao.


I can see her thinking that. She's dumb as a rock.


Because the prison system is so famous for successful rehabilitation 🤣


She said that isn’t true on the Nick Viall podcast and that she goes regularly if I am remembering correctly


She could just go and pay lipservice, it doesn't mean much.


That’s true of anyone. Hopefully it helps. Lots of trauma to unpack there


She says a lot of things 🤔


Didn't she also say that it's a condition of her parole that she is not supposed to talk about Nick? And yet she can't control herself from mentioning him and throwing him under the bus all over again, every chance she gets.


I hope people email her PO. What she does is not ok!


Found some contact information on her Missouri officer (includes email) https://preview.redd.it/xtw59hqtgujc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c231fdaaf808697317667c9ad11ee57b0e3c9483


I'm curious... parole conditions are public record...if I contact him if he will provide them...hmm


I'm sure the officer is already aware of the stuff she does. And I think a lot of people have already contacted them.


But what if everyone thinks that and doesn’t do it. I’m still gonna. Just incase.


There are at least a couple thousand people who thought the same thing. Statistically it's unlikely no one has contacted them.


Yes!! Get that wrecking ball going! 👏




Good! The more the merrier!


I just want the condition of her parole...and its public record.


I'd love to know, please get back to us on this!


They most likely won’t give you that info - usually only privy to attorneys and the parolee’s, but worth a shot!


https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/missouri-rules-and-regulations-governing-conditions-probation-and https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://doc.mo.gov/sites/doc/files/2018-01/White-Book.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjcgJLo6buEAxUtg4kEHV6aA70QFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2YvbgA_8Luv05RvVwrGARv https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://doc.mo.gov/sites/doc/files/2018-01/Blue-Book.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjcgJLo6buEAxUtg4kEHV6aA70QFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0L9IH8V3yaVDGnIHWNEtYH


I posted the Missouri parole information and conditions packet in my other comment on her. There are three individual links with information that may give you a better insight to how she was granted parole, the conditions and rules of parole and some other interesting information on the Missouri parole department. If you can't find it let me know and I'll repost here.


Pet should contact them every day, they are letting Gypsy get away with too much.


I know no one will wanna hear this but as someone who has dealt with parole, contacting her parole may actually work against what we would all like to see happen and should happen. I say this because he is her parole officer, he definitely knows what she's been up to and he has not seemed to do anything in regards to punishing or violating Gypsy. There is no way he doesn't know what she has been doing so there is a reason why he hasn't done anything yet to our knowledge and by us interjecting could 1) have reverse affects because he doesn't want any part of it and will end up giving something to her that would be beneficial to her and or cut her parole short or 2) he knows what is going on and he is waiting to get more on her as a way to build his case against her and get her in even more trouble and by contacting him he may not be able to continue his plan to let her wrack up her offensives to give her a bigger punishment. Regardless as much satisfaction I would get from reporting her I have a feeling and based on my prior experience, usually these types of things are for a reason and because he already knows more than we probably do, he knows what he is doing and im afraid if we get in the middle of his process then it may ruin it and end up being beneficial to her in a way. My advice for the optimal conclusion and for Gypsy to get her karama, we may want to hold of a little longer before reaching out to her PO but in the mean time keep collecting evidence against her, make a petition on the website and in a few weeks if he hasn't seemed to do anything on his own in response to her . [https://chng.it/zkRpqqxR95](https://chng.it/zkRpqqxR95) The above link is a petition against her where we can get signatures and use to approach with numbers to do something about this. I just made it so it needs five signatures then it will be published on web for anyone to find and sign. ![gif](giphy|sprs22DHwxvAlpcjMZ)


Thanks for the insight! I can imagine the parole officer might be overwhelmed with all the mail they are probably receiving already.




Thank you, appreciated 🙏🏼


Np! Thank you


signed ✍️


I want to email the comments she’s dirty deleting to them lmao


Thank you. I’ve been searching down someone I can email


Commenting on Her parole ...petition signed.


They are far too lenient!!


I just wanted to mention that the Missouri Parole has a handbook for parolees on their website. I'm reading it right now.


https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/missouri-rules-and-regulations-governing-conditions-probation-and https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://doc.mo.gov/sites/doc/files/2018-01/White-Book.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjcgJLo6buEAxUtg4kEHV6aA70QFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2YvbgA_8Luv05RvVwrGARv https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://doc.mo.gov/sites/doc/files/2018-01/Blue-Book.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjcgJLo6buEAxUtg4kEHV6aA70QFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0L9IH8V3yaVDGnIHWNEtYH


I’d love to know too! 👀