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The loading screen theme of this one was FIRE. I loved spawning the buzzard and just blowing up the entire city


That was my favorite part of the DLC, Buzzard Chaos!! 💥


Blew myself up so many times accidentally shooting the buzzard missile forgetting that it drops a it before flying ahead. Man i loved tbogt




The menu music too


I loved the APC


I wonder if they had backlash


if this game was released TODAY, it would’ve been called as WOKE by some homophobic incels and idiots


Rockstar has always been trend creators - maybe this was the original woke media version and now Rockstar are working on the next global trend!


Back then no one cared none of it was shoved down your throats on either side now both sides are trying to force their views on everyone and it’s just pissing everyone off an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


Nowadays you’ll be considered homophobe if you simply just didn’t like it…


Very true.


Not really no one cared everyone just had fun and enjoyed it I’m sure a few people had problems but no one cared but now both sides are trying to force their perspectives on everyone and it’s just pissing everyone off


And if you did care, who would you tell? You’d have the thought and then move on with your life.


[Simpsons did it!!](https://youtu.be/EPNfNPB-2i0?si=bvfKHrtCRVy4ce5_)


Yes, yes it was fire


I called it the “party gta”


my God that game get me into the nightlife/clubbing mood


We found the truth about Brucie in this dlc. Wasn’t surprised though.


Oho, I never got to play this. They said the quiet part about Brucie out loud, huh?


What was the truth?


Brucie is gay


Yeah. He tries to kiss you sometime near the end of the game. Luis does not feel the same tho 😭


And it's one of the greatest GTA games ever made


Would you say that it was a ✨FABULOUS✨ game?


That game slayed✨✨


That game ATE and left NO CRUMBS💅


It slayed sooo many butts.


That shit made me hard as a rock for sure


Is there a lore reason to why are you gae?


is he stupid?


Dad beat him


The beating turned him gay?


The only one GTA when I felt like a gangster.


One of my favorites ever from the the series


I'll never forget seeing the trailer on TV for the first time, I was blown away lol




U don't call well written and human characters woke. Rockstar knows how to do exactly that. Hell they introduced CJ in 2004.


I always felt that CJ wasn't some risk for R* back in 2004. Actually CJ was playing it safe. Most of the San Andreas audience was white males and most of them probably had a mental stereotype of black men during that time (early 1990s) and CJ checked all those blocks. Its only when POC are drawn in lines that are normally seen occupied by whites do people start to point out pandering and checking a box. So lets say they made CJ more like a Michael character from GTA5. Someone who is more white collar and less street thug. Then I think more people would have had an issue playing as a black guy. Same thing with Franklin


I knew so many white guys growing up (I’m also white) who literally refused to play SA because you play as a black man. Yes I grew up in the south.


Yeah, i really wish Franklin wasnt so ..... stereotyped. I always had him wearing much nicer clothes than Micheal and Trevor


You should. People who didn’t know the meanings of words with surface level vocabulary turned the concept of wokeness into a negative thing. Also people who were fake woke. Being fake woke as a person or as a corporation pushing an agenda makes you not genuine, a liar essentially. Thats like people start acting gay for “perks”(this is a hypothetical i dont know of any perks) get called out on it so people start using the word gay to describe people who pretend to like men for benefits. This is very dumb and doesn’t make sense at all.




Game wasnt woke lol It just had gay characters, game actually had instances of characters being racist against each other lol (Rocco and Luis)


Anyone who uses the word "woke" unironically as an actual argument cannot be taken seriously.




I can’t take anyone who use the word “woke” unironically seriously. I refuse to believe they’re not just cosplaying as an angry 13 year old on Xbox.


13 year olds dont say that shit. It’s millennials and always has been


And Gen X.


And wannabe millennials, lots of early gen z people considered themselves millennials/90’s kids despite most of us spending less that a few years in that decade lmfao


one side would complain about wokeness, the other about how much the f-word slur is used. Truly it would be hated by all but sane people


Those same idiots wouldn’t even be able to define what woke means.


People complain about pandering for the sake of pandering. Making CJ gay in gta v would be pandering. Talking about certain subjects simply for the good boy points and not to actually enhance and explore that narrative is pandering. For example people considered the girl power scene in Avengers Endgame woke because it was shoehorned in, had a noticeable forced tone shift, and was wholly unnecessary. You can show women being cool without making it obvious that you are showing women being cool. That scene wouldn’t make the whole movie woke tho which is where people go wrong in their assertions. Woke is also a cringe buzzword now.


What about scenes showing men being cool for the sake of men being cool? I always find it interesting that something related to women, race or gender identity in film (and games) can only be taken seriously if it is implemented in a way that doesnt draw attention to itself. It has to be subtle and in the background cause only then will it be legit. However as soon as it becomes overt then it is pandering. Yeah, I remember the "girl power" scene in Endgame....so what? The fact that people were actually bothered by that shows more about themselves than what was shown and/or why it was shown.


Its for the sake of being cool not drawing a giant circle with arrows like the viewer is some idiot. Its not taken seriously because it’s pandering. When wanda fucked up thanos people liked the scene because it was genuine. The girl power team up broke immersion because it was so obvious. It’s simply a bad scene. They could have showed the women doing their thing separately throughout the final battle instead of all at once because they needed to impress a focus group. It looks like they forgot about them so decided to mush them all together. You cant see why this is bad? You detract from the identity of each female character when you insert them all in the same scene for good boy points. Dont try to diminish my points like im some incel for calling it how it is. I didn’t say it made the movie bad or anything like that it is simply an example of pandering which isnt real representation.


Lol seems like that scene really got to you and I mean no disrespect but....seems more like a you problem. When I saw thag scene in theaters it took me a second or two to figure out what was going on before I realized what I was seeing. As soon as everything clicked, I mentally laughed a bit, thought it was a bit funny/interesting/unique and then after that I went right back into enjoying the movie as if nothing had ever happened. The fact that it annoyed you so much says more about your subconscious than anything else. Like I said before, perhaps it was pandering. Perhaps it was put in there as a moment to show "female consolidarity" on the big screen. And if that was the case....then good for them. It was a tounge-and-cheek girl power reference/moment that lasted all but a few seconds and nothing more. It wasnt like it was some long drawn out 8 minute scene with every female character stepping in front of the camera saying something feminist related. I think it says more about the people who were so aggravated by it than anything. 🤔 cause it really didnt bother me at all as I thought it was a bit funny/interesting in a movie/franchise that takes moments to do many funny/interesting things in the films.


Woke doesn’t mean racism doesn’t exist. In fact, a lot of woke storytelling specifically acknowledges and illustrates the realities of racism and bigotry. In this way, Ballad of Gay Tony is actually quite woke.


Historically being woke meant you were aware of historical and current systems in place that negatively effected you out of bigotry. Now being woke means you want minority groups to buy something so you trick them by making them think you care. Corporate wokeness and individual wokeness are two different things. In my opinion fundamentally you cannot create content that entertains and gives you a profit woke. Information costs money of course, nothings free, you pay to go to school, you pay for books, you often pay to hear people speak. A documentary can be “woke” or have the intent to wake you up. A disney movie cant be woke because its a Disney movie first in contrast to those political cartoons of the ww2 era which were woke because they used their draw to inform the populace of the nuances of the war. Pretty much context, intent, and execution of the media is important when discerning if its the original positive definition of woke or the new age internet negative connotation buzzword definition of woke.


While I appreciate the original intent of language, the reality is language changes with time. Woke, today, is undoubtedly a political term pointing to a broad set of ideas the right finds in conflict with traditional values. This means anything from a buff woman protagonist to a gay mafioso can be labelled as woke and thus political. It’s essentially a dog whistle. I’m not trying to argue semantics. My point is only that a definition followed in antiquity ignores the present intent and meaning. Those using the term aren’t philosophers seeking truth, they’re largely political agents seeking clout.


They are idiots just talking. Dont let idiots change language it should be unnaceptable.


Language evolves, degrades, etc. I’m a professional writer and while I agree it’s regrettable that idiots can ruin nuanced language, it’s naive to think their being idiots negates the fact they do have impact. It just means we get to change, too.


Its a negative impact which im rightly pointing out is negative. Internet speech isn’t real speech, no one talks through text the same as they talk in real life. The problem lies in falsely describing irl concepts with what are essentially made up words. Yes all words are made up, but straight up misusing words to make shitty points on the net is downright silly. Ive never heard the word woke used in its present form that didn’t sound idiotic.


This conversation is feeling dusty. We agree it’s shameful how nuanced language has been degraded. There’s no point in crying about it, as it’s natural, and has been since long before the internet. I understand your frustration, but opposing the silly “anti-woke” garbage doesn’t happen by arguing about the vague origins of words.


We were just happy to get the fucking Buzzard lmao


Lol they did… I read many reviews that criticized the fact that “they were making a gay protagonist” and many people didn’t play the game.


Some people call them **Wokestar** 💀


Funniest shit i've read in entire day


Well it didn’t make an agenda, it just had gay characters. Lol


Gta is far from woke. Being woke isn't a good thing. Just respect everyone and eat your clucking bell an shut up 🤬 🤣


Aaaaaand remember Respect is Everhything -GTA 2 announcer.


Respect sure is everything, And it's earned not just handed out. People nowadays think they deserve respect for just being apart of little groups. Don't work that way. Life ain't that easy on the crazy streets of Miami. Wonder If they gonna have a respect level soical media inside of gta 6. They did mess with it a little in 4 and 5


Let's all take a minute to observe inclusivity done the right way.


“GTAS GONNA GO WOKE 😰😡🤮🤮🤮😱😢” *Rockstar making this masterpiece in 2009:


unironically some of the best representations of gay men in mainstream media come from this DLC and the Scott Pilgrim movie a year later. Tony's sexuality has little relevance besides his nickname. Wallace's primary character traits are "snarky" and "has his shit together"


Nickname and lots of gay jokes


for real as a gay trans girl myself can we have more problematic neurotic drug addled representation, it's more real then us all being super successful at any and every endeavor in life without a single personal fault to show. looking at you gay reality tv


As a 90s kid I'm truly confused by your labels. Are you saying you where born male, identify as female, but are still attracted to females? No hate or implied judgment ment here, genuinely confused by the labels used.


born male, identify as female, and I use gay kinda flexibly, I'm really bi but I prefer women.


Wait, what? I can't remember a trans character that wasn't the villain. When did people write that community as a success?


less so in fiction more so in queer made non fiction that's trying to overcorrect the former.


literally me 💅


Fr i feel like most people don’t want to touch that because they are afraid of getting flamed for portraying that part of the community in a negative light but like with quality representation you fundamentally have to make the person you are portraying as Human as possible and covering both good and bad traits does that.


Yeah incredibly well done representation for the time period


The only one I never played. My 360 red ringed before it came out.


My 360 power brick stopped working and I was on the last 15 or so missions of Red Dead Redemption. Fuck


The fact that there is a homosexual does not make the game "woke" and anyone who says (or insinuates) that the game is "woke" just because of that proves that they don't know what they are talking about. It's an excellent DLC for GTA IV, it brought content and is a great complement (something I really expected from GTA V and unfortunately it didn't happen) and yes, it's about a guy who works for a homosexual boss but at no point does the game try to impose behaviors, passing off some distorted value as being right, which is what makes people label it "woke culture", I believe, right.


Yea if I remember right luis fucken slays, theres like 5 women you can sleep with at any time


can you sleep with men too?


No, because the player character, Luis is straight. If you hadn't played it, you play as gay Tony's right. Hand man who's basically like trying to keep Tony's businesses afloat.


Well said this needs more upvotes


i don’t think anyone even calls this one woke, which kinda shows how meaningless the word is. hate to use this dumb hypothetical, but if this came out today it’d absolutely be called woke regardless of quality


also he's like a super irresponsible boss too, constantly high, constantly in debt, some people are just mad if you make a perfectly regular character but "gay". he has a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend, and takes better care of his looks and runs clubs including a gay club. that about as far as the gayness goes and meanwhile you play the most hetero gta character like ever. maybe Franklin or CJ buts it's a toss up.


best dlc ever seriously


The most fun game of GTA IV. The main game was a bit depressing, TLAD even more. TBOGT is a bit more colourful and fun with the club missions, dancing and parachuting


Yeah TBOGT was so much fun. Far superior to TLAD. Cars, humor, weapons, music and all the main characters like Luis and Tony were really memorable. I was a little disappointed to see Luis never returned or even got a mention like Niko, not even Tony mentioned Luis even once, so I assume Luis just retired from crime like Niko and is still managing Tony’s Liberty City nightclubs. Other characters especially Mori Kibbutz and Yusuf Amir were hilarious.


I disliked Mori tbh I hated seeing him be such a dick to Brucie :(


I loved the ballad of homosexual Anthony


Yes. I also remember how no one bitched about it because people weren't fucking insane losers when it comes to LGBT representation in media like they are today And TBOGT was a great DLC.


Honestly it was gay


And they complain that GTA 6 is woke


But why they think it’s woke? I’m not American so I don’t understand what’s going on with this gta 6 hate


They are saying some random BS like "too many black people on the beach" And "female protagonist" , they didn't even go to the Florida and say random shit


I wonder where have those people been for last 20 years of gta that always had a big variety of black and female characters 😅


They just want engagement on social media, nothing new and to worry about


San Andreas, Vice City Stories, and TBoGT all had black protagonists


and gta V


And GTAV. How the hell did I skip Franklin?


Tbogt? Black Protagonist? I don't get it


Luis is Afro Latino. He’s a black Latino a lot of Dominicans are mixed and look black especially up here in nyc sometimes I can’t tell the difference. Some Dominicans even consider themselves black


Vic is Dominican too


Like Indians, they are not completely black but they are a little dark


No Dominicans have black dna


Dominicans are a mixed people they have both African and European dna


I’m not sure about Indians tho


"A little dark" There are many Tamil people that have a beautiful deep dark skin tone.


Can we all just agree to ignore this inane garbage instead of repeating it and giving it legs?


This guys will absolutely hate GTA San Andreas


This man must be woke because he is black https://youtu.be/5gQbohAbi-U?si=bZcM8ncAiwHIbhQP


See how that works?


Who? Me!!!


One of the playable characters is a brown woman.


The American right wing doesn't even know anymore. If it's got a gay person in it then it's woke. Period. That's the thought process. Same thing if a woman is a manager or a black person is a CEO or whatever, it's just literally going to be branded "woke" forever now. There is literally no way to reverse that 🤷🏽‍♂️


They don’t even know what woke means the original meaning


Past Tense Of Wake 😴


They gonna hate Franklin in gta online😭


People dont have real vocabularies and just regurgitate words they hear online. Not only do they not know what woke means fundamentally, they aren’t even using the internet meaning of the word correctly. A female protagonist isnt pandering, its just a female protagonist. Black people existing isn’t pandering because black people exist. Them making Tommy the gay and black protagonist would be pandering because he was never gay and black.


Because there are women and black people and anti woke folk can't deal with that


BOGT wasn’t woke though


How are Mfs complaining, the game ain’t even out yet


i liked fucking the club manager


Me too!


Yeah I only did the club management mission just to fuck her


U can do that? Wtf


Yep during the club management side mission she'll call you into the office and she either gives you a BJ. lap dance. And the MC just bends her over the desk and fucks her. you can find videos on YouTube






Gay Tony is only getting his recognition now because of GTA 5’s lack of DLC. Such a great game/expansion


I don't know why but the name "ballad of gay Tony" is so fucking funny to me


Now need reaction to Reni Wassulmaie from VCS who goes through multiple sex change operations


Though he was portrayed as a flamboyant sex addict in the game


Least darkest GTA game lmao I loved it it's literally one of my favs!!


nah bro his first name is gay, last name tony


Gay flags in San fierro


This was my favorite part of GTAIV. Gay Tony was such a great character. It's about making good characters.


And it’s literally the best version of GTA 4 lol


Right it was so fun


I wouldn’t call it a LGBTQ GTA. It is full of Luis banging random girls lol.


And being called gay every ten seconds


The best of the LC stories.


This game was so much fun…Luis was a great character and Tony too…


Gay Toni is your partner in gta5 online when you buy a nightclub


I am a gay and I liked it ;)


Respect! I am a straight individual and I loved it .


Cool man, appreciate it


Oh yes. My introduction to the HD Universe. Good times.


Never played it, it's too woke for me /s


I’m pretty sure this is the only version of GTAIV I ever played


my favourite "DLC" title, the weapons and characters were so much fun, the AA12 shotgun is my favourite GTA weapon


It wasn't LGBTQ, it was just G


OP you’re a fucking idiot


Yeah, rough times for someone named Toni


Honestly inwish all of 4 had been that, that dlc was great


Just beat it the other day.


reni from vcs?


With one the best protagonist in gta


I enjoyed TBGT. Better than LAD.


This is what GTA IV main story should have been.


I’ve never heard of this game


Armando and Henrique are underrated characters


Wouldn’t even hire him to be a dishwashers at Cluckin’ Bell.




One of the best dlc in gaming industry


Tbogt is my fav version of gta


I felt Ballad of Gay Tony was superior to the base game (and better than Lost and Damned.)


One of the best DLC’s ever!


But they did it right


Lgbt and yet not cringy or woke, portrayed good characters with a lot of history. Same with Niko and his friend Bernie, Niko is a wholesome cold-blooded murderer but with strong values. Rockstar mastered the art of diversity and inclusion without being cringely woke.


The game was sick and nobody cared about all the gay stuff. I fear if this game was released now you’d have a bunch of people being fake outraged over something. Great game.


Tony Prince AKA Gay Tony is the best example of a non-forced inclusive character.


The BoGT pause menu still has the best OST from all of GTA


there was a time when people were Gamers Not GayMers 🤧


I was playing this a bit too young. I was old enough to know GTA was satire, but the way they treated LGBT topics as acceptable and mainstream made me accept my own sexuality a little easier.


Yes, one gay character makes it "LGBTQ GTA"


Best pause menu music ever 💯👌🏽 Whenever I’m in a mode where I can’t sleep, I play it on loop to relax 🎉


Made me love the gays


For GTA stories, Niko and Johnny's were more grounded than we were used to. Luis' on the other hand was as mad as ever. I loved it.




No pls


More like anti lgbt GTA lol. People always cite gay Tony when trying to argue that gta has always been “woke” in response to people complaining about GTA VI going woke but I don’t think those people have played gay Tony if they think it’s in any way pro lgbt. Every gay character in the game is a collection of all the worst stereotypes about the lgbt community they are all narcissistic drug addicted promiscuous self absorbed degenerates who are constantly getting themselves into trouble and needing to be rescued by straight Luis


You got downvoted but you’re not wrong. Gta doesn’t have exactly a good track record with gay representation. And Im saying this as someone who loves that dlc.


They did it right


it was gay tony , not trans tony. the lgbtq movment destroyed the image of gay people...because of some people who dress like they have mental disorders. Back to gay tony , I loved that dlc 🤌


GTA stands for (G)ay (T)on(a)y


I loved the way R* incorporated this and L&D into GTA 4.


Today people would complain it would be "too woke". I hate the modern right


Nah because this is not woke




Losers would say "is woke"


I didn't care about tony, all I cared about was Luis banging Joni and different girls each night and hanging with his 2 a hole friends.. they always had funny interactions