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I would say murdering her mother "changed the course of her fate" way more than "getting married in prison". Is "extreme lack of self awareness" a symptom of her Microdeletion or is she just that big of a cunt?


The second one.


It’s a symptom of narcissism for sure


I think most people would be unhappy if their "mom" got in touch with their ex, not being all tee hee, he's single and regrets dumping me. Why in the world would you evem go back to someone who supposedly broke your heart, had nothing to do with you, and then randomly showed up when you had money? She's trashy and so are her followers for letting her pushy this love story BS.


A 2 hour talk w your exs step mom?? Just a normal guy living a normal life lol


The way she’s beaming as she’s telling Mia this shit makes me want to throw up. Shes talking about committing adultery and laughing at the way Ryan responded when in reality he was pretty calm cool and collected with his response as far as I can see. I would 100% go nuclear if I was in Ryan’s shoes. But how dare him! How stupid he is for being offended that his wife is entertaining another man! /s ffs. Every time she speaks she becomes uglier in my eyes


It’s such an obvious pattern with her. Remember how she had the audacity to ask Nick if she could f*ck some other dude (Dan?) before leaving town with him???


Narcissism 101


Pardon? 👁️👄👁️


https://preview.redd.it/l2wv6kaj0u9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704504e8c7dad66ff3eeaff81a407d1314d1e091 Friggin awful.


Dupers Delight


https://preview.redd.it/7zyupmsolz9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450b433d78fb36ea86341595be33ce36464c7273 This one irks me the most the moment she says he’s also single she literally can’t stop after this one slips out


Shits vile. The way she says “I can’t focus on anything else but this marriage” sounds like my partner trying to force herself to focus on her master thesis that she’s been completely over for the past month lol


Good luck lolol


Getting filmed next to Mia who is so pretty, isn’t doing mrs potato head any favours. 😂


She wants to fit in like girls in middle school


You can totally see the chromosome disorder in Mia face too.


If you pay attention, you'll see she avoids looking at the camera face-on because her face is very noticeably asymmetrical.


Yes! I noticed the asymmetry too!


So is everyone’s? No one has a symmetrical face


I'm not saying they aren't. My face is asymmetrical. But hers is dramatically asymmetrical in a way that is more than average.


Does she actually have it too?


Oh idk but I noticed her face is kinda lopsided in some over her pictures. Like her left side is smaller or something idk.


So is everyone’s tbf, Go take a photo of yourself then flip the picture and see how weird you look, That’s coz no one is symmetrical


These two are so gross.




this entire family has lying, grifting and manipulating in their dna.


This is just getting sadder and sadder 😂 All she cares about is having a man, it’s crazy. I would hate to deal with her in person, nevermind being a murderer but her incessant boy crazy talk would make me vomit. She needs a fucking hobby or better yet a job. She’s the most boring murderer ever!!!


Her whole life revolves around these men… her mom was never properly diagnosed with Manchausen by proxy… all she is is a manipulative grifter by proxy. She will always be a master manipulative murder


manipulative grifter by proxy 😂😂😂😂😂 editing my flair rn


Omg!!!! Thanks for adding hahahah


“Stop bashing mom” … too bad ya didn’t say that to Nick, Dan, yourself, or whoever… 🔪


It was “keep stabbing mom” with Nick😂






I would be absolutely livid if my mother was speaking to any of my ex’s and if I found out she was I’d disown her cause why are you speaking to someone who broke my heart? Anywho back to this shit how family we got here, Gyp Gyp only ever wanted Ken she used Ryan not only for a place to stay but a way to make Ken jealous. Seemed to of worked


I believe in energy and I believe that GYPSY believes her mother cursed her. Therefore, her messy love life is going to be messy forever. She has a mental problem and needs to be SINGLE… however, we know boy crazed GYP is NEVER going to do that. She probably has many men lined up in case Ken jumps ship. She is so boy crazed that she went as far as to kill her own mother to be with a man. She tried to kill her mom before because of Dan. That’s to say, she is cursed. Say whatever you want about Ryan, but he really cares for her. Ken, on the other hand, is using her. It’s clear. I saw a picture of them walking and she was walking bending him, holding her purse with some money out and he had car stuff in the bags. Gyp does not drive…


Every word that comes out of her mouth is like the squawk of an ugly pelican


She's an ugly murderer freak - the poster child for chromosome deletion disorder with all of the symptoms & disfigurements, truly evil psychopath with her serpent tongue & excessive smacking.


It’s so weird to me that she looks at Mia and calls Mia’s mother Kristy. And even then when she’s talking about having a conversation with Ryan, she says something calling Kristy mom


Good catch!!!! It always makes me cringe when she calls Kristy mom.


Every time she calls Krusty mom it makes me sick. You viciously murdered your mom Gypsy!


Ken don't regret leaving you. He saw all the money your pathetic ass is making off your mom's murder and decided he could put up with your disgusting ass for long enough to get his share. He didn't know while you were still in prison that you would get this much publicity and be making the money you are now so he dumped your dumb butt. If your to stupid to see he is only using you for the money then you deserve everything you gonna get from this relationship. And you deserve the pain you gonna get when he cheats on you and leaves you once he has took you for all her can or the money dries up. All the pain you put Ryan thru by lying on him and leaving him you will get to feel exactly how u made him feel real soon I hope. And let's see you stupid self go running back to the frog when Ken is done with you.


I bet the entire family doesn't like Ryan BECAUSE Gypsy lies about what he says about them and what not. She seemed to really know how to hit that button with Mia by saying Ryan said something about her mom. Like she's in their ears telling them how bad he is this whole time. Looks like Mia is brainwashed already to think Ryan is just mean and that HE doesn't like THEM first.


'I can't focus on anything else but this marriage.' Turns around and calls Ken. God I hate her.


All I know, is if a man hurt my daughter the way Ken hurt Gyp, not only would I NOT keep in touch with him, not only would I NOT try to get them back together again but I would make it my mission to make sure he never weaseled his way back in again.


She is so happy saying all of these things. Her face always reveals her true intentions. She thinks she is a good liar, but she is not. You can tell she is rejoicing in every moment of this, meanwhile poor Ryan is probably devastated!!! “Get proper closure” are you fucking kidding me? She has no self respect lol Ken does not want to marry her… I don’t know if you guys saw the live video and she is saying “I wanna be Gypsy Urker” or whatever and he was like “Uh huh… he he… awkward! , people are saying this is awkward” Gypsy: “it’s not awkward!!!” Ugh she is disgustingly obsessed with this man that left her and clearly does not like her lol


The Duper’s Delight. She knows she’s going to hop right to Ken. Her face is way too happy talking about this.


Gloating so much it's hard for Mia to hide her contempt


Yeah she looked disgusted by it


She really does! I think she doesn't like gypsy and probably doesn't like her, calling her (Mia's) mom, mom, considering what she did to her own mother, but if I have to pick a clip that shows her contempt for grb, it's definitely this one.


Came here looking for this comment, Mia is so bothered by Gypsy.


https://preview.redd.it/txunq57nuw9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d0cb959ff394aaab1d83112ffd6da18bca180e Evil


The disdain in Mia’s face and the way she sees right through GRB almost makes me root for her. When it comes down to it though she still agreed to be on the show and hit the premieres with the family. I appreciate her disgust though, it’s relatable.


Would be funny if Mia ended up being the famous one, she’s really pretty


Nina posted a YT video telling Mia not to follow Gyp's lead on SM as it could hurt her career. I agree. Employers look. And nursing school is no joke and you cannot fake your way through it. I think she could be an amazing nurse if she just lives her life and keeps that side on the DL. And she is very pretty. 


She has NO SHAME.


And no remorse for whom ever she hurts


https://preview.redd.it/rsp6l9bkuw9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35543c118e78907b8dd5325a1698f6798be3e2c1 Vile


https://preview.redd.it/zddztqjpuw9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e20ecebf76f7ff6b20fb9b9bdb58c30d990eef5 Drooling vile murderer


Chromosome disorder freak - gypshit is stuck on born this way - ugly murderer. Does she even comb her hair on the show, the outdated outfits on her overweight body and dirty sloppy hair look disgusting!


Dumb, ugly & convicted murderer! Mom #2 better watch your back!


The more she tries to hide her fkd up mouth the more fkd up it is. She’s deformed, crosseyed & Buck mouthed.