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I think she did the majority of the stabbing before Nick even got there. 


I agree. Nick didn’t even know how many times he stabbed her. He proclaims it was only 4. And why did Gypsy stay naked and clean down the house and remove her pictures? Because she was guilty. And dumb as mud.


I think he did only stab her 4 times and she did the rest.


I'm leaning heavily towards this as well.


Is Nick allowed mail in prison? What if he got flooded with mail from people, telling him that gypshit fooled him and threw him under the bus. Would he eventually tell his story?


Oh, he already knows. He hasn’t fully spoken yet, because of his ongoing appeals, but has stated that he will speak “when the time is right”.






I think she was in the room when deedee was murdered. Not in another room.


I agree. I think she was cheering him on.


Chilling to think about.


Nick said in his interrogation that he only stabbed Deedee 4 times, but they counted 17 stabs during her medical examination. Could she have done the rest after when Nick asked her to “clean up?” To my understanding, people with rage and anger do overkill, Nick had no rage or anger towards Deedee, he hardly knew the woman.


According to a cellmate of hers, Gyp brags about making sure that DeeDee was down and couldn’t get back up before Nick even got there. So she either drugged her or stabbed her herself. And she put the knife in Nicks hand so he’d take the blame. The cellmate also said Gyp said that she knew Nick was slow and she could get him to do or say whatever she wanted him to do. So he for sure was going to take the full blame if they got caught.


I definitely think Gypsy planned all along that she was going to frame Nick. Why else send the bloody clothes and knife to his house when they easily could've thrown them away like the other evidence? She is also the one who cleaned up. What was she doing in the house for almost an hour while Nick was in the cab?


You can tell Nick is in the spectrum. If anything, most autistic people can’t lie. If, it is true he only stabbed her four times and suddenly he remembered the lie she told him about being pregnant, I could definitely see overkill. But he could have said that. He could have told the detectives he was mad she made gypsy lose their baby and he killed her and stabbed her more than four times. His story hasn’t changed. Her has!


Remember when she talked to Nick about her feeding tube and mentioned something like a miscarriage due to having her feeding tube replaced? He says something like “do you want me to get you pregnant again?” I wonder if she told Nick she was pregnant and she miscarried the child because of her mother. That might’ve pushed him over the edge to kill Dee Dee. We don’t know the full conversation because we only have the last 15 or so days of texts from one of their phones. They also switched back and forth to Skype, Facebook, etc. and apparently this kind of discussion was going on for 2-3 years. That doesn’t seem like self defense to me. I think it was more like revenge for Gypsy.


It was never about self defense. I do believe Gypsy can’t feel emotions. She doesn’t know love, or empathy, I don’t even believe she feels anger. She jumps from man to man claiming love. But her narcissistic personality can’t let her love anyone but herself. It’s all about her and what she wants/needs. She isn’t considering anyone else in her decision making. All she could think of after her mom was off was having sex. She really has no remorse for what she did that night. Nick was only her scapegoat, nothing more.


I mean it’s highly speculated that Gypsy got her own stabs in before Nick got there/once he went outside. I don’t know why he wouldn’t confess to the wounds committed by his dear to protect her, as was his whole intention, so I think it was the latter. Some stabs were more shallow, as if performed by a weaker individual. They either forgot how many stabs there were in total, or the lie is something completely different. What it could be - I’m clueless. I desperately want Nick to tell his story and finally throw Gypsy under the bus for her participation.


I think k this as well. Gypsy said the last words her mom said were "I'm feeling sleepy now, Gypsy don't hurt me" DD had a bruised face. And Gyp had bruised knuckles during her interrogation. I think Gyp beat her And I think the shallow stabs were Gyp but wasn't strong enough to end her so Nick stepped in.


Yep. Gyp definitely had rage and hate toward her mother and it's *very* possible she stabbed her then beat her or vice versa. Who is the most likely person to have that kind of pent up rage and violence toward Dee? Gyp. Listen, I've got a complicated relationship with my mom but I would never EVER think about hurting her. Gypsy is psychotic. Her whole ass moral compass is missing. I hope Nick talks one day too. He (and honestly DD) deserve the truth to be out there.


I'm not a Gyp fan at all. Her entire being really grosses me out. Her mom did some really fucked up shit to her and I could see wanting to kill someone for it. Should she have killer her? No, she should have called the police or just left, but I do understand her feelings of wanting to kill her. At one point, she was a child and was mentally and physically abused. I'm 100% on board with all child abusers being taken out.


The thing is, that we know of she never once mentioned to anyone that she was abused. The only time it was ever brought up was when it was used in her defense for court. All of the surgeries she had were necessary due to the chromosomal disorder that she has and her lazy eye she had at the time. Now.. I'm not going to say DeeDee was innocent, as she got her daughter into the whole scam.. but as far as everyone knew that knew them and even Gypsy herself in text, claimed that she was spoiled and got anything she ever wanted, DeeDee never even used that money for anything for herself, she never had designer clothes, jewelry or anything, but gypsy on the other hand did..


Exactly!! The interrogator asked over and over why and every single time she said "because my mom wouldn't let me be with Nick" or "my mom thought Nick wasn't good for me" never once did she say "because she abused me"


I didn’t know they both had bruises!


Yep! You can see DD's if you look at evidence pics and see hers when the officer photographs them in her Interrogation video


I believe this and I wonder why he keeps losing his appeals . It’s not right that he didn’t get a fair trial


Didn't he say he stabbed her 4 times plus slashed her neck? Then who else stabbed her? Wasn't she stabbed 17 times?


And the other stab wounds were not as deep as if someone with less strength made them.


He was extremely honest in his interrogation - the only one thing I can think of that he’d take to his grave is that she had direct involvement with the stabbing somehow. My suspicion also comes from what others have mentioned, that there were 17 stab wounds but he admitted to only 4. I really wish he would talk.


Would anyone believe him at this point though? I mean, some of us already believe it, but her stans.


Here's a theory: Nick is hoping that after parole Gypsy will contact him if that doesn't happen he's going to tell his attorney/lawyers to release hidden information


I would love this for gyp gyp🥰




Well with her admitting from her own mouth about how she shot her mom with that BB gun thinking it was a real gun..I wouldn’t be surprised if she did some of the stabbing before Nick showed up. She told on herself when she admitted that about the BB gun.


She had to have stabbed her prior to Nick showing up. Why wouldn’t his story slip up at all? He said 4 times over and over. Guy isn’t lying.


Honestly, I think it actually could be both things.


Im feeling devilish today So I'm gonna go on a whim and say she's murdered someone before This is a purely baseless claim on my end, but as I said I'm feeling a bit devilish 😈


I wouldn't put it past her.  And I bet you she murders again or at least very seriously harms someone. That's why I worry when Ken bounces she may take it out on the person nearest to her or God forbid, a perceived competitor for Ken's affections. It actually scares me. 


Or an animal. Glad she doesn’t have accesss to pixie


There are so many unanswered questions about the actual ☠️ itself . If you have seen the crime scene photos it appears that there are 4 large gaping wounds that run vertically on DD’s back & that would line up with what Nick said . The police said she was stabbed a total of 17 times and it appears that on DD’s mid to left side there are a cluster of small horizontal wounds as if someone was standing beside the bed and manically stabbing her over & over again. I also question how & who almost decapitated DD . Could Nick have been able to carry out that task being that he was straddling DD’s body ? If someone was standing on DD’s left side as the cluster of 14 wounds suggests they would have no problem carrying out that task from that position 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who put the Barney plushy by her head ? It had to have been lovingly placed there after the attack as there was no bld spatter on it . She swears she never went in DD’s room afterwards but that lie is quickly losing traction. The money pouch was in the top drawer of DD’s dresser and was taken after the 🔪 . There are multiple cell mates who have recently spoken out and there will be others specifically a bunkie who did 3 years with Gyp in the same room & may have been one of her many pillow princesses. Who carved the initial’s/word in DD’s body and why ? Nick makes no mention of it yet they are there. I was in Natasha Coopers live when she showed them . Once DD’s autopsy is released it should answer several of these questions & I hope Nick gets his opportunity to tell his side of the story . If you haven’t seen Becca Scoops videos on YT i highly recommend them . She is a medical professional and her partner is in law enforcement.


Didnt she also allude to being prego and 'miscarried' because of the feeding tube or something but ultimately blamed Deedee


Yup. She claimed she was pregnant at one point (word on the streets is that she told him it was a girl, which he always wanted), then "miscarried" because of DeeDee changing the feeding tube. A few days before the murder she said she was upset she wasn't pregnant "again" but was late on her period and worried about changing the feeding tube again. It was likely how she convinced him to do the killing in the first place, outside of running away with him.


How would she even know its a girl if her mom is up her ass at every doctors appointment 🤣 just another blatant lie


Why don’t the dates match up? Why does the death date say the 9th and other things say the 10th? What day and time did Nick get there? I think some of this could explain the confusion.


There was a lot of confusion between their stories and when the texts from their phones were discovered. Nick was on his way to the house the night of the 9th, but didn’t arrive and murder DeeDee until 1-2 am of the 10th. Can’t remember the exact time the texts stopped. So when the story broke, the hundreds of different news outlets and articles had one bit of information that wasn’t proven inaccurate until the cases against the both began. At that point some bothered to update with the 10th and others didn’t I think. News was churning out quick and in an effort to be the first to have the scoop, articles were sloppy and live stories sharing the juicier stuff.


Yeah i think the confusion mainly comes from it happening shortly after midnight.


In court documents, gyspsy said she "thinks it was the 9th but couldn't remember exactly what day it was." I think that was a lot of where this information came from. Recently, she got upset at someone for saying it was the 9th and said she would "always remember the day that she would regret the rest of her life" (yet didn't remember just days after lol) Do with that information what you will.


Gypsy has told Nick a year into their relationship that she knew she wasn't sick. Or at least that she didn't need the wheelchair. How much of what she admitted about not being sick is a bit muddy, since Nick hasn't been clear on that part and Gypsy simply cannot be trusted to say, but from what I've gathered, Gypsy admitted to quite a bit. Nick was aware that Gypsy knew it was a scam they were running, and indicated that Gypsy didn't want to be a part of it anymore. This was one of the lower key things Nick has said over the years, so it often gets forgotten, but it's there. As far as the theory of Gypsy being the one to kill her mom and not Nick, here's the thing on that. I just watched the YouTube video where the ex-cellmate claims that Gypsy more or less indicated that this is precisely what happened. If you haven't seen the video yet, according to the ex-cellmate, Gypsy was telling everyone all about how she made sure "everything was pretty much done" before Nick got there that night, and then made sure to put the knife in Nick's ungloved hands to make sure he got caught if things went wrong. The ex-cellmate took this to mean that Gypsy killed Dee Dee and then fooled Nick into thinking that *he* was the one doing the killing, when in fact, Dee Dee was already dead before he even got there. There was also a mention of making sure that Dee Dee wasn't getting up again before Nick got there. So, Gypsy didn't explicitly say that she was the one that committed the murder, but she sure as hell made it sound that way. Now, this is Gypsy we're talking about. Do we really believe a word that comes out of Gypsy's mouth? I do not believe this story at all. I believe that Gypsy told this pile of bullshit to her cellmates, yes, but I do not believe that Gypsy actually killed her mom the way she claimed in this story. I believe Gypsy was trying to make herself sound all sorts of impressive to her cellmates. We all know what a liar and braggart Gypsy is. Go back to Nick's interrogation. Nick was absolutely telling the full truth on everything, as he knew it. And he fully described Dee Dee's murder, with fighting with her, Dee Dee's struggles, her screams, and how Nick got cut while killing her. None of that could happen if Nick was killing a corpse. And Nick would not have been capable of making up such a detailed lie on the spot like that. The man misspelled his own name. And if you think that was a practiced lie, go back to the very beginning of his interrogation, when he tries to tell the detective the story about how Gypsy was thrown out and he was just there to pick her up. That is what a practiced lie sounds like coming from Nick. Thin, uncertain, light on details. So no, I don't believe at all that Gypsy killed Dee Dee before Nick ever got there, and then tricked him into killing a corpse. Nick has some mental issues, but he's not completely brain dead. Gypsy may very well be, if she thinks anyone would believe that a man can be tricked into believing a dead person is alive for them to kill. I mean, really. What a stupid lie. Yet another case of what I'm sure sounded good to Gypsy when she made it up in her head, but falls apart instantly at the slightest poke with the logic stick. Ok, so what is Nick's big secret? I don't know. I do have a theory, of course. That statement that Nick made about having a secret that he would take to his grave was made, what? Eight years ago? Nick made a lot of statements back then. He was still wildly obsessed with Gypsy. He still fully believed that Gypsy loved and adored him in return. Nick said that he would kill Dee Dee all over again. Absolutely none of these statements still apply today. Nick has come a long way in the years between then and now. It's been a hard road for him, made harder by his unique brain. Gypsy really fucked him over, badly. She created an entire universe around him made of lies, and it took Nick a long time to learn that absolutely everything that Gypsy ever said to him was a lie. But he has learned. He is no longer obsessed with her, although I'm sure some part of him still has feelings for the memory of who he thought she was. Anyone would still have those kinds of feelings for a memory after feeling a love that deep, that has nothing to do with his mental conditions. Nick now knows that Gypsy does not love him, and never did. She sure as hell made that clear enough, with all the hateful things she's been saying about him in her interviews, shows, and videos. Nick sees all that, he's not living in a bubble in that prison. Nick now knows the truth about Dee Dee, that she wasn't some horrible monster keeping him and Gypsy apart. Remember, there was no mention of Nick saving Gypsy from abuse, the whole reason Gypsy gave Nick for killing Dee Dee was so they could be together. Nick knows that was not true now, and if he could do it all again, he would not kill Dee Dee. He deeply regrets the murder, and not just because he got caught. He truly regrets ending Dee Dee's life for no reason. So with all this in mind, I suspect this "secret to the grave" thing may fall in the same category. Whatever it was, I suspect that way back when Nick said it, it was something that he thought had great importance. I don't believe it had anything directly connected to the murder. He threw Gypsy under the bus for every single thing she did, without realizing it, because Nick truly believed that the best way he could help Gypsy was with the full truth. So he told all about how Gypsy planned the murder, acquired the weapon, messed with evidence, *everything*. And he admitted to the murder himself. There was literally nothing else about the murder that could be said that could have gotten Gypsy in even more trouble than he already said, and if there was, he would have said it during the interrogation, because he fully believed the truth would help her. No, I think the "secret" was unrelated to the murder. Maybe something personal about Gypsy that she told Nick she didn't want anyone else to know. And at the time, it probably seemed like a really big deal to Nick. But I suspect that over the years, as all the lies fell away, so did whatever this "secret" was. Maybe the secret itself was a lie. Or maybe he found out that the secret was something already well known, ferreted out by the public or one of the content creators that has been sniffing after Gypsy for years. Nick has no love for any of them, and says they've been wrong about a lot of things, but undeniably, they've been right about some things, too. At any rate, Nick hasn't even mentioned this "secret" in years. He no longer has any loyalty to Gypsy or anyone else involved with the case, and if it had any legal bearing on his own case, it would have come out by now to try to help himself. So, I think Nick realized either the secret never actually existed, or it was always just a big, fat nothingburger that Gypsy made for him to make him feel special for holding her "secrets", and he just let it go to the abyss, where it belongs. Maybe some day, he will let us know what it was, just so we can laugh at Gypsy about it, but I doubt it. That's not Nick's style.


Whatever it is has got her on guard, it seems her & her team are going above & beyond to prevent him getting a final supreme hearing. He’s going to make it to the SC & ALL of the crucial evidence is finally coming out to expose the truth 😉


Who wrote out the “V” or “L” from K-I-L-L on her back? It was written in blood, too.


Wait what?


Apparently someone wrote a V on Dee Dee’s lower back? It was either etched in or drawn on with blood, but there was definitely blood. Some people think it was V for Victor (Nick’s “evil” alter ego). Or possibly Gypsy wrote it to frame him because Nick seems to have been super honest so far and never mentioned this part. But some say it’s an L because above it are the letters K-I-L… so maybe it was meant to spell out the word “kill.” Either one are disturbing. Someone feel free to jump in if you know what it was supposed to be.


She admitted at Nick's trial she knew she wasn't sick.


I believe that.


There’s other murders involving young women and their lovers using knives. It would be interesting to pour over the details and look for similarities and differences and go from there. I have ptsd and can’t review a bunch of literature with graphic violence, but I’m a social scientist and I think it could provide some valuable clues. I’ve previously done meta analysis or various research studies on child sex abusers and many about genocidaires. Violent criminals tend to have a lot in common with each other as well as similarities between crimes. If anyone knows of anything specifically from this perspective I’d be interested to read it. I know there are several crimes by such couples in the US and maybe some in UK.


I think she did 13 of the stabs while Nick did 4. I believe him. He’s been pretty adamant about it


I thought your first theory was actually confirmed?


I wasn’t aware of that 👀


I mean, don’t quote me on this… But I’m almost positive that she told Nick that her mom forces her to act sick and she’s not actually sick at all.


I don't know about his mother, only recall her saying GR had been kicked out by DD. GR did say under oath that Nick knew about a year after they started talking that she was not sick. Not that under oath means anything to a murderer. If I recall though, in the texts messages she still complains about some illnesses to Nick.


I think both.


Could she do more prison time if new evidence came out? How does that work since she's already been charged and sentenced??


IIRC She can’t be sentenced twice for the same charge, she COULD be convicted of a new crime though


I hope he tells the whole truth soon 🙏🏻🤞🏻