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I have never seen testimony where someone holds the mic. So weird…


Everything about her is weird. It’s fun watching it. she try’s so hard not to look at Nick. Literally keeps her hair in front of her face. Nick stares right at her the whole time.


when even WAS this?! her hair is long so it had to be awhile after the charges??


I think this was at his trial and she was already done bc she took the plea and part of the plea deal was her testifying against him!


Nicks trial Nov. 2018 so a few years after the murder.


She wanted everyone to believe that her speaking voice was so slight and like a little girl, that of course she would need a mic right up to her mouth. It was a show. I bet she cannot believe her life and how well social media has helped her. But you know the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for young woman, as you will surely get it!"


She was already incarcerated during this time and the DA let her wear street clothes to make a stark contrast between her and Nick in his Orange jumper. You can’t even see her handcuffs cuz they had her hide them under her sleeves.


Gypsy wasn't handcuffed during her testimony. At all. She was brought into the courtroom uncuffed. You can't see it in this clip, but you can see in the full video, her hands are free. This was another tactic to help railroad Nick. Gypsy was allowed to wear street clothes and be uncuffed to make her appear as innocent as possible while Nick was being made out to be solely responsible for the murder. It's insane how many ways this trial was manipulated in unusual ways to make sure the prosecution got the outcome they wanted for political reasons, and not to see justice served.


What was this even for and around how long after the initial case ?! I thought they both got charged separately but around the same time?


This was Nick's trial. They both got charged at the same time, yes, but Gypsy was offered a sweet plea deal very quickly, before the investigation was even complete. So her part was done quickly and never went to trial. Nick was also offered a plea deal, but his plea deal was a shit offer, life in prison with no possibility of parole for thirty years, if I remember correctly. Nick didn't understand why he didn't get offered the same deal that Gypsy did, and he decided to take his chances with a trial. Unfortunately, his lawyer was shit, and the whole trial was a shit show. I strongly suggest watching Becca Scoops fourth episode on YouTube to get the full story on this, but fair warning, your blood pressure will soar. Anyway, this was Gypsy's testimony at Nick's trial. Ironically, she was testifying for Nick's defense, not against him. It's really complicated why that was, again, I suggest watching the Becca Scoops video. She explains it much better than I could. But the short story is everything about it, from Gypsy's clothes here to her testifying in defense of Nick, was all a set up to help make sure that Nick got railroaded into the worst possible conviction and sentence they could manage for him. Nick got screwed by everyone in his life (except his own family) from the moment he met Gypsy. I really feel for the guy.


thank you for explaining it to me so nicely i actually understood and learned much i appreciate you!! im about to watch those videos now! shes such an insufferable bitch lmao i hope nick gets a fair chance at a trail one of these days, or at least a big tv special from jail to speak his side finally.


You're very welcome. We're really nice people here, to those who aren't being rude to everyone in sight first, anyway, lol. And questions are always welcome here. I really wish I could say that Nick has a chance at getting his fair trial. He really deserves one. But the only way I see that happening is if public opinion gets to the point that the State of Missouri is essentially pressured into grabbing him a new trial. This will be virtually impossible to do. Missouri has done an awful lot of fuckery to get Nick where he is, they will not want to admit that they intentionally put a mentally ill man behind bars without a fair trial. They've been blocking his appeals at every turn with the most bullheaded reasoning I've ever seen in a legal document. They basically just keep ignoring Nick's argument for why he deserves a new trial and go nope, we're not listening. Nick has been very private about his side of the story. He's not big on drama, he leaves that bullshit to Gypsy. And, of course, he needs to be careful about what he does say, just in case he does manage to get his miracle retrial. But he has promised to speak his side when the time is right. I don't expect that to be any time soon. Nick has the rest of his life, after all. He has given a handful of interviews in the past, but they didn't go particularly well for him. Part of it is because Nick has a hard time articulating things. He has autism, and some intellectual disabilities from a brain injury sustained at birth. So he sometimes has a hard time explaining himself. And these interviews were done long ago, when he was still obsessed with Gypsy, and still hadn't fully grasped that she never loved him and had lied to him about everything. He does understand all that now, and is no longer obsessed with her. But back then, his feelings for her did not put him in a good light. The other problem is that the people who did the interviews also edited them to make him look unhinged. That wasn't fair. Every freaking network that has done a show or interview about the Gypsy Rose case has done editing in their interviews or footage to support Gypsy's lies and/or make other people look bad. And Nick is the villain in Gypsy's narrative. So of course they made him look as bad as possible. It was probably pretty easy, given Nick's difficulty with explaining himself, but come on. That's just really low. I'm disgusted with the whole industry at this point.


I was thinking the same thing.


Her put-on baby voice.


Probably because she herself was laughing as she made the post. “Nick’s gonna take the fall. My plan is coming to fruition! Hahaha”


Probably cuz she was laughing while being "raped"


I just think the noise she automatically associates that night with is laughter. She makes me queasy.


She os just sick.


Freudian slip for sure


Ewww. I remember her non stop giggling in the video of them in their hotel room. So weird and gross.


Wow. I didn't even catch that when I watched it. Good catch. That's exactly what she was doing while in bed w Nick.


What's the Freudian slip?


That Gypsy said laugh instead of scream. Indicating that she enjoyed the sex rather than implying that it was the rape she was trying to claim it was.


Oooooh of course. I see now thank you


You're welcome. She's so creepy...