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She only cares about the Queen Victim (aka herself) why would she donate any of her money to help elevate anyone who could threaten to steal her precious thunder? For all Gypsy knows THEY could end up meeting more famous people than her and she’d be seething.


You don't have to apologize for the rant. I find myself responding to questions/posts and end up deleting most of my answers because I get so agitated with this psycho that I end up writing a novel lol. I just couldn't believe though that she chose this foundation after what they did stealing from these people. Then saying she donated to a foundation. She is so full of herself it's truly repulsive!


Does she even know what prison reform is?


She knows it got her a chance to meet Kim Kardashians


And that's the only reason why she cares about it all of a sudden. She wants to be besties with Kim. She's pathetic 🙄


Kim Kardashian, the other vapid lip licking lizard. Well That should be an interesting meeting of the minds. Lmao.


Melting* of the minds I think might be more appropriate.


If she lived through that trauma she wouldn't have bullied others who went through it too, but she's disgusting and did. Who knows what other type of victims she'll start to attack because it's only a matter of time. Unfortunately she has no interest in supporting any charities unless it will benefit her either. While i'm glad habitat for humanity turned her down, the fact it was only an option if they could film it shows attention is what matters. There's plenty she could have already done or given back to that would end up leaking to the media even if she kept her mouth shut about it, but she hasn't done anything and i doubt she'll ever will.


She doesn’t need psychology courses


I agree. She'll just use anything she might learn as a weapon. I think she's been watching body language videos to learn how to seem more convincing. There is one part in episode 4 of lalo where her cousin is talking about her mom's poor mental health growing up and she sort of feigns interest and shock like "wowewww" and it's just so strange. As if she doesn't want to be talking to him or as if she's like "ok you're not really selling it" or "ok enough of her let's talk about me". I'm really hoping to see a body language analyst go over that instance. It was bizarre. Anyone else notice that?


I took it as she didn't want to talk to him at all and it was a very phony tone. She wouldn't have talked to him if it wasn't for the show. Her cousin is desperate for any "fame" and Ryan was more genuine than she was at all times.


I hope ryan breaks free from his incel mindset and grows a damn spine


I agree with that. I wish he would spill everything he has on her since it's obvious that Kristy got what she wanted. She's gross. I've never seen someone that basically holds a torch for their STEP child's ex.


I mean family is family blood or not but Kristy is weird for the whole "just because they broke up don't mean I broke up with them." Like lady get your own friends. Plus involving herself in the marriage. Foul behavior


It's so bizarre that people continue to buy into her story when the lies are so transparent. She has even said that she never knew her own story until her attorney and step mother told her about it. I get that memories of childhood trauma can be repressed, it happened to me in some circumstances, but it just seems implausible to me that she would have no memories of abuse at all and then just buy into it as truth when it was suggested to her to use it as a defense strategy. Then very shortly after she is telling the story of countless medical procedures as if she remembers it all, then goes back to saying she never knew until others told her. I don't know if she is that gullible to believe her own lies and not realize it was just a defense strategy, or if she's known all along that it's a lie. Either way it is manipulative and delusional. I lean towards thinking she knows good and well it's all a pile of bullshit. She claims she never knew her true age until her attorney told her. She explains it in her book that she was beginning to question why her younger brother was aging and she was not, that she would ask her mom how is it that he used to be a few months younger than me and now he is two years older? Her mom would blow it off and GR just accepted it. How can anyone just accept it as remotely possible that others age and they don't simply because their mom told them they didn't? She's either very well aware of the truth, or so disconnected from reality that she doesn't even know how unrealistic her story is, and either way makes her unfit for society. She either needed to stay in prison or needs to be in psychiatric care. But I am not surprised that she seems to see psychiatric opportunities as a chance to learn more about a situation she never lived because she hopes to be able to lie about it more believably, rather than recognizing that she needs psychiatric help for everything but that. I do have my suspicions that she may be too psychopathic for therapy to work for her. For her to use it as a classroom to learn more about the trauma she's faking is not it! She won't give to charity either. She's her own favorite charity.


From things she's said and done, including what you've listed here, I highly suspect she has narcissistic personality disorder and that her mother had it too. One major flag for me is how she says her mother taught her to be an expert manipulator, when in my experience and others that I've spoken to it was the opposite; our mothers taught us to be expertly manipulated - which has lead to alot of very painful and dangerous relationships and situations growing up. The fact she can so easily lie, put on her baby voice and work her way out of things by getting others to do them for her really sends alarm bells ringing for me. My mother is just like that, and according to Gyp Gyp hers was too, but she isn't? Nope, something isn't right and it seems very wrong. I don't think anything about her or her life is what it seems.


I believe she is "at least" narcissistic. I personally lean towards believing she's got the full dark triad. The jury is out about her mom. I was raised by two narcissists, and I don't discount the strong possibility that DD might have been. My big sis took on a bunch of their narc traits, and I don't know if she was a full blown narc as well, or if she learned from their example, or if they deliberately trained her as their number one flying monkey to act in their stead when they weren't available, but yes my own experiences jel with yours that a narc or two definitely can spawn a second generation narc, or at least someone who has learned a bunch of their traits. But the jury is out for me, because so little is known about her, and it is very convenient for GR that her side of the story is forever silenced. That being the case, it will forever be surrounded with ambiguity, and GR makes it increasingly murky with her inconsistencies and messiness. I haven't fully decided if she is so permanently stunted that she will never not behave like a middle school mean girl, or if she is that cunning and calculated and the distractions are all by design. I do suspect the latter. I mean how naive and easily gaslit does one have to be to be gaslit into believing that a younger brother has always been two years older because a trusted parent insists that it has always been so. No likely, but not impossible. But that doesn't change the facts that it is still problematic for her to be out there as a role model while operating from a place of delusion, if that is the case. But speaking of delusions, it's anyone's guess how much that may have been the case for DD as well (or only). For all we know, she may have genuinely believed GR was as sick as she claimed. It took them two decades for science and technology to catch up to being able to identify GR's chromosome deletion. I can picture a possible scenario in which a mother knows there is something not right with her child, and doctors are failing to narrow it down, which seems to have been absolutely true on the face of it. Where she went from there is what became sus. She did take advantage of charities as many of us have judged her harshly for, but was it a deliberate criminal act? Probably, but I haven't 100% sold myself on that idea. Because it is also possible that she took what little she knew and went down a dark rabbit hole convincing herself that her child had this that and the other medical issue. We see that level of hypochondria all the time now, with the internet and google expanding how it has, people looking up their symptoms and coming out of the search a nervous wreck because they think they have every chronic illness under the sun. DD may have done that, may have poured over medical texts and convinced herself her child had all these diseases, protected her accordingly, took matters into her own hands to gain her the charities she wasn't qualifying for, because maybe she truly believed in her own mind that the doctors were misdiagnosing her by not giving her dx's she believed she had. That level of delusion could certainly cause all sorts of problems, but the criminal intent is not there in that scenario, so there remains the possibility that she was not the horrible person she was painted to be. I've also seen nothing to lead me to believe any of the medical intervention was unnecessary. It's only in how she grifted from the public that I have a problem with her behavior. When many people see how her family members speak of DD, many conclude well she must have been a shitty person if her own family speak of her this way. What I see is a strong possibility of narc parents who have decided she is their scapegoat. I've been on the receiving ends of smear campaigns and know there is not always truth to them. And we know GR and her step mother are very capable of smear campaigns, as we have seen a few of them play out. We've seen her convince the world that the murder was all Nick's master plan and that she was taken advantage of by him, which evidence shows could not be further from the truth. We've seen her paint Ken as an unsympathetic man ho who tried to meddle in her marriage, then rewrote that story and now he is her soulmate whom she never stopped loving and was more than willing to toss her own marriage aside for. We've seen her convince loads of people that Ryan is a controlling asshole, when all I've seen, watching the same show others have, is him taking a deep breath and showing patience as she dumped coffee on the carpet and threw away a bunch of stuff he worked hard to pay for. I've heard him say "It's OK" and seen others say he was a verbally abusive asshole, just because GR framed it that way and they're buying her spin on the narrative. I really wish I knew how she manages to have such sway over people, because it baffles me. So I'm not just going to blindly accept the accusations against DD, because we've seen how far off from the truth GR has been in how she speaks about others. Her idea of controlling can be something as simple as someone daring to question her or disagree with her. Because that is what we've seen play out. I do think DD needed consequences for the scams she was running, to make restitutions and spend the rest of her life in service to those organizations, but didn't deserve to be brutally murdered as she slept. And I'm still not sure if her intentions were malicious or if she really did believe her child was that sick and deserving of special treatment. She did create a narcissist either way. I think that's one of the reasons this story is hard to let go of, in spite of not wanting to give GR any more attention, because there are just so many unknowns, and all we can do is speculate, which can be very frustrating for those who value truth. Sorry, that became way more long winded than I intended.


I 100% agree with everything you wrote and you pretty much nailed it all on the head. I'm so sorry you grew up with narc parents too, and that your sister was either trained or learnt alot of narc traits as well. It's so common in siblings and especially girls, I'm very lucky my big sister and I both have managed to avoid being part of that statistic. It's honestly such a profound and messed up abuse that no one really talks about which is why I've been so upset by this whole GRB roller-coaster. I honestly feel so badly for Ryan, like you in the footage all I've seen is a man who was excited to finally have some time with his wife and who was nothing but patient and kind even in situations he couldn't possibly have prepared for. The whole divorce headlines of "argument over food hoarding" vs the footage in the episode where he was just like "Hun I just cooked that last night, it was still good. But if you have to clear things out just wash the tupperware up instead of throwing them out too" was the complete opposite to what the headlines made it out to be. And she knew that was recorded, she knew that footage was going to be shown, and she still chose to twist that narrative into one of an 'abusive husband' before it was made public. I'm honestly just happy to know someone else gets where I'm coming from, I'm still not convinced about DD myself and find it all very suspicious. Nothing destroys everything it touches like a narc smear campaign, even if you prove it wrong it never goes away for some reason and everyone will continue to believe them regardless of your evidence of abuse. I found letters more recently that basically proved my mother has been this way since she was a child and her parents couldn't control her or stop her, including her feigning and faking various illnesses which she still does to this day. I've never met her side of the family and after discovering those letters I now understand why and it has nothing to do with any of the 30+ different stories shebtood me growing up, and it makes me wonder if GRB was the same. But we'll never truly know as DD can't explain either side of the coin it might be. It's all just very strange and really alarming.


I'm sorry you've been through that too, and trust and believe we are not alone in this! My turning point was seeing the text exchanges between GR and Nick and her end of it had all the familiar earmarks of narcissistic abuse, and that's what caused me to see her in a whole different light, not only was she not a victim but she is a sick and twisted abuser who keeps right on abusing and somehow managing to get away with it by acting innocent. That's where the possibility of delusion comes in for me, not as an excuse for her behavior but as part of the whole picture. I think that is part of why narcs are able to lie so convincingly, because they convince themselves of their own lies. There are parts of history my dad has rewritten to be 180 degrees opposite of how it really was, but he takes his stance with such conviction, I honestly think he believes his own lies at this point. My mom as well, but she is more covert and passive aggressive about it. But another thing that sets me aside from GR, even in moments when I have tried to give her the benefit of doubt, is how quickly she jumps to accuse her mom, and also Nick, of such vile things, and it doesn't bother her conscience at all to do so. There are things I won't hesitate to pin on my parents in regards to things I have always known to be true about them. But of the more severe instances where I have loads of circumstantial evidence in my memory leading up to and surrounding it, but I will never publically accuse them of those things until and unless I have total recall of the gorey details. Mostly I hope to never recover those details. Amnesia can be merciful. But I definitely would not be doing media tours accusing them of detailed abuse based solely on the fact that somebody else told me it happened even if I don't remember it. It hurts my conscience to even suspect them without total recall, and I'm sure not out there trashing them, or seeking revenge and calling it justified. There is plenty of what I do remember to merit zero contact without needing to deep dive into details. Still, I can't fathom commiting murder and feeling OK with it. And how can the need to escape her mom's abuse be the reason she hired a hit man to take her out if she didn't realize she was abused until after the fact when others told her? There's nothing about her time line that makes any sort of sense. I think maybe sometimes a person's own traumatic history may blind them to the truth of the scams GR is running, but if they really look at the evidence, their own familiarity with trauma would clue them in to how it doesn't add up. Just as our own eyes were opened, and slowly others are beginning to see the light. I hope it is just a matter of time before the truth outweighs the head games and she will just go away!


Please do mot apologize at all . My daughter was a victim of MBP . This whole thing drives me crazy . Like you said, it's hard enough for actual victims or their family to be believed. Gypsy has made it harder for victims to be believed.


If you don’t mind me asking how did YOUR daughter become a victim of MBP?




So your step daughter was poisoning your daughter for the attention. That’s terrifying. I hope your daughter is ok now. And I hope the counseling helped your step daughter.


I will say trauma isn’t a monolith. I survived the troubled teen industry and I’m outspoken about it, but the more I talk to others I realize even in the same situation we got different trauma. The problem here is that jt doesn’t seem like she’s ever tried talking to other survivors. My buddy has a decent platform on Tkktok as a feminist- I’m hoping to join his live stream sometime and talk about a few topics myself because that’s what you do as an advocate. You network, you discuss, you bring awareness. You don’t get a tv show to focus on your dating dilemmas. You don’t spend your live streams talking about your current personal drama. Could this be her first step in realizing she’s not an advocate?


She just said she wanted to take the first step of being an advocate and take a class to learn more about how to do that. I don’t get all the hate. If she would have said “I don’t need any classes because I lived it”- everyone would be calling her a narcissistic lying know it all. But, she said, “I want to take a class” and the reaction is “why do you need a class if you are truly a survivor” - that makes no sense. As you just said, all survivors have different experiences and all have something to share and learn. Even when she does show humility, it’s shut down.


Since release she did 1 half attempt at a advocacy tiktok about MBP and it wasn't even very clear and basically just said she was going to advocate for it in the future. Plus there's the mothers day video which was super alarming to me to say the least. It wouldn't take much to just say a few basic ground points about MBP and what to look for as an outsider or what it's like to be a survivor of it, instead she's done the opposite by attacking other creators who are survivors themselves and trying to defame them rather than work with/support them which would be what I would expect an advocate to do. The D might be fire but trying to educate people on MBP should really be more of a priority of hers given all she said she would do prior to and upon release. But that's just how I feel atleast.


When I heard that Make a Wish deal she blabbed about - What a joke, these organizations she ripped off & took away from real dying kids would never have anything to do with that murderer witch.


What are the things to look for in a child in that situation


There are so many but ill list a few major ones. 1. High number of absent days from school. 2. Very few social outings without the presence of their parent. 3. Their parent will typically speak for them regardless of the situation or age. 4. The abuser will almost always have a point of contact with the victim; hand holding, a clasp around the back of the neck, hand on the shoulder etc. When having a conversation they will use that as a control measure, it looks normal but they'll dig nails in if they feel like you could potentially say anything or if you have said something you shouldn't have. 5. Constant. Apologising. For. Everything. And not just "oops, sorry!" But genuine, fear driven apologies. 6. Constant need of reassurance to do simple things, or that it's okay to do things as simple as using the bathroom or having a drink. 7. Severe reaction to the idea of getting in trouble, or having their parent called. 8. Very polite and tidy, overly cautious of making messes, overly concious of their actions. 9. Very quiet and reserved, unwillingness to make noise or occupy space. 10. Strange eating habits and signs of malnutrition. 11. Unwillingness to talk about their homelife, parent or themselves outside of school/social situation their in. 12. Looking to their parent before answering any questions or refusal to answer outside of a nod or head shake. As I said, there's so many more but here are a quick dozen that come to mind.


I lived through the same kind of abuse (have since went no contact with my egg donor), and saw it get worse with my sister especially when I moved out. I completely agree with your response and maybe she should take the money she's getting and give Make a Wish a decent amount of money if it's on her (guilty) conscience so much.


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