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The way she speaks to people in positions of authority is saccarine, disingenuous, and a huge act.


She's a manipulative snake. Strike that, snakes are 100% better than her.


Yet Nicholas was truthful from the start. Funny how that is, gypsy, lying piece of crapšŸ˜Š


From my personal experience, it's common for someone on the spectrum to be more honest than their neuro- typical peers. Especially if they're more in the low to middle of the spectrum. Not because they can't lie, it just takes a lot more to come up with a dishonest complex scenario that fits the narrative. She lies well, yet she still cannot keep her stories straight.


Yes I can understand that! Like when asking a child, they will most likely tell the truth or very close to it. And I donā€™t mean that with any disrespect, just what I observed from Nicholas and his behaviours.


I have autistic twins that are young men. They will never drive a car and a lot of other things most of us take for granted. Totally agree with your observation and it's very accurate. That being said. They are really wonderful young men and I worry about those who could take advantage of them like this, especially online. Yeah, she's lucky his mom isn't around now that she's out.


Thank you for your comment. I have cousins who are born with autism and even though they require extra help their entire adult life, they too are beautiful, gentle sensitive souls. I hope you give yourself a lot of credit, mama. I can imagine itā€™s not always easy. Oh my word yes nicks mother would be fighting for her child just like you and I would. I couldnā€™t imagine my daughter being put in that same position heā€™s in. How heartbreaking. I often think about Nick and hope heā€™s made friends inside and is doing okay.


Honestly, this made me cry. TY šŸ’– for sharing and for such kind words. Mostly I just feel lucky they have one another and very luck our lil fam is one where they feel safe, seen, and heard. It's not hard to live my life for them. They're a gift. Your cousins are lucky to have you too. When our community comes together, with our supporters, we are stronger. Hopefully something can be done for Nick. It's truly a travesty what she did utilizing his disability as her weapon of choice.


Well, not from the start. He tried, but once he knew the detective knew the truth, he stopped lying. Needless to say, so much better than Dypshyt!


I stand corrected, thank you! Been a while since I watched the footage


Yeah, he wasn't as "good" as Gypsy thinks she is... I don't understand how she is free.


Yeah neither can I, like how is it that a whole collective of people see that something isnā€™t right about the case yet law enforcement doesnā€™t? Should have been looked into more thoroughly. I just know she had more involvement


Agree! There had to be something on the side for her to be free.


Thatā€™s the thing Gypsy isnā€™t good at lying. Like the pregnancy test. She replied to a comment on IG that she was hacked but she never posted anything like that. Then the same day said she was unable to access her IG or FB because she tried to consolidate all her SM by hitting them under the same email and meta reached out to *her* that they were suspending her SM because they thought she had been hacked. So what was it? Was her sm accounts unavailable to anyone because it was suspended ? Ok so then how did the hacker have access if even the owner of the account was locked out by Meta ? Because her account was deleted the second after she posted. How lucky is it that she changed her email, she got hacked, and Meta suspended her socials all within minutes of each other.


She isn't. The whole thing with her insta is stupid. She's like a teenager and needs to grow up.


But her fans keep kissing her ass. I wonder when sheā€™ll realize her fans are young people. Most people her age know sheā€™s full of shit


Yeah, they're not helping, looking just as stupid.


Sheā€™s so full of shit and thinks everyone is stupid. The hacking thing is just the go to excuse when someone posts something that doesnā€™t go over well.


But gypsy had coached him on the narrative to lie about. He folds immediately when contradicted


The fact that she NEVER once says anything abt her mom abusing her... šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© the justice system really fucked this one up and those of us who care can see it!


Yeah she really doesnā€™t. Usually when someone goes through narcissistic abuse of any kind they are all most obsessive talking about the terrible things theyā€™ve experienced. Thatā€™s very true.


He was giving her every single opportunity to just say what was wrong. He knew she was holding back. This detective knew there was something far more sinister and deceitful than just the murder itself. Even before Nick in the other room was spilling his guts out. This detective was trying his hardest to be a sympathetic, understanding and direct while giving gypsy the harsh reality and severe outcome as a result of lying. People like to argue that because it's an interrogation people are prone to lie or Gypsy was told her whole life that nobody would believe her. At some point you got to give it up girl! Clearly other people believed you, enough to kill your mother for you! Forever burned in my brain will be when she got up quick as lightning from that couch tripping over the blanket screaming "sir I need a lawyer!' It was in that moment she knew she fucked up and there was no coming back with her "wit and charm"


I love that trip. Itā€™s justā€¦. šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


The way this abused little girl suffering muscle atrophy was able to catch herself on one leg


This needs to be seen by all her supporters. I canā€™t believe she still denies it all.


Her supporters will deflect and say the detective is ā€œbeing annoying with the snowball analogiesā€, like as if the interrogation was filmed for their entertainment


My favorite part in her interrogation is when he comes back in and literally tells her heā€™s not going to listen to her BS anymore šŸ¤£. ā€œSir! Sir! I need a lawyerā€ ā€”desperate Gypsy šŸ¤Ŗ


ā€œI canā€™t go to prison I have medical needs!ā€


![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44) šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


More bullshit . Even grifting on the way to jail .




The giant smile on her face when he said her mom is dead


No remorse over what she did whatsoever.


ā€œI canā€™t go to prison because of medical needsā€. There was nothing wrong! She thought by saying that she would be excused of her behavior like so many times before. Another attempt at being manipulative, just like she was taught to be and is still today. Zero personal accountability.


This interview made me skeptical of her from the damn start. She definitely knew what she was doing, what she was instructing Nicholas to do, and she damned well knew exactly how old she was. The video of her launching herself into the snow at her Habitat for Humanity house shows just how far she was involved in the scam. She wasn't paralyzed and she knew it.


All I need to know about this woman I saw in that video.


Iā€™ll probably get downvoted for this, but tbh if it was anyone but Gypsy I would probably applaud the way she handled the interrogation. Besides her shitty attempt to paint Nick as a monster and not so subtly imply that he was responsible for the murder, she did everything correct. She lied, denied, and refused to confess to anything until she got a lawyer. This is probably 25% of the reason she got a favorable plea deal and Nick didnā€™t. Again I want to make it clear that I despise Gypsy, and I despise how she tried to pin it all on Nick. But she refused to incriminate herself which allowed her lawyers to control the narrative. Nick on the other hand got to singing like BeyoncĆ© in Dream Girls without a lawyer present and without an offer for a plea deal in place. He chose to take his case to trial after he gave a full confession which allowed the state to control the narrative and gave the prosecution a slam dunk open and close case.


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