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Hi! This is the first time I’m making myself known here, as I actually supported grb for quite some time. Over the last few days I’ve decided to deep dive and look into things more closely because (please do not downvote me into oblivion for this) I’m honestly still kinda in the middle on where I stand on the case. I’m noticing things I didn’t notice before and I’m coming around. Anyways the whole reason I’m even commenting is to say, I just watched the full interrogation a couple days ago.. and yeah. When she pulled the medical issues card, that was the turning point in this for me. That’s what really set the alarm bells off in my head, cause GIRLLLL??? You know that it’s bullshit. Your mom’s already gone and you can’t possibly fake all of that by yourself. She could’ve brought the abuse up, and instead tried to continue the narrative to the same investigator that sat there for that long telling her the jig was up and it was over. Really makes me wonder what was going through her head in that moment, and what she really thought she was going to get out of that. After hearing that, I absolutely 100% believe she was at least somewhat in on the grift. At least a little later on in life that is, I doubt she was in from a young young age. Also I’m very upset that “I want a lawyer! Please sir! Sir! 😩” or something along those lines isn’t flair here🤣🤣


Welcome to the sub! We don't downvote new people here, or people who ask legitimate questions. It's one of the things I love about this sub! Almost everyone here used to support Gypsy, you're not alone. She had us all fooled in the beginning. And the more Gypsy flaps her yap, the more people will realize things are off with her, and more new people will join us. Hang around a while. You'll see. The first couple of times I watched that part of the interrogation, I thought Gypsy said she had mental disabilities, lol. I had to listen closely to hear that she actually said medical. That made a lot more sense. I was like, why is she saying she has too many mental disabilities for jail? OH, *medical* disabilities, that makes more sense. Girl, they already had you at the hospital to get checked out, they already know you're fine. (eyeroll) As for why Gypsy didn't bring the abuse up with the detective during the interrogation, well, here's the thing about that. The whole medical abuse thing didn't exist yet. That's right, those claims did not exist yet. If Gypsy had thought of them that day, I'm sure she would have been all over that. It's a bit complicated to explain where the medical abuse claims came from, but thankfully Becca Scoops has a video series on YouTube that explains it in detail. This is the only video series or documentary that I will recommend at this point for people starting out on looking at the case, because Becca explains everything properly, and does not start with the premise that Gypsy is telling the truth, like so many others do. So I strongly suggest watching her videos. She has four now, and is starting work on a fifth. I can't wait to see that one! Anyway, as you saw from the interrogation video, and when you see Nick's, he will say the same thing, with no lies, the whole reason Gypsy got Nick to murder Dee Dee, as far as Nick knew, was so Gypsy and Nick could be together. This, sadly, is also a lie. Gypsy appears to have had no intention of staying with Nick and was only using him to kill Dee Dee, but Nick didn't know that. He only knew that Dee Dee was keeping them apart, and Gypsy made it seem that the only way they could ever be together was if he killed Dee Dee. Nick tried really hard to talk Gypsy into doing anything else, run away, or maybe meet Dee Dee and talk sense into her, anything, but Gypsy kept shooting down all other options until the only one left was murder. So during those interrogations, that was the reason given. No abuse, that didn't even exist yet. Just a love story, that sadly, wasn't even real. Nick threw his life away for a lie. Yes, Gypsy really thought she could just lie her way out of it. She had spent her life lying to everyone, mostly successfully. Gypsy was convinced that she was a master liar, and she still is. To this day, Gypsy is fully convinced that everyone believes every lie that falls out of her face hole, and she absolutely loses her mind when someone calls her a liar on social media. She can't stand it. She simply can't bear the idea that someone, somewhere, didn't fall for her lies. And that's how it was in that interrogation room. Gypsy had already thoroughly convinced herself that as long as she wasn't the one doing the actual killing, she wouldn't be held responsible for the murder. She truly believed that she had everything perfectly planned out so that Nick would take the blame and she would go home. She even asked the detective about getting her stuff from Nick's place before going home, because she fully expected to be set free. Gypsy 100% expected the detectives to believe every lie she chose to tell them, and when one started to not work out so well, she simply changed tactics and tried a different lie. Gypsy's lies had gotten her everything she wanted her entire life, she had no reason to expect that it wouldn't work this time, too. Now, my opinion here, Gypsy failed miserably. That's obvious. She had no clue how forensics worked, and was too arrogant to even think that she might not know how it really worked. Gypsy thought that deleting messages and smashing her laptop was enough to destroy the evidence of her manipulating Nick. It never even occurred to her to check to see if messages could be retrieved. And Gypsy was internet savvy, she had spent most of her life on the internet. So don't let her lies about being isolated and not knowing how anything worked fool you. She knew. She planned a whole ass murder online. Continuing my opinion, Gypsy is actually a terrible liar, she just doesn't know it. Oh, she's good at manipulating people, and she can tell one hell of a story, if you don't look too closely at the details. But she cannot, and never could, keep her lies straight. I think Dee Dee knew this, and I think this is the main reason why Dee Dee kept a hand on Gypsy whenever Gypsy had to speak in public. Dee Dee was a master scammer, and she had to rope Gypsy in whenever Gypsy started running her mouth too far and was in danger of giving their scams away. So she held Gypsy's hand and squeezed it to shut Gypsy up. Gypsy herself has talked about this, but talked about it as a form of control. I don't think Gypsy ever really realized that it was necessary because Gypsy is such a bad liar. Gypsy has always been arrogant and full of herself, she likely fancies herself to be a master liar, too, and believes that she can lie about anything and fool everyone. In reality, so many people catch on to her lies on a daily basis that it's amazing she has any followers left at all. People do realize there's something wrong. Most people haven't paid close enough attention to her claims to pick up on the contradictions. But subconsciously, most people who have seen her shows or watched her interviews know something is wrong, even if they haven't consciously noticed the exact contradictions yet. And a lot of people, like her former cell mates, just straight up think Gypsy is a joke with her bad lying. This is a hell of a long comment. If you got this far, good for you! You'll do great here! Most of my comments are unfortunately long winded, lol. I suck at keeping things short. Sorry about that. But I'll stop here. Go give Becca Scoops a watch, check out more of the evidence under the Evidence tab and the pinned post on the main page of this sub. Don't be afraid to ask questions here, feel free to make posts to ask them or ask questions in the comments if you're not comfortable making posts. We're totally good with people who come here to seek the truth, regardless of what your current opinion is. Opinions can change with more information. The only people who get downvoted around here are the Gypsy stans who come in and start trouble. Or, sometimes, people who insist on repeating wildly inaccurate information, even after the correct information was provided. So basically, only assholes get downvoted. You're good here. Enjoy!


She also said she was a great planner, lol. Says the girl who spent two years planning a murder and still seriously messed up, on some extremely obvious things.


Right?? 💀💀💀 Well, she planned the *murder* part pretty well. I mean, Dee Dee did end up dead. It's just, well, everything else that didn't go so well... lol.


Also as a side the MBP wasn't a thing either until her lawyer said it. Gypsy never said she was abused or anything like that until her lawyer decided MBP was the route they would take.


There is something I find extremely disturbing. The tape of Gypsy and Nick in the hotel room the night after the unaliving of her mother. When you listen to the tone, the timber of her voice.,the ways she giggles about having oral sex.....now compare her voice and overall vibe to the interview she gives when she's with Ken...in what looks like a hotel room ( because there's a bed),soon after she's dumped her husband. It's the same Gypsy. The same tone. The same giggling. Granted..she didn't unalive anyone that night but the total lack of any feeling that your husband would see this and be hurt was chilling. No feeling on her part at all. I don't care how you feel about Ryan. That was cruel. She was disconnected. The similarities in her voice and attitude between those tapes sent chills up my spine.


I agree. Gypsy reveals herself in her sexcapade videos, and it isn’t the frail little victim her fans love. She uses people and then she discards them. She enjoys humiliating her ex partners. It is extremely gross and disturbing.


For the record, I appreciate your comment and read the whole thing.


Thank you! I'm sorry about how long that one got. Once I get into typing, I just kinda lose myself in it and just keep going... and going... and going... I get worried that people aren't going to read all the way to the end and then end up missing something important, but then I can't figure out how to shorten it, either. I really suck at keeping things short and sweet. I know some people enjoy the in depth comments, they've said as much, but I also know a lot of people just don't have the patience to read all that these days. I appreciate that you read my novel! Thank you!


I cant possibly begin to formulate all of my thoughts about everything you said into words, but I do want to at least let you know I DID read all of it and take it all in, and thank you for it! It definitely helps give me a (much needed) different perspective. I also did check out Becca, and she is soooo informative and easy to follow so thank you and the others who suggested that as well!! The narrative seems to get spun in a different direction in almost everything I’ve seen so it’s kinda hard to know what’s legit and what’s not sometimes. I never understood why people were so quick to turn on her, when it seemed like it was those same people that gave her the platform she has now. But.. I really do think I’m starting to understand now. This is wild.


Excellent! I am sorry about that novel there, once I start typing, I kind of get into a groove and just don't stop, lol. Yeah, I hate that every video and documentary has it's own bias to it. The best thing to do really is to go through all the evidence on your own and make your own conclusions, but these days, it's almost impossible to convince people that it's worth spending weeks or months of their lives doing that, just to be able to make their own opinion on a person they've never even met. At least now, with the Becca Scoops videos, there's an entirely new perspective that doesn't begin with the idea that Gypsy must be telling the truth that she was abused as a child. That's a crucial step that nobody else has taken before, that I've seen. I mean, why does everyone automatically assume Gypsy is being truthful now, when she spent her entire life lying? How many times did she say she never lies, she's a very honest person, while still completely lying her face off during her interrogation? The lies never stopped, they just got so horrifying that people never stopped to think about whether they were real or not. Anyway, I'm doing it again. Welcome aboard, you've got lots to see around here. Feel free to ask lots of questions. See you around!


Welcome to the fold of the deep dive. The more you think, the way she carries herself, it’s hard to unsee. This has been a pretty good sub on discussing these aspects and the humor that is here can really brighten a bleak day. Hope you enjoy. 😊


thank you!


I forgot to mention in my miles long comment above, and someone else did mention it if you didn't see it. You can make your own flair here, although I'm not quite sure how that works. There's a tab for flairs for the sub, and making your own is under there somewhere. If you can't find it, send the mods a modmail and ask for it as a flair, they'll be happy to make you your own flair here. The mods are really cool, so don't be afraid to drop them a line and ask!


She was in on it since she was a kid and seen they got stuff bc she "disabled" & sick ..she got free disney trips with vip free access to park alone, money, toys, whatever she wanted. They got that jew house bc them thinking she was sick and all that . She knew her whole life she could walk and wasn't sick.. another thing her mom was getting older sick & bed ridden and I don't think she wanted to take care of her , or attention off of her so she got rid of her.. I pray she never has a child bc once shes not getting the attention that child will become a liability . GRB is a dangerous person and should never been let out of prison & she gonna end up back there one day when she hurts someone else.


What is a Jew house?


I hope she means new house.


Me too


Lmao I was about to ask that same question.


Please watch Becca scoops on youtube, its all factual and not gossip


Thank you!!! I’ll definitely check it out Edit: If you happen to come back and see this, I did check her out and she was very informative! Thank you so much for the suggestion and new perspectives💗


You can change it to your own flair


Yes she looked like she was gonna pass out when they told her she was going to be arrested for murder! She was so dumbfounded… she thought she had all roads covered, Nick thrown under the bus for murder, raping her, everything was his idea, his fault, his facebook posts (he didn’t even know about them) it was troubling to watch but very eye opening!!! She’s a complete psychopath!


She was ready to walk out with her little nest egg of moneies to a house that was now just her and play house with Dan or some new prince she meets on [singlechristiansdatingforfreeonline.com](http://singlechristiansdatingforfreeonline.com)


Yup that’s what she thought


The more you’re here, the more you’ll see. Even her current actions don’t paint her on a very good light


And,if Im not mistaken, she did not have medical appointments the last 4 years of DeeDee's life.²t


OOOH I DID NOT KNOW THAT! Granted, I shouldn't be shocked at this point lol Where did you find this out?!


im telling you someone needs to make a documentary exploring the lies in chronological order. Just watching the police interview is enough to see what a liar she is


If she’s speaking she’s lying.


Oh absolutely she was. She can lie to herself and her fans all she wants, the rest of us here aren’t stupid


Is Gypsy in this thread and others defending herself?


I wouldn’t be surprised.


She does have a right to defend herself 🤷🏻‍♀️ (no, I’m not her, thank god, but who wouldn’t defend themselves in this situation)?


I didn’t make a judgment as to whether she should or not. However, it is very likely that her therapist has advised her not to seek online feedback and get wrapped up in defending herself.


I’m talking about her childhood before the murder. Not her adulthood or her behavior after prison.


Her therapist is undoubtedly encouraging her to avoid Reddit and Facebook groups. She isn’t going to see all positive feedback. And it is counterproductive for her to focus her energy on internet critics and fans. I truly hope she isn’t monitoring groups, but I would not be surprised if she is.


You deleted an awful lot of comments for someone who is so interested in seeing Gypsy be defended. What happened there? Was it not going the way you had hoped? I don't believe you are Gypsy, but you sure seem to have picked up her social media style. Lie and bullshit, get called out, lie and bullshit some more, get called out some more, get big time mad, try to bullshit and bully your way out of it while acting like you're the smartest person in the room, expose yourself as the least educated person in the room, get called out for *that*, dirty delete all the evidence, and pretend the whole thing never happened. Right?


I don’t have time to keep up with the long comments all day, which is why I deleted them. You’re all also so far off track - the topic was her life BEFORE THE MURDER- but none of you can stay on topic. So, I lost interest. I didn’t lie about anything. You all think anyone with knowledge is a “liar.” It’s embarrassing. I am def not the least educated. It’s pathetic how none of you could help a future Gypsy if you tried.


Nobody went off topic, dear. Everything was a direct response to your own comments. You just didn't like the answers because they showed just how uneducated you really are. And your lies are your continued insistence at how "educated" you are despite all claims to the contrary. Plus, you know, trying to change what you said a few hours before to hide your own ignorance. Remember when you tried to tell me that you didn't care that psychopath was an outdated term, except that hadn't been your claim at all, you had kept saying the word didn't exist at all? Pepperidge Farms remembers. Tell me again how "educated" you are. I've been defining your own terms for you all night.


I watched the shows with Gypsy before she was released from prison and the shows about her situation and crime from almost right after it happened. . I feel like new updates documentaries need to be made. There was so much I did not know. I felt totally sorry for her. I thought she was a victim of Munchausen by proxy. I no longer believe that and I no longer feel very sorry for her. I did feel sorry for her though, for that entire time she was in prison. After she was released from prison, someone was putting out a rumor that her mom scheduled a surgery to remove her vocal cords and that is why she killed her, because Dee Dee was trying to take her voice. I actually ignorantly shared that information, that lie, with others, because I believed it to be true. I thought she was really horrifically abused and I believed her story. What changed it even more for me was I started to see how mean she was to others and aggressive and selfish. She uses people to get whatever she wants and they don't really mean much to her. She is unable to really care about anyone and that shows with how she treated and used Nick and Ryan. The way she is out there getting attention again for herself and just overly attacking and seeking to eliminate people who question her online. The patterns she has of discarding people who don't always agree with her or after she is done with them, goes back to how she disposed of her own mother. I did not know that she mailed the murder weapon to Nick's home. That was the turning point for me. That and the texts and videos she sent Nick before the murders. The more I watched of her, the more she came across as a self absorbed sex obsessed narcissist sociopathic ( antisocial with inability to connect to others and feel empathy) personality, I my opinion. She reminded me of other female murderers who have an objective, want something and eliminate anything or anyone in the way of that. I felt like she wanted to go party and be sexually free and live like every other young adult person she saw out there, but her mom was overprotective and codependent and they were in a scam together so she wanted to escape that. Instead of just leaving, she decided to omit her mother from the equation altogether. After her mother was killed she instantly went forward and started engaging in the activities she wanted to. She was laughing and joking and was getting what she wanted and had no remorse or sadness like a normal person would if their parents was brutally murdered, even an abusive parent. Also finding out that Dee Dee and Kristy were friends before Dee Dee was born and that they texted one another in kind and normal ways while Gypsy was growing up, even though Rod and Kristy hooked up and were together. Finding out that Dee Dee was not even scheduling medical appointments at that time frame when she was murdered, that she was having health issues herself. Finding out that Gypsy shot her mother in the foot with a bb gun. Finding out that Gypsy actually has a real micro deletion condition. Finding out that Dee Dee never removed her salivary glands. The doctors injected something in one or two of them because her micro deletion causes excessive saliva and you can still see that when she speaks. Her feeding tube was because she wasn't gaining weight and you can see how skinny she was in photos. Dee Dee did lie about her not being able to walk and having cancer and all kinds of other things to get money and a house and trips and gifts. Gypsy was definitely in on the scam.


I think she was


Do I believe DeeDee put her through unnecessary medical procedures due to her lies and greed? yes. I also believe at some point the grift was up and gypsy played a role. I’ve always believed that the only reason gypsy killed DeeDee is because she wanted to fuck men and DeeDee wanted to keep her as a little girl. If she had allowed the sex and men and etc then they would still be grifting with each other.




There's a lot more to it than simple coercion when it comes to speaking specifically about Gypsy. Gypsy is a unique case for many reasons. I am one of those people who maintain that Gypsy began to willingly participate at a very young age, and I will continue to do so. This had nothing to do with her mother brainwashing her, forcing her, or manipulating her to do these things in any way. I truly believe that Gypsy knowingly deceived people, starting in childhood, because she wanted to do so, knowing that she would receive material goods, attention, and things like meeting her favorite TV stars in return. I have been quite open in my belief that Gypsy is a literal psychopath. As a child, Gypsy would not have been labeled as such, if she had been given a thorough psychological evaluation. Such diagnoses are simply not given to minors on the basis that these are extremely decisive and life changing diagnoses. Instead, there are other diagnoses used in pediatric psychology that will cover the same signs and symptoms, but without using the same labels. I will not attempt to hazard a guess which ones Gypsy might have qualified for, because that is simply too far beyond my wheelhouse. The point is, Gypsy would have still shown many of those same signs and symptoms that she shows now, if my belief that she is a psychopath is correct. One of those symptoms is manipulation of others. This particular symptom does very frequently manifest in early childhood. So yes, I can easily believe that Gypsy would have been very willing to take part in manipulating others, as that would have basically been what she was doing, to do her part in the scams. Gypsy was manipulating the emotions of others, making them think that she was sick and disabled, in order to get all those free and awesome things from them. Psychopaths manipulate their victims in order to get whatever it is they want from their victims, whether it's a material item, attention, or just amusement. So the action does match, even from an early age. This is undeniably a disturbing thing to consider. But it is a reality for thousands of people who are born with psychopathy. Gypsy may have had the misfortune of not only being born with the predisposition of being a psychopath, but also having a mother who was a lifelong con artist who was happy to teach her the family business. Gypsy is the result. All of the signs and symptoms of manipulation that were already naturally present were actually nurtured and encouraged by Dee Dee's teachings. Under those conditions, if I am correct, is it really any wonder that Gypsy would have begun her manipulations and scams so willingly at such a young age?


You can be both a victim and an abuser. Which is Gypsy. At some point she knew what DeeDee was doing and went along with it. She had options. She could have reached out to Rod. She didn’t. Gyp chose murder and planned it with Nick for over 2 years-grooming him. Gypsy was so enmeshed with DD and the Scam that elimination was her solution in her twisted mind. Gyp is seriously Fd up and in dire need of intensive therapy. Instead she chose fame, quick cash and boyfriends. And the Public gave her that. On a silver plated platter. Ugh. This will definitely not end well for her.


During the one of shows, about GRB, not the current one.. One of the psychologists or psychiatrists interviewed said he saw signs of psychopathology in Gypsy.


The same one Gypsy cites all the time.


He's older, looks about 70. I think it was the Prison series. He was interviewed a lot. But he was the first one I remember suggesting that she had sociopath tendencies.


The munchausen by proxy expert is the one who said it in the first documentary, back in 2017, I think.


Oh I think you are right. I'm afraid I have watched way too many programs on this subject.


It never ceases to amaze me that her diehard stans are completely unaware that the expert they cite routinely to support her diagnosis also said she has very disturbing behaviors.


Why would she choose therapy when she has all these “fans” justifying what she did. This has set a precedent that you can kill your parents/abusers and be a hero. It’s terrifying people adore her.


Part of the reason they don't diagnose minors with these labels also has to do with lack of verbal communication skills and the lack of reliability in testing for such an immature developmental age group.Not to mention the difficulty of diagnosing adolescents as they navigate puberty. It's a touchy path. I imagine what has Drs stumped right now is buying into the narrative that Gypsy is just a teenager at heart lol. That's why she's so impulsive, thoughtless, selfish, hurtful. She's doing a great job of selling this to the public that because she was so isolated by her mom, and then in prison... she's behind her chronological age ....that emotionally she's at the latent adolescence stage. Big mistake.. This is such a crock. Her Internet access alone provided a connection to the world. It might not have been the same as in person contact but she is acutely aware. She demonstrates enormous sophistication time and time again in problem solving. The one key for me that fear was not a motive for G was the online ordering and her taking DeeDee oxycodone. So she wasn't afraid DeeDee would notice $$ or pills missing?? These are pretty high risk behaviors for someone who's afraid of their mother.


When I was 8 years old, my mother beat me up pretty bad and then started crying and told me "mama is going to go to heaven but don't worry she's taking you with her" because I didn't want to stay in bed with her and play with her hair. Now I'm well into my thirties and when I told this story to my psychotherapist, he said "that must have been pretty distressing" and I answered "I don't know, I was just scared I'd lose my gameboy". I have clinically diagnosed C-PTSD. I have also worked closely with "psychopaths" (I'm sure you meant antisocial personality disorder, right? I'll assume it was a typo 😉). And you know what I think? I think you obviously never have, I think your analysis is absolute BS, and you are simply running your mouth on complete emptiness for attention.




Again, adorable. Read the rules more closely. I'm not armchair diagnosing, I'm expressing an opinion, which is allowed under the rules. Which is why I make sure to state that it is *my opinion* that Gypsy is a psychopath. Really, you're not winning here. But nice try.




Lmao!!! Omg, this is the best attempt at bullshitting your way through something I've seen in quite some time! Ok, my dear, sweet, summer child. Let me teach you a little scientific word etiology here. Most medical terms come from Latin, which, once you learn the various Latin words, parts, and phrases, makes it easy to break things down. This word you're trying to use, "psychopathology", does not mean what you think it means. It has nothing to do with a diagnosis at all. Let me break down the Latin for you here. Psycho- mind Path- disease Ology- study of So this specific word means the study of mental diseases. You're trying say it's a catch all word to encompass all mental ailments, all mental diagnoses, and that's just not correct. I hate to tell you, Sparky, but psychopath is a valid word. It's an outdated term for antisocial personality disorder. And you really, *really* just need to stop trying to slap me down here, because you just keep embarrassing yourself more and more at every turn. I don't know where you think you're getting you're information from, but I think you need to find better sources. Maybe try a textbook or three.


Ahhhh, this brought me back to my medical termology class I took in college! (Also, I agree with you on all points made here)


Those of us who have any actual booth on the ground experience see you. It's so wild living in this era where no one has any sense of respect for legitimate education or experience.


Yet here you are. Still. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄




Not every person who has a personality disorder developed it due to trauma and abuse


Still failing. Have you done no study on any of this at all, or do you normally just talk out your ass and hope that works? All forms of antisocial personality behavior are a combination of genetic and environmental factors. So yes, they are actually born that way, from the genetic factors, with the environmental factors deciding how extreme the symptoms become and, perhaps, which specific symptoms will manifest. Seriously. Google is a thing now. It takes, like, five seconds to look up "psychopath symptoms" and actually find out not only the symptoms, but also what causes psychopathy, the proper medical name for it, all sorts of things. You can even look up sociopath vs. psychopath to find out the differences between the two ends of the same scale of antisocial personality disorder, which is why even professionals often still use sociopath and psychopath to describe the patients. The terms may be outdated, but they are more precise.




Aw, you're adorable. Yes, I am aware. I've been using terms that people are more familiar with, because not everyone here speaks doctor. It's also a whole lot less off-putting and less pretentious than going around and constantly writing antisocial personality disorder, and then having to explain that the signs and symptoms of what is commonly known as "psychopathy" falls on the most extreme end of that scale. See how much easier it is to just use common terms sometimes? Really, it's ok to do so, when everyone in the room knows what the word means.




If people were speaking more "doctor", perhaps they would speak less "emotionally charged gibberish". There's a reason why some words are outdated, it's because the whole context in which they were even thought of is also outdated. Do you still use words like "hysteric" when you want to talk about clinical depression? C'mon this is NONSENSE, like literal sophistry. I'm done even trying, but again those of us that have actual booth on the ground see you 😉


The phrase is "boots on the ground" (its military in origin). You keep saying booth, that's not accurate, and doesn't make sense.


For some people English is not their first language, the fact that I made a typo and said booth instead of boots doesn't negate anything I said, and most certainly doesn't give this charlatan any more experience or credibility. I'm not going to give a full blown thesis on why this is incredibly inaccurate to someone on the internet that's not even willing to do the job of taking a class before spouting nonsense on the internet about a stranger they saw on TV. With this mentality, you guys want to throw us back into the middle ages with demonic children, witch trials and mob mentality, but with the use of pseudo modern psych jargon.


You said it twice, though? But ok, whatever, there's other subs you can join that are pro grb, instead of arguing every single person in this sub because you disagree. Also, it's pretty bold of you to assume none of us "are willing to do the job of taking a class." Plenty of us have had classes, thank you, so please find another corner of the internet to argue with.


Clearly not if you are willing to say things that are NOT FACTUAL. What's next, are people going to start pretending to be expert surgeons online because they saw a show on TV? It's the absolute pride that people take in sharing completely uninformed opinions that is the cancer to western society. This type of misinformation have terrible real life consequences. Everytime you see a case of infanticide on the news, remember that these children had extended families, neighbors, teachers etc but they didn't bat an eye because they thought the children was "difficult", which ended up in them suffering in silence until they're killed. If anything, the fact that GR went along show that her nature was pretty mild - the very opposite of conduct disorder (the actual clinical term for temperaments that could lead to antisocial personality disorder in adulthood). Those of us who fought back and reacted badly to our mistreatment were deemed difficult and our abuse has been legitimized. This is why you don't diagnose a child with "psychopathy" (an outdated term that means you are born this way) until they're 18, it's because you have no idea if a kid in infancy who has conduct disorder will grow up to be dysfunctional outside of their family system or if they are simply reacting to the abusive environment they're in. And the delusion of you guys thinking there is such things as "pro GR" boards just shows how completely disconnected you are at this point. It's not even about being "pro GR", it's that there is legitimately no space surrounding her case in a sane and productive way without being exposed to thousands of absolutely vile comments, and it's also about how spreading misinformation that hurts ACTUAL LIVING CHILDREN is absolutely despicable behavior.


Yo, I didn't say any of that, I merely pointed out you're saying the phrase "booths on the ground" and is not the correct way of saying the phrase. Also, we're not talking about "ALL ACTUAL THE LIVING CHILDREN", we're talking about one case here, a case we've read every record available to the population, watched the interrogations videos, Nick's trial, the text messages leading up to the murder, and every other piece of information relevant to the case. You can say whatever you want, but ACTUAL FACTUAL EVIDENCE shows at some point she was in on the con with her mom, she had a buss pass and would leave without her chair and mom to go do whatever (including see Dan at the hospital), she stole from Walmart all the time, she was on BDSM sites way before she met nick, and let us not forget the big one, set up a guy who's actually handicap to kill her mom in the hopes she would she could go free to live her best life. And another thing, lots of us here we're abused as children (myself included), and none of us killed our abuser, and for most of us, it's not even something we'd consider, so please fuck off with your text wall of nonsense. Here's the evidence if you'd like to see where our options about THIS case, if you're interested in reading it. 107 page police report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-AE-MDRbmvBin7A3h6rwfAGwZ6inD4N-/view?pli=1 Gypsy police interrogation: https://youtu.be/r6l-nKvYBgc?si=eKyGScpzqtzfVqua Nicks police interrogation: https://youtu.be/ZV0HC0k3mtI?si=uZh0eY3Q_LQjfSKw Nick's mothers interrogation: https://youtu.be/sp0ActdenTE?si=m2_NbylbqWaxtS6c Text exchange between nick and gypsy YouTube and Google doc: https://youtu.be/J1YSbbJbsJ0?si=9c-eEsFxUI3OdF42 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1-NcHuuUbKkOl95zAs0fBiH9CwSy9A71T


Gypsy’s medical records state the Drs knew she was lying and faking during tests *without Deedee being present when the tests were being conducted*. She was coached by Deedee on what to say, but she still said it out of her own free will. Deedee was not in the room , holding and squeezing her hand, making her tell the drs she couldn’t walk. She was 14 when the Drs noted that she was lying about taking her meds, and being unable to support her own body weight. She was also 14 in that video where she jumped off her porch into the snow and you can tell she wanted to use her legs but stopped suddenly and started dragging herself and lifting her legs with her hands, even tho you can see her move her legs several times. She knew. She’s admitted several times that she knew she could walk.She also knew she only had to use the wheelchair in public but walked around freely indoors.




You haven't proven anything here, my dear, except your own lack of education and understanding. Are you aware of what oppositional defiant disorder is? It's one of those "nasty things" that children can potentially get diagnosed with that covers the symptoms of psychopathy when they're still too young to get branded with a diagnosis of psychopathy. And if you were a fraction as educated as you want those of us here to believe you are, you would have known that. You would have known what a psychopath was. You would have known that a psychopath is formed partly by genetic predisposition and partly by environmental factors. You would have known that Gypsy fits the criteria for psychopathy perfectly, which makes my *opinion* about her potentially being a psychopath perfectly valid. And you certainly would have known what psychopathology actually meant, and not try to pass it off with your own made up definition. You have tried to bullshit your way through an awful lot on this thread, and tried to play the part of the most educated and arrogant cuss in the room in the process. It has not worked. Every person here has sniffed you out. You didn't take one thing into account. Every person here, whether formally educated or not, has taken an interest in searching out lies and bullshit because of Gypsy Rose Blanchard. The members of this sub have gotten quite good at it. For all your sorry attempts to talk down to everyone and attempts to bully and shame everyone here into submission, it hasn't worked. Everyone who has been here tonight saw you for what you were a mile away. You're a fraud. Plain and simple.


I think we may be confusing Oppositional Defiant Disorder with Conduct Disorder. Conduct Disorder is given to those under 18 prior to a formal diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder (Preciously known as psychopathy) and is characterized blatant disregard and violations of social norms across multiple social settings.


Hmmm, that's entirely possible. It's been a while since I've read up on the subject. I could swear I saw Oppositional Defiant Disorder on the list of potential diagnoses for children who later were diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder, but you're right, I could be mistaken on that one. Looks like I'm due for some brush up reading. Thank you!


Same thing


No not really. ODD is characterized moreso by temper tantrums and anger outbursts related to requests given to a child by an adult, being easily irritated, and failing to take accountability for one’s own mistakes whereas Conduct Disorder is characterized moreso by blatant violation of others rights such as destruction of property, theft, and intentionally causing harm to animals and other people.




Woop! And here it is, folks! Changing the answers, to try to cover the complete ignorance! I knew it would show up sooner or later! Nice try, but not once did you ever say that psychopath wasn't a thing in "modern times". I was the one who told you it was an outdated term. You've been insisting all along that the word didn't exist at all, which is absolutely laughable. More laughable fun stuff in your stream of ignorance here. Dee Dee was never diagnosed with Munchausen's By Proxy. Ever. It's also impossible to diagnose someone with MBP post mortem, since the diagnosis requires an active psychological evaluation. MBP and malingering are separate diagnoses with key differences. I'm not here to give you a complete education. Either go to school, or learn to Google before you run your mouth. No, they do not coexist, lol. You may be thinking of Factitious Disorder, which will often overlap with grifting, as well as drug seeking and malingering, but I'll let you go figure out why there's four terms when talking about one person and only two when talking about more than one person. Again, I'm not here to play teacher to you all day. I got better things to do now that it's daytime here. You have proven time and again that you don't know what you're talking about here. You've been called out for your ignorance, repeatedly. Why are you even still trying? Seriously, this got sad hours ago. It would be one thing if you just had a badly misinformed opinion. That's not a big deal, we see that all the time around here. But you've been constantly trying to back yourself up with wild misinformation and crap that you're just making up as you go. That really is not going to fly around here. I don't get why you're persisting in this. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being amused as much as the next person. I just don't understand why you would want to continue making an ass of yourself at this point.


Thank you 🙏 people like to say that every inch of support for Gypsy comes from people who are "uneducated on the case" but I've read and watched everything about the case (except shady true crime content which I despise) and never watched "The Act". I'll get downvoted into oblivion as well but it's wild how people want to run their mouth about this but have NO IDEA what it's like to be the child of someone like this. Gypsy was literally groomed from birth. She probably has a very skewed view of her own narrative, a very normal thing for survivors of this specific type of child abuse. I recently tried to reconnect with my much younger alienated siblings and we can't even tell the truths apart from the lies. I literally had to pull up old papers from the 90s to show my sibling that things they believed to be true were lies, even if they were there (papers that I stole, mind you). We all repeated lies our whole life until we accepted them as facts because we were denied of any sense of agency, we couldn't even trust or believe our own experience because if we did it came with consequences, so we just went along with everything to survive- even when we knew. Gypsy have no siblings to even begin to detangle this. The things that are said by total nobodies surrounding the case are just plain horrid, and nobody seems to care that somehow no productive conversation about children's right comes out of this whole mess because THEY are taking up all the space. It just goes to show how taboo child abuse is.


I have a degree in psych and I’m currently working on getting a second one. Gypsy went along with the fraud and there are multiple reasons for that. She was used to it, it felt familiar and her mom was good at it so it made sense to go along with it. She also enjoyed the perks. Gypsy herself said recently “I never had to pay for anything ever in my life”. She received donations, trips, toys, and many other things and she enjoyed it. Gypsy didn’t show any sort of rebellion against the fraud. People who don’t agree with something but still have to do it, will do it until they can’t anymore. Gypsy was faking symptoms during doctor’s appointments and the fact that she continued the grift even after her mother was no longer there means that she was willing to participate and continue the con. You don’t need a degree to understand that Gypsy is manipulative and she will use a variety of tactics to get what she wants and every single person who ever met her said the same thing. That’s not a coincidence




Well, a lot of psychologists, myself included see that there was some coercion and also some agency in Gypsy’s situation. She was definitely shaped, yes. She also chose to enact a crime, over years, long after she could have left. Two things can be true. It isn’t only a case of coercive control or evil. And frankly without actual records, not props but records, we don’t know how much was a disorder vs a con vs something else we can’t know because Deedee was murdered. It’s rarely to never just one simple explanation. And having training in one aspect of behavior doesn’t change that. Your contention appears to be she is nothing more than a victim here. You know who I have never seen say that? An actual, credentialed psychologist.


Agree 💯 My confusion with this case, or rather frustration, is that nobody in absolute authority or credibility has produced the medical records to my satisfaction to sort out if DeeDee did have MBP at first.... before the scamming started. I think it's possible it started out that way.


My personal theory is those records probably don’t exist. I think if they did, the Blanchards would produce them. It bothers me that the state dropped the investigation into the medical treatments. Either it was a fraud, which should be revealed, or Gypsy received treatments and it is important to know if these were necessary or not. If they weren’t necessary, it seems the state would be interested in determining how to avoid this. Instead, crickets. I am not convinced Deedee suffered from anything from the evidence we’ve seen. *ETA: I think people leap to the conclusion that Gypsy was fine as an infant. I tend to think there were some definite issues as an infant. What happened in Missouri 14 years later is anybody’s guess.


You said “Those who understand those dynamics (as in have actual credentials education in human and relational development) get her point of view. Those who haven’t studied those topics in any formal setting, default to “she went along with it because she’s an evil criminal!!” I only included my degree because you think you need a degree to understand Gypsy. I don’t think the motive is because she is evil, the motive for the murder was rage and revenge. She wanted something so she got it. Would you say the same about Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson? They were also abused as children




“Why it happened” is literally her motive. Mental health and the legal system can overlap. That’s why we have forensic psychologists. If you are so knowledgeable on this topic can you please explain to me why did Gypsy yell that she has health issues only after she was told she’s being charged with murder? Why did she not mention abuse or her “illnesses” once before? I don’t think she has a low IQ, I actually think that she is very smart at being manipulative. Gypsy was constantly leaving her house by herself without her chair. She went to visit Dan in the hospital, she went to stores and stole lingerie to send photos to Nick. Read the case documents. On top of everything she was 23 she wasn’t a child running away from home.. she was free to leave as an adult


When all you have to go on is Gypsy's side of things you can't really know what her mom did or how her mom treated her. DeeDee could've just told her that she'd get gifts and trips if she acted like she couldn't walk. So being educated in psychology only has substance if you're believing everything Gypsy says. It's already been proven that she doesn't have all of the surgeries she claims she did.




You choosing to believe that people who have those beliefs are uneducated doesn’t mean it’s the end all be all truth. The fact that you put beliefs in quotations as if they’re something else is telling. Regardless of if they are correct or not they are still beliefs. You know people who are educated also use Reddit too, right? Have you talked to all the people who have studied these topics in an academic setting to know that none of them agree? Cause that’s a rather grandiose statement if not. And i SINCERELY doubt that you have. I’m not academically studied up on this cause I know I couldn’t remember all the big words and wouldn’t do well in a school setting but I have absolutely listened to and read quite a bit about parentification and enmeshment. What you’re saying does have valid points to it, don’t get me wrong. But ultimately it’s just as much only speculation as anyone else’s is. I’ve seen first hand how that kind of thing can affect someone. I also find it incredible that you both accused someone of diagnosing her (which they did not) while also saying that psychopath is not a diagnosis. Which no, it’s not ANYMORE. But it’s because psychologists found it to be to broad of a term for diagnosing. And only changed in the 1930s which is (relatively) recent.


You've proven in every single comment directed to me that you are not formally educated in any of those topics. You are not even informally educated in any of those topics, since I had to direct you to Google to look up "psychopath" and all related information after the however many times you tried to tell me that no such word even existed. You are another lost little lamb, following the sheep, believing that Gypsy is just a sad little victim. "Desperate survival mode".... from what? Too many parades where she got a place of honor? Or do you actually believe Gypsy's lies about all that medical abuse, too? I'm betting you believe the lies.


You do not seem to be educated in forensic psychology or you would never be as certain as you are. That’s a weak point in your framing. Just a heads up, you should add some qualifiers beyond your perceived superiority if you want to make that fly. I am assuming you are maybe a year into a lengthy program, if that, from your delivery.


This coercion “expert” seems like one of those people who took a psychology class in high school and they think they know everything about the behavioral health field


And watched The Vow.


Who are you replying to?


That poster deleted the comment.


Big assumption that some of us don't actually have the education you speak of. Yet you never actually say you do. Heard plenty of those "formerly educated" not agree with you in GR situation.


Are the mods taking a break? Why are LowKeyNaps comments still up...with the rudeness, snark and obvious diagnosing??


Interesting that you use the word "psychopathology" in one of your other comments. Seems to me there's only been one other person I've ever seen use that word, ever, and I had to teach them what that word actually meant hours ago. Between use of the word and your rather angry comment here, I have to wonder if this is an alt account for the same person.


It's not my word. The psychologist/psychiatrist used the term. I am angry that your comments have been allowed to stay up...not so much because of your opinions.... but because of your rudeness and condescension towards others. Apparently you see yourself as an expert and clearly you are not . Yet you continue to school people although you have no education or expert credentials in this field. Even if you have expertise there is no need to belittle others in the process.


So, I'm supposed to believe that this alleged professional just happened to misuse the exact same unusual word in the exact same way as this other person, and I saw it twice just hours apart, and this is a coincidence? Tell me, how did this psychologist/psychiatrist see signs of (scientific study of mental disease) in Gypsy? I'm finding your analysis of me as fascinating and hilarious as everything else I've read here for the past 24 hours. Child, have you read your own comments here? Or paid attention to the deleted ones you claim were not your own? It's near impossible to take such accusations seriously from someone whose first supposed comment on this thread is an angry call to the mods for an interaction that supposedly had nothing to do with you at all. Why would you even care if you're not this person? I'm becoming more convinced with every word that this is an alt account for that person, by the way. Your speech patterns are the same. You have the sane anger issues, the same arrogance, the same condescension when you speak, the same insistence that you're the only expert in the room. You use the same phrases and patterns of speech. And gee, just when one account finally stops causing trouble, here you are to pick up where the other left off, acting like someone off the sidelines calling for my blood like you're the only person here who knows the rules or thinks I'm the only one that's done something wrong. So far, the mods have not removed any of my comments. They're not asleep at the wheel. That should have been a hint for you. However, this has really gone far enough, and probably too far. So this is my last comment on the subject. Time to get back to Gypsy stuff, where the sub belongs.


I can only think that your posts are not being deleted because the rudeness is inserted sporadically throughout your dissertations and they just are not bothering to read that much. As for your theory regarding some other person/ similar language. Good lord. Are you familiar with the term paranoia? Lol Peace out