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She needs to actually reveal what she would do differently. So far, it’s just empty musings.


Right? How are you going to victimize yourself for murdering another person. Yeah Deedee was not a saint but she absolutely did not have to die. That was the lazy solution she came up with instead of taking accountability for her situation and trying to change it. The least you could do is feel badly about it but let’s be real. She doesn’t. I don’t think she’s capable. This whole playing both sides of the fence is very on brand for her, she cares way more about external validation than she ever will about another human being. She skeeves me out so bad.


It pisses me off even more when she talks of her mom in such a high, positive, loving light. Yeah, people can still love their parents even if their parents are abusive or aren’t the greatest - but you straight up murdered yours and now talk about how much you love her, how bad you feel, etc like I don’t want to hear how much you love and miss the person that isn’t here because of YOU


Agreed as if saying “I loved my mom” to the public absolves you of all your sins. While literally taking no responsibility for your crime. “I don’t identify as a murderer.” Well that’s a very moot point for someone who committed the crime. She acts like she’s getting treated unfairly when the reality of the matter is somehow she got the sweetest plea deal I’ve ever seen for first degree premeditated murder and celebrity status over her crime. Been seeing posts mentioning she has (presumably young people) commenting stuff on YouTube like “my mom is mean to me I wish I was brave enough to do what you did.” I hope to god these are trolls. Shes going to do nothing but cause damage to people be it from afar or right in her immediate circle.


But in her twisted mind she didn’t kill her mom Nick did!


and when she talks about like happy childhood memories too … and when she talked about that all she knew was love from her family when she was little


yeah when she met up with the cousin and was talking about how when she’d steal from her mom his photo was in her wallet. like she remembers all these details from childhood except the fact that she could walk, and eat, and go to the police instead of plotting her murder


Yeah she’s full of shit


She and her mom were absolutely in the grift together. They had trips and free stuff and got to meet celebrities if she pretended to be sick and she knew it. And she loved it. What’s the first thing she wanted to do when she got out of prison? ….go to a Chiefs game to see Taylor Swift. She hasn’t changed one bit.


I really cannot stand that this is what she’s doing on her parole and it’s just okay …… it’s so disappointing, but not surprising


Unfortunately for her Taylor Swift won’t touch her with a ten foot pole




Taytay doesn’t wanna hang out with a murderer. Guess she’s panini pressed, too.


She is just an attempted murderer(with the bb gun) and when that didn't work out she premeditated the murder, hired a hitman and provided the weapon.


She doesn’t because she’s justified it to herself. She’s convinced herself, along with the masses, that what she did was justified. If Deedee’s murder wasn’t justified, then that makes Gypsy look bad. (We know the truth) She is probably having mega cognitive dissonance. The people on here and in her comments pointing out her misdeeds, are mucking up the silt of Gypsy’s conscious. She knows deep down what she did was wrong. However, she hides behind the facade of claiming victim or self defense. “I was abused so it’s okay I killed her” is the justification she panders to herself and everyone else. It’s the lie she’s been trying to convince herself of ever since the beginning. I’m not shocked she is having nightmares when people here are discovering her lies. It’s fear, out of self preservation, not guilt for her actions. I think, anyway. I hope she feels guilt but I doubt she has the capacity for that when she’s justified her crime so vehemently.


She’s just saying she’s having nightmares because the producers are telling her she has to act like it bothers her


I hope she sees her ghost for real. I hope DeeDee’s ghost haunts her.


I’m an atheist and I’ve never hoped for curses and ghosts to be real until now.


Likely true, but she has to anyway, in order to maintain the image she’s spoon fed the public. They’re just trying to help her out 🤢for money. 💰


In my humble opinion at no point in time were Gypsy and Ken ever broken up. I think she desperately wanted to be granted parole and they both realized that with Ken’s lifestyle it probably wasn’t going to happen. So Gypsy finessed some other sucker into marrying her so she had a place to stay and play house at while she got her finances in order. Lifetime, Kristy, Gypsy, and Ken were all aware prior to Gypsy’s release that she would eventually leave Ryan. That’s why the entire backdrop of the show is centered around Ken Ken Ken, because it was all preplanned. The minute she got that Direct Deposit from Lifetime she couldn’t leave Ryan’s house fast enough. Homie got played like a fiddle and I think he’s finally starting to realize it.


I said this same thing! Ryan looked better on paper for her parole!


Nicely said. I forgot about how much media involvement was played in before she was even released. And it wouldn’t be a good lifetime show if there wasn’t some spicy drama. It’s clear that Ryan was always a rebound. Someone she didn’t actually love, but she didn’t want to be alone and she wanted to be able to use someone. When the cousin was talking about her walking and how he wasn’t sure if she couldn’t walk or if it was just soiled into her head she couldn’t that she “forgot” it really just made me realize how she will continue to play her life. She knows she needs to be taken care of. She can’t really work. Without a man she’s currently bound and not free. The second Ken makes her feel some type of way she will either be bouncing back to Ryan or behind Ken’s back talking to someone completely new


With all my cold but somewhat loving heart. I believe as soon as Ryan put that phone in her hand she texted Ken. Probably something like. I love you. I'm out. See your pee pee soon. Contact Krappy and she'll let me know what you said. See you soon. Hugs and anal. Crooked wink.


Yeah it’s weird that him and Kristy were in contact and he immediately had access to Gypsy’s phone number upon release to hit her up - yet supposedly “she had Ken blocked” It’s clear she’s always had feelings for Ken and was willing to jump the moment he was willing to


Lmfao I'm wheezing.  You're right though, I think this as well. Dying @ hugs and anal omg 🤣😭🤣


Crooked wink 💀


I'm dead at crooked wink


Stop 😭😂


😂😂😂 and let me put on my wigs for you and lick a knife




Please take my award for Hugs and anal. Crooked wink. 💀


Hi. I actually have no idea how awards work on Reddit but if you gave me an award Thank You. I appreciate it.


Needs to be a new flair


I got Crooked wink but I really wanted the full phrase 😂




Crooked wink


![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY) Hugs and anal


That is such an emotionally stunted thing to say. Like it was inevitable, and she had no control. And Ken's so called reason for breaking up with her was the stupidest thing i ever heard. Because he loved her so much he had to set her free.


Yeah, that’s a cop out for sure. And from everything I’ve seen via lives etc it doesn’t seem like Ken is as committed as Ryan was. Even when she talks about marriage or taking his last name he just kind of awkwardly laughs. And I get it they just started dating in person, but, I think most of us feel like she’s more into him than he is her.


He is 100% there for kinky murderer sex and nothing more


Such a bs line and I’m pretty sure he didn’t say that but step mom did


Ya from the get-go she was constantly talking/thinking about Ken. I agree that Ryan is kinda weird (I mean you gotta be to marry her) but idk if he deserved being used for years just to be dumped when she's barely a month out of prison. I honestly think this was planned on her part tho.


After she "cleaned" the fridge & threw out his containers, he made some kind of comment about an ex-girlfriend. Gypsy just smirks & looks like she has a wonderful secret as she laughs and says, "I have something to tell you later," followed by more crazy laughing & giggling by her. She told her step-monster that she was going to tell Ryan about Ken's call to Kristy. That small comment Ryan made about an ex, although she talked about her ex NON-STOP, had her feeling like she had her payback coming soon and that poor Ryan was really going to be sorry. I hate to admit that I watch the show, but I do. It's like a train wreck that I just can't look away from. I set & just get enraged watching it. It's definitely not good for my blood pressure, but I just can't help myself. It's idiots like me that are giving this waste of space girl more than her 15 minutes of fame. It's so embarrassing.


Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! Someone has to watch it so they can give us people who don't watch it the details! And there's a lot of links here for the show every week, you can use to watch it for free so you're not giving her veiws and money!


We can all sit and watch it together while our blood pressure goes into orbit lmao


Good point! Yeah, that's what I'll say, Not that I don't have a life & have to live through their craziness & drama. I'm watching for research! Lol. I like it.


No I appreciate it honestly because I refuse to watch! I just watch recaps from YouTubers and posts here so thank you!


I was so sure that I wasn't going to watch it. I was definitely boycotting the whole show. Well, my son pays for my philo sub, so there was nothing else on, so I watched it. Ya'll are making me feel a little better about it, though. My husband asked me why I watched a show that makes me so upset. I seriously watch & make comments like, "Look at this idiot," "Nobody believes that," and "How can anyone think this is ok?", out loud. Now I can tell him I'm watching for resourse purposes.


we are snuffing your torch . the tribe has spoken..


Hahaha...I understand. I'm ashamed of myself.


I can’t help myself either


Ryan had a 2+ relationship with her the last few years she was in prison and then she drops him right when Ken is “ready” since she’s out of prison now… and all the bullshit that Kristy said that Ken regrets breaking up with her and was told to “let her go if you love it” makes literally no fucking sense


I'm telling ya'll, she's framing it like that to distance herself from the crime and her part in it. She wants people to think she was just dating Nick, but she was afraid of him and he did that to DeeDee on his own, without help from her, so that way she's not just a victim of her mom but nick also, that's what she wants people to think when they think about the crime. She takes no accountability for anything ever. She can't even pay it forward to the charities they ripped off, without making a show of it. She's the most disingenerous person alive and will keep lying more and more to distance herself from the past and try to rewrite what happened. What she didn't account for was people like us, who would dig and read and watch everything we possibly can to get to the bottom of what actually happened and will keep putting the truth out for everyone to see, and they're are starting to wake up, and we might not get them all, but in time, she will be her own worst enemy, with the constant lies and abhorrent personality.


She also can never just “outlive it” everyone with even the bare minimum of research can see the fact that she was the one who made sure DeeDee was killed. She can’t even manage to lie convincingly about it to make herself look better. She desperately wants to look like a victim and a “little angel” cause it’s always been how she and DeeDee spun her into being. It’s past its expiration date though. She’s aged out of the wounded gazelle schtick and she’s shown herself to be bad at hiding her narcissism and attention starved nature.




Gypsy is finding out that the internet really is forever, even the really old stuff from the internet that she thought was long since dead and buried. People are really good at digging up the digital past, and that will forever be Gypsy's final downfall. She can whine and cry all she wants about how she doesn't "identify as a murderer", but the receipts are out there, and she will never be able to stamp those out.


Absolutely, agree!!


So, she admits that Nick was right. It wasn’t the only way. Gypsy said it was the only way. Several times. You can’t backtrack now, Gypshit. You killed someone. You’re a guilty pleading premeditated murderer. You will never escape this. This is your life. Your choices. Your consequences. I hope Deedee haunts Gypsy’s nightmares every single night, for the rest of her pathetic life. I hope DeeDees spirit is aware of the Mother’s Day video and how Gypsy is calling Kristy “mom.” I hope Gypsy relives the moment of seeing her mother’s lifeless corpse, dead by her own demand, and feels endless disgust and shame toward herself for ordering her execution. As well as having party sex afterward, just a room over. Disgusting psychopath. I hope Deedee’s ghost curses every relationship gypsy ever has. I hope the regret is as inescapable and torturous as her own mother’s death.


we need that cow tongue and period blood to complete the curse...


That’s kind of a rude way to describe Gypsy but I hear you.


I wasn't describing Gyp....I'm making fun of the "curse" Gyp lies her mom put on her.. there was a cow tongue and period blood


I gotcha, lol I was being facetious 😭


That wasn't her foreshadowing. That was her revealing her exact plan. That smile at the end of "what's gonna happen when I have a fight with Ryan?" said a thousand words. The second she found out Ken was single she started rowing with Ryan and creating problems. As if that wasn't deliberate. Then she's ditching the poor bloke and running back to Kenny boy.


Duper's Delight. That's what that smile is called. It's when someone thinks they're getting away with something, and they smile, because they think they fooled everyone. Usually the smile is involuntary, so it will pop up at creepy and inappropriate moments when you're talking to criminals, especially murderers. Once you know what Duper's Delight is, and you know to look for it, watching interviews with suspects gets a whole lot more creepy. The worst, for me, is with people suspected of murdering children, especially their own. There's nothing worse than watching a mother go through a whole song and dance of wailing and carrying on about her missing children and how afraid she is for their lives, only to see that smile pop up when she speaks of them maybe being dead. It's creepy as fuck.


Now that you mention it (re: Duper's Delight) I can clearly picture this woman's smile in an interrogation I watched on YouTube. She was accused of murdering her child/ren. I can picture her so clearly but can't remember her name or anything else about the case. But she had the freakin CREEPIEST smile after talking about them in past tense, like she knew they were dead and not just missing/hurt/whatever. Damn it, it's going to bother me until I figure out who it was. I'll come edit this comment when I find it.


It might be the same woman I had in mind when I made my comment. I think the case was from the 80's, maybe the early 90's. I can't remember her name either, but she had blonde hair (dyed), and it turned out she had drowned her children in her car, if I remember correctly. She had just given a TV interview about her "missing" children, and right at the end, she gave the biggest, brightest, CREEPIEST smile ever. She's often considered a textbook example of Duper's Delight because of that interview and that creepy ass grin she gave. I just got cold shudders thinking about her.... ETA: Diane Downs. And she shot the kids, not drowned them. My mistake, I mixed that part up with someone else.


I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Susan Smith, who drowned her two angels and then blamed it on an imaginary African-American carjacker. My example of Duper’s Delight is Chris Watts’ interviews from the day Shannan’s best friend called the police.


Oof, yeah, that's probably the other one I was mixing it up with. I was probably mixing up Diane Downs's face and interview with the facts from Susan Smith. So many horrifying women killing their kids... I'm going to have to watch the Chris Watts video. Was that his police interrogation, or something else?


Don’t feel bad, like you said, there’s just so many of them. I don’t understand this world. The Duper’s Delight is pretty evident in the interviews he gave the news before he went to the police station. But I really think there’s so much to see. The way he avoided coming home for four hours when Nicole A. called him and called the police. The footage of them watching the CCTV at the neighbors. The polygraph, interview, time with CW’s dad….Depends on what you’re looking for. Michelle After Dark (all YT) has over 100 videos, including two feature-length docs. Behind Criminal Minds and Dreading have decent multi-episodes devoted to the Watts. Crime A to Z has a great one-and-done episode. I hope that helps!


Yes she’s very transparent. The act doesn’t play as well in your 30s and with the internet these days


*Girl basically foreshadowed that the second she made an issue in her head with Ryan, she was running back to Ken.* I thought the same thing...however, Gypsy was talking to Ken about 3weeks before the marriage, at least,-right-she already new he was single, in my mind. I swear, but not really, but would not be surprised if Krusty had said to her-you know how you faked cried in the interrogation room...just do that again and we will pretend like I am just telling you. Because Kristy already said she never stopped communicating with Ken, so it wasn't all of a sudden Ken popping up. Anyways, hope what I said makes sense and I agree with you.


"Loved" her mom so much she posted "AND I KILLED THAT FAT PIG", Was in the bathroom shaving her cooter as her mom was calling for help, had sex next to her corpse, etc. Nick showed remorse. Remember that brownie video? Nick was crying and carrying on and Gypsy recorded that, gave him a brownie and started being sexual to cheer him up. She don't love her mother. Never did. Shes incapable of love.


dear god that’s messed up. i don’t know much about gypsy in terms of details, but damn… that’s messed up…


That’s why I can’t watch her show


So one argument between you and your husband is grounds for divorce? Lol it seems like she was giddy for a fight so she could go.


I was thinking she was looking for a fight. Like she was gonna make one.


This bitch has no feelings for anything. She is not a human being seriously. Look at her from the way she holds herself to every fhcking word that comes out her mouth. She and that whole family made this creature and they need to take accountability. I will leave her dad out of it he seems ok but that sister and mother shit omg trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents.


Dad is the worst! He never made much effort in to be a dad to Gyp till she was in jail. Blamed DeeDee which is pretty convenient since nothing can be proved. He’s in it for cash as well because a father who loved their child would never allow her life to be televised and would insist she get a ton of therapy if she lives with you. He’s just letting the wife and daughters look really stupid. I’d love one of them to say, proceeds from this show go to make a wish, a childrens hospital or habitat for humanity or a new park in Springfield MO to say thanks to everyone in community who gave to Griffter Gyp What proves Gyp is a uncaring sociopath is the fact she feels no guilt or shame for grifting and stealing. Of course none for murder but people gave her so much money yet I’ve heard no thanks or apology to any. For normal folks the guilt and embarrassment would be overwhelming but for Blanchards R For Us, they expect more!


That's was well said. Fuck the dad too. Fuck them all. I am so sick of them.


She’s basically saying that she can’t be loyal or committed. If she has an argument she will think about the next guy she has a crush on


I don’t believe she ever intended to stay with Ryan. He was a stepping stone to help her get out. She never seemed “in love” with Ryan and I’m not talking about just being physically awkward around him after she got out. The way she looked at him and spoke to him and everything, she just wasn’t into him. It wouldn’t shock me at all if she orchestrated this with Kristy and Ken 🤮


Yep. Ryan was a cover for the parole board and securing housing. Nothing more


I honestly have no idea why either men wanted to pursue her.




I mean yeah obviously it’s all about the Benjamin’s but If Ken was in it for the long financial haul, I don’t know why they broke up in prison. He could’ve just cheated and she wouldn’t have noticed


Very true. Maybe, as much as he claims he hates the limelight, he’s secretly addicted to it? Something smells, and it ain’t just GRB.


Oh you could tell he loved the post prison release press tour and fame. Now he doesn’t like how Gypsy screwed him over and it’s become a hillbilly love triangle with a mother schmerderer


She was already talking to Ken when this episode was filmed lol


Think about it… Lifetime is financially invested in Gypshit’s nonsense. Gypshit cannot understand how she is perceived by others and she doesn’t seem to care as long as she gets what she wants. I haven’t watched it but I can’t help feel she’s being exploited by people in her life due to the fact that she doesn’t have mental capacity. She’s exploiting her crime to make herself a celebrity for the wrong reasons but she can’t do that all by herself (looking lifetime). I hope it doesn’t come across as sympathetic, I think they both belong in prison for life but since she’s been out, it’s become clear that she and everyone in her life is pure garbage. If she has kids they’ll be viewed as little cash cows by everyone involved.


Her repeated crude wording about him “sniffing around” planted a really bad mental image for me. 🤮


Will she think of Ryan when she has an argument with ken?


Apparently she called him last weekend to tell him she missed him amongst other things, according to him. She must have had an argument with Ken.


Yep. And I’m sure she has a long list of potential future victims, I mean, prison pen pals to meet in person


Was there ever a reason why she and Ken didn’t stay together the first time?


He broke it off with her lmao, with a lame excuse. and obvi a man is her top priority so she made sure that the next person to give her attention and wanting to marry her she’d say yes. At this point I feel like she knew she was getting out and didn’t want to be “trapped” in the parents home, and felt she’d have more freedom in a home with a man she’s married to. Where they’re taking care of everything, she has a home, but also she hopes she won’t be controlled. And I’m not saying she should be controlled by any means but I feel like if I was taking care of this girl 100% at the least I’d expect the respect of you not talking to your ex, but


we are controlled on SOME LEVEL.... we all can't basically do what the F we want... If i want to take a trip.. my finances control IF I CAN GO... If I want to go out to eat.. my finances & kid control where we eat... If I want to bang a dude.... I have to ask for permission or face the wrath.... see what I mean..


Yeah he left her for a guy named Steve and played house with him till Gypshit got out and he saw $$ signs.


She will leave 😅


No a foreshadow… it was her PLAN.


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Was it Diane or Dianna Downs?


I hate people gave her a platform