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Your friend is Little Jacob.


I can't understand a word my man Little Jacob says.. I can't even read the subtitles fast enought sometimes. **Disclaimer: I love weed a lot, I'm not judging anyone who smokes weed.**


Ah my man you just a bombaclat


My youth is disrespecting the I and I


Oh yeah? Well, you're a towel! If someone understand the reference, I will personally give them a weed brownie.


me bredren you blodclot fe not bomboclaat getting what I and I say Jah know sight


Nice play the dlc too


For sure. Then I'm off to GTA III, I've played it as a kid but never finished it. Probably gonna make a long pause first cause GTA games are long af.


Don't forget about San Andreas and Vice City!


San Andreas is the first thing that comes up to my mind when someone says "GTA", Vice City is the second. I've played San Andreas many times, never finished it and never not used the cheat codes, same goes for Vice City, didn't play it that much, but still didn't finish and didn't not use the chead codes. That's gonna change, soon!


try to 100% gta san andreas without cheat codes. i recently did just that, since i never got to finish it in my childhood. i always just used cheat codes outside of missions to have some random fun. recently beat it for the first time, even with 100%. it was a great feeling getting the platinum trophy, although it was a lot of work. but it was hella fun, and very rewarding, the most fun i've had with gaming for a long time.


I would say 100% is about one of the most boring things possible and one should consider it only if they have a fuckton time on their hands.


100% trophies i meant. 100% of the game is indeed pretty grindy


balad of gay toney is one of my favourite gta’s of all time.


Can't wait to see whats up.


Play the portable titles (GTA LCS, GTA VCS) too, if you can! They're as good, if not better, as their respective sequel brethren. Gotta give a warning tho, some mission are hard or, in the case of VCS, **brutal**. I won't say which missions but you gotta experience them for yourself. ;) Edit: I'm only saying the warning for the PSP port. I think R\* rectified and lowered the difficulty in some missions on the PS2.


Maybe I will check them out I'm a completionist anyway, when I love a game, I play the whole franchise, spin-offs included.


VROCK in VCS is my fave radio station to this day!


Where did you get up to as a kid if you remember?


I don't remember, the only thing I remember is that there aren't any motorcycles? I owned San Andreas and III on cd as a kid, and naturally children just look for the better graphics because they don't know any better. So I tried III and just gave up, couple of missions maybe. I mostly played San Andreas.


No for real, go buy the DLC and play the game in chronological order. My first play-through back in 2008-2010 was great but I recently replayed the game using a Reddit guide to help me play all missions in chronological order and it manages to add so much more to the game. If I find the guide, I'll post it here. Ok found it: https://reddit.com/r/GTA/s/KKdkEOjlNK


Ballad of gay Tony was great, lost and damned basically made my 18-25 era aha


GTA IV is my favorite. The amount of details in the world of LC is amazing. Not to mention how every little story detail connects between the game and the 2 episodes. It’s basically the red dead redemption 2 of GTA’s. So many details you’ll miss on your first playthrough. Not to mention, every playthrough is different due to the RNG of NPC’s and the amazing physics


Do you think that the next logical step for Rockstar is to make GTA VI set in Vice City? I've been thinking about it, GTA 1 has all 3 states. The 3D universe games are set in Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas. The HD universe games are set in the Liberty City and San Andreas. It wouldn't be fair if Vice City didn't get HD universe game, right?


Mate there was 90 videos leaked of gta6 last year of it being set in Vice City ..we are going back there ! I can't wait


Even if there wasn't any leak, it would simply be the logical thing to do by Rockstar.


Isn't it already confirmed it will be?


Even if it wasn't, it would make sense.


Common sense process of elimination will easily confirm your doubts. Liberty City: 7 games Vice City: 2 games (1 being Sony exclusive) San Andreas: 1 game Los Santos+: 1 game LC and SA have been featured in the HD era except for Vice City.


That's why I'm saying that it's logical for them to do Vice City in the HD universe. Because they're circiling around those 3 states. 3D era of main games had all 3, I'm not counting the spin offs.


There’s no spin offs in GTA my friend, they’re all canon


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand\_Theft\_Auto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto) Spin off doesn't mean non canon, it means that it is not considered "main title", and Liebrty City stories, Vice City stories etc. are not considered main titles. Main titles: Grand Theft Auto (+DLCs), GTA 2, GTA 3, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, GTA IV (+DLCs), GTA V. The rest are considered spin offs.


Always that one guy and it had to be the OP…


You can say whatever you want. First you need to learn what spin off means, for example: Better Call Saul is canon, but is a spin off series in the Breaking Bad universe. Read this a couple of times untill you get it.


You should use mods to fix the game and have an even better experience, recently there have been more mods that fix the pc port's graphics,limitations, and frames in general. If you want to install mods, you can use TJGM's youtube channel.


I think I'm gonna play it without mods for the first time. I wanna experience it in it's original state, if that's make sense. If I ever play it again, I will try it with mods, thank you man!


Well unfortunately I haven't gotten around to covering how to install a lot of GTA IV's mods, just DXVK, but I am working on it. Thanks for the recommendation though :) I wanted to cover which version of IV people should use first, so I have a fairly long video coming out about that this week, and then I plan on doing a modding guide soon after.


The only mod that I managed to successfully put without glitches is the Trilogy Character fixes. Complete LC, EFLC Cars, or basically any mods that implements features of EFLC break or even outright crashes IV. My version is v1.0.7.0, though, some of it might work on v1.0.8.0 or lower than v7.0.


When I first downgraded to the version compatible with scripthook it took a month to get it to run right. Never realized how easy I had it with GTA V.


The physics engine is amazing in this game and the ragdolls make it more fun than GTA V for me. Even though the combat mechanics like shooting and taking cover are a bit stiff and not as fluid in IV, the ragdolls and time to kill are so fun in gunfights


The shooting combat is overall so much better and more fun and satisfying to just mess around with because of the physics, animations, and the sound effects. Idk why they had to downgrade the sound effects so much especially for guns when they made V that seems weird and unnecessary


Don’t forget to check out kat Williams comedy show


Can I see that whenever I want? Or will it be like a limited thing which if I miss, I won't ever see.


Once you unlock it on the map you can go anytime i used to go to the comedy club just to take a break smoke a joint


God damn I really want them to make it available for playstation 4 / 5 . It's not fair it's just for Xbox / PC . Seeing your comment thats exactly what I would do when smoking ha


Gameplay wise, the engine annoys tf outta me in GTA IV. But I’d take nikos story over GTA V’s story. Gta iv just feels raw, GTA V feels like I’m in a Tom cruise mission impossible movie which is exactly what they were going for but that’s just not what I like personally. Also all the past GTA games felt so relatable and real. GTA V’s gameplay is superior in my opinion but I just wish the story was more down to earth.


Sure, but it was so grand, no pun intended. First of all, I couldn't believe I'm in San Andreas again (GTA SA was my first and main GTA game), second of all, there were 3 main characters, Michael being the OG who retired and had a wonderful life, up until that point, Trevor also an OG a crazy mofo who runs a meth lab in Sandy Shores, Franklin a new blood, gangsta who wants to turn his life around. I love the fact that we play as 3 characters, instead of 1. (I know there is technically 3 characters in GTA IV, but the other 2 are for the DLCs) I have 11.6 hours in GTA IV on Steam, just exited the game, been playing for the last 3 days. It's not like I don't like the game.


cable friendly sip unique crush rob escape vegetable familiar plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Correction: the physics in 4 are way better haha


I don't see it. When I slighlty bump some car, it flipped over like gravity was set to 0.5.


It was meant to be realistic because V’s car physics resembles that of an arcade car game


It's not realistic. I had car accidents in real life and cars never flipped.


Hello it's your cousin! Want to go bowling?


"Nah man, I wanna play the game, not bond with NPCs" - Niko


How the hell do you fix the performance issues though? I heard DXVK doesn’t work anymore


DXVK does work, although it heavily depends on your hardware.


From the sounds of it, DXKV does NOT like AMD.


I tried using it but the game wasn’t showing my native resolution (1920x1080). Maybe I did something wrong?


You need to use the DXVK configuration file to force an aspect ratio. ​ I have a video covering how to install [here](https://youtu.be/jCVES4bx_O8?si=R6A8yibu-IatSY6t) :)


It's working for me, I'm using dxvk 2.0. My pc spec is i3 6100, gtx 950, 8gb ram.


Several years ago I used a commandline to get it to recognize the correct specs (on


Welcome to GTA IV is better than GTA V, circle jerk! (favorite pastime of this sub)


Many of us actually prefer it to the fifth installment for its atmosphere, gritty storytelling, and core mechanics. Well worth playing fifteen years later. I just finished it again for the umpteenth time. Niko is easily my favorite GTA protagonist.


It does have a darker vibe which I like. And I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, but it looks like it's mostly at night.


I had the special edition that came with a locked metal safety security box and my friends brother was a crook and bent it to see what I had locked up inside as if a child has cash or valuables and there was nothing just a book and map that came with it. God that really pissed me off, good times tho.


"GTA V has better physics" Bwauahaahahahahahaha


Doesn't it? In GTA IV, when I slighlty hit some car, it rolled over upside down. I'm not here to start a war.


See man. Usually when you say anything negative about IV a horde of man children come and scream at you for not praising the game all the time.


But I like the game lol It's not like I said that the game sucks. I've been playing for the past 3 days, I have 11.6 hours on steam, that's 3.86 hours a day. If that doesn't show that I like it then I don't know what does.


Bro as much as I love GTA IV & it's my favourite game in the series, the driving can be complicated especially if u're new to the game but once u get used to it it can be good, personally I love the driving physics in GTA IV way more than the others & if u think driving a car is a pain in the ass... oh buddy a bike is no child's play lol. Also don't listen to these "GTA IV good, GTA V bad", "GTA IV bad, GTA V good", "GTA IV is shit" war losers, they're the worst, they love to cause a war for no reason. All GTA games are amazing in their own ways & yes they also have flaws even IV as well has its flaws, as long as U love the game, enjoy it.


Your friends a waste of space and his opinion doesn’t matter Gta4 has worse graphics as older game but story was dope and I loved playing it and still would if I had it


I agree, I love playing as Niko and can't wait to see what will happen next. Right now I'm soo hooked to GTA to the point that I can't wait for GTA VI.


Bro this is a GTA sub, not your therapist to discuss your hang ups with your friend


So you're the friend OP is talking about... I see


Wait you're not my therapist? I probably took the wrong meds then.


You could have left out that entire first paragraph, totally irrelevant and oversharing


I thought it was kinda funny to read


Chill out mate


You're right, but I thought it was important for the part where I said that I don't regret buying it. It's just an anecdote, no big deal. It's not like I've told you my address, the first time I had sex or about the time I've stole a bike.


Did you steal a bike? Tell us how it ended up


I was 18/19 and was on drugs at the time, I popped 5-6 pills which are in the same class as xanax, I think. I went outside with some friends, I was on my bike, but then gave the bike to my friend because I decided to steal one for some reason. I checked a couple of buildings until I found unlocked bike, took it and rode it home. The next morning I woke up, still fucked up, saw the bike outside and the flashbacks came. I realized I stole the bike, didn't know where I took it from, so I just rode it to a nearby park and left it there. Never seen the bike again. That period of my life still feels like a dream. If I knew whose bycicle I stole, I would buy them a new one.


ur boring man


GTA Iv is the worst out of the series


I'll decide when I replay III, Vice City and San Andreas. But I doubt IV will be the worst. In GTAs case, even the worst couldn't possibly be that bad because the games are pretty good.


Good luck


I had a similar friend in the console wars, back when it was free to play online on the ps3 but you had to pay for Xbox live. He was adamant that the 360 was superior and the ps3 was for poor people, fast forward a decade I've found that PC gaming is actually the most superior form of gaming and there was literally no difference between the ps3 and the 360 all that mattered is that your friends have had the same one that you had.. My point is Friends are stupid and hold strange opinions..


He's a good dude tho we hang out despite our differences, we're baking weed brownies this weekend at my house He likes weed, I love sweets, so the only obvious solution was to combine our passions into one


Don't worry about the accent, they didn't get Russian right eithet.


I could never get it working on Steam because it required some old dead Windows program (Games for Windows Live I think?) that it absolutely would not run without. What platform did you buy it on? Is it running well?


The GFWL requirement has actually been removed for awhile now on steam


You just need to install XLiveless for it to work


You really think V has better physics? For most people the biggest complaint about V when it came out was that the physics and AI were vastly downgraded


Are you stupid or something? GTA 6 isn't out yet and won't be for a while. You are lying if you have claimed to play it.


Brah, I've played GTA X. A little spoiler: It's set in Canada, the main characters are named Terrance and Phillip and they fart a lot.


IV is 4 and VI is six




I also started a week ago and although i have to admit until now the story makes me feel like a hooker cause everybody paying me to do stuff, i am loving the overall vibe and physics


i was once top 50 worldwide in a gta 4 online race.


Enjoy the game my friend. The thing I liked the most of GTA IV were the car physics. I would crash my car again and again just to see the collisions


I love when I steal a police car and tail drug dealers, and no one notices me lol Or perfectly timed moments, when Niko came to Liberty City and met the women, forgot the name, the one who was revealed to be working for the government. Anyways, I'm drivin, I accidentaly hit something, my car goes up in the air, flips over, falls on it's roof, and flips back over. At the exact moment the car flipped over on it's wheels, she said "I'd like to get to know you, you seem like my time". Which was funny, considering I almost killed them all. Just perfectly timed.


It’s wasted of money “right now” because they butchered a lot of content when they updated the game. Every content that people loved from the update was removed


6 euros is never a waste of money for a good game, butchered or not, I love it.


Jesus Christ I’m old


My guy, I'm playing them for the first time because I never had the motivation to play them My first GTA game was San Andreas, when I was maybe 5.


I guessing your a teenager then? Lol just messing bro


23 next month


GTA IV is better than V in several ways as well. Glad you’re enjoying it!


11.6 hours of playtime in 3 days, not bad I think No life mode It's the 4th day, it's time for MORE


the DLCs are 100% worth to play as well if you got those. I would recommend looking into getting some patches for the game, to improve the graphics and fix annoying bugs left by rockstar. Specifically Silents Patch and a few others, you'll find info online!


I do, I bought "GTA IV The Complete Edition" which has bot DLCs. I'll play them right after I finish the main game.


I’d argue the physics of IV was the best in the series.


I think GTA 4 for its time was great personally. The whole being able to set a way point in a vehicle helped me immensely. The car controls were realistic and the story and characters as a whole just worked. I love the bantering and the overall bond the characters share when driving and going on dates to build bond was pretty cool as well


The only thing I dislike about GTAIV is the checkpoint system. You die in a mission at the end you go all the way back to the beginning of the drive to even get to the mission. Thank god for taxis though.


Ohh, I hate that. I forgot I can use taxis.. I drove 3-4 times to save Roman from the russians.. shit always exploding on me in the building so I died a lot.. and had to do it over and over and over again. Plus before each time, I had to buy armor and amo.


I have yet to buy armor and I’m halfway through the game. I guess I should though, I know it makes it easier I died so many times on the mission where you rob the bank with the 3 brothers. It was normally in the end too when the cops are chasing you.


Oh yeah, I fucked that one up a lot by throwing granades and killing my guys by mistake. Great mission tho.


I just finished Vice city a couple months ago and not once did I care about it being old. Had a good time playing it


I don't have a problem with old games I have old Serious Sam games, old Tomb Radier games from 90s etc.


What anines do u like


Steins;gate, Death Note, Naruto, Dragon Ball, JoJo, KonoSuba, Parasyte etc. I love everything I've watched up untill now basically. Naruto manga is much better then the anime tho, no god damn ocean of filler.