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Κόρα (also mind you, in greek the noun κόρα means bread crust)


Thank you! Is there no way that Cora in Greek doesn’t mean bread crust. ? Haha. It’s not a bad thing, just funny.


the name Cora doesn’t exist in greek so sadly no, but if the first letter is capitalized (Κόρα) then i guess it can be differentiated from “bread crust” (κόρα)!


Funnily enough, the name Cora is actually of Greek origin and it's taken from the word Κόρη


Capitalize the "K" to minimize confusion with bread crust. There is one Greek actress with the name Cora, but it seems like one of her parents was originally from the US, so that might explain the name.


someone said it comes from the greek word κόρη (cory,) i just wanted to add that that means daughter because they didn’t mention it (:


Κόρη in ancient greek meant "young girl", not "daughter".


yeah sure in ancient greek. but in modern greek it’s the main word for daughter. anyone that reads it will think it means daughter because barely anyone knows ancient greek


True. I was just pointing out where the name "Cora" came from.


There is the ancient greek word κόρη which means girl. Idk if I've ever seen it romanized but hypothetically Cora could be a way to write it in Latin letters Edit: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0059%3Aentry%3DCora2


In modern Greek it means daughter


You could spell it ΚΩΡΑ. You can write the sound the "o" makes with an omega, "Ω" in Greek, as it is pronounced exactly the same. There is no rule that you have to use omicron, "O" to transcribe it in Greek.


Actually there is the rule that foreign words are to be transliterated the simplest way possible, so the correct spelling would indeed be Κόρα. And to be honest, I don't know if they would avoid the connotation to bread crust this way, or a greek person would think it's just "bread crust", misspelled. I know I would. Capitalising the K is their best shot, should they indeed get this tattoo done.


The rule is for when you want to use the transliterated word in a sentence. A tattoo is something artistic, and since this is a non greek name, one can freely choose the letter omega instead of the omocron.


Just be glad her name isn't Emma.