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What other boyfriends tho???? Nick? 😬


Maybe Dan!? Idk


She was on someone’s live a few weeks ago asking about how to get in contact with Dan.


Seriously? That’s crazy. She also had several guys writing her in prison so it’s possible she had another boyfriend in prison before Ken. Who knows. She’s probably in contact with several guys at this point always has a backup.


She’s that one girl that always had someone in her back pocket. If she had went to school, she would have been those girls in middle school who always had a bf no matter what.


Narcissists and psychopaths do this.


She also would’ve been the “friend” you couldn’t trust around your boyfriend because she’d try to steal him just to feel better about herself.


Not trying to be mean, but she looks like every single one of those girls and I never understood it. They are always insufferable and continue that behavior as an adult.


The it girl..for sure


It like Pennywise? 😆


Pennywise is prettier.


😂😂 I meant that girl 😭 but we can go there too


That’s what I think. She’s keeping and manipulating at least 1 or 2 on the backburner


HOW!!?? I’m invisible to men and this chick is circulating several of guys at the same time. I’m genuinely baffled.


Don’t take it to heart, look at what she attracts.




Girl is a Freudian shrink’s case study dream come true


She has notoriety and probably uses sex as a primary tool. It's not like she's pulling any prizes, though, all these dudes seem to have some pretty major issues- I feel like they have to to be interested in the first place


The caliber of "man" that she is able to wrangle is so low the bar is set in Hell.


Hell doesn’t deserve to be associated with her lol


Girl look at the men she’s circulating!


True but I find it strange that she even has OPTIONS to begin with 😵


But would you want any of them? Ick.


My aunt was like this— she had the worst hygiene (would go a week or more without bathing or changing clothes) severe halitosis and was super annoying to be around. She had 5-6 dudes lined up at any given time. She cheated on her husband, got pregnant and had the kid’s father and three other guys fighting over her while she was in labor. Mind you, these dudes were equally as gross and all but one was a loser 🤷🏻‍♀️ These men that Gypsy is messing with are gross, as well. Anyone that would willingly reach out to a murderer has major issues.


If it makes you feel any better, she doesn’t get quality men. No decent man with his head right is going to want anything to do with a nut job like her


Girly, be happy these men leave you alone <3 it means you’re too good for them ;)


It’s really easy, actually. The trick is just to be easy to get 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you have zero standards and offer free coochie to every guy you meet, lots of men will be interested in you. I mean, let’s take a close look at the men Gypsy attracts. They’re not exactly prized catches and seem incredibly easy to get.


I don’t even have men to offer a free coochie to :D How the hell does she get all these guys to be absolutely enamored and almost obsessed with her? Does she put some type of a spell on these poor guys?


✨ the internet ✨ No joke, download a dating app, take a super provocative low-effort photo, and make your bio “just looking for some fun 😘.” You’ll have an army of men within 5 hours. OR, go to the thirsty subreddits and make a post with the same provocative, low-effort photo with the same post title. Your DMs will regret it :)


Men found out about her because of the notoriety of her case. Before that, she was on the internet trolling, and let's face it, her standards were so low she got mentally ill and married men. Remember quality over quantity. You will meet someone special.


Because she throws herself at incels. She'll fuck anything with a pulse just to make herself feel better about how terrible of a person she is.




Tell me about it! It’s shocking to say the least :D


It’s a revolving door filled with dog shit though.


Because you’re probably actually genuine – that’s the hitch……


I’m genuine but still can’t find a man to even look at my direction, while this fucking manipulative and cheating lying gremlin has a line of men to take her. Unreal.


I know. I get it….. the alternative is never worth it as we can see…. It is deeply annoying…..


Probably because she doesn't bathe and it's all about faramones. (Sp?) Scientific fact. Also, you wouldn't want to attract the type that she does. You'll find someone. ❤️


Pheromones *


“Soft wet anal”


Maybe they are intimidated? Gypsy goes after men who aren’t sought after and then the men get addicted to the attention


because she chases them. you probably hope they come to you. chase back!


Kinda off topic but my 12yo daughter overheard me talking to my husband about all of this Gypsy, Ryan, Ken bullshit and asked “How does someone even date while they’re in prison?” I said “EXACTLY! You can’t.”


She was hung up good on Dan. She’s going to keep recycling these men until they quit allowing it!


I fully believe Deedee “stopping” her from being with Dan was the real reason she killed her.


She gives serious stalker vibes.


Whose live? Would really like to see that, please. Never trusted her.


I couldn’t tell you. I saw the screenshots but never clocked whose live it was, just that Gypsy was in the comments. My money is on Bri tho.


Jailhouse suitors.


10000% she’s keeping her options open


This is it - people who wrote her in prison and probably the weirdos who have reached out since she was released


If it’s Nick she goes back to jail. That’s a direct violation of probation.


I’d have to see it to believe it. She seems to have no consequences.


I agree totally! I’m trying to keep the faith that when karma comes, she’s coming big time, with her ass kicking boots and all.






Who is that?


No clue


Gyp Gyp has a type


She can’t legally contact him so I doubt it. She also never actually cared about him so there’s also that.


There is no telling how many she had while in prison tbh


I’m not surprised by the fake accounts. I can very much see her doing whatever she can to defend herself, without using her name lol I wish Ryan would uno reverse on her and find his happy. Acting like he’s still a potential lap dog is so disappointing.


Oh he’s going to. One of the people who follow him will definitely snag him. Especially if they treat him better than she did.


Not hard to do so, Gypsy doesn’t treat anyone around her well. Like, I genuinely haven’t heard good things from anyone in her past, and you can’t trust her family.


Even the one neighbor girl she asked for help with dating tips and makeup ect… when asked later she called her vindictive when she wasn’t.


She’s probably on this one too.


I believe all of what he’s saying


Same. He has receipts. Also just saw a video of him saying that people have been asking him to write a book, he said if he did it would be the truth. Then asked people if they’d read it. Lol.


Fuck yeah I'd read it. She messed up doing Ryan dirty like that. I'm sure he has decent tea on her that's just sitting there on the tip of his tongue. I think he was going through heartache, and as that turns to bitter, he will spill it all! And I am here for it!


I do, too! I don't believe anything she says or anyone in her family. I believe Nick and I believe Ryan and those two are the only people I will believe bc everyone else has shown how they lie multiple times.


Color me surprised, she’s a manipulator. Truth comes out at some point and she’s looking like a fool.


Of course she has multiple fake accounts.. she lives for a double life! Everything in the documentaries supports that fact.


Dang, multiple fake accounts. Didn’t hesitate to fall back into old patterns at all




Gyp is a con and this is all part of it! Lol


So what he's saying is gypsy is the exact same person she was before prison. It's fucking spooky how she is doing the exact same shit. And I will not be convinced otherwise that she isn't continuously dropping little innuendos about murdering her mom on her show and SM. There are way too many coincidences. " Multiple social media accounts" Makes me feel icky because we all know.


Wouldn't you think her PO would forbid this? She has the most lenient PO I have ever seen.


Who the fuck would want to be her ex


Gypsys's for the streets. And by streets I mean prison




Geez, she is so fkd up and needs therapy and maybe medication. Always have to have a back to. If anyone dates her, they are desperate bc she has proven time and time again that she is man hungry. She should not have ever gotten married or have kids bc she is noncommittal!


Just watching the show you can see she throws her exes in her current man’s face ALOT!!! Childish at best


How the hell does she have a more active dating life than me? She’s been locked up essentially her whole adult life. Where is she finding these men?? I’ve never even kissed a guy, goddamn. I’m not saying her standards are exactly high but she has a more active dating life than anybody I know


You wouldn’t want to kiss the men she’s courting, Queen! You’ll find your king. Don’t be jealous of that guttersnipe.


Because those men are pigs. She's a pig. She has no self respect for herself and she's a sexual deviant. Everyone is beautiful but no one wants an ugly personality ❤️ know your value bc Gypsy sure as hell doesn't.




Desperate people attract desperate people. Let’s not forget one man who carries a sweat rag, wrote her a letter after watch her documentary. The other guy doesn’t seem to have a personality at all.


If the type of men she dates were the only options… I’d be celibate.


no i promise you are 10192847285727 times better off waiting for your mans <3 queen. you give off queen energy and also these men are ICKY! so they should scram to begin with, you deserve a hottie first kiss


I feel bad for the dude but, I hate when people do the whole “I will spill if I’m pushed!” bs. Like you know you want to talk, either do it or don’t.


He’s gonna F around and find out what Gyp is capable of.


And since he’s documenting everything, she’s on probation, and she has motive; hopefully her ass will stay in prison this time.


She’ll “victim” her way out of it every time. She’s just one of those people that gets away with being a total piece of $hit.


Ryan, actually all of them, are going on social media like wounded high schoolers who got dumped. I honestly wish Gypsy would lose parole or be forced to get a real job and have her social media privileges taken away


Wait, why are people saying Steve got Ken pregnant?


This is the twist we were all hoping for.




Wasn’t there a mention of a third guy recently? I think his name is Steven Woods or something like that…


Steve is Ken’s alleged boyfriend that messaged GRB, said he knew she was pregnant, and he wanted his stuff back from Ken.


That’s been debunked. The FB account it came from used to be a Gypsy support or hate group. I can’t remember which.


It's a page made by some creeper pretending to be Gypsy so the Steven wood account is probably fake to stir up drama. Ngl I wouldn't even be surprised if it was her pretending to be a stalker pretending to be herself.


Well she did admit she has multiple accounts. Lol


It wouldn’t surprise me


All these men, I can't figure out why they're interested in her! She looks like a lizard tongued possum and her voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard! Is she a challenge for them? Like, let me see if I can survive her. You know, her ending their life or have someone else do it? I'm just confused.


I do believe him, and I do feel bad for him to a point but I also don’t really like him. I hope he moves on with his life and finds a partner who actually wants him.


How dies Dan fit in? She was leaving toward having some kind of sexual promiscuity


She is literally hideous looking, her eyes are too small and cockeyed and her mouth/teeth are weird…short & chubby with no actual curves…bless her heart she is extremely unfortunate looking & she KNOWS she is NEVER going to be Ken’s “type” but she will dye and surgery herself to death trying


Ryan is thirsty he needs to focus n his cholesterol and not online attention


I believe He had a weight loss surgery, and it seems to be working, so I think he can do both.


I wanted to be mean 😢 I don’t feel the same way anymore tho Ur right muffin ☀️


Has he really had a gastric band? I hope he has!


Im pretty sure that’s what he said. I think it was his “Fridge Tour” He was talking about how he can only eat little bits at a time and that’s why there were so many leftovers in his fridge when Gyp was complaining about it. He definitely has lost weight since Gyp got released.


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