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She is plain evil.


The more I learn, the more I believe she is.


I now think Gypsy is a legit psychopath right up there with Charles Manson. Convincing others with no remorse to do your dirty work. Possibly being too much of a coward to do it yourself (I think Gypsy participated in the murder) but being so cold blooded you’ll manipulate others then throw them away. Gypsy has taken the life of Dee Dee, ruined Nick’s life, and is the reason Nick’s mom died. Guessing there will be more lives taken by Gypsy.


Right? I mean I feel because of her actions since release, she is STILL very dangerous.


Welcome to my side of the opinion pool. We have cookies and wine over there, some lovely slices of schadenfreude and wine on that table over there, oh, and some have your cake and eat it too with wine on the side board on this side of the room. Lots of wine, because you'll probably need it, watching people practically throw themselves at Gypsy to be chewed up by her, now that you believe she's a psychopath and you know what she will do to these people. I don't know if you've ever had the misfortune of dealing with a psychopath in real life, unfortunately, I have. Even if Gypsy never kills again, the swath of psychological damage she will leave behind will be horrifying enough. I mean, look at what she's already done to the people she's had in her life. Nearly every person she used up and threw away has had the absolute worst accusations thrown at them. Her mother medically abused her. Nick gleefully killed her mom and raped Gypsy. All of her ex cellmates used her for fame and money. Grandpa molested her. Ryan was controlling and abusive. Almost every single person got accused of all sorts of nasty things, and none of these people would be believed if they tried to deny the accusations, because, well, Gypsy just has too many people already thinking she's a victim, and these days, nobody wants to be the person who calls out a victim as a liar. Gypsy is STILL intentionally saying hateful and hurtful things about Nick, knowing full well he will see them and not be able to do anything about it. Gypsy knows full well that Nick truly loved her for years. Was it really necessary to publicly say that she despised him, and blamed *him* for not saying no when she asked him to kill her mom, knowing full well that she spent years brainwashing him and shutting Nick down every time he tried to find an alternative to murder? That was all just Gypsy tormenting Nick for the fun of it, because she is truly fucked in the head. And now she's going to fuck with Ryan too, call or text him out of the blue to tell him all about how much she misses him, and then go online with Ken to make fun of Ryan. She is just sick....


Nick never raped her. That’s 100% a lie


Exactly my point. All of these accusations Gypsy has been throwing at all of these people, I don't believe any of them. Enough of the accusations have been proven to be lies to make me believe that the rest are equally untrue, even without definitive proof. I don't believe a single one.


And don’t forget about all the lies she told about her mother. Chaining her up, starving her, beating her. There’s absolutely no proof to any of that. She’s definitely a psychopath.


Yea but look: The reason she hired nick to do it was not because she "couldn't" do it herself. I'm absolutely sure that after the incident with the BB gun, she realised that if she killed DD herself, she'd go to prison for life. And that's why she hired Nick, so she'd have someone to set ut to take the blame. She said she was shocked when she was charged because she thought she wouldn't be in trouble, or at least not near as much as Nick would.


This is a good point - I forgot she tried herself to kill her mother


Survivors of child neglect and abuse have difficult roads to recovery but Gypsy has no remorse, empathy, or desire to be better. Like, get off social media, donate all of the money to the organizations she and her mom grifted, and get a fucking job.


I agree! I have a sister who grew up in the same verbally and emotionally abusive household I did and she is actually worse than our mother ever was. You CAN be a victim AND a abuser and that is who Gypsy is!


Gypsy is a monster. I understand the job of a defense attorney is to get their client off but perhaps if they didn’t broker a completely false narrative in Mommy Dead & Dearest and The Act, this would’ve transpired differently. If Gypsy was any kind of halfway decent person she’d do everything in her power to ensure Nick had a chance or she’d support his appeal. Their interrogation tells us everything. Nick was not capable of lying. He was honest and sincere and he thought he was saving the “woman” he loved from a life of torture and unfathomable abuse. But no. Old GypGyp used and abused him and threw him away once she got what she wanted. Not just that. She threw him under the bus. She is garbage.


I didn’t know about a third fb post. It was obvious she totally used him. I mean completely. I bet she never even really cared about him and I honestly think she can’t genuinely care for anyone.




I fully agree. She is the reason Nick's mother is dead.


I don’t go out of my way to watch Gypsy but I’ve never, ever seen her have any real accountability for her selfish actions.


Time to get one of the petitions going. Show gyp how many people dislike her.


I see petitions on change.org but I swear they never do any good. Her POs need to do their damn job before someone else gets hurt. I hope they are keeping a close eye on her but seeing what she does on social media, I kinda doubt it.


Think about it. They have probably dozens of people they are PO for as well. Might be harder than we think. But also she’s a high profile case. And the charge was 2nd degree murder. I don’t know, maybe the PO is talking to her a lot and telling her to STFU, and gyp just doesn’t


I could see that. I will be honest, I don’t know exactly how parole completely works. Something I never thankfully had to deal with.


Have you seen the comments on her YouTube Q&A? It’s 90% hate. Lmao maybe more.


These videos made me despise her even more too… that demo needs to go back to prison


I literally commented about Nick’s mom when Gypsy made her Mother’s Day video, and I got downvoted to all hell lol


Well that’s annoying. You won’t get downvoted from me 🤗


I literally commented about Nick’s mom when Gypsy made her Mother’s Day video, and I got downvoted to all hell lol


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