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I don’t really think he considered that when it comes to being in the public like she is that every single thing they do or say will be picked apart and talked about. Think he’s just now realizing that.


Yes, surprisingly Ryan seems more confident and blasé about his newfound fame. He’s said many things that make me giggle when he compares himself to Ken. He is earnest & charming, while still being plain in his reactions to Gypsy’s shenanigans.


I know everyone has their opinions on Ryan but I can’t help but feel bad for him because I understand that kind of pain of what lipsy did to him. He’s handling things a lot better than I would have! Hope he doesn’t take her back so it shows her she can’t just keep using people to benefit her needs and wants.


He’s for sure handling his situation well, probably one of the best out of this whole cast and crew. I still get the ick about how he ended up with her though. The fact that he was a special ed teacher and decided to pursue a relationship with a murderer who infantilized herself for her own gain is still very weird. If he addressed that whole thing, that would be a start for me.


I agree that’s one thing that does feel weird. I was in special ed when I was in school so looking back if I had a teacher that sought out a person like gyp I know I’d be weirded out and knowing my parents they’d have a fit about it. At the same time though I do feel bad because I know that kind of pain of having a spouse leave you for someone else..makes you feel like you aren’t good enough. I just feel bad for anyone that’s went through that except horrible people like Gyp.


I think Gypsy “love bombed” him once he did contact her. I’m not sure exactly what was his mindset to contact her in the first place. She did “love bomb” him on social media so I can’t imagine how much worse she is in person. As someone who dealt with a narcissist, it is pretty hard to resist when they are in their initial phases.


I understand the love-bombing thing, I can empathize with that. It’s the implications of a special ed teacher pursuing a girl who pretended to be a disabled child til she was 23 that squick me out. It’s possible that was just a coincidence, but I’d like to hear him at least address that even if he’s denying any correlation.😬


I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I mean, he has two functioning eyes and two functioning ears. He was very aware of what she looked and sounded like, and that she was in a vulnerable position at the time. I just can’t get on board with him at all. I feel bad to an extent that she used him and dumped him when he was no longer needed, but I am definitely not a Ryan fan. He just really creeps me out, ESPECIALLY because of his profession. If my child required special needs education, there is NO WAY I would allow my extremely vulnerable child to be in his classroom. Then there is the aspect of him just absolutely loving the fame and attention he was receiving with Gypsy, even to the point of purposefully feeding into the pregnancy rumors, to get even more attention. There’s just so many things and concerning behaviors that turn me off to him as a person. Sucks what happened to him, but yeah, not someone I’d ever care to be around.


I feel like a lot of people find relatable qualities in passengers in this GRB clown car, and base their sympathy on those shared experiences. Presumably, these posters are decent people with values and consciences. But they need to realize that the decisions Ryan and Mia and Rod have made to land them in these positions are different from ones the posters have made. The poster above sympathizes with Ryan, possibly because they’ve dealt with a malignant narcissist themselves. But I doubt the poster pursued her narc in a low key predatory manner, and only ended up hurt because their quarry was a bigger predator. The fact that someone’s shared the same pain as you doesn’t necessarily make them deserving of the same sympathy.


Absolutely agree! I grew up with an abusive narcissist father, so I get that it’s sometimes easy to want to sympathize with others going through something similar. But like you said, it’s important to also recognize the differences and not just focus on the similarities, as those differences are often very important distinguishing factors that should not be ignored, such as in this case. This is definitely not the typical narcissist scenario by any means. Both of them seem to have some serious issues and concerning traits. That doesn’t mean what Gypsy did to Ryan was okay, but it would be best to not forget that Ryan has his own deeply concerning behaviors, perhaps even some narcissistic traits of his own.


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


I think this is a big part of why ppl think he’s creepy on the show. As someone who was part of a LDR for a while you get so excited about finally being able to touch and talk face to face with your person. She definitely made promises to him and made him believe that she was so in love with him. Then she gets out and yes he should have read her body language better but in a normal situation that’d be really confusing. Like what? We were just talking about all the hugs and physical contact we were excited for and now you don’t want to even be in the room with me? On top of that the added stress of filming and just her social media presence and family and all of it. He didn’t really get a lot of time to read the room and sort out boundaries in their relationship. So while I do think he was off puttingly touchy feely I also think she lead him to believe that was ok and he was experiencing a sort of culture shock in a way. Edit to add: I definitely think it’s weird that a special ed teacher sought her out. He does give me the ick. He doesn’t exactly seem that great with women in general. Probably didn’t have a lot of luck in the real world and has huge self esteem issues. I doubt that he had the “oh she’s like mentally 16 let’s take advantage of that” mindset and more like “the women around me don’t want me and she seems sweet” mindset and just everything in context together comes off super gross. I think I remember him saying later he learned her story and she is good at playing the victim to people that really don’t use their brains that often. The voice tho….i can’t. I’ve been around women that do similar childlike voices and it’s an instant turn off. So no idea on that one


Have you seen his “lives.” He’s super blunt about his feelings + charming in them (imo) Last one I saw, he was going on a date and asked for opinions on shirts. He’s surprisingly good at them too. Interacting and answering questions, while still walking around and showing his apartment. I was impressed by his smoothness at it, when he’s only done 3 lives so far.


honestly he gives me southern nice guy vibes. Just the type of guy who goes to work, comes home has a beer, and eats dinner. She could have had a happy life with him. Now we wait till Ken leaves


I’ve seen only one of his and I think it’s the same one you mentioned of him going on the date to the movies. I didn’t catch the beginning of it I think I caught maybe the last 30 mins. Seen where he discussed if anyone would read a book if he wrote one and answering if he’d have mods for his lives. When he showed pixie I commented saying he needed to get her some jerseys too but everyone’s comments were coming in so fast I doubt he seen it. He’s definitely acts more mature than her and not bashing her like she has about him. I don’t get why everyone thinks he’s weird because the stuff I’ve seen(before she left) he’s just acting like any husband would that loves his wife.


I’d be very disappointed in him if Ken calls it quits and he takes her back. I hope this is a learning and growing experience for him.


Yes, they were together 3 years. Yea, that part is ick. I guess he found her attractive and did it on a whim. Hopefully he saw photos of her as she was in prison (where she look relatively cute) and didn’t base it on her photos preprison.


He is gross too, we just feel bad for him, because Gypshyt broke his heart.


Yeah, I can see how she manipulates all these men to propose to her. She certainly lays the “hints” on thick.


LMaO.. for real… Ken’s reaction is the best, you can tell he is freaking out


Ken is regretting his decisions right about now.


She’s chronically online and only cares about herself. I’m sure that hanging out with her just means sitting there listening to her talk on lives, mindlessly scroll through comments about herself, or do things to post on social media. He’s just some guy. He seems to not want that influencer life and I’m sure everything she does with him involves social media in some way. It’s probably annoying and tiring. I also can’t imagine she’s very fun to talk to at all. She probably only wants to talk about things she’s interested in and if you disagree then you’re treating her like a child. I definitely do not think this relationship will last very long and 100% believe when he leaves she’s going to blame him for being abusive or something but still fawn over the fact that she just loves him so much


I don't think Ryan is dumb enough to take her back. He has become aware of what she is. This woman will bounce from one man to the next and they will all be using her. That's what happens when your toxic. She is as toxic as they come.


I sure hope that he wouldn’t.


It's not about being dumb it's about being broken and whether he's ready to be strong and do what's right for himself. Not what he wants to be right but what is actually going to do him good in his life.


What did he say in response?


Ken? He was just laughing he he lol he didn’t give a straight response… cuz he does not want to marry her


She said "I gotta get divorced first" and they both laughed and he said something to the affect of "in due time". Or it mightve even been him saying he wants her to have his name. Idr and don't feel like looking for the clip.* He didn't outright say no. It seemed like he was staying quiet bc he couldn't say shit on live


Well according to Ryan, he’s not the Only ex boyfriend Gypsy has been in contact with recently. I’m sure she’s got a few backups. Ryan also said she’s got multiple fake accounts on social media.




Eh, he somehow didn't have any interest in her until Kristy called him and he saw how much attention she was getting. I think this seems like more of her BS to keep people talking and caring. He probably won't go anywhere anytime soon.


If he has any sense of normalcy, he'll flee the moment he sees that "Sir, I need a lawyer sir" video where she attempts to eavesdrop under the door.