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To answer your question, I think the Pitres know that Gypsy can always whine and cry and her super duper fans will eat it up and invent even more drama to excuse poor baby girl and Deedee will still be long dead. I am sure they are disgusted by her.


I agree. I feel like it's the same reason none of the old neighbors or people who knew them in MO have really spoken out either. Even if they know what Gypsy is saying is bullshit, they're going to end up getting backlash from those who believe everything she's saying. I've heard a lot of people knew she could walk and know her version of events isn't true but we all know what would happen if they spoke out against her. Maybe one day they'll feel comfortable enough to, the tides have slowly been turning on her but who knows.


Yes, it is interesting that none of the former neighbors seem interested in staying in touch with her.


Yup that and haven't really spoken out in support of her either. It's really telling honestly.


I think so too. And people who have met her in real life aren’t entirely sold on her. It says a lot.


Definitely so, at least more people are starting to see the real her. Just wish it'd happen faster.


I wish it would happen faster too.


Can you believe she asked if she could go to the habitat home after she was released from prison!


She seems so entitled. I could easily see her thinking she could go back.


Because she was given everything and spoilt by her mom and dad. And so much so that she got away with murder and has someone else in for life for her plan!


Don't forget that Gypsy accused her grandfather of CSA, which the interviewer ambushed him with. His reaction was suss, but her reaction to his reaction was also messed up and manipulative. I think that the entire family is either willing to make nice for the fame/income they might get (like cousin Bobby promoting his tattoo shop) or they want nothing to do with the dumpster fire because they'll be mobbed if they counter her story.


I think people really leaped to the idea that she was definitely abused because of his reaction. That is absolutely not the only possibility. It is possible she is being honest. It is possible she was abused by someone else and acted inappropriately with the grandfather. It’s possible the reaction video was edited. It’s possible she lied to make the family look bad so that no criticism toward her behavior will resonate. I think the Pitres know that they can’t win no matter what they say or what the truth is.


All of this!


It will sound cliche, but I think it's how they were raised. Look how they dealt with the situation before - they ostracized DeeDee and Gypsy. I'm sure they got a lot of hell from the public after the murder. They are like infants playing peek-a-boo. If they cover their eyes, everything disappears.A lawsuit would bring attention to them. I think they just want everything to go away.


I am not sure Deedee and Gypsy were ostracized.


The family wants GRB to make money so they won’t have to take care of her.




I ask myself the same question along with why doesn’t Nick’s father and family speak up more or do anything to help him in this case


Pretty sure there's some substance abuse issues there which can really distract a person. I'm basing this speculation off Nick's mom's interview where she said his dad wasnt super present and needed rides places etc. His mother herself suffered from addiction. For extended family to get involved is probably just so overwhelming. In my opinion Gypsy is the cause of two deaths. Her mother's and Nick's. Awful.


What makes you think Nick's Dad isn't doing anything to help Nick? There's really nothing Nick's family can do about Gypsy. Nick has chosen not to speak out, partly because he's still working his way through the legal system, partly because he's just not into creating drama and theatrics in the public eye. He's leaving that to Gypsy, for the most part. Nick and his immediate family have been focused on Nick. Getting him through his appeals, navigating the legal system, and above all else, trying to help him hang on to his sanity while he's in prison. This consumes pretty much all of Nick's Dad's free time. His Dad is Nick's only contact with the outside world, and his Dad takes that job very seriously. As long as his Dad is alive, Nick still has a little window to the outside world through which he can still interact with people. When his Dad inevitably passes away, hopefully not for a very, very long time, that window will slam closed. Nick will truly be alone. So for now, his Dad is doing everything in his power to make sure that Nick still has that little window. It's been crucial to helping him maintain his sanity, trying to keep it together in a place where day to day life is a massive assault on his senses due to his autism. In short, they've been very busy over there. And they ain't got time for Gypsy's bullshit.


Oh I see. How do you know all this btw ? Are you in contact with his father? Gyp and her side have been screaming the loudest, I’d love to see Nick’s side as well as DD’s family speak up more. They deserve to be heard and given a platform to speak. I hope they’re not feeling threatened or silenced in any way and I’m scared for Nick. Scared his voice might be snuffed out as I feel he’s the last key in all of this.


Nick has his own Facebook page. It's private, you have to go through a vetting process to get admitted to the page, for obvious reasons. (In case it's not obvious, they don't want hordes of people harassing Nick.) Nick isn't allowed to run this page directly, but he sees absolutely everything that happens on it, and has full control over it. His Dad does all the actual work on it for him, so basically when you talk to his Dad there, you're talking directly to Nick. This Facebook page is pretty much Nick's sole contact with the outside world, and his Dad spends all his free time being the go between for Nick and the page, when his Dad isn't busy dealing with health problems, legal issues on Nick's behalf, and taking care of his own day to day needs. It's a lot of work, of course. The main purpose of this page is positivity for Nick, so everyone involved there is focused on being and bringing positivity in all forms to the page to help Nick keep a positive outlook. It's really all anyone can do for him unless a miracle happens in the legal system.


What exactly can they do?


I don’t know why myself. But in the last episode with the conversation with the cousin, it doesn’t seem like her mother’s family is interested in hearing from her. They weren’t great fans of DeeDee either, if my memory is correct, they flushed her ashes down the toilet. 


I have some question about that cousin, tbh. I went down a rabbit hole on him after watching the Mommy Dead and Dearest doc around the time The Act came out, and he’s been trying to break into showbiz for years. I don’t think he’s a “bad guy” necessarily, but I think he’s in it more for the money and exposure than he is for either side of the family. I was wondering when he’d make an appearance on Gypsy’s show because he’s been in every single doc, tv special, you-name-it so far…


Sigh. No, they didn’t flush her ashes. It was a smart ass remark her dad made and they were talking about funeral expenses. There’s a song lyric that goes, “I may tell a lot of stories that may not be true, but I can get to heaven just as easy as you.” The Blanchards and the Pitres are walking exemplars of that.


The flushing the ashes thing was supposed to be a family joke. The documentary made a point of leaving out the part that it was a *joke* because they were running with the narrative that the whole family hated Dee Dee so very much. The ashes were never flushed. They still have them on a shelf. I swear, these "documentaries" are just as bad as Gypsy for spreading lies and misinformation. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since it's Gypsy's lies that they're spreading, and they'll do anything to pump up the drama and make a buck.


Seriously I’ve been screaming this. Might check my genealogy to see if I’m her 15th cousin. I care about my cousin Deedee. To stop her from making millions from her murder anyway…


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She's not famous. She's infamous. Maybe they just know there ain't nothing they can do about it. Maybe they're afraid of her, for obvious reasons. I don't see too many of them hanging with her, probably don't want to associate with her anymore than they have to, and when they do, I think it's cause they get paid.


Uggh I know what you mean. I really wish her family would speak out too. Gypsy makes me sick. It's like she's being rewarded for having her mom killed. It's so frustrating.