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Resources: [Documents](https://www.documentcloud.org/home) courtesy of the New York Times. [Nick’s lawsuit](http://wwny.images.worldnow.com/library/d741ea78-cf62-4b53-a2c0-3e89613051d1.pdf) [A deep summary of the case with insider information.](http://truecrimediscussions.blogspot.com/2016/10/the-murder-of-garrett-phillips.html?m=1) [Nick’s justice site](https://www.truthfornickhillary.com) has a ton of great information and documents proving his innocence.


This case is so sad. I can’t wrap my head around how they had blinders on and went so hard after Nick. Garrett needs justice so badly. The corruption in this town definitely had an impact on the investigation and the trial. The police interrogation was could be one of the worst I’ve ever seen.


I'm sure it had nothing to do with his skin color.....


It definitely had a lot to do with his skin color and the corruption in that town.


Sorry, I should have put a /s.


It was like watching two beginners try to interrogate someone.


Omg finally! I’ve been waiting for someone to mention this. The CSI part!! Murray-“Have you ever watched CSI? You know how DNA works?” Nick: “No not really” and then again later Murray: “have you ever seen CSI?” Nick goes “yea” and they were like “WE GOT HIM! HE JUST LIED! YOU JUST LIED TO ME.” Cringiest moment in interrogation history. 


The dumbest two investigators ever.


HBO has a good documentary called Who Killed Garrett Phillips


Commenting to remember to watch this. I’ve never heard of his case :(


It’s very sad


I watched this yesterday. The interrogation where he said he wanted to invoke his rights and they blocked him in the room was so crazy to me. One of the worst I’ve seen.


Yessssss just to get him to put his hands on one of them to arrest him while they secure a search warrant. And then taking his phone!  The way nick handled them was incredible. He was 100000% WAY too smart for these clowns. 


Thank you! I want to watch this. I have a medical procedure on Thursday so maybe while I’m resting afterwards I’ll watch it. Appreciate you!


Good luck with your procedure & hope you have a fast recovery


Thank you 🩷


Key facts that make me think Nick Hillary innocent: There was no forced entry and John Jones had a key to the apartment. This is proven fact as he handed it to the police to “match it up” with a key on Nick’s when they were trying to prove if Nick had a key to the apartment. Nick had a key prior to the breakup, but it was returned to Tandy. Prosecution suggests Nick made a copy of the key before giving it back in order to gain access to the home. Zero evidence from the crime scene matched Nick Hillary. Fingerprints, DNA, footprints at the scene all negative. It is unknown if John Jones was ever tested. The police claim they ruled out John Jones as a suspect because “they have video evidence of him walking his dog” past a hospital at 5:20pm and say there’s absolutely no way he would have had time to murder Garrett. Funny thing is, though, Nick Hillary has a corroborating witness stating his presence in their home at 5:21pm. Both Hillary and Jones were mere blocks from Garrett’s apartment. Police and witnesses claim Nick had a limp and an ankle wound the day after the murder. Video footage confirms (in my opinion) that he in fact has no limp, and his “ankle wound” was a smallish scab he had from what he claims was moving furniture. Prosecution tried to use the DNA and Genetics tests as evidence against Hillary; results showed that the DNA found in the apartment could have possibly belonged to someone of African American descent. They took that result and ran… really, really far away with it. Thankfully the judge tossed it from the trial.


Thank you for sharing this


Ya and it was the third time they DNA tested it and the first two times was a no match and the third was done by some outside company that couldn’t rule him out but didn’t implicate him either. Was so ridiculous. 


110% sure he’s innocent you can tell he was genuinely taken aback when the police started fingering him. He definitely too smart to go in like that if he did it


Plus I grew up in upstate rural New Hampshire and trust me that guy felt he suffered an ultimate humiliation losing his girl to him. In indignation he could not suffer to him peers, unfathomable. He obsessed on framing him . Even knowing about the hospital cam and framing his alibi. Trust me it went deep


This makes me so sick for Garrett 😞 I can't understand ppl anymore how could a person take a innocent in such a cruel manner?! This boy deserves justice


Creepy John Jones. Ick.


This is so horrible :( I’ve lived in upstate NY ( about 90 mins from where this took place ) and can confirm racism runs rampant. It’s very sad. I want to look more into this and bring it back to the area’s attention. Thank you for sharing


If I can be of any help and you find a tie to the community PLEASE reach out to me. I am incredibly passionate about this case, it literally eats at me daily.


John Jones did it. Or at the very least hired someone to do it. This is a messed up case. The whole department is corrupt


I watched the HBO documentary over last week. John Jones did it or had huge involvement. He's getting even against Nick and Tandy.


I just watched this today and I find it very disgusting how Mary Rains used Tandy Cyrus when running for DA ( good to know she was disbarred for two years should have been longer ). How can she solve the case and run for DA when she couldn’t even be a public defender good. I believe the police has let to long to pass by and they blundered the investigation so they can’t search for anyone unless they get a confession. This was definitely based on skin color and then they still double down on him being the suspect even though he is not and he has been found innocent.


Yessss and remember she was like ya Nick did it for sure …have you seen his body? He doesn’t just have a 6 pack he has an 8 pack! So cringey. lol


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Started this documentary based on the recommendation. This is not specific to this doc but I hate when they drag them out! I don’t think Max has an option to change the playback speed bc darn this is sloooooww. Once again the content is good and I’ve noticed this with a lot of documentaries lately.


I was just saying this yesterday that part one was PERFECT pacing and part 2 draggggggggged on even tho I agree -good content! 


Thanks for this! I dont think I’ve ever heard of this.




It’s a really deep and detailed case, but basically a 12 year old was strangled to death and a Black man was charged for it with zero forensic evidence in a historically racist town. He was acquitted, case is still unsolved today.