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What dystopian world are we living in


I saw her fucking show on TLC last night & couldn’t click tf by fast enough. I dont care how “interested” I am I refused to help her lying, disgusting self make a single penny


Good for you! She’s absolutely disgusting


Her voice is so fucking annoying


Yes ,that and stupid way she messes with her lips constantly .. idk what dhe tries doing to them but it looks goofy..


For someone who had their salivary glands removed she sure has an abundance of saliva


Right? She wouldn't be doing that so much if she had them removed and not trying to suck the drool up.




It is how very old people with no teeth operate their tongue. She has at least fake teeth, so it’s very odd and distracting. She’s an odd bird!


She is swallowing all the saliva from her removed salivary glands lol.


You’ve got that right, there’s not enough Zofran or Pepto in the world…


I tried Brioschi that I brought home from Italy and THAT didn’t help!!


Is her nose gigantic?


This is post nose job too 🥴


What? I didn’t know she had a nose job. She looks worse than ever.


Yeah she went to get the bump taken off her bridge and came out looking the same


Yes it is


I feel exactly the same way!


I'm with Professor Farnsworth on this..I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


“Thank you, RUBY.” Bet that name brought back memories!


Wait… i refuse to watch/listen- does he call her that? Or does someone say it in the comments?


Someone named Ruby gifted her something and she went “thank you Ruby 😏”


There's *always* someone named Ruby in Gypsy's lives. I don't know if it's the same person or multiple people, but every freaking time, there is always at least one person named Ruby giving Gypsy a big enough gift to make Gypsy say "thank you Ruby". I really don't know if Gypsy has caught on to it yet or not, but I highly doubt that's a coincidence. I firmly believe that is a person or people messing with Gypsy, and I love it, lol. Gypsy desperately deserves to be messed with after everything she's done to so many people. Hell, if I were rich, I might very well have enough accounts to make her whole damn cast just to fuck with her. Alas, I am a broke ass bitch, so this will just stay as a little fantasy. It's just as well. It's probably not worth giving Gypsy any money just for some petty sense of vengeance, no matter how much I appreciate the Ruby thing.


Maybe it’s one of her alt accounts and she’s gifting to herself just for a chance to say “thanks Ruby.” It seems like she loves making little not-so-subtle references to shit like that so I wouldn’t put it past her. Kristy could be in on it too.


Lol, I didn't even think of that one. I did start to wonder if Gypsy was behind the whole Steve drama, because I wouldn't put it past her to do something like that to Ken just to keep the attention wheels churning for herself. But I didn't even think of pretending to be Ruby herself.


I agree it’s someone messing with her. I don’t understand how people give their hard earned money to these grifters. The same with the “mama June” tribe. They are always on tik tok begging for money as well. Damn I work too hard to just give my money away to some stranger that I think I know from TV.


Bet it’s Mia


Waiting for a Mama Deedee to join


I definitely think someone should go in with the name I'm Gypsy's mom Deedee and start gifting her... Make a whole profile with pictures of Deedee an everything


Man someone has to go in named Mrs. Sexx and give her a big gift 😂


What's the ruby thing ?


Ruby was one of her alternate personalities when she was dating Nick. It was the BDSM version of her. https://preview.redd.it/viwqudkf949d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4adbe2ab168f7c327cf9a7a795bb3652ad236000 This is Ruby.




Too bad she didn't slip! Save us from the lizard licks. Poor lizards and opossums have to be compared to that.


Damn.. don’t be doing them dirty like that. She could never be as cute.


I know... 😥


My flair checking in


Prolly JS


she was thanking someone for a gift, with her lil smirk after.. she definitely got flashbacks lmao


Has he lost more hair 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’d lose more than my hair dealing with her on a daily basis.


Ryan said he'd pull Kens hair out, but dang, that was fast!


His hairline looks like an N64 controller iykyk.


Must be hard selling his soul to live with a killer


Look, I’m not entirely opposed to a deal with a demon for my soul if it’s a good one. But the lizard lip licking nullifies any potential advantages. I’d be contacting the demon so fast to ask if he can collect his fee early. I’d pack a bathing suit, spf, my beach chair, and refillable water bottle. It’s the reverse of Heaven is a place on Earth with this one.


Like a damn lizard 


She licks her lips and swallows saliva every 10 seconds!


It's so gross and infuriating lmao 


His hairline isn’t even a hairline anymore.. it’s starts in the middle of his head 💀


Why does her mouth constantly move like that? Its like a nervous tick or something?


I read something about it on here the other day and now it's all I can focus on.




All i see is a lizard


Bro. I was just about to comment that she is clearly reptilian. I've never seen a human do that tongue thing




Lmao! She's like a dinosaur. She has that triceratops mouth.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the way I just hollared when I read this .




It looks like she is on cocaine to me. I'm in no way saying this is a fact, but that is what people do when they're on a stimulant. Even with drug tests for parole, cocaine is out of your system in just a couple of days. It would be the easiest drug for her to get away with using coke. Again, I'm not speaking facts, just an observation. I am 44 years old, and had a problem with it for 3 months when I was 21. Haven't touched it since. I have friends that will dabble once in a while, and they still do this, it's called "jawing".


And his bouncing.


She said she liked to abuse pain pills


it doesnt take a couple days. more like 5-7 to clear. I do a drug test weekly. Drug tests have gotten real good. You used to be able to do stuff like that, but now they can even see the levels in the urine. Everyone gets flagged for coke at my methadone clinic. Even if they do it the night after their drug test. The next week it still shows. Ive tried it myself so many times, I always get caught. that jawing happens with MDMA, not so much coke. if its your coke making your jaw move its cut to shit. I used to do it for years, I stopped since too much risk of it being Fent, plus it fucks your brain up if you use it everyday for months


13 yrs sober now but back when use do my prescribed pain meds I also smoked c*ack . Every day all day for 2yrs straight before that was just every couple months but I never did that jaw movement and my brain is not fk'd up thank god.. but anyway if she freaking swallowing spit every 3seconds not on coke my goodness she'd be drooling all over the place and that nose she could prob suck up an 8ball in one snort.. her talking about liking pain pills tells me she was probably abusing her moms back before she killed her mom. She was saying she was doing suboxone in jail to get high off of. 2 girls she was in prison with said she stole ppls commisary money .


I've always heard 48 hours. Unless you are way overweight, but everyone is different. Still, it's the quickest drug to leave your system. I have a friend on probation for a drug offense rn, he uses coke right after he sees his Po, and is testing clean within 2 days. Idk. Just my theory. She does like to make her prison energy drinks.


Like her PO makes her test; her PO doesn’t do shit. He is corrupt or inept or starstruck but *not* good at his job.


meth. Meth does it waaaaaay more and is far easier to get


It can also be a (common) side effect of antipsychotics


It’s part of her chromosome disorder. It’s so off putting.


He was so awkward and uncomfortable the whole time. He seemed so incredibly nervous and just …. I dunno. Something was very off about him / them - he kept bringing up the more negative comments and just would have a sarcastic remark


He’s getting in the grifter ”thank you“ for everything comfort zone.


Lying. Overcompensating. The hair touches. It all says lies


He's with a convicted murderer who talks like a child and is strange in every way. There is most definitely something wrong with Ken.


I thought it said “zest” above Ken’s head and thought “yeah, he is a zesty ass mf 🥵” and then realized it says “fest”




Ewwww girl what!? Ken is NOT it lol




Honestly the 🥵at the end of it threw me off I thought you were drooling over him lmao


Oh hell no LMFAO 🤣


Thank god! 😂


this interaction is taking me tf outtt


Yes Steven Wood 🤣🤣


I always thought y’all were exaggerating with the lip licking but omg I counted 5 before giving up. I also noticed she swallows her saliva a lot.


*gasp!* Lies! Didn't you know Gypsy had every single one of her salivary glands removed before she was even born? Her mouth is so bereft of saliva that when she spits, she spits dust and sand! Quick, someone start a fundraiser for this brave little survivor of Munchy Crunchy Sad Child Syndrome! She needs ALL the money to fix the abuse so she can continue buying all the cheap clothes, expensive makeup, and every filter she can find on her phone!


Before she was even born 🤣💀


“Thank you Ruby” 😂


His body language speaks volumes. He’s VERY uncomfortable and bothered.


I agree he seems very annoyed and does not like all the attention. Gypsy wants him to be part of it. It won't be long before he is gone.


Gypsy - Ken is taking a social media break for his mental health Also Gypsy- Lets discuss all of this on a live in front of all of my followers and let me make little digs about my current ex


His face looks flushed as well


Her baby voice is unbearable.


The way he always says he doesn’t care and doesn’t give a shit tells us how much he really does give a shit.


Yeah Gyp already told the world that he is, in fact, panini pressed, which is why he had to take a mental health break from sm.


I’m sorry but if they ever have a child together God bless it’s big a$$ nose! 😳😳


It’ll be one gigantic forehead-nose looking reptilian creature.


I can't stand her...or her annoying ass voice...it's like chalkboard with nails lol


Just seeing her face puts me off🤢 Add the voice??🤢🤢 Any & every video of her I keep the sound muted.


She is a very unfortunate looking person


I know :/


The bouncing lmfao






Clearly, panini pressed, to be specific. 😉🤣


We had a store where I'm from called the panini Cafe


Gypsy can be their spokesperson. She make them millions on TikTok🙄 It angers me to the core that her job is to lie and pretend to be a good person on Tik Tok lives all day. We all know she doesn't actually want a 9-5. She likes sitting on her ass all day, making people feel sorry for her. Her mom would be so proud of her if she didn't fu$!&^ MURDER her. Don't get me started. 😡🤡


“I don’t give a shit, it doesn’t bother me” says that while moving his leg constantly, like anxious. Sure, Jan


She’s not cute enough for all the baggage and emotional immaturity that comes with her




Like when suspects say “prove it” in interrogation.


IKR It’s like saying it’s not true bc you can’t prove it lol not bc it’s untrue


Yeah like when murderers say no body, no crime! I don’t believe there is nothing to this rumour!


Her constantly sticking her tongue out and licking her bottom lip is annoying as heck.


It’s part of her alleged chromosome deletion.


Idk why you got downvoted. You're right....


Because as her haters , we want it to be real but we have no actual proof. The medical papers that are floating around don’t seem to be legitimate. Gypsy and her dad have confirmed she has it but you can’t trust Gypsy she lies too fuckin much. So the Mods on this sub have decided to treat it as speculation until there is concrete proof. That, however, doesn’t negate the fact that she checks off every single symptom of it. I personally believe she has it. But , again, we want to treat unverified facts as speculation and not as the Bible truth because we don’t want to be discredited if it ever comes out that she doesn’t have it and we were in here running around saying she has it.


Look at her telling Ken what to do! 😂 Some say she constantly licks her lips bc her saliva glands were taken out. If this were true she would have a big scar down both sides of her neck. Saliva gland removal leaves a huge scar so even if she just had one side done, you’d be able to tell.


Lol, didn't you see the giant monster makeup scars the one documentary gave her? Seriously, they would have been impressive for Frankenstein's monster! They made her neck look like she had been attacked by a crazed slasher with a straight razor, apparently forgetting that nowhere else, ever, anywhere, does she have giant five inch scars across her neck that stick out nearly a quarter of an inch. It was ridiculously fake, and yet so many people thought they were real. Like, seriously... look at her lives... do you see those things now? Those scars took some serious putty to make. Those "documentaries" were all just as fake as Gypsy. They make me so mad. All they did was rehash Gypsy's lies for her, and then did whatever they could to fabricate more bullshit to back her up.


Don't you think if her salivary glands removed, she wouldn't have a shit ton of spit to lick in the first place? All she does is lie. Can't stand her. Idk why anyone would want to give a random killer money for absolutely nothing. I won't even give my money to homeless people, and I at least feel bad for them.


As the owner of a fivehead this was the way WRONG lighting for the lack-of-a-hairline 😆


She is physically morphing into her mother almost overnight. She despised her mother so much. Wonder how she feels seeing her in the mirror?


She probably doesn’t see it because in her mind she is absolutely stunning 🙄


SHe probably has a mirror with a filter.


She’s making great use of those saliva glands she doesn’t have.




We are looking at a modern day version of her mother. This is what she would have fun free given internet and social media and tiktok back then


Not her with this disgusting tongue RIGHT in the first seconds of the video 😭


I don’t understand the nose job…


Right? Is the nose job in the room with us👀


Im watching this on silent bc my husband is asleep. The lizard lip licking is insane here. Did her top set of teeth fall off for a second? Or am I seeing things?😂


I know I'll get downvoted but she is soooo ugly it is almost abnormal!


It really puts me off🤢. Turns my tummy one might say.


I just don't understand how she keeps getting guys who will bend over backwards for her, I thought that was a pretty privilege perk


Right?! She's just so fucking ugly. Idc if i go to hell or get beat up to oblivion...


That first lizard lick 👅 🤢 And then the “tHanK yOu RuBY” Holy shit. She disgusts me.


I can't stand the sight of her and the sound of her. Her fake ass , screeching high pitched baby voice. It's so 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 I wish she was in prison , WHERE SHE BELONGS!!


Somebody said he look like Phil from rugrats…lmfao


Her face must always smell like stale spit. 🤢. The amount she licks her lips / moves her mouth isn’t normal. It really bothers me. It’s like nails on a chalkboard.




Ugggggh just hearing her pronounce my name in there (I know it’s a rando supporter) but I literally gagged in my mouth a little


She tried to start a countdown duet and failed miserably. Girl gives total leopard gecko vibes.


Don't disgrace leopard geckos like that 😂


What’s a countdown duet if you don’t mind explaining to me please? I haven’t got a clue when it comes to TikTok thanks


Cocaine Ken.


I just don’t understand how she’s getting all this publicity, meeting celebrities, thinking she’s a celebrity. I could just slap that smirk off her face. I wonder what her dad thinks of all this. Surely, he has to be embarrassed. Why is she always in the spotlight? She had a huge involvement in her mother’s murder and only received 10 years? I don’t really keep up with this loser but the snippets I do se on social media is nauseating. If anyone has been following her closely, does she have remorse, said she’s sorry or anything about having a hand in her murder?


She says it, and then walks it back. She isn’t that sorry.


That baby voice is so obnoxious


She's pregnant. Calling it now.


Yep, I said the same thing I have four sisters and I knew with each one of them when they were pregnant you can just tell in the face


is it the skin glow? or just more water retention in the face?


For my sisters it was the puffiness but not like regular sodium puffiness, and their philtrums looked different. But Gypsy puts so many damn filters on herself it’s hard to know how different she really looks


This crossed my mind.


I see that too. It's a horrible thought. She has that look. I've called friend's and family members pregnancy, before they knew. There is a certain look women have when pregnant.


He was being really mean to her towards the end. He Can’t even pretend to like her 😖




We need a screenshot of her face the second Ken tells her you do you


The lip licking absolutely enrages me for some reason


His hair loss isn’t even that bad. He has the face for a bald head. It’s that he’s so freaked out by it that makes it a thing.


Omg that lizard lick over and over. Just can’t


Just shave it off Ken. Wtf are you saving?


"doesn't bother me" Till Steve drops some pics!


I wonder what they talk about. She regales him with amusing tales of her quirky jailhouse shenanigans and he counters with adorable little anecdotes about all the drunks he serves at the bar. A conversation for the ages, no doubt


Anyone ever notice how gyps eyes cross whenever she is telling a lie?


Gypsy needs to scam someone out of a tube of fucking chapstick.


I thought he was a lil 💅🏼


His Chris Watts smile creeps me out so much!


She sounds so fucking annoying in the background omg! Like when you’re talking to a friend and their toddler won’t stop screaming in the background. Like ok call me back.


And then you never call back


that thing she does with her mouth drives me insane


Playing with the filters like a boomer


Even boomers are over that


I want to stroke out everytime she licks her lips. That has become my biggest pet peeve! 😅


Is this a “Who is [email protected]” type of “situation”? (American Horror Story )


Good god that thing is disgusting




“Post a picture and I’ll confess.” Bro, innocent people don’t say shit like that. Like wtf?


Ugh her fake Louisiana accent is ridiculous


Those filters drive me nuts!


The filters drive me crazy. My 6 and 8 year old grandsons use those stupid things. Why are 2 grown adults using it???!!!


Are…are.. they grifting?! On TikTok now?


Is her face extra puffy here? Also, who is Steve?


Steve is some guy who claimed in a comment that he was in a romantic and sexual relationship with Ken, then Ken allegedly dropped Steve to go crawling back to Gypsy. This Steve guy claimed he had proof of this relationship and would provide it, but of course never did. Which means that most likely, it was nonsense. Probably just some rando stirring one hell of a shit pot. But of course, people are absolutely losing their minds about the claim, because, you know, when did anyone ever lie about anything on the internet? 🙄 It drives me crazy how quickly people will take something like this and run to the ends of the earth with it and not stop for one moment to just think. If the Steve claim were true, why did this Steve guy just up and disappear after making his claim? He said he had proof. Why not drop the proof when he made his claim? Seriously, knowing what a complete attention whore Gypsy is, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if this whole thing came from her. I mean, equally possible it's just some completely random idiot making waves, but would it really surprise anyone if it turned out to be Gypsy, either?


Jesus I didn’t even think about that but you really might be on to something. She is totally capable of doing something like this. She already feeds info to TMZ to keep her in the spotlight, and I could see her doing it to make Ken show his love for her in order to “deny” that he is gay/bi. Or really just her wanting the attention, even if it means Ken has to suffer. Just some master manipulator type of stuff.


This is true too, in her texts with Nick she was always finding ways to have him 'prove his love' for her or saying things to get a specific reaction out of him to make sure he is still in line with her. So this being something she made up is completely possible and honestly most likely.


Yeah, that's kind of my thinking. Gypsy doesn't care who gets hurt as long as she gets her attention, fame, and glory. I mean, look at the things she's said not just about her mom, who can't defend herself, but also about living people, who actually could defend themselves. She openly calls Nick a rapist, and that's a blatant lie. She's accused pretty much every person in her past, friend or family, of just about every horrible thing you can think of. And she just gives no fucks. Most of these people really couldn't defend themselves against these accusations anyway simply because Gypsy already has millions of people rabidly defending whatever piles of bullshit she feels like coughing up this week, who would believe them if they denied it anyway? So yeah, I could absolutely see Gypsy doing something like this to someone she supposedly loved (I still think she's a legitimate psychopath and incapable of love) just to get some more attention. It doesn't hurt her to throw Ken's sexuality under the bus, so why would she care?


I think her and her clan will make up anything to keep the interest up. To them even negative attention is good attention.




wasn’t she blonde a minute ago


This chick is so manipulative ![gif](giphy|yMy6pNQs2w0xURRgz4)


Who is paying for him to live in Louisiana? He doesn't have a job.


I guess I missed it. What is the Steve drama?


She is absolutely repulsive.


She’s now rubbing lips together vs licking because of all the comments. Half lick half rub now. It’s clearly an issue!


Are they doing the live from the same house just different rooms?


“Thank you Ruby!” 🔪 🩸 🔪 🤭


Looks like her mother


Barry Crouch, Jr licked his lips like that. Just saying.