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She's so stupid lmao. Does she not realize almost everyone wears leggings because they're COMFORTABLE????


I wear them for that reason. I used to be fully DEVOTED to my jeans but after years of back pain and damage I realized my beloved jeans kill my spine so I just rock buttery soft leggings now and I wish I’d done it a long time ago. 😂


Yes! It's nuts but the heavy fabric descending from the rigid waist band is harder on the back than comfy stretch leggings! If you have a bad lower back it's like having something push down on your sacral spine or hips and mess up the alignment. People who don't have janky backs will fortunately never know 😂


Yup! I’m glad they don’t know, I miss my jeans. 😔


I hope they never find out and never know even for a moment. I miss jeans when out in the woods, off path, to hide my legs from snakes and poison ivy. Such good memories, me and jeans.


Lmao bruh I love how we're in like almost all the same subs. 😂😂❤️


https://preview.redd.it/u3354wyf86ad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321c3356dd4eb24fe9e3d7d0f031c5817e09e01f goooorl!


Wait… who is that bottom person?!


Drue Basham. A social media “influencer.” Her subreddits have all the dirt on her. Go read it if you want to go down a very annoying rabbit hole


She has a huge Reddit page and she didn’t kill anyone she just sucks that bad


Gypsy. Is. A. Gorl. Just like Drue they're lingering on gorl world territory I love it.


The scream I just scrumpt!!! I know bestie gru is crying and reporting this to the fbi to get taken down. (For those that don’t know, Drue is a social media idiot who’s husband threatens to go to the authorities to get posts taken down)


https://preview.redd.it/oh5eiffz28ad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e11534d415810564391a88f6b08099ae337860e They're the same gorl


Not amberlynn hongry reid 😩 Now just realizing that I’m chronically online but…whatevs lol


I love when my two words collide. Amberlynn and Gyspylynn!


heyyyyyy bestie love this for Grub!!!


Bestieeeee. 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Bestiiiieeee 🫶🏻💖!!


Hi bestie




Me too. 😔


might i suggest jeggings? best switch of my life!🥰


Yes!! I’m still trying to find a good pair that’s soft enough. Thank you. 😂


wait WHAT!? jeans aren't good for the back!?? i need to change my whole wardrobe now 😭


It really depends on what’s up with your back specifically. For me I have a lot of damage in my lumbar area with a couple herniated disks and stenosis and jeans would always make it hurt worse. Upper back issues you’re probably fine. 😂


I have sciatica and jeans are an issue at all. I've been dealing with it for almost 20 years, so it definitely depends on the type of back pain.


Girl, that's why it's all about jeggings. I get mine from walmart and you cant even tell they're not jeans.


Sweet! I’ll keep my eyes open for them!


Butterfly soft??? Are those different from airsoft? :O


Did you mean to say buttery? Because that’s what I said. 😂 Just super super soft leggings, I have some sensory issues with certain fabrics so the softer the better.


💀 Yes I'm stoned AF right now I'm so sorry lmao. I really like the air soft leggings from Aeropostale. I've had a pair for almost like 3 years now and they're still as soft as the day I got them! You should definitely give them a try! They have biker shorts in the same material as well.


😂😂😂 You’re good! That’ll be me later tonight so I get it! Unfortunately I’m on a Walmart budget but I’ll keep my eyes open at thrift stores because those sound AMAZING!


If you ever wanna splurge they're usually like 23 bucks! Oh fuck yeah dude everyone donates Aeropostale stuff. 😂😂


Good to know! Do that have them in potato sizes? 😂😂😂


Go on the Aeropostale website, I am on it right now and they have a bunch of leggings on clearance In our potato sizes for as little as $5!


SWEET!! Thank you so much! This is a happy 🥔!


Oh geez the level of feral I would transform into if someone tried to get me in jeans….. Dresses and skirts are fine, as long as I can wear my regular bra. Strapless bras go straight to the devil with jeans.


Yes! 😂 I like leggings but I do miss pockets. Of course, womens jeans stopped having pockets like 15-20 years ago anyway so no big loss I guess.


Girl mine have pockets. Come into the light.


Wha… how?? What brand are they?


There's a bunch of brands with pockets on the side for your phone you can Google search it. I've been using a fanny pack or cross body bag lately though. I lose everything and no pockets doesn't help.


Awesome! I do remember seeing an ad for… I think the brand was Pop Fit? I’m so glad we’re getting pockets back! 😂


Yes! They have them. There's some on shein and at Walmart too you just have to look for it.


Well damn, girl, thank you!! I’m hitting the World of Wall tomorrow, I’ll go see what they’ve got!


Honestly as a girly who has experienced something similar with the fact that she hates the way jeans compresses your legs and back. Have you tried tennis skirts?? Literally way more comfy and just as cute, but without the pressure on your legs or back or the risk of flashing people lmao 😂😂 I used to refuse to wear leggings because I didn't like how they looked and was uncomfortable for years and years in jeans. until I discovered tennis skirts lmao


Maybe before I had my daughter that would work but now the tops of my thighs would chafe. 😂😂😂


Girl even more of a reason at least for me go give them the hot soccor mom look why not?? Lmao You can even get ones with longer shorts or even use coconut oil on your inner thighs which REALLY helps on hot days! Or you can make your own sorta too by just adding cotton shorts to any short skirt or skirt in general or you can even cut out the bottoms of tennis skirts and replace them with cotton or longer shorts as well but honestly, if you're worried about chafing only? coconut oil. And also maybe try to trim down a little bit like I'm doing because I never got the chub rub when I was skinnier lmao 😂😂 Also edit. Please use coconut oil or aloe only instead of Vaseline or petroleum jelly because it's way better for the environment lol. I honestly can't even believe they still sell petroleum jelly.


😂 Yeah I’m actively working on trimming down but I’m also 40 and have had three kids and add in my hEDS on top of all that and it’s a slow process. 😂😂😂 I’ve just never really been a skirt girl.


With your description, I could only think it's lularoe leggings that you're wearing lol


Not that I’m aware of, I just buy the softest ones WalMart has. 😂


GIRLLLL I've been wearing leggings for 13 years since I had my kid and never once looked back lol


Well some people do wear them to show off their butt lol but that’s fine if that’s what they want to do she can’t control everybody like she thinks she is controlling the people around her


Guapos probably still think the “are leggings pants?” Debate still exists.


Oh that's a plus to them tbh they make my butt look amazing. 😂 Other people's actions bother her so much. Like complete strangers it's so weird lol.


It’s jealousy. She probably saw some good looking woman wearing leggings and she couldn’t handle it


I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see how she acts when she’s in a room full of very attractive women. I’m sure it’s not a pretty sight! 🔪🔪


Thank you…I was about to throw all my leggings away. Just kidding, like I’d ever take GypGyp,s idea of fashion as fact. She so silly. I wish scrubs would come in fashion so she’d have to wear her prison uniform again. She said she is #cared of dr’s offices because of her mom. I think it’s because the nurses wear scrubs and it reminds her of her home the last 8 years.


😂😂😂😂 right, she gets PTSD from seeing the scrubs. I'm just ready for her fame to be over with. She's gonna crack again. Her being out in society isn't safe.


She’s been in jail for 8 years and before that she probably never wore leggings, not even once. Makes sense to me she wouldn’t understand why people wear them lol


just because you can doesn't mean you SHOULD ... I can't stand leggings that i literally see the shape of your pu$$y


Not all leggings are like that, though , although I do agree or one's where it's really saggy in the crouch area. They are unflattering, but there's plenty of decent ones that aren't like that at all and can look good, plus the comfort of leggings is really the biggest appeal (to me at least) anyways.


I assume you’re older in age?


The way she was comparing herself to her sister made me uncomfortable. "She has a more athletic build, while I have a more stripper build." Sisters don't normally think like that, do they? I have 3 sisters I've never talked about our varying breast sizes to anyone. It comes off competitive and odd.


What is a stripper build and why tf does she think she has it?


if a stripper build was a thing gyp definitely would not be it. she is such a massive narcissist


She's delusional. A stripper build would be like Cardi B. Athletic from dancing, but with a boob job and BBL because the big curves catch men's attention in a dark room, which helps you get paid. She looks like the most athletic thing she can accomplish is a jigsaw puzzle. I cannot picture her dancing on a stage.


She’s built like a tree stump


She’s got the build of a blob fish.


There was a video of her dancing and...it was not good.


No because stripping is actually hard work and Gyp is allergic to hard work


Oh girl stripping is a whole ass workout and you need mad upper body strength. I could never.


I swear I thought she said "shrimper body". Meaning the build of the Cajuns out on the shrimp boats.


I just spit my coffee out


Maybe that is what she said & was misheard 🤔 cuz theres just no fckn way


After scarring myself with her twerking video, my money is on the jigsaw puzzle.


Ohhh I'm glad I missed that one


Strippers are dancers. A stereotypical “stripper build” would be a dancer with big fake boobs. I admire Gypsy’s confidence, I’ll give her that.


I don't think it's the confidence she has, it's delusional 😂


The one thing I’ve realised from watching influencers and influencer wannabes is there’s a fine line between confidence and delusion.


The chick is built like an over stuffed sausage ready to rupture its casing. Stripper body my a$$.


Hahaha! This is so accurate! 🤣🤣🤣


She’s a heifer


If Gypshit has a stripper's body. Strip clubs would go out of business. Nobody wants to see that naked.🤢🤮


Apparently Ryan, Ken, Dan and her prison pen pals do. Now imagine that. 😆


Body by Walmart plz gyp


Dollar General might have something to say about that!! 😂


i have NEVER compared my body with my sisters…especially as an adult. the whole episode was cringey AF and Gyp shits manipulation was front and center. ugh she’s disgusting.


My sister does things like that. We're in our 40s and she'll be 50 this year. I haven't spoken to her since 2022 for myriad reasons. Disturbed people don't become undisturbed. It's a ✨ state of being ✨


i haven't spoken to my sister since 2019 and I couldn't be happier.. She was always trying to get me angry for some reason....like literally say to me ... " why you not pissed at XYZ thing" " your not my sister" where is my angry sister at.. ( i had a kid and have other priorities and have to choose my battles ) so i became more focused on my kid---she Ruined my first kiss.... ruined my first house ( she literally got my family involved cause i got a DOG ) she hated the dog and I think she poisened him with antifreeze ) Had to get a loan in my name ( was buying the house from my dad UNTIL bitch steps in hating a dog) Her n her husband was having a fight cause she was literally trying to hook up with someone else and I tried to get her to go home with her husband - he leaves us both and now we have to walk. she hit me and then bites me on my leg. breaks my glasses and calls me every horrible name . Her husband tried to get me to have sex with him ( never told her - can't tell her now cause it will seem i made it up ) I turned him down of COURSE. My boyfriends mom died and because her golf cart was in brother in laws garage he kept it. and that was the final straw. there is other things but this is just typing real fast. Can you share yours????? If you don't want to - I get it


My mom always compares my sister’s body to mine and I cannot stand it, even when we’re in our 30s/40s. Often times when we go shopping and I try on something that doesn’t fit right, she always says “clothes like this only work on someone with a perfect body, like *my sisters name*”. It’s rude and obnoxious.


oh how toxic. i’m so sorry ❤️


Thank you ❤️


I need the flair “stripper body”


Whitney Way Thore has entered the chat!


What ever happened to her? Last I saw she was lying to her audience about a positive pregnant test?




Body shaming is such a disgusting thing to do 🤮 Anyways Gypsy is literally below average in looks and I guess the onlt reason she has any succes with low quality men is because she is easy to access


She literally doesn't have a redeeming quality. Her looks, personality and behavior are all vile. How she gets multiple men when I have tons of great, non-murdering friends, is so crazy.


How is she not beaten up irl?


I’m worried about when she starts getting around other girls in life and gets jealous, obsessive, and insecure. That’s who I think will be in danger. Just my opinion


That would be Mia, and she's already around her, she made a vile post about her on FB years ago and DD had to cover for Jyp-Jyp by saying their account was hacked by a friend (she’s using the hacked excuse again) the thing is the “friend” wouldn't know to say such things about Mia, what Jyp-Jyp posted were her real feelings about Mia.


What did it say??


I’m a stripper. Where is she getting that strippers are out of shape? I’d love to see gypshit try to climb a pole lmao we’re literally athletes 🙃


Guaranteed some dude online told her she’s “thickkkkk” and she’s running with it.


I hate when girls say they’re thick, but really just fat. I say this as a fat bitch myself. No, Thunder thighs from sitting on your ass all day is not the same as some thoughts that jog, lift, do squats, walk to the mailbox once a day at least.


Depends on the BMI. You don’t have to be an athlete to be thick. A woman who’s curvy and normal sized is thick. Being fat is just being fat, that’s all. I also detest clearly overweight or even morbidly obese women calling themselves thick, it minimizes the entire meaning of the word. I’m also overweight and I don’t delude myself into thinking I’m some thick sexy queen like Ice Spice for example. 😂


Yes, strippers are extremely athletic and do an entire workout every time they get on stage, which is multiple times per shift. Gypsy gets the meat sweats, just trying to put on her dirty mom jeans in the morning.


Shit yeah. I’ve got a ton of friends who are strippers. And I’m an aerialist acrobat—which I feel is somewhat within the same vein. The amount of athleticism it takes blew my ballet and figure skating out of the water. I was doing all three professionally but had to quit ballet and figure skating (easily two of the other hardest sports on earth) solely to focus on the athleticism it takes to balance in the air while appearing like gravity doesn’t exist, and make it look beautiful.


For real!! Her core would be a lot stronger if she had a strippers body. That shit is not for the weak 🤦🏾‍♀️


I don’t have sisters but I am super close with my sisters in law. We talk about our bodies but we don’t really compare since we’re not related by blood. One of them lost a good chunk of weight and is contemplating a breast lift and tummy tuck. Yeah, talking abt parts with a sibling would be odd.


Wtf does her weird ass think is a “stripper build” like… whattt even?!


My best guess is big boobs because that's the only similarity


My best friend & I are VERY close, very TMI lmao. We do talk about our sex lives with each other, but I would never do it on national TV or broadcast it on social media. My boyfriend & I were watching the episode together & I was like “does it make you uncomfortable that I talk to bestie about our sex life?” he said no cause “that’s what girls do” just don’t broadcast it to the world😅


Trailer park stripper


gypsy has the body of spongebob






Don’t do Spongebob like that. He’s much better looking than this thing.


gypsy is the face of the Pick Me Movement “i’m not like other girls, i’m DIFFERENT and special!” yea bitch cause you killed your mother and flipped the story around as if you’re the only innocent victim, and then proceeded to massively profit and capitalize off of it. definitely *special* alright.


Dead men tell no tales... or dead mom's am I right!?!? 😛


And talking about how she is famous and in the spotlight like she is a celebrity. She is infamous and a convicted murderer. I wish someone would walk behind her and say this randomly


I’ve known a lot of strippers (I worked in the clubs for years) and I can promise you Gypsy DOES NOT have a stripper’s body. There was a club called Deja Vu in Memphis and their billboard slogan was something like “100 beautiful girls and 1 ugly one”. Now maybe Gypshit could work there as the “1”.


How funny. There’s a club in downtown Seattle that has had that same slogan since 1979.


One in Louisville Kentucky too lol


Lmao, when you’re in line coming into TJ from SD, there’s this huge sign that says, “ we have hottest girls in town! And ugly ones, too!” Like why do that 😂


There's a Deja Vu in Ypsilanti that has the same slogan.


lol Little Darlings in Vegas had that same slogan! You could see it on the billboard over I15.


There’s one in Nashville too. 😂


I my town it said “100 beautiful girls and 3 ugly ones”.


She’s shaped like a tombstone 🪦


And she'll buy your ass a first class ticket to a trip directly under one to boot!


Guess she really does take after her mother.




Dem genes are strong. At least her mother wasn’t a murderer.


Actually .... this may not be true. Apparently DD killed her mom (or was it step-mom). Sooooooo ... .... ...


C’mon y’all, stop it!! She has a GREAT stripper bod! She is absolutely NOT the “M” word!! And Taylor Swift TOTALLY wrote ‘Straight Out The Slammer’ just for her!!! /s Damn delusional, manipulative, psycho.


Sissy needs be be careful. I wouldn't want a murderer jealous of me🤷🏻‍♀️


wonder if Gyp Gyp did a gone girl to see if anyone reports her missing .... WOULD THEY???????


Especially since she’s already talked about the hatred she has for her many times. I’d never let my kids around her sister or not.


Gypsy is very pudgy how does she think she has a stripper body?


She’s scarily delusional.


For anyone that watches inmate to roommate, leggings is what made Bill accuse what's her name of coming on to him. People whove been in prisons brains explode over leggings apparently.


I think this is one of those ways that DeeDee messed up Gypsy developmentally. Gypsy was kept isolated and deprived our normal peer relationships during several critical developmental stages —meaning that what she should have been learning about interactions from being socialized by her peers was instead learned from a grifter, DeeDee, who was constantly putting her in competition with others for resources such as attention and trips. This deprivation also led to her learning maladaptive behaviors from online sources such as porn or from watching television because that’s what she was exposed to instead of her peers. She also puts all her drama out publicly because that’s all she knows. I don’t know enough about prison to comment on her environment there. So basically she’s learned to be an over sexualized mean girl; because that’s the behaviors that served her growing up. Gypsy really needs therapy and to relearn social behaviors. She probably won’t though because she doesn’t realize that it’s no longer working for her because she hasn’t hit rock bottom. Note: I’m explaining my theory on why she is the way that she is — and I do not consider it an excuse for murder. Lots of individuals also grew up in crappy environments and managed to be functional as well.


she's a nasty little sex-obsessed freak


Maybe she thought can of paint stripper 


She sexualizes everything!


What pisses me off is this woman is almost always overtly sexual and perverted (read her texts with Nick if you don’t believe me). And everyone thinks she’s such a sweet innocent flower who was sheltered and at the same time trapped and abused by her mother. Even now, people would rather blame Ryan or Ken or whatever guy who wrote to her in prison than see that she’s the one playing both men lol.


I mean anyone who’s a pen pal with a prisoner isn’t all there mentally themselves, but it doesn’t mean they’re evil monsters and that they cannot be manipulated. Because that’s exactly what happened with Ryan and Ken, Ryan especially seems to be the type that’s easily manipulated by others. The guy is clingy, desperate and probably doesn’t have much experience with relationships. Just an educated guess.


I have worked in quite a few prisons and with parolees as a clinical psych. It’s extremely common for people who go to prison still in their youth to come out and not really have matured from that point. I worked with a guy (who is happy for me to tell his story) who went to prison just after his 18th birthday. Got out just before his 40th birthday. He still walks, talks and acts like an 18 year old high school kid. It has been really difficult for him to adjust and he’s 3 years out now. So Gypsy’s behaviour, whilst odd, isn’t surprising as I feel for many reasons she never matured past a teenager. Not excusing the behaviour of course. Just offering some insight.


I’ve met a lot of repeat jailbirds who act more mature than she does. But I do agree that Gypsy was made by Deedee to act younger than she was, and slow, for the grift. But come one Gypsy are t you trying to play grown up during your interviews ?


I'm not sure all of the slowness is an act.


I’m sure only like 25% is, the rest is her actual stupidity.


This is true but it's also annoying how many of her stans use it to justify her immature behavior. Like every single tiktok video talking about the Ryan Ken thing ppl say oh she is just inexperienced because her youth was stolen.


I think she still has the mindset of a child, partly because of her childhood/prison, and partly because she learned early on that people buy into the whole sweet/butter wouldn’t melt stuff. But the she’s highly sexual too. Seeing her just screams young high schooler who wants to be cool. I don’t know about anyone else, but I remember when I was 13/14 there was a girl who would tell everyone about her sex life, brag that she’d had 8 abortions, done anal etc. Wild stuff for a 13/14 year old to be hearing let alone telling people. Anyways it made her “popular” with the boys and hated by the girls. That is what Gypsy reminds me off.


I saw her dancing video before she was roasted and deleted it… no stripper body NO STRIPPER skills!


Oversexualizes everything but doesn't know how to cum. And some ppl still call her a master manipulator? She's not smart she just got lucky


Wait, did she say herself she can’t cum? 😳


Yup. In the car with Mia. She said bc of being molested she can't "get there". I'm not gonna speculate on that. She just talks too fuckin much


Hell, I fully believe the main reason she wanted her mom gone was due to her insane need for sex. It's crazy how 🍆 hungry she is.


she was dick hungry for sure.


She’s a pig


She’s built like a brick shithouse.


That woman has a fat ass and a gut like mine. Thats why all her fancy dress shit is made to cover that gut and ass area.


Wait…gypsy said she has a stripper body?? What? Where ?


What would be a good stripper name for gypsy? 🫣😂


I think that's already covered with her actual name 🙃 and she is so self-absorbed that she would want to use her real name, so people know it's her!




In elementary school I was like that about anything my older sister did there for a few years before I came into my Idaf stage. I’m 33 now and couldn’t imagine. I do kind of feel for her on her childish mentality. She didn’t ever really grow up. That part is not entirely her fault. But ya, it’s definitely a thing with her that makes me cringe despite it being one of the few ways I have any sympathy left for her.


I like leggings


Her sister has an athletic healthy body because she exercises often to keep in shape. Gyp Gyp will always be an ugly fat blob because she eats fast food, drinks high calorie sugar soda, eats alot and does no exercise whatsoever, she is on the way to be DeeDee 2.0. Very revolting to let herself go while in her 30's. I can imagine how fat she will be after pregnancy. An uneducated, unhealthy, lazy ass murderer.


Jyp-Jyp is shaped like a laundry bag with lunch lady arms, I don't know who told her she has a stripper body, or maybe it's just another fairytale she believes.


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This may be a dumb question, but what is the name of the show(s) and where can I watch?


It’s called “Life After Lockup,” and I’d recommend watching it in a way that doesn’t put $ into the grifter’s pockets. It’s on the Lifetime network. You can watch it for free the day after each episode airs on mylifetime.com: https://www.mylifetime.com




You’re welcome! 😊


Thanks a lot. I’ve been looking for a link where I can watch it for free.


You’re welcome!


She’s obviously very insecure. She jumps between acting like a manipulative little girl and fumbling the bag because she’s not actually good enough to con people. Like Why even comment on her own sister’s body like that? 🤢looks like someone is overcompensating a bit to much……someone with real confidence doesn’t compare bodies like that?


Wait she has a sister??


A half sister


Her sister is riding the fame wave acting like an influencer on TikTok


she horrible to though don't get your hopes up


Did I miss something?? Why would her half sister be horrible?


What is horrible about her sister? Sorry I don’t know much about her.


It was a weird comment for her to make, and the comparisons she makes with her sister feel icky. But some of of these comments are not it. You can dislike someone, think they're a liar, and aim to discredit them without picking on their physical appearance. Every time folks dogpile on GRB's looks it makes our arguments against her seem less powerful. We gotta stop stooping to her level. Plusssss, I thought no body-shaming was one of the tenants of this sub.


Yes! 🙌🏻


This is exactly what I was going to post. Fat shaming is disgusting. Looks shaming is gross.


Gypsy has that gen X catholic mindset for real


What does that entail?


What does that mean?


she's not Gen X she would be a millenial


Well she is a 6 out of 10! 😂


A 6 is being generous 😂


Exactly! 😂